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Joe Biden Debates Donald Trump September 29


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Evidently, it appears as though the super delegates have spoken.


And they've in fact spoken against supporting Sanders no matter what.


This is the EXACT same thing that happened 4 years ago.


Don't care what your views are.  If your party delegates have already stated it doesn't matter what people want.  We won't do it.  You're alienating and destroying the trustxand votes of your entire base.


This is how Trump earns 4 more years.  Not because of Russia.  Not because of successful policies or good leadership.  But because people will be do disenfranchised and pissed off that they won't even show up



Edited by Warhippy
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58 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Evidently, it appears as though the super delegates have spoken.


And they've in fact spoken against supporting Sanders no matter what.


This is the EXACT same thing that happened 4 years ago.


Don't care what your views are.  If your party delegates have already stated it doesn't matter what people want.  We won't do it.  You're alienating and destroying the trustxand votes of your entire base.


This is how Trump earns 4 more years.  Not because of Russia.  Not because of successful policies or good leadership.  But because people will be do disenfranchised and pissed off that they won't even show up



I would be curious to see how they would act if Bernie was actually a Democrat, instead of joining the party when it is convenient for a run at the presidency.


Just gotta love how the Dems run their own democracy.

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1 hour ago, Kragar said:

I would be curious to see how they would act if Bernie was actually a Democrat, instead of joining the party when it is convenient for a run at the presidency.


Just gotta love how the Dems run their own democracy.

If they lose the election I wonder who they'll blame

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

If they lose the election I wonder who they'll blame

If you look into a lot of these superdelegates, they support Republicans too. Both parties are owned by the rich and they fear Bernie might actually loosen the grip they have over US policy. 


Things like immigration and abortion are up for things people are allowed to vote for, but policies that can pull power away from the 1% and back to the populace is not allowed. 

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Garth Brooks Honored Football Player Barry Sanders and Many Confused It With a Bernie Endorsement

Garth Brooks performs onstage during MusiCares Person of the Year honoring Dolly Parton at Los Angeles Convention Center on February 8, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.
Garth Brooks performs onstage during MusiCares Person of the Year honoring Dolly Parton at Los Angeles Convention Center on February 8, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.
February 29, 2020 10:55 AM EST

Well, it’s definitely an election year. Just look in the comments on country singer Garth Brooks‘ Instagram.

After preforming in Detroit on Feb. 22, the renowned musician posted a photo of himself wearing a Barry Sanders jersey. Sanders is a retired Hall of Fame running back who played for the Detroit Lions.


Not all of his followers understood that the jersey was a reference to the football player and an homage to the city where Brooks performed. It appears that many thought it was an endorsement of Democratic presidential-hopeful Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. And many were not



Image result for garth sanders jersey


“You just lost a fan. Can’t believe you’d ever support Sanders,” one commenter wrote. “So disappointing. Hey, Garth, why haven’t you shared your money with all of us?” reads another. Others in the comments were quick to point out that Brooks was referencing the football player, not the democratic socialist. The Instagram post has over 14,000 comments so far.


Brooks wore the jersey while playing at Ford Field, in front of a crowd of roughly 70,000 people. According to Michigan Live, during the concert he told the crowd that he wore the jersey not only because he was preforming where the Lions play, but also because both he and Sanders went to Oklahoma State University.


“I was lucky enough to be an athlete and to wear the same uniform as this guy wore in college,” Brooks reportedly said during the concert. “I was lucky to go to school with him. You guys got the greatest player in NFL history in my opinion in this jersey. I love this man.”


Looks like news of the mix-up got back to Barry Sanders himself, who tweeted on Friday, “Hey @garthbrooks, want to be my VP?




Brooks responded, “Hey @BarrySanders I would run any race with you! #Number20for2020 HA!!! love you pal, g.” He hasn’t commented on the incident beyond the tweet.


However, the Detroit Lions decided to weigh in.




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5 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Evidently, it appears as though the super delegates have spoken.


And they've in fact spoken against supporting Sanders no matter what.


This is the EXACT same thing that happened 4 years ago.


Don't care what your views are.  If your party delegates have already stated it doesn't matter what people want.  We won't do it.  You're alienating and destroying the trustxand votes of your entire base.


This is how Trump earns 4 more years.  Not because of Russia.  Not because of successful policies or good leadership.  But because people will be do disenfranchised and pissed off that they won't even show up



Clinton got almost 4 million votes more than Sanders in 2016.

She also won 11 more states, she beat Sanders before delegates and super delegates.



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1 minute ago, CBH1926 said:

Clinton got almost 4 million votes more than Sanders in 2016.

She also won 11 more states, she beat Sanders before delegates and super delegates.



Didn’t the former leader of the Dems (a big black lady; I don’t remember her name) admit recently that the Dems cheated Bernie?  I remember watching her on cnn talking about it.  Then she kind of disappeared from talking.  Anyone else remember her and her name?  

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1 minute ago, Alflives said:

Didn’t the former leader of the Dems (a big black lady; I don’t remember her name) admit recently that the Dems cheated Bernie?  I remember watching her on cnn talking about it.  Then she kind of disappeared from talking.  Anyone else remember her and her name?  

Donna Brazile, she said it but changed her story later on.

Still doesn’t change the fact that HC got 4 million more votes.

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I think it's time Liz, Amy and Pete call it a day and throw their lot in with Joe or Bernie. Sanders and Biden were probably my two least favorite contenders, but I think if things haven't changed much after Super Tuesday, it's going to be Bernie vs Joe at the convention (with the possibility of a challenge from Bloomberg) and extending this campaign is only going to help the Trump campaign.


Both (or all three) candidates can start focusing their campaigns on beating Trump, rather than beating a slew of Democratic rivals.

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When the Dems lose to Trump the list of rationales should be a SNL extravaganza which of course won’t happen. Their absolute failure in selecting a candidate that could seriously challenge Trump is incredible. Instead of moving back to the center they went with the nutbars. There are left of center businessmen who could have challenged Trump on his turf. 

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45 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

When the Dems lose to Trump the list of rationales should be a SNL extravaganza which of course won’t happen. Their absolute failure in selecting a candidate that could seriously challenge Trump is incredible. Instead of moving back to the center they went with the nutbars. There are left of center businessmen who could have challenged Trump on his turf. 




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1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

When the Dems lose to Trump the list of rationales should be a SNL extravaganza which of course won’t happen.

Yeah, SNL plays to the the left and center mostly. It makes sense when you think about it. They are based out of New York and it also seems that most in entertainment are not Trump supporters.

As the poster above me points out. More people that voted wanted Hilary as Pres. It's the EC that got DT the gig.

For the folks that don't vote, mostly young people, my guess is that they would be left or center too...if they could skip an episode of the Kardashians to get out and vote.

So that also plays into the reason why most entertainment is aimed at them libtards. There is more of them. 

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11 minutes ago, DonLever said:

Who wins the presidency is based on the Electoral college, not popular vote.   Clinton got more votes than Trump but Trump won.

Yup,  TRUMP won by the slimmest of margins in Michigan,  Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.  He needs to keep those 3 states to win reelection.  Polls have him behind in two.



Trump defeats all 2020 Democrats in Wisconsin but loses in Pennsylvania and Michigan, poll finds


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Pete Buttigieg is dropping out of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary

Published Sun, Mar 1 20206:10 PM EST
Key Points
  • Democrat Pete Buttigieg is dropping out of the 2020 presidential primary race, a senior campaign aide told CNBC. 
  • He is flying to South Bend, Indiana to make the announcement, where he served as mayor for two terms. 
  • His decision to drop out of the race comes after former Vice President Joe Biden won a crushing victory in the South Carolina primary on Saturday


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44 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Yup,  TRUMP won by the slimmest of margins in Michigan,  Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.  He needs to keep those 3 states to win reelection.  Polls have him behind in two.



Trump defeats all 2020 Democrats in Wisconsin but loses in Pennsylvania and Michigan, poll finds


This set of polling makes little sense to me. Something very off about it. All of those states should poll similarly.


So either the Wisconsin polling is the true data and Trump is performing well across all 3 states or the Mich and Penn data is the true data set and Trump is performing poorly across all 3. It should be one or the other, not both.

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1 hour ago, DonLever said:

Who wins the presidency is based on the Electoral college, not popular vote.   Clinton got more votes than Trump but Trump won.

I am aware. The poster suggested that Dems could not find a candidate to “seriously challenge trump.” Those people could very well represent the important electoral college states. That poll would suggests, at minimum, that there more than a few candidates that could “seriously challenge Trump.”

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31 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

This set of polling makes little sense to me. Something very off about it. All of those states should poll similarly.


So either the Wisconsin polling is the true data and Trump is performing well across all 3 states or the Mich and Penn data is the true data set and Trump is performing poorly across all 3. It should be one or the other, not both.

Based on what?


TRUMP barely won those 3 states, and his performance hasn't been great enough to improve his position.   Only papa Bush had worse approval at this point of his term and we all know how reelection went for him.  I would say it's far more likely that the Wisconsin polling is the outlier.   I'd hate to be wrong about that


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Polls had Clinton winning in 2016, few days ago Sanders was close to Biden in S.C., until he lost by 30%.

Polls are easily manipulated to get the desired outcome.

When I see Trump escorted out of the WH, I will trust the polls.

Edited by CBH1926
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