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8 minutes ago, The Dude Abides said:

You choose where you live. For me, schools were number one priority in that decision.


everyone is free to make their own priorities 

So wealthy people deserve better schools. / safety protocols for their kids.   Poor kids do not deserve to be safe.



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23 minutes ago, stawns said:

you don't actually get to choose your school unless you're wanting them to go to a school that focuses on fsl, montessori etc etc

You can get transferred schools if you don't have certain sports teams or if simply you don't like the school you're going in.  My parents had me go to a different school right off the bat in highschool because they didn't like the kids in my Elementary school and didn't want me going there.  My buddy transfered out to another school and they litterally said he wanted to play football which we didn't have at our school.  Lots of ways to transfer more than just the FSL or Montessori reasons.  But I do understand your point, for the most part you are placed via your address and have to have a reason to get out.

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For me, the only available school with standards I'd accept is $360 a month which is currently unaffordable for my family as covid effectively killed my business for the year.  It's also only available for my youngest which still leaves my oldest at risk.


It's a no win.


The money given for say, the BC Hydro bill payments could have gone to helping teachers and students but....

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9 minutes ago, Russ said:

You can get transferred schools if you don't have certain sports teams or if simply you don't like the school you're going in.  My parents had me go to a different school right off the bat in highschool because they didn't like the kids in my Elementary school and didn't want me going there.  My buddy transfered out to another school and they litterally said he wanted to play football which we didn't have at our school.  Lots of ways to transfer more than just the FSL or Montessori reasons.  But I do understand your point, for the most part you are placed via your address and have to have a reason to get out.

In many cities, schools are capped.  Only students in boundary can attend.  No out of catchment students can transfer in.  This is pretty routine policy for lower mainland.   Russ - do you even have kids in the school system ?

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24 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

In many cities, schools are capped.  Only students in boundary can attend.  No out of catchment students can transfer in.  This is pretty routine policy for lower mainland.   Russ - do you even have kids in the school system ?

Not at the moment but another couple years 

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2 hours ago, The Dude Abides said:


the teachers union opted to take part and return to work... wouldn’t you like to discuss this with them?



This is false.  The BCTF was not given a choice so its not correct to say they 'opted to take part in return to work'.  


Anyone who's informed knows the BCTF opposed the government plan from day 1 and still has issues with it.  


Like nurses, paramedics, firefighters ect they were never given a choice.  


I've not personally spoken to a single teacher that wants to be working in schools under the current conditions - most want to work yes, but not under the joke conditions the government set-up which do NOTHING to protect students or those that work with them.

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4 minutes ago, Fanuck said:

This is false.  The BCTF was not given a choice so its not correct to say they 'opted to take part in return to work'.  


Anyone who's informed knows the BCTF opposed the government plan from day 1 and still has issues with it.  


Like nurses, paramedics, firefighters ect they were never given a choice.  


I've not personally spoken to a single teacher that wants to be working in schools under the current conditions - most want to work yes, but not under the joke conditions the government set-up which do NOTHING to protect students or those that work with them.

For those late to the game, I was asking why the poster was criticizing politicians and a doctor for a school roll out that is nation wide. 

I wanted to hear the substance behind the accusation. We arrived at that very quickly. That was the debate. 

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1 hour ago, Russ said:

You can get transferred schools if you don't have certain sports teams or if simply you don't like the school you're going in.  My parents had me go to a different school right off the bat in highschool because they didn't like the kids in my Elementary school and didn't want me going there.  My buddy transfered out to another school and they litterally said he wanted to play football which we didn't have at our school.  Lots of ways to transfer more than just the FSL or Montessori reasons.  But I do understand your point, for the most part you are placed via your address and have to have a reason to get out.

they've mostly shut that down in the last couple of years, in my district anyway.

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1 hour ago, The Dude Abides said:

You choose where you live. For me, schools were number one priority in that decision.


everyone is free to make their own priorities 

very few people truly get to live where they want, they live where they can afford and often that means a school with alot of needs that aren't addressed

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2 hours ago, The Dude Abides said:

I completely understand what you are saying, but children returning to school is a national, continental and global initiative. None of this rest solely on the two people named.

What is it that other provinces are doing that is so effective? why try to make this a political issue, because it IS NOT.


the teachers union opted to take part and return to work... wouldn’t you like to discuss this with them?


meanwhile, BC continues to be a veritable safe-haven for our entire hemisphere. If you could pick the best places to be through all this, it’d be BC or Saskatchewan if we had all of the America’s to choose from. 

nope, the BCTF was deeply opposed to this plan and was completely cut out of the process.  They lobbied hard for a two week delay on students so teachers would have time to plan and prep for a completely new way of doing things and they gave us two days.


I don't know a single teacher that didn't want to come back and I don't know a single teacher who thought this plan was even remotely smart.  It was clearly made by people who have a) never spent any actual time in a classroom (outside of a propaganda commercial) and b) only had the economy on their priority list.


My daughter works in an east Van elementary school and they had a positive test from a staff member on day 2

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21 minutes ago, The Dude Abides said:

For those late to the game, I was asking why the poster was criticizing politicians and a doctor for a school roll out that is nation wide. 

I wanted to hear the substance behind the accusation. We arrived at that very quickly. That was the debate. 

I'm no fan of KoS and have him on my ignore list, but he did lay out what he thought was wrong and what he thought would be better.  He's also not wrong on many points about the return to school plan

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42 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm no fan of KoS and have him on my ignore list, but he did lay out what he thought was wrong and what he thought would be better.  He's also not wrong on many points about the return to school plan

I found his points to be fair and well thought out. I, for one, agree.

Positive discourse is pretty rad. That’s what I come here for.



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3 hours ago, The Dude Abides said:

You say its our leadership... the ones that have kept us safe so far.


where is there a better plan in action? For the twentieth time, prove your point.

Sweden. We don't even have to wonder about it. It's a real life example. No dead kids. No dead teachers. Better mental health.



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20 hours ago, Fanuck said:

Let's be honest kos, because the government certainly isn't, they absolutely know that covid will be present in schools - and they are 100% ok with that.  They know that their measures are pitiful and virtually useless against the way which this virus transmits but at this point, the majority of parents are fine with it as well and the government has little pressure on them to do anything except exactly what they are doing right now which, as I mentioned, is virtually nothing.  They are placing the youth of BC and those that work with them DIRECTLY into harms way and, like generals in a military conflict, they seem perfectly ok with the impending inevitable casualties which will result. 


I recently spoke with a neighbor of mine while doing some yard work and both of his kids are in high school.  As parents, they have been informed by school administration that when an outbreak occurs, they will not be notified unless their kids sat beside someone who tested positive.  Neither the class of the student who tested positive, nor the cohort of the infected person would be required to stay home. 


As said, the government, including the ministry of health and ministry of education, KNOW that covid will be present in schools soon, and they are ok with it. 

Agreed, and why shouldn't they be? We haven't had a single fatality under 19. I'd much rather my kid become immune to this disease by actually getting it than get injected with a vaccine which will probably have a measurable death rate. Guaranteed if all kids are vaccinated more will die from the vaccination than from the disease. I'm not anti vax, but I certainly am when the vaccine is meant for such a mild disease. Old folks who are at risk should go ahead and be vaccinated.

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4 minutes ago, towtruck said:

Sweden. We don't even have to even wonder about it. It's a real life example. No dead kids. No dead teachers. Better mental health.



Schools in Asia have been running since mid May.  In Japan you are talking about 18 million kids from primary to high school.  They have the one student or teacher here or there, but even that is trivial.  There has yet to be any break out at any school here. No clusters - 4 plus months now.  My daughter went on a  camping trip two weeks ago with her class - that is how normal things are now.  


The big picture about school opening around the world is clear as day.  Schools are not transmitters.   The stats and evidence do not support the panic crowd on this site.  

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7 minutes ago, samurai said:

Schools in Asia have been running since mid May.  In Japan you are talking about 18 million kids from primary to high school.  They have the one student or teacher here or there, but even that is trivial.  There has yet to be any break out at any school here. No clusters - 4 plus months now.  My daughter went on a  camping trip two weeks ago with her class - that is how normal things are now.  


The big picture about school opening around the world is clear as day.  Schools are not transmitters.   The stats and evidence do not support the panic crowd on this site.  

Isn’t the US school system having major transmission as we speak? 

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