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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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3 hours ago, Robongo said:

The easy scapegoat. As awful as Willie is as a coach, Benning is just as bad as GM and frankly there should be far more pitchforks aimed his way than there are currently. Guess he bought himself another year by doing this.


Wanna explain what JB has done that makes him so bad in your eyes? good trades, good drafting, honest and up front with the fans If your going to make a stupid statement at least make up some fake facts to go along with it Jb has done everything he could have done so far. Not east when greedy owners want playoff revenue. We have 3 of our old core left. @ are untradable and he inherited them, and they deserve to stay right here. The guy burns a year off Boesers elc so he can provide for his family and let his poor mom be able to take care of his dying father and special needs sister.. traded burr to basically his hometown and robbed the sens while doing so. gives Hanson a chance at the cup while robbing them as well. let hammer stay with his family. Future college players and ufas see these kind of things and remember it down the road. JB is not only doing a fantastic job. The guy is all class. 

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9 minutes ago, redhdlois said:

I hope you're right !   I just don't want a WD 2.0

No danger of that, have you looked at his record. 

The only thing Green has going for him is the fact Willie has done all the hard work.


By the way have you seen the recent Comets results? Way to get the most out of his players.

Willie won the Calder Cup in his second year.

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Linden on man games lost...

Listing Dorsett, a 4th liner and his #4-5 Day man Guddy... and Rodin, a non player, as reasons this team has underachieved, disappoints me.


Even with a healthy Tanev and Edler, they couldn't keep the puck out of the net, with Miller in it. I don't think injuries lost the game last night.

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6 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Agreed but it's not even about goals though, both Goldy and Boeser were doing well in that area. It is about equipping a youngster to stay in the NHL. Coaching the details, the importance of defence and the 200ft game and building your body, stamina, and compete level to match your skill.


Goldy was weak on the puck, Boeser lacked speed, Molino lacked size, Boucher lacked compete and defensive awareness. Nevertheless Willie was playing them, but he was playing them his way, the way that would be best for them in the long run. He was doing the same for Gaunce and LaBate.


Linden and Benning, neither of whom are/have been coaches should have been aware of this based on Willies rep. The fact they allowed themselves to bow to the uneducated masses/media shows a lack of conviction in their own judgement and basically a lack of guts imo.

I agree with everything you said except when it comes to Linden and Benning. 


I think management did want to keep Willie, and I agree that keeping him would've been best for the team now and going forward.  But unfortunately they can't ignore the reality that the uneducated masses buy the tickets/merchandise. In this city, the masses have to be appeased. 


As far as Willie's commitment to detail, agree completely. The success this team will have in the near future will largely be because of Willie's efforts in that area.

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21 minutes ago, redhdlois said:

Interesting comment about potential coaches by TL.......doesn't necessarily need to have NHL experience......someone who is good with developing kids.

Are they gearing towards Travis Green?   I'm not totally sold that he would be the best choice......Trevor did say they want to find the best coach for them though...

time will tell.

Exactly my take also on comment it is an insurance bar of where it could be rookie,This in event they get spurred or outbid by a coach they covet by another team.

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1 minute ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

Linden on man games lost...

Listing Dorsett, a 4th liner and his #4-5 Day man Guddy... and Rodin, a non player, as reasons this team has underachieved, disappoints me.


Even with a health Tanev and Edler, they couldn't keep the puck out of the net, with Miller in it. I don't think injuries lost the game last night.

What is he supposed to say though, really? That they didn't put enough talent on the ice?


There's only so much they can do with a lack of young talent and contracts that are not performing to their value.

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1 minute ago, bp79 said:

Wanna explain what JB has done that makes him so bad in your eyes? good trades, good drafting, honest and up front with the fans If your going to make a stupid statement at least make up some fake facts to go along with it Jb has done everything he could have done so far. Not east when greedy owners want playoff revenue. We have 3 of our old core left. @ are untradable and he inherited them, and they deserve to stay right here. The guy burns a year off Boesers elc so he can provide for his family and let his poor mom be able to take care of his dying father and special needs sister.. traded burr to basically his hometown and robbed the sens while doing so. gives Hanson a chance at the cup while robbing them as well. let hammer stay with his family. Future college players and ufas see these kind of things and remember it down the road. JB is not only doing a fantastic job. The guy is all class. 

If I could give you 10+ I would::D

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22 minutes ago, Davathor said:


Willie supporters will find that a tough pill to swallow. So much for his genious strategy of sheltering young players by overplaying Sedins and the 4th line.


Im just glad I don't need to spend the summer listening to silly reasoning on why we should keep him. Back to the AHL for old Willie.

Nobody ever developed through "sheltering" -- it's opportunity and helping ppl develop self-confidence that works.  Also, there is such a thing as team culture -- having more young players with skill on the team would help develop a culture of skill and excellence -- and that recognizes the value of sharing bad and good times together.  Toronto and Edmonton are where they are because of their young talent. Young talent that leads these teams; no sheltering. 

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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

What is he supposed to say though, really? That they didn't put enough talent on the ice?


There's only so much they can do with a lack of young talent and contracts that are not performing to their value.


so management gets a pass because the roster was total crap but the coach ....

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Linden on an honest answer as what to expect -

"I've been a part of this market for 30 years. I know the fans have a connection it has with its young players."

Then why did he wait to rebuild until this TDL?

They could have rebuilt sooner buy moving out older assets for youth, but didn't. So, what's he really saying?

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14 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

You keep saying that. There was no proof of that judging by the players on ice and their ice time. Maybe Linden should have taken the coaching job himself if he thought he could do better

If Desjardins thought guys like Megna etc were worthy of where he played them then he is a worse coach than even I thought. Benning pretty clearly didn't like his deployment decisions after assuring he was on the same page. Making a liar of your boss is not a solid job retention strategy for a head coach.

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3 minutes ago, Sweathog said:

I agree with everything you said except when it comes to Linden and Benning. 


I think management did want to keep Willie, and I agree that keeping him would've been best for the team now and going forward.  But unfortunately they can't ignore the reality that the uneducated masses buy the tickets/merchandise. In this city, the masses have to be appeased. 


As far as Willie's commitment to detail, agree completely. The success this team will have in the near future will largely be because of Willie's efforts in that area.


the pickle jar is cracked, the next guy just has to open it

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