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Why are we never in on top free agents? Toffoli gone to Montreal. Our group going forward.

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3 hours ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Vegas stated Demko was the reason not the team. I am just stating facts. He got into their heads and if you want to believe they allowed Vegas to take tons of shots as a plan. I don't think that is a great game plan do you? It doesn't make sense to play them that way either.

But part of that was because Vegas wasn't getting good scoring chances due to the Canucks not giving them good scoring chances. They couldn't get by Demko, not just because of Demko, but also because of the team in front of him.

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On 10/12/2020 at 7:38 PM, ba;;isticsports said:

Bullcrap? This isn't top secret information I am talking direction, not the players they want

The team and others do it all the time

So when the Canucks and others have pointed the direction, it is bullcrap? :)


I was responding to what you wrote though and just replying to your post

when you said


I don't get why people are freaking out over losing Madden (and a 2nd).  When Boeser got hurt last year, Toffoli was brought in to help ensure we got in the playoffs, and as a result we gave Tampa NJ a fairly low-end 1st rounder to wrap up the Miller deal.  Nice job, JB!

I doubt Madden is going to make a name for himself in this league, and he especially wasn't going to do it with the Canucks, so what's the big deal there?. 

My reply to that was this (I don't think it's freaking out to question something)?

I myself enjoyed employees feedback and would be upfront with them and they appreciated it


"Only that Benning said 2 months before BB getting hurt that he wanted another top 6 forward, (when imo it should have been a D man to focus on)

Also, wasn't Baer paid $3 Million to be on top 6?, They let him play on their farm team, so it wasn't to protect him from injury

The big deal i guess if you call it that is

Whether Madden makes it or not, he could have been packaged towards "keeping" a D full time 

He wanted another top 6 forward, before BB was hurt and he doesn't now?

The direction is all over the map, let the public know what the plan is

He let it be known he wanted a forward, what is the plan now?


The fact Baertschi has cleared waivers several times should be an indication of WHY he's in the minors. Every team in the league has passed on him for free more than once. Benning didn't only say he was looking at adding a top six forward. He also said several times through the season he was looking to upgrade the D. It all comes down to cost versus return what happens and when. Should he not be looking at all options to improve the team?


What GM gives his entire plan away publicly? It's always pretty general as plans are rather fluid. Who becomes available at what price can easily cause a GM to alter plans. 

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4 hours ago, Baggins said:

The fact Baertschi has cleared waivers several times should be an indication of WHY he's in the minors. Every team in the league has passed on him for free more than once. Benning didn't only say he was looking at adding a top six forward. He also said several times through the season he was looking to upgrade the D. It all comes down to cost versus return what happens and when. Should he not be looking at all options to improve the team?


What GM gives his entire plan away publicly? It's always pretty general as plans are rather fluid. Who becomes available at what price can easily cause a GM to alter plans. 

I think Baer passed through waivers, because we was signed for $3 million which was over payment

I am not suggesting he is a saviour, but since we have him and have to pay him that salary and we have a tight cap, we might want to consider playing him and now may have lil choice not too?


Entire plan? I never mention ENTIRE plan

I read a article Benning talking about wanting another Top 6 forward in Dec, before BB injury in Feb

I don't recall him addressing D

But,OMG Benning HAS been giving away his ENTIRE plan afterall? lol

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49 minutes ago, ba;;isticsports said:

I think Baer passed through waivers, because we was signed for $3 million which was over payment

I am not suggesting he is a saviour, but since we have him and have to pay him that salary and we have a tight cap, we might want to consider playing him and now may have lil choice not too?


Entire plan? I never mention ENTIRE plan

I read a article Benning talking about wanting another Top 6 forward in Dec, before BB injury in Feb

I don't recall him addressing D

But,OMG Benning HAS been giving away his ENTIRE plan afterall? lol

I’ve wondered if Pearson might be on his way out early a few times just because we still have Bear and being tight against the cap it does make some sense to trade him and his close to 4 million cap hit while his stock is high, and then use that either to sign both AG/ JV and or as a way to tinker something else.   If it weren’t for Covid I’d say Bear could be easier to move with only one year left - two years for sure scared some teams away.   It would be a bet gain of two million and change given he’s already buried in the minors but it’s something.    Hoping Motte can move up the lineup and be this teams version of Burrows - the playoffs for sure showed there is some untapped potential there, hard to score much on the PK and on Beagles line...

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On 10/16/2020 at 11:44 PM, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Myers is not a #1 dman. I don't know anyone who would call him that. You obviously like Benning that's ok that's your right but you can't ignore some glaring mistakes that have put us in the situation that we are in where we can't move money out. Asset management has not been one of his strong traits. He has made good moves as well. I am just saying he does a lot of head scratcher moves or lack of moves at times and when he does he gives quite a bit up. Nate Schmidt not included because that might have been one of his best moves. Miller was 34 when he signed here not exactly young and for 6 million a season. Holtby has seen his numbers go down the past three years. You have to look at stats as well. A Stanley cup and vezina are great but he is not at the top of his game right now. Players at the top of their games have not been attracted to this organization and I laugh when Benning says we are finally at a point where free agents want to come here and we have only seen one so far. A lot of that has to do with the bad money in our bottom two lines. Something like 25 million on the bottom two lines that's ridiculous and it is why we can't do anything more in free agency. That is on Benning.

No one said Myers is a #1 Dman, he was the #1 Dman available through UFA that year. Benning signed the best available defence man as a UFA. You still complain 

He makes head scratcher moves and gives up too much...but let’s not talk about Nate Schmidt??? OK I’ll play your game. How about JT Miller. Was that an overpayment as well?  Terrible move?  Who would want that bum when you can have the 20th overall pick? /s

My last point is that you want to be “in” on the top UFA’s. Tell me please, who was the top UFA the year we went after Eriksson?  The contract you keep whining about was the biggest UFA of the year unless you really wanted Lucic instead. You call yourself a Canuck fan for life...I call you a troll. You can dislike Benning as he has made a bunch of mistakes, but you disregard all the good things he has done. Show me a team that went as far as we did last season that doesn’t have one or two BAD contracts on them?  How would you like to have Lucic, Bobrovski, Weber or any other list of overpaid UFA players. They are UFA because they were willing to go wherever paid the most. If you are terrible (like we were a few years ago) no one will take less than top dollar to join your sinking ship. Is it a coincidence that these lousy contracts are ending at the same pace that the team is getting better?  If you’re crystal ball is so good, which UFA is the best this time?  Will Taylor Hall fix all of Buffalo’s problems for $8 million?  Do you really want to pay Pietrangelo for 7 years in a pandemic?  We all want the best players and dump the lousy ones but it isn’t that easy. 

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I just think the OP's being bitter for the sake of being bitter. No logic, no realistic thinking, just bitter. Doesn't just want everything dipped in chocolate but also expect the perfect sprinkles, like if one sprinkle's off, fire the sprinkle maker! lol

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2 hours ago, The Lock said:

I just think the OP's being bitter for the sake of being bitter. No logic, no realistic thinking, just bitter. Doesn't just want everything dipped in chocolate but also expect the perfect sprinkles, like if one sprinkle's off, fire the sprinkle maker! lol

I think it says more about your personality than it does mine when you attack someone behind a computer screen without knowing them. You are allowed to voice your displeasures. If you don't like it don't post here. It is pretty immature to attack someone without knowing who they are. Benning has made some good moves but he has also made moves that have hurt us. That is undeniable. If you want to look past that. That is fine. They are moves that make it hard to improve the team right now. I also said that we will wait and see what he does. As of right now the team is not better than when the season ended. It should be about progression not regression.

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3 hours ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

I think it says more about your personality than it does mine when you attack someone behind a computer screen without knowing them. You are allowed to voice your displeasures. If you don't like it don't post here. It is pretty immature to attack someone without knowing who they are. Benning has made some good moves but he has also made moves that have hurt us. That is undeniable. If you want to look past that. That is fine. They are moves that make it hard to improve the team right now. I also said that we will wait and see what he does. As of right now the team is not better than when the season ended. It should be about progression not regression.

Sensitive dude aren't you. This is the internet. If you can't handle criticism for your posts than don't post. Simple.


And for the record. I'd say the exact same thing to your face. I don't really care about hiding behind a screen. I'm speaking my opinion and if you're that easily offended to the point where you'd "punch me in the face" or something just because I disagree with you then you have issues.

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4 hours ago, The Lock said:

Sensitive dude aren't you. This is the internet. If you can't handle criticism for your posts than don't post. Simple.


And for the record. I'd say the exact same thing to your face. I don't really care about hiding behind a screen. I'm speaking my opinion and if you're that easily offended to the point where you'd "punch me in the face" or something just because I disagree with you then you have issues.

Your maturity is showing again. I don’t deal with people like that and I don’t go online to call people bitter and make cupcake sprinkle remarks. I just think you don’t like the fact that what you said was immature. The last post and the one before. I would never punch anyone. I have self control. I just find it funny that you keep making remarks about me and trying to make yourself look good when all your posts did was show that you try to get a laugh at the expense of others. Making cupcake references about how I would freak if one sprinkle was off had nothing to do with this post. Anyways back to the topic at hand. I am a long time fan and have been through the ups and downs and as I said I will wait and see what happens. I just don’t like the amount the bottom 6 is making in the lineup. It is affecting our ability to do things. That is a true statement that I am entitled to make. 

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26 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Your maturity is showing again. I don’t deal with people like that and I don’t go online to call people bitter and make cupcake sprinkle remarks. I just think you don’t like the fact that what you said was immature. The last post and the one before. I would never punch anyone. I have self control. I just find it funny that you keep making remarks about me and trying to make yourself look good when all your posts did was show that you try to get a laugh at the expense of others. Making cupcake references about how I would freak if one sprinkle was off had nothing to do with this post. Anyways back to the topic at hand. I am a long time fan and have been through the ups and downs and as I said I will wait and see what happens. I just don’t like the amount the bottom 6 is making in the lineup. It is affecting our ability to do things. That is a true statement that I am entitled to make. 

I stand by what I've said and continue to fully mean what I said. If you can't understand the metaphorical statements and what they actually mean, that's on you. If you're this easily offended from metaphors, that tells me you "what to be right" but are afraid of being wrong and just don't want to admit it.


Think of a debate as a journey to learn, not about being right all the time. If you show up just to be right, 99% of the time you'll leave unsatisfied.

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1 hour ago, The Lock said:

I stand by what I've said and continue to fully mean what I said. If you can't understand the metaphorical statements and what they actually mean, that's on you. If you're this easily offended from metaphors, that tells me you "what to be right" but are afraid of being wrong and just don't want to admit it.


Think of a debate as a journey to learn, not about being right all the time. If you show up just to be right, 99% of the time you'll leave unsatisfied.

You talked about me wanting to punch you. Lol. I couldn’t take you serious after that. What out of what I said would make you think I would do that. There is nothing metaphorical about that. Benning hasn’t made one mistake, he’s made quite a few which I have said has put us in a position where we couldn’t resign Toffoli and look at other free agents. So it is not one thing like your metaphorical sprinkled cupcake comment would suggest. That doesn’t even work. That would suggest I was upset at the one mistake he made. The bottom six is paid too much. I think one of the most on the league. That is not a place to be tops in the league in where you are paying your bottom six players a lot of money. 

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5 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

You talked about me wanting to punch you. Lol. I couldn’t take you serious after that. What out of what I said would make you think I would do that. There is nothing metaphorical about that. Benning hasn’t made one mistake, he’s made quite a few which I have said has put us in a position where we couldn’t resign Toffoli and look at other free agents. So it is not one thing like your metaphorical sprinkled cupcake comment would suggest. That doesn’t even work. That would suggest I was upset at the one mistake he made. The bottom six is paid too much. I think one of the most on the league. That is not a place to be tops in the league in where you are paying your bottom six players a lot of money. 

Dude. I haven't been taking you seriously for pages now. lol This is a forum on the internet. This isn't a place to take conversations like these seriously.

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3 minutes ago, The Lock said:

Dude. I haven't been taking you seriously for pages now. lol This is a forum on the internet. This isn't a place to take conversations like these seriously.

Sure. You have been responding to everything I said so far. What you were saying was ridiculous. Keep backtracking. Anyways I am out in terms of responding to you. I was merely explaining why I said what I said about Benning. 

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Just now, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Sure. You have been responding to everything I said so far. What you were saying was ridiculous. Keep backtracking. Anyways I am out in terms of responding to you. I was merely explaining why I said what I said about Benning. 

Oh I know why you've said what you've been saying. I don't agree with it without giving the man credit where credit is due or the team credit where credit is due. I haven't really seen you do either; therefore, I disagree with your assessment.

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15 minutes ago, The Lock said:

Oh I know why you've said what you've been saying. I don't agree with it without giving the man credit where credit is due or the team credit where credit is due. I haven't really seen you do either; therefore, I disagree with your assessment.

Benning has done a lot of good things. It’s just there were deadlines where he let people walk or didn’t trade players with over payed contracts where he could have and it just seems he either didn’t get assets when he should have because of where this team was at the time (rebuilding/retooling ).  Now nobody wants those players because the money being paid to them is too much. Losing Toffoli hurts because he at least had a history of scoring and it was great for Bo to  have a legitimate winger. He also gave up assets to get him. Now Bo doesn’t have that winger again. Benning is talking about Baertchi and Virtanen but we know what they bring. Inconsistency is a good word to sum them up. So my frustration comes from that and the fact we have no money to spend is because of those contracts that were signed that were just too much for those bottom players. It’s the fact that right now we look to have taken a step back after that playoffs where we knew we needed to improve. So as I said the off-season isn’t over. We will see.

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10 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Benning has done a lot of good. It’s just there were deadlines where he let people walk or didn’t trade players with overpayed contracts Where he could have and it just seems he either didn’t get assets when he should have because of where this team was at the time (rebuilding/retooling ).  Now no one wants those players because the money is too much. Losing Toffoli hurts because he at least had a history of scoring and it was great for Bo to  have a legitimate winger. He also gave up assets. Now Bo doesn’t have that winger again. Benning is talking about Baertchi and Virtanen but we know what they bring. Inconsistency is a good word to sum them up. So my frustration comes from that and the fact we have no money to spend is because of those contracts that were signed that were just too much for those bottom players. It’s the fact that right now we look to have taken a step back after that playoffs where we knew we needed to improve. So as I said the off-season isn’t over. We will see.

First of all, I'll never say that Benning hasn't made mistakes. He has. However, I don't look at things as the end of the world from these mistakes. I'm just going to number the reasons why:


1) Benning hasn't signed a contract like Eriksson since... well.... Eriksson. He seems to have learned his lesson there.

2) Think about Pittsburgh for a moment with Crosby, Malkin, and Letang. That's been their core. They won a cup in 2009 and they won back to back later on.... with a different support cast, and they definately lost players similar to Toffoli during that time. Yet.... they still did well. As long as we have our core, we are fine.

3) Most of the bad contracts finish in the next 1 or 2 years. Most of the overpayments are off the books at that point. This also means we should be able to keep our core as stated in point 2.

4) While it hurts to lose Toffoli, this probably wouldn't have happened if we didn't have a flat cap. We have to account for that. It's an abnormal situation.

5) Toffoli alone isn't going to turn us into a cup contender.

6) Hoglander, Podkolzin. etc, prospects are much much cheaper labour. Not a guarantee, but most cup contenders rely on them and that cheap labour. If we have to rely on Toffoli to put us over the top, we're in trouble.


I could keep going, but I hope that gives an idea on my stance. I will also say that I do think he made a mistake in lack of communication with the free agents. That's another lesson that hopefully gets learned. All GMs make mistakes though and I think the lack of Eriksson signings is positive.

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On 10/12/2020 at 11:02 AM, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

I know we are strapped by the cap but it always seems as though we are never in on big deals or big free agents and when we are we overpay or give up too much. Las Vegas for example seems to have no problem at all making trades or signing  big name players. It just gets frustrating to hear excuse after excuse we have no money. That tells me Benning doesn’t know how to manage the cap. Remember when Benning said this “We are in a good position, where free agents want to come here.” Well where are they? Lol. He got one free agent to come here. One more thing, I have heard how we can trade but honestly what assets do we have to trade? We really don’t have an abundance of prospects or assets like Tampa Bay has to be trading. So I don’t see that avenue unless I am missing something. I don’t want them to give up Rathbone for an older player. I just think they are screwed because they have spent the most in the league on their bottom two lines 23 million. It’s insane and it has put us in a spot where their hands are tied but that is on the GM. It’s 6 years with Benning at the helm and we took a big step forward but now are going to take a step back. It doesn’t make sense. How many more years does Benning get? That’s a long time for a GM. They are honestly talking about Virtanen and Baertchi that’s how bad it is. I just don’t think there is a quick fix for this year so that’s what makes it disappointing. Thoughts anyone? As I wrote this Toffoli is gone. You can’t sign your own free agents and you have assets for nothing. 17 games. Wow!

We literally just had a top dman list us as one of two teams he would accept a trade to. Then had multiple players during this off season say they wanted to be part of our team.. like what are you on?

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7 hours ago, peaches5 said:

We literally just had a top dman list us as one of two teams he would accept a trade to. Then had multiple players during this off season say they wanted to be part of our team.. like what are you on?

Who are these multiple players and when did you talk to them?

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