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Pollsters Got It Wrong As Conservatives in Australia Win Election


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3 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Wrong.   I am pretty much smack dab in the middle.   I just find the left far more whiny and hypocritical.   I think Trump is an absolute moron but those opposing him are giving him a great run for his money.   Soooo little in the middle for people to choose from.

This is why they don't like us, they want us to take a stance, to choose a team.

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45 minutes ago, The Lock said:


I get it. One of you is hard core right and the other is hard core left, but can we get any more senseless of an argument than this? Literally an argument of name calling with little content otherwise. lol

You’re right, I apologize. 

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They take a sample size and pretend it's a solid representation of the majority.

That or it's just straight up bias. The media isn't exactly credible these days.

Just look at CNN's 2016 poll. Hillary had a 98% of winning the election.


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1 hour ago, Rob_Zepp said:

You mean the majority of people?   Interesting how people who work and pay taxes are "nut jobs" to some.   Does make sense when you see some of the entitlement types but still interesting nonetheless.

Majority of the people pay taxes and work. It's not a right or left thing. The ultra rich do everything they can to avoid paying taxes. Leaving the rest of us to foot the bill. 

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32 minutes ago, Tystick said:

They take a sample size and pretend it's a solid representation of the majority.

That or it's just straight up bias. The media isn't exactly credible these days.

Just look at CNN's 2016 poll. Hillary had a 98% of winning the election.


Doesn't look like 98% to me. 

Unless you are describing the total. 



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35 minutes ago, Tystick said:

They take a sample size and pretend it's a solid representation of the majority.

That or it's just straight up bias. The media isn't exactly credible these days.

Just look at CNN's 2016 poll. Hillary had a 98% of winning the election.


I for one thought Cute Hillary would win for sure against The Donald.  I’m still shocked she didn’t.  

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54 minutes ago, canuckster19 said:

This is why they don't like us, they want us to take a stance, to choose a team.

So few such teams around unfortunately.    I would find it tough to vote in Canada coming up as it would be a vote against the trust fund turd versus for someone.   Hate doing that.

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2 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I for one thought Cute Hillary would win for sure against The Donald.  I’m still shocked she didn’t.  

It's the usual thing Alf. Throw enough fecal matter and it will stick. 

Don must be made of teflon. Or as P.T. Barnum reportedly said. "There's a sucker born every minute."

Or it was just a gambler/con man that said it. 



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1 hour ago, Rob_Zepp said:

You mean the majority of people?   Interesting how people who work and pay taxes are "nut jobs" to some.   Does make sense when you see some of the entitlement types but still interesting nonetheless.

Working folk vote to the right because they already pay enough in taxes to support the free loaders of the left.  Hell, now I hear left wing people wanting transit to be free!  Do young left wing people just think life is a free ride?  The voters in Australia have clearly said “no mas “.  The entire western world will soon be right wing governments.  Working people don’t want to pay for the lazy lefties handouts any more!  

Way to go Australia!  

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10 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Majority of the people pay taxes and work. It's not a right or left thing. The ultra rich do everything they can to avoid paying taxes. Leaving the rest of us to foot the bill. 

Ultra rich are not the silent majority.    Most of the whining heard is from those who insist on others funding their lives.   Listening to someone like AOC in the US who appears to thing merely existing is reason enough to take from those who work.   None of us are guaranteed anything - however, we should take care of those that legitimately cannot take care of themselves.   Those who choose to not contribute but merely whine about wanting more but don't actually contribute towards their whiny wants - they can pound sand as far as I am concerned (and take polls and contribute the vast majority of tweets and thumbs up on social media for the insane concepts from the AOCs and "peoplekind" Trudeaus of the world).

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I remember the polls telling me that Crusty wasn't gonna win again in BC. They were wrong.


I hate polls, nobody I know ever participates in them so it leaves me wondering who does? and if its just a play to sway the populous. In the Crusty Clark scenario I think it kept opposition at home because they thought a victory was in the bag. Same with Trump. 


Doesn't Aus have a million parties and isn't voting mandatory? 


I like their system to some degree, but man they are the country of disposable leaders. 

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

I remember the polls telling me that Crusty wasn't gonna win again in BC. They were wrong.


I hate polls, nobody I know ever participates in them so it leaves me wondering who does? and if its just a play to sway the populous. In the Crusty Clark scenario I think it kept opposition at home because they thought a victory was in the bag. Same with Trump. 


Doesn't Aus have a million parties and isn't voting mandatory? 


I like their system to some degree, but man they are the country of disposable leaders. 

Our past few leaders have been pretty disposable as well. ;) 

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I wonder how much is that some people don't like to let others know their true political preference.

My dad is a conservative and my mom is a liberal, but neither would ever put up any political banners on their property.  Both grew up during China's "Great Leap Forward", so they know how some people can go crazy against those with opposing views.


Maybe many of the people polled just give the answer the pollster wants to hear, thus it will be less of a hassle.  

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Either way conservatives were winning in Australia...both their main parties are right of center and absolute schills for their mining industry. One state Queensland pretty much changed the expected outcome. Australia has a long history of electing pieces of $&!#....then quickly tossing them out for other turds. 

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1 hour ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Wrong.   I am pretty much smack dab in the middle.   I just find the left far more whiny and hypocritical.   I think Trump is an absolute moron but those opposing him are giving him a great run for his money.   Soooo little in the middle for people to choose from.

I don't disagree but it's definitely a competition on who is more self righteous  ;)

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1 minute ago, Gnarcore said:

Either way conservatives were winning in Australia...both their main parties are right of center and absolute schills for their mining industry. One state Queensland pretty much changed the expected outcome. Australia has a long history of electing pieces of $&!#....then quickly tossing them out for other turds. 

No wonder why they drink and surf a lot. Too much of an ulcer to focus on politics there. ;)

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If it is anything like Canadian politics where the same PR (Public Relations) group spin stories and polls for each party,just so corrupt or like our very own referendum vote on proportional representation, the Government in power never helped get the message out and then proceeded to get a "VERY" corrupt states company to count the votes.


You could almost cut the corruption with a knife, THANKS B.C. GOVERNMENT.

What a bunch of screw ups,if it isn't money laundering it's countries sending their pregnant woman here to get Canadian citizenship,Richmond up to there old tricks.The corrupt Doctors behind this should lose their licenses and be heavily fined or jailed.


Canada is a great country and very generous. but we are being taken advantage of and it should be our Government stepping up to make laws to stop these practices and don't be using the race card because that does not have anything to do with "breaking " the rules.

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Just now, The Lock said:

No wonder why they drink and surf a lot. Too much of an ulcer to focus on politics there. ;)

It all the land locked bogans and old people there.  I've known soooo many Aussies and not a one have liked their politics whatsoever.  We get that coastal city Aussie mostly. The girl I'm seeing is from Sydney and so is one of my better friends. I've heard far more about it recently than I care to. 




NSFW but a funny bit on Aussie voting. 


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