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1 minute ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

They're pretty much a lost cause, regardless.  I think maybe even contracting the disease and getting intubated themselves won't necessarily change their stupidity.


In all seriousness, if we want this pandemic and all these restrictions to go away, the best way and the most effective way is to drive global herd immunity/mass vaccination.  The ivermectin guys and pandemic deniers are just localized noise; until the global aspect of the pandemic is knocked out, dealing with the noise is more like treating the symptom and not the cause.  Pretty ineffective and a waste of resources and effort.

We're getting there.  It was only last year that Phase 3 trials were under way.  To go from zero approved vaccines to over 5 billion doses administered is amazing.  Could we do better?  Yes.  But we shouldn't discredit the progress that has been made.



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4 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I did some looking into this Rogan character.  Tried to watch his show.  (Vomit) Why is crap like that getting millions of viewers?  

It has more to do with his earlier episodes when he was on YouTube and the guests he would get on.  Had guests like Survivorman Les Stroud, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bernie Sanders, Chris Hadfield, and Elon Musk smoking a J.  That's why.

Edited by thedestroyerofworlds
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1 hour ago, Alflives said:

How does not being allowed to go to these non essential places mean being forced to get vaccinated?  

Do you seriously find the smallest things to argue with people.   You cannot go to movie theatres, you cannot go to restaurants, you cannot go to the gym, you cannot go to any large public event.   Yes that is being forced.  It’s a simple question.  Some people need the gym, are you prepared never go out again? Or go to a restaurant with fam or friends ever again??   

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33 minutes ago, gurn said:

Who is being forced? I've seen no footage of people being held while someone injects them.


If you choose not to get vaccinated there will be an increasing amount of, non essential, businesses and service you will not get to use.

That is because the roughly 80% and growing number of people have decided they don't want to increase their risk of catching a virus.


Society rules, made to protect the lives and interests of the majority of people.

it is being forced.     So , shall we let our children stay home as well?   Because they cannot go to school without it.    For the record, I have had my 2

shots.  I feel you guys are flaming me because I give off the perspective that I’m against vaccination.   

so, your kids cannot fo to school.  Non essential. Got it. Thanks.  Before you reply “but they have the option to go online”.  It’s not the same.  Kids need to be in a school environment, interacting… developing their social skills.  

Edited by sassbs
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1 hour ago, VancouverHabitant said:

I don't agree with people losing their jobs over it but I have come around on being okay with it when it comes to leisure events/activities. 


I'm in a minority when it comes to the online discourse.  In real life it's probably closer to 30\70 I'd say when it comes to public opinion. Totally pulling these numbers out of my you-know-what though. 

Finally, someone who actually decided to discuss my question with some intellect.   Thank you!   All I was asking was people’s opinion.  

and yes forgot to mention, many workplaces are forcing their employees to get it as well.  

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26 minutes ago, sassbs said:

Do you seriously find the smallest things to argue with people.   You cannot go to movie theatres, you cannot go to restaurants, you cannot go to the gym, you cannot go to any large public event.   Yes that is being forced.  It’s a simple question.  Some people need the gym, are you prepared never go out again? Or go to a restaurant with fam or friends ever again??   

Those things you mention are not essential.  And these measures are temporary.  

Let me ask you a question.


If every eligible adult was vaccinated would we need vaccine passports?  

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2 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Don't let it piss you off, you will never get 100% agreement in a population on anything.  


BTW the whole point of the vaccine is to prevent serious health effects, so focusing in on the number of potential cases makes it sound worst then it is.  Covid is here to stay, we're not getting rid of it.  

The more that get the double jab takes the pressure off the ICU staff, and hospitals in general. The more cases, the more that are likely to be admitted to hospital, being vaccinated means less serious cases. If we were at 95%+ in Canada, life would be much easier, at least. 

Edited by johngould21
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CKNW had the head of doctors from VGH and NRGH on this morning.  Both were livid at the antivaxxers who are filling up ICU and general hospital beds, and at the idiots protesting outside their hospitals.  The doctor from Nanaimo said one of his nurses was physically assaulted while trying to get through these morons, who were blocking the entrance.  He further added these fools were protesting loudly right outside of the palliative care unit.  

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B.C. COVID-19 pandemic update:


As of Friday, Sept. 3, 2021, 84.8% (3,929,089) of eligible people 12 and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 77.1% (3,572,841) received their second dose.


In addition, 85.4% (3,694,070) of all eligible adults in B.C. have received their first dose and 78.1% (3,376,103) received their second dose.


B.C. is reporting 671 new cases of COVID-19, including four epi-linked cases, for a total of 168,325 cases in the province.


There are 5,872 active cases of COVID-19 in the province and 160,268 people who tested positive have recovered. Of the active cases, 215 individuals are in hospital and 118 are in intensive care. The remaining people are recovering at home in self-isolation.


Note: Intensive care numbers are a subset of the total in hospital. They are not in addition to the number of people in hospital.


The new/active cases include:

  • 230 new cases in Fraser Health
    • Total active cases: 1,689
  • 78 new cases in Vancouver Coastal Health
    • Total active cases: 1,077
  • 230 new cases in Interior Health
    • Total active cases: 1,965
  • 89 new cases in Northern Health
    • Total active cases: 595
  • 44 new cases in Island Health
    • Total active cases: 539
  • no new cases of people who reside outside of Canada
    • Total active cases: seven

In the past 24 hours, three new deaths (Interior Health) have been reported, for an overall total of 1,827.


There has been one new health-care facility outbreak at Menno Home (Fraser Health), for a total of 21 active outbreaks, including:

  • long-term care: Heritage Village, Northcrest Care Centre, Menno Home (Fraser Health), Arbutus Care Centre, Brock Fahrni (Vancouver Coastal Health), Village at Mill Creek – second floor, Cottonwoods Care Centre, Brookhaven Care Centre, Spring Valley Care Centre, Kamloops Seniors Village, Hillside Village (Interior Health) and Sunset Lodge (Island Health)
  • acute care: Peace Arch Hospital, Chilliwack General Hospital (Fraser Health) and Fort St. John Hospital (Northern Health)
  • assisted or independent living: Nicola Meadows, Hawthorn Park, David Lloyd Jones, Sun Pointe Village, Hardy View Lodge and Rose Woods Village (Interior Health)

Since December 2020, the Province has administered 7,509,127 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines.



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