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Andrew Scheer stepping down as Conservative Party leader/Which has morphed into the Gun Control thread


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Tories in turmoil:



A battle is underway within the Conservative Party after the party's fundraising arm (the Fund) decided to fire executive director Dustin van Vugt and launched an internal audit into how the party handles expenses.

The board's decision to terminate van Vugt was communicated to him and within the party HQ on Friday, but almost immediately van Vugt's supporters questioned whether the Fund has the power to out the executive director.


The move came less than 24 hours after Global News reported that Conservative leader Andrew Scheer was using party money to help fund his children's private school tuition, an arrangement van Vugt took responsibility for on Thursday. In a statement, van Vugt described the arrangement as "normal practice for political parties" and said "all proper procedures were followed and signed off on by the appropriate people."


READ MORE: Top Tory fired after approving use of party funds for Scheer children private school


Multiple sources said the powerful seven-person board, which includes former prime minister Stephen Harper decided to act, furious over the arrangement to pay for private religious schooling with donor money. Two sources with direct knowledge of Harper's thinking described him as shocked and angry. Sources have told Global News others on the board were unaware as well and were also outraged.

Some inside the Conservative Party have challenged the assertion the board was not aware of the details and believe van Vugt, who is widely described as well-liked and capable, is being made into a scapegoat.

The anger over van Vugt's firing is also triggering questions over the board's ability to fire party staff.

The Conservative Party constitution says that the party leader appoints the executive director, which the elected governing National Council must then sign off on.

It is not clear who has the power to terminate an executive director in the constitution, but the document does not state the Fund can terminate senior staff and multiple Conservative sources say they do not have that power under the constitution.


READ MORE: Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer resigns, vows to stay on until new leader chosen


Despite that, the Fund's board of directors have previously fired an executive director. The Fund holds the purse strings and does have the power to stop paying the executive director.

On Friday night chaos and confusion spread through the party as an argument erupted over whether van Vugt's firing was legitimate.  The National Council had not signed off on the board's decision and some sources said they were totally unaware it was coming.

Conservative insiders say Scheer is under pressure to terminate van Vugt now, or risk further wrath of influential party officials like Stephen Harper and Senator Linda Frum.

Some in the party question the timing, pointing out van Vugt would normally be the one organizing the impending leadership race.

Sources close to the Fund's board and van Vugt both indicated to Global News they did not expect van Vugt would continue working for the party.  One source close to van Vugt said he had no desire to continue working for the organization given how events unfolded in the last 48 hours.

Global News has spoken to multiple Conservative sources but is not disclosing their names because they are not authorized to speak publicly on the matter. The Conservative Party has not responded to repeated requests for comment on the status of van Vugt's employment."


Money and optics are a dangerous combo.

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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

Sure we are dumb as kids but to call kids dumb because you don't like their dad's political views is pathetic and immature. 

But you aren't wrong your generation is the biggest sissies to date. Hell most in your generation try to dress like women.

I dunno, the athletes are bigger , faster, stronger.


They live in a fish bowl world full of constant 24/7 social media/ online pressure. Most grow thick skin and don't let words trigger them like older generations. 


They don't have the financial opportunities available as in the past, such as being able to afford a home or have a single income family. It must be tough to be motivated to succeed in todays financial environment. 


I hear what you said a lot. For me, I would hate to grow up in today's world. Seem hard.


I don't know what you mean about dressing like women...my guess is skinny jeans? I also don't think you are being too serious. 



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5 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

That's my concern is this is based off something in a different country.


is that really such a bad way of thinking? we're really not that different from the US to think it can't happen more up here, and if thats the "gun of choice" then whats the problem? 

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4 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

I can't remember if I posted this for you a couple weeks back.


GUNTER: UCP firearms motion first step in firewall against feds’ meddling



its kind of a silly article - the idea is to give municipalities the power to ban certain firearms and all this "firewall" is doing is following the proposed law. 

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18 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

So you agree muslims in Canada shouldn't be allowed to drive Van's? 

OK take a very LARGE step back and think about what you're saying...


You're comparing weapons made to kill.  Period, that's their intention




And entire sect of people, almost 1/4 of the entire population of the world being prohibited from driving vans or vehicles in general


Think REALLY hard about that....you're better than this

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4 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

OK take a very LARGE step back and think about what you're saying...


You're comparing weapons made to kill.  Period, that's their intention




And entire sect of people, almost 1/4 of the entire population of the world being prohibited from driving vans or vehicles in general


Think REALLY hard about that....you're better than this

We need a Religion thread.  :towel:

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19 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

OK take a very LARGE step back and think about what you're saying...


You're comparing weapons made to kill.  Period, that's their intention




And entire sect of people, almost 1/4 of the entire population of the world being prohibited from driving vans or vehicles in general


Think REALLY hard about that....you're better than this

Actually the conversation was outlawing guns based on what happens in a different country. Other countries have muslims once a week killing people. Should we get them out because they're major problems in many countries?

I bet 1/4 of the population has guns so by your logic the percentage of gun deaths would be very small. Why outlaw an ar-15 in Canada? For what reason should we do that?

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

is that really such a bad way of thinking? we're really not that different from the US to think it can't happen more up here, and if thats the "gun of choice" then whats the problem? 

How about you show facts and proof rather than saying "you don't think it could happen more." You know when the last ar-15 death was in Canada?


You honestly border on supporting a police state/dictatorship imo. 

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2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:


You honestly border on supporting a police state/dictatorship imo. 

 Honestly most do. There’s very few of us left that remember back when Canada was worth a damn, 25 years ago. 



 I wouldn’t even pick up my gun to defend “Canadians” who won’t even support the basic need of owning a gun.


Edited by Standing_Tall#37
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14 minutes ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

 Honestly most do. There’s very few of us left that remember back when Canada was worth a damn, 25 years ago. 



 I wouldn’t even pick up my gun to defend “Canadians” who won’t even support the basic need of owning a gun.


Illegal drugs kill far more people and the government does next to nothing to stop it. Hell they invite in criminal after criminal.

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26 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

We don't. We also shouldn't be implementing things here based on what happens in other countries. China puts muslims in concentration camps should we do the same?

China makes cheap crap, and their country is horrible.  Why would we copy anything from them, except a Ping Pong player?  

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30 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

How about you show facts and proof rather than saying "you don't think it could happen more." You know when the last ar-15 death was in Canada?


You honestly border on supporting a police state/dictatorship imo. 

thats ridiculous. 


You don't seem to understand the situation. You have no right to own an AR15. Its up to you to come up with a legal basis to be able to own one. 

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4 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:




4 hours ago, inane said:

Dumb memes are dumb


4 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

Dumb people are dumb.

It's actually pretty accurate. 

We probably also should outlaw muslims driving vans. 

Actually, it's pretty inaccurate....


An accurate analogy would be "just prevent sober drivers from drinking"....and it's why there are laws in place against drinking and driving.

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2 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

I dunno, the athletes are bigger , faster, stronger.


They live in a fish bowl world full of constant 24/7 social media/ online pressure. Most grow thick skin and don't let words trigger them like older generations. 


They don't have the financial opportunities available as in the past, such as being able to afford a home or have a single income family. It must be tough to be motivated to succeed in todays financial environment. 


I hear what you said a lot. For me, I would hate to grow up in today's world. Seem hard.


I don't know what you mean about dressing like women...my guess is skinny jeans? I also don't think you are being too serious. 



I think he is. He has gone off the deep end since Scheer's loss (he was predicting a CPC majority :o). For years he has raged at me for not being "Canadian" enough, whether it is because of my support for Colin Kaepernick, or for defending Trudeau on the Omar Khadr payment. Now he is abandoned all his ideals and fully embraced the idiots lining up to join the wexit movement. It would be sad if it were not hilarious. It just goes to show that many of these so called nationalists will turn on their own country at the drop of a hat if you can line their pockets with enough money. For other examples see the numerous Republicans in the States who are denying their own country's intelligence while defending Russian interference in their election. This is where I think the distinction between nationalist and patriot is most pronounced. You will see a nationalist brow-beating others over disrespecting symbols like the anthem and the flag, but when push comes to shove and choosing country over self-interest, these people will always show you how much a sham their nationalism really is. 

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2 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:



Actually, it's pretty inaccurate....


An accurate analogy would be "just prevent sober drivers from drinking"....and it's why there are laws in place against drinking and driving.

We have laws in place to not shoot people. Also how come those that drink and drive can do it again after being caught? 

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