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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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3 hours ago, Alflives said:

I would like to hear the new coach (whomever it is) speak publicly about the pain we need to experience with playing youth, and to have that supported by management. This statement at the start of every season that we are a playoff team, who can get 100 points is fake news.

I agree. And it would be good for selling tickets/interest too.  Boeser, Dahlen, maybe Juolevi: things have to be looking up.  And a coach that fits this?  Wants this?  That would be new.

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5 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Not many really cared about wins and losses. For someone who is apparently far more hockey knowledgeable than the rest of us you sure seem to get the basics of what happened quite backwards. 


Desjardins didnt play the young players the way Benning wanted him to and his standard excuse was that he went with what he thought gave him the best chance to win. At best it's doing things his way with no regard for losing his job and at worst it is mind numbing that he thought plugs and declining vets were his best chance to win anyway.

That is exactly what I said.

The only way for that roster to keep it's head above water was to bolster their compete level, their back check and fore check. That is what these AHL players did, if you deny that then you need to go back and look at the games before the last influx of unready youngsters was pitched into the team.

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8 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Desjardins didnt play the young players the way Benning wanted him to and his standard excuse was that he went with what he thought gave him the best chance to win. At best it's doing things his way with no regard for losing his job and at worst it is mind numbing that he thought plugs and declining vets were his best chance to win anyway.

I don't know. It might be true. It might not. It's all kind of just speculation at the moment as to why. Megna was resigned. Benning and Linden have both said the Sedins will retire here. Is that then for management to say "oh Willie you shouldn't play Megna so much" and then to say "hey Megna we want you to stay."?


So it's easy to think that it's because of how Willie's placed certain players in certain roles but I question as to whether or not that's entirely the case.

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3 minutes ago, kanucks25 said:

The Leafs tried to be the bottom of the league, and they did a good job of it. Executed the tank to perfection and now are reaping the rewards.


We, on the other hand, tried to be competitive, sacrificed draft picks and cap flexibility to do so, but have been at the bottom of the league for the last 2 years anyway. That's incompetence.

And again you're assuming to know what goes on behind closed doors.


Benning and Linden saying they're going to try and be competitive and the roster they actually ice are two different things. You really don't think they tried to tank the last couple months of the season? Not sure what team you were watching if you didn't see what they were doing.


Three seasons ago the team didn't have the go ahead for a rebuild. So saying what they should have done ignores reality.


You're complaining out of impatience, nothing more. You're ignoring the long rebuild process the Leafs had to go through before even getting to last season.

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3 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Not many really cared about wins and losses. For someone who is apparently far more hockey knowledgeable than the rest of us you sure seem to get the basics of what happened quite backwards. 


Desjardins didnt play the young players the way Benning wanted him to and his standard excuse was that he went with what he thought gave him the best chance to win. At best it's doing things his way with no regard for losing his job and at worst it is mind numbing that he thought plugs and declining vets were his best chance to win anyway.


because he was playing the long game


the plugs and vets get the ice time to allow time and space for the kids to "develop"



playing the kids straight away and in putting them in positions over their heads is a short game strategy which often has negative long term results


playing the vets in the tough match ups and letting the kids grow at there own pace is a long term strategy that often has positive long term results


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Newsflash: We're going to suck next year too, regardless of the coach. I seriously doubt in-demand veteran coaches are going to be lining for us.


Time to give Green a chance, if he wants it. Maybe he surprises, and makes chicken salad out of this... But if not, by the time we fire him, our team should be becoming more respectable again, and we'll have a better shot of landing a top coach.

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11 minutes ago, oldnews said:

I'm wondering - if we were to hire Gerard Gallant - can we also trade 'analytics'/media groups with Florida as well?


Litterboxcats are light years better than Canucksarmy. 


To Florda - Panthers'army'.  

To Vancouver: Litterboxfin.


To Florida:

Jeff Paterson, Jason B-otchford and a 1st.


To Vancouver:

Harvey Fialkov.


Perhaps we can just pave the highway from Vancouver to Florida a little wider.


With the exception of Tom Rowe.  No fn way.


It would be somewhat ironic to bring in Gallant after he was run out of town by a failed 'analytics' empire lol.


In that sense, what better coach to bring to Vancouver?

What do you think EG?



I want to keep botch. he is a hilarious guy who amazes me with his trolls lol.

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5 minutes ago, Silky mitts said:

I don't think people realize how little linden really does, he is more of a media face to the masses then hockey decisions 

Pretty much.


He scouts a bit and gives his input, but yea basically he's there to be the face of the franchise. 


If you want to criticize anyone for a poor on ice product, it's Benning. And I don't think that criticism is fair at this point.

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Just now, DeNiro said:

And again you're assuming to know what goes on behind closed doors.


Benning and Linden saying they're going to try and be competitive and the roster they actually ice are two different things. You really don't think they tried to tank the last couple months of the season? Not sure what team you were watching if you didn't see what they were doing.


Three seasons ago the team didn't have the go ahead for a rebuild. So saying what they should have done ignores reality.


You're complaining out of impatience, nothing more. You're ignoring the long rebuild process the Leafs had to go through before even getting to last season.

What the Leafs did before Shanahan's regime is irrelevant. We're talking about what his team did vs. what ours did.


Obviously they tried to tank the last couple months, I'm not denying that. They did a good job at the deadline, as well.


But that doesn't change the fact that it was 2.5 years too late. THey didn't have to go ahead with the rebuild 3 seasons ago? Seriously, what? You think that team actually had a good chance of being competitive? It was obvious this team needed an overhaul even before Gillis was fired.

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On 4/10/2017 at 9:12 AM, Hutton Wink said:

Will wait to hear the rationale from management, but a questionable move IMO.


The one benefit for now -- it will finally shut up the incessant moaning, groaning, and whinging of the reactionary element of this fanbase.

Yes, very "questionable". Coaches who guide their teams to consecutive 28th and 29th place finishes while at the cap limit should get another chance the following season. That seems to be the norm.


(Queue the litany of excuses.)


Finally, if you don't like the "moaning, groaning, and whinging" (what meaningless, accusatory, straw words), then you're in the wrong spot on a contentious message board during an atrocious run of hockey.

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9 minutes ago, kanucks25 said:

Oh, it would have mattered. The new Leafs management group did exactly what we should have done 3 years ago: scorch the earth. I never expected this team to be competitive after Gillis, but there are different ways to lose, and we did it the wrong way.


They did the rebuild the correct way, and it took them less than 2 years to go from complete tire-fire to a young team with a lot of hope. Yes, winning the lottery helps, but they also put themselves in the best position to win that lottery with how well they tanked; they cleared out all the veterans that were not going to be a part of the team going forward and they accumulated a large amount of draft picks and prospects. It's taken our management team 3 years to figure out that this is what they need to do and it's unacceptable.



I agree. This is a minority opinion here.

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3 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

That was one small portion of the season. ;) Green has been without what were supposed to be his top players all season long.


Dallas also had much more depth than the Comets ever had.

You are just talking rubbish to cover for Greens inadequacies. When did Green lose 11 players and "rule the AHL." No they did not have more depth stop BS'ing

I'm done replying to you 


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5 hours ago, J.R. said:

So long as people (rabid fans/media) realize that 'most out of the team' is likely to equal another bottom 10 finish next year without a HUGE helping of luck.


That has been one of funniest/stupidest commentaries with "Willie Watch' this year. We're in arguably one of the deepest low points of the rebuild and people are blathering on about how the coach can't miss the playoffs 2 out of 3 years as though we had anything resembling a contending team.

100 %

Delusional springs to mind.

The fun part is, most of the people wanting WD fired are also tankers... 

Imagine if the team actually improves under a new coach, it'll be the end of the tankers wet dream of getting a 'generational talent' via a top pick....

Be careful what you wish for...

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3 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

You are just talking rubbish to cover for Greens inadequacies. When did Green lose 11 players and "rule the AHL." No they did not have more depth stop BS'ing

I'm done replying to you 


You're arguing about a team you admittedly don't even follow, and claiming I'm BSing.


Talk to the people who actually live in Utica and ask them about the job Green has done. Otherwise you're just talking out of your as$.

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