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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at St. Louis Blues | Aug. 14, 2020 | Canucks lead series 2-0

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-Vintage Canuck-

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Boeser has looked behind a lot in this series. There was one shift tonight he was just late to every possible puck engagement. It can't be an IQ thing cuz his IQ is off the charts. But aside from his greasy goals on the PP we haven't seen him be impactful at all. Maybe the Blues have been watching him like a hawk I dont know.


Edited by Rush17
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11 minutes ago, RWMc1 said:

Playoff officiating is one thing but allowing dangerous plays is another. Propelling someone headfirst into the boards shouldn't be rewarded with a power play. Seems like if you avoid the numbers, they let it go. The problem is that someone could still end up with a broken neck!!!!


Against Minnie they let a hit on Petey go then Sutter got away with one later. Now two against our guys in one game with no call. All of those plays should have been called. I hope the refs and the League clean that up before someone gets seriously injured!!!

yeah - and there has been very little 'playoff officiating' this 'play-ins' - it's been whistle after whistle - lots of it ticky tack stuff - as many powerplays as a typical preseason.


they saved the 'playoff officiating' for situational use - not surprisingly, the standards fluctuating wildly - the goalposts moving radically for a game like tonight's


absolutely mickey mouse when you get down to it.

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We're up two games to none against the reigning champs. Hey I know, let's snivel and whine about Jake! Fricken pathetic!


Jake took a bad penalty but his stick broke pretty easily. It was probably hacked earlier and was ready to go with the next shot. Still he retaliated and I think Green sat him a few shifts because of that. We went to a short bench in a close game as usual. Rooster, Zack and Jake all have low minutes with Greens player usage. Doesn't mean they suck. Zack was playing well and got some shifts with Sutter. Still I would go with Jake over Zack just because if we get an injury to a top 6, I think Jake would be a better fit. Also I'm not sure if Zack has the wind to play bigger minutes. If he does then it would be interesting to see him or Jake in Boesers place for a shift to stir things up and then go back to Boeser. Do that every now and then in the offensive zone. Peteys line is getting shut down 5 on 5 anyway.


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58 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

I’ve been through the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 and now the 2020 playoffs on CDC (2009 and 2010 as a lurker). The last five years or so have been pretty unpleasant, especially from 2014 until early 2017 when we didn’t have Boeser, Pettersson or Hughes. When Boeser joined, it gradually started getting better. I think the activity on this forum has started to pick up again like it was in the early 2010s.

I've been on here since 2004. IMO If the team isn't overachieving the toxic fans come out. 

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28 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

Agree with this take. Tried to be a big JV-backer myself, but this kid does himself no favours. He's wasted too many opportunities. Now with the depth, team's in a position to let him go.



69 game sample in whch he scored 18 goals, 36 points, 4th on the team in hits....


vs a 5 game sample (after a 4 month, postively strange covid context).


I think you guys might be blowing your small samples impressions out of proportion.

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4 minutes ago, Rush17 said:

Boeser has looked behind a lot in this series. There was one shift tonight he was just late to every possible puck engagement. It can't be an IQ thing cuz his IQ is off the charts. But aside from his greasy goals on the PP we haven't seen him be impactful at all. Maybe the Blues have been watching him like a hawk I dont know.

Or maybe they're matched up against a line that has played against the best lines in the League and won a Cup.

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Did they ever show a conclusive angle to overturn the ruling on the ice? Every angle they showed didn't have anything conclusive IMO.


The calls (missed calls) that bothered me the most was the high stick on Edler that led to the 3-2 goal. And how we got the extra penalty after Sutter getting stapled from a hit from behind. Pretty much all of their goals were controversial.


There was also a hook that we got that was incredibly soft after seeing Schwartz do a swan dive in the wrong direction. Oh and there were a couple of cross checks (Myers never got this luxury) to the unprotected areas on MacEwen, Motte and Virtanen, but of course Jake retaliates and gets the call.


Game 1, I only had beef with one play. Tonight was a bit of a gong show. Thankfully we still pulled through after all of that.



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I was upset at the end of the regulation that I didn't watch the OT.  The comeback wouldn't be possible if the referee was actually fair by turning off the TV.  I had confidence that the Canucks would win this game when I turned it off but I saw no point on giving the league some rating or help their bottom line by TV ad dollar after this referee's performance. I'm glad they won the game despite the ref's performance.  It was my first time protesting the ref's action silently by turning off TV.  If a team of ref don't do the job, one of those day, the fans will catch on and protest and will hurt the league one day.  The fans are not blind.   The league should be careful on this game management or it will lose control of the game.  


1 hour ago, King Heffy said:

So you'd have no issue getting assigned Kelly Sutherland for the rest of the series?  The NHL has a serious officiating problem and it's entirely reasonable to want it solved.

Sutherlands is one of the worst ref when it comes to refereeing against the Canucks, fair to other teams and maybe biased to a certain teams that the league like, and what's more, he is from the hometown team and the hometown ref should not be allowed to ref our games for two reasons: he would want to show the league that he is "fair" but would call more penalties against the Canucks, or would call more favorable calls and makes the other teams complain.  The trend of his refereeing history with the Canucks has been against us for as long as I remember.  I don't even recall that Sutherlands has been fair to us on an important moment of our history, even on a regular season game that meant nothing.   The Canucks should not accept the Sutherlands assignments for rest of his career unless it's his final game and his wish to ref the Canucks game on his regular season finale is ok with me.   Regular season assignment is ok but on a limited selected games but not playoffs assignments.


These are ref I never wanted to see again, the tonight's' referee and O'Halloran and Sutherlands and even Tim Peel.   Rest of other ref, I don't mind as they are more than fair to us so far this regular season. 


Personally, I felt that it's time to fire all ref at once and hire new refs from other hockey league that has no history with the NHL and they may be making more mistakes but at least they won't get carried over with some bias because referees do actually stand for their backs and they do talk about players behavior toward them in their private time.  I think that Neilson has rubbed the ref the wrong way and has been against us ever since.   It has been about 40 years now.  Auger incident has made this worse for a while.  There are still some leftover ref from that Auger era.  If the league wants to cut down on dirty plays, they need to fire all ref and start over or establish an independent referee that is not affiliated to NHL but would send all refs to other league, like CHL, AHL college, IIHF from one organization would be nice.   

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3 minutes ago, oldnews said:

LE has been "invisible" by the standard most folks here are judging Virtanen.  And Eriksson's ice time is


Sutter's line is at 70.7% dzone starts (considerably higher than Horvat's line) - the idea that it is not among the lines that "handle most of the defensive responsbility" is wrong.  Horvat's line plays more of a dual role - and leans more heavily towards the role you're assuming - when Gaudette is centering a line and/or Beagle and/or Sutter are out of the lineup.  With those two healthy and doing what they do best, Horvat's role (which is versatile) shifts, his load lightens - inseparable from producing more, imo.


And the second bolded part is (also) simply wrong.  Virtianen has spent a LOT of time in a checking role on Sutter's wing over the past three years - the idea tha it's not a checking line if Virtanen is on it is really obliivious to his development at the NHL level,  how Green has handled him and how he has deployed him.   As he earned it, he got more opportunity in a top 6/scoring role - and produced 18 goals in the process this year (from 44.8 and 45.4% ozone starts the past two seasons, to 52.5% this year). 

4 months off - Virtanen perhaps regressing somewhat in the process - but all this Virtanen obsession on these boards is a bit myopic imo, 5 games into the (somewhat strange) restart =  a very small sample.   Again, what's the explanation for Roussel's even more limited ice-time?   The whole invisible thing, ironically, easily applies to LE as much as either of these two - 'contributions' is not reducible to ice time.  I mean, people used to blow head gaskets around here over the ice time Jayson Megna would get when he stepped up to placehold on a top 6 line - none of that was equated with 'contributions'  - and none of it indicated him occupying a higher spot on the depth chart = it was highly misleading, as is the appearances of LE's ice time alone, out of context.

Sutter is 3rd in defensive zone faceoffs with 30. Horvat having 33 and Beagle having 46. 12 faceoffs on the PK with Sutter, likely most of them being in the D-zone. Horvat has 1 SH faceoff. That tells you that Horvat's line takes more D-zone draws 5v5. Sutter is also behind Beagle/Horvat/Miller in total faceoffs taken.


So my point proven 5v5 Beagle/Horvat handle the most defensive responsibility.




No it isn't. 2nd and 4th line played in more defensive roles and against tougher competition. Horvat matched up against best players consistently and Beagle's line shared that duty handling the better offensive players. It has been a consistent thing all year. When Gaudette was playing C they were consistently sheltered when together.


I am not sure you're gonna prove to me or anyone that, right now,  Virtanen isn't one of our worst defensive forwards and isn't a checking forward like Motte/Beagle/Sutter/Bo/Eriksson. We're team full of responsible defensive forwards and the bar is high on this team. 


Honest question. Who has done more to contribute to the wins so far. Virtanen or Eriksson?

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