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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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12 minutes ago, chickenman92 said:

Tryamkin didn't really earn a spot. They tried to send him down and he said no. 




They signed a contract to get him out of Russia that allowed him to say NO. Good thing he did too, he was a bright spot in a dumpster of a season

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8 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Wow your rage is real and palpable. Willie decided his own fate. He went against what his boss wanted him to do. He chose to do it his way and it ended up in the ultimate "you should not $&!# where you eat" moment. Benning called him on it. It happens.

You keep saying that. There was no proof of that judging by the players on ice and their ice time. Maybe Linden should have taken the coaching job himself if he thought he could do better

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8 minutes ago, stawns said:

I can't see it being anyone but Green.  He has been fiercely loyal to the org, gets the most out of his players and many of the players already know him well and what he expects.  It's time for Green to come to the NHL and the canucks should reward him for his service.


That said, I could see an associate coach situation with Jarvis


this is my gut feeling too, the timing of the contracts is a big coincidence

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9 minutes ago, TimberWolf said:

While we do indeed need better coaching in the future the architects of this tire fire are still employed.

That is pretty much what I said when I responded to another member, but you said it way better than I did . . .


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Just now, Davathor said:


They signed a contract to get him out of Russia that allowed him to say NO. Good thing he did too, he was a bright spot in a dumpster of a season

Yeah people giving Willie credit for tryamkin is one of the most baffling things I've seen. Willie didn't want him and he refused to go to the AHL. He only got into the lineup because guds got hurt. Then it was tryamkin turning himself into an NHL player and proving Willie wrong.  I won't credit Willie for that because that was all tryamkin and him believing in himself.

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Just now, CanuckleHorse said:

Damn it could we fire you also? Well guess not but would be nice if you left with lil Willy :P

This place would be dead without me and you know it. Anyway what are you doing on here I thought you would be out getting drunk with the rest of the lynch mob lightweights.

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8 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

"We're three years into this, we're encouraged, but it takes time to develop young players and build a new young core." - Linden


Wait didn't they state this was a "retool" numerous times at the start of the season? Are they finally willing to use the word "rebuild"? 



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Theres a few good coaches avail, and this time we need a experience one and with a proven track record .

if we have another horrible season, not sure the reaction of the fans will be, but doubt it will be good.


Gerrard Gallant i feel would fit in well, but if not him theres others ( i really hope its not green :( ) he be a good assistance, but has no track record or experience .....just keep our fingers crossed in the next week

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20 minutes ago, Sweathog said:

And that's what a lot of people don't understand, you have to develop your kids gradually. You can't just plunk a prospect into the lineup and expect 30 goals.

Perhaps you should talk to the people asking questions in the presser because that's all they keep asking.


I mean, seriously, how many f***ing times can you ask about "will the next coach be on board with developing young players?". It's like they just want to hear themselves talk.

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10 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Agreed but it's not even about goals though, both Goldy and Boeser were doing well in that area. It is about equipping a youngster to stay in the NHL. Coaching the details, the importance of defence and the 200ft game and building your body, stamina, and compete level to match your skill.


Goldy was weak on the puck, Boeser lacked speed, Molino lacked size, Boucher lacked compete and defensive awareness. Nevertheless Willie was playing them, but he was playing them his way, the way that would be best for them in the long run. He was doing the same for Gaunce and LaBate.


Linden and Benning, neither of whom are/have been coaches should have been aware of this based on Willies rep. The fact they allowed themselves to bow to the uneducated masses/media shows a lack of conviction in their own judgement and basically a lack of guts imo.


i love all the hate you get on here for speaking truth to fools

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