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[GDT/PGT] Vancouver Canucks @ Toronto Maple Laffs | February 6, 2021 | 4 p.m. PT | NHLN, CBC, TVAS, SN, CITY

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2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

There's SO much wrong with this.


First point:  "Posters are allowed to point out the things wrong with this team".   Not sure what qualifies them to, but it is a discussion board so "opinions" are fine.  When presented like facts, some people do have an issue with that.  If you have all the answers...why has no one hired you yet?


No one predicted a pandemic.  No revenue.  Caps flattened (when they were projecting an increase of $3-7M - a big one and threw a wrench into some plans).  A schedule that's really unheard of.


Not incompetent....this deal's full of unknowns and uncertainties.  And some pretend that everything should have been known when some of it couldn't be.  This is not a year to judge based on....it's an anomaly.


It's far from perfect and yes, mistakes have been made along the way.  But I feel some just like to gripe whenever they can because they get heard that way.


I've been through some pretty grim years with the Canucks....hang in there, it's not nearly as bad as it could be.  At least we have a roster and young players who offer some glimmer of hope when they do get back on stride again.  Wasn't always so.    People SCREAMED to ditch the older players and go with young guns.  Now we are and it isn't happening fast enough.

The flip side to rose coloured glasses and positivity is a bleak, sour outlook and the first opportunity to pounce with that is premature at times.  The sky isn't falling yet...time will tell but right now it's impossible to judge based on the things listed.  As our schedule levels out a bit and we get a bit of a break, other teams may start breaking down.

In my opinion, there's SO much wrong with your reply and I couldn't disagree with you more. He never said that he had all of the answers, and he's certainly allowed to voice his opinion and displeasure, and he's definitely NOT alone in his feelings on the team and the way it's been constructed. You can be a fan and at the same time question the way the organization is being run.....they aren't mutually exclusive. As for asking why he hasn't been hired yet - don't do that, as that's not fair. Not everyone has to be a yes man and just agree with everything that's going on. From what I've read, you're probably one of (if not the #1) biggest Canucks apologist and excuse makers on here, so why haven't they hired you as a team cheerleader or mascot.....or maybe they have and you're actually Fin?

Everyone appreciates optimism, but most people need it to be accompanied by some realism as well, or that optimism can't be taken seriously.....and the rose colored glasses can't cover the fact that management has 6 or 7 years to rebuild and make this team into a contender and they're not even close.


Benning saying that he ran out of time IS incompetence. It's a lame excuse and makes the organization look bad. He had the same amount of time as every other GM to try and move money around. Vegas managed to do it by moving Schmidt to sign Pietrangelo. Others did it as well. And pandemic or not, the Canucks had/have cap issues, and that's ALL on Benning.....so the pandemic is just an excuse that brought out a problem that was already there.


The one thing that I will agree with you on, is that this team does have some hope based on the talent they have, and that hasn't always been the case.....just not sure if that says more about how pathetic most of their past was or how bright the future might be.

Edited by Drop Em
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3 minutes ago, J-P said:

Despite putting up the points he's been bad as anybody who's watched the games can tell. No need to sugarcoat it. EP's been bad as well, as has Miller. The lotto line with QH has been like -3 on a number of occasions, that's just not good enough. Nothing wrong with the players effort, not sure what's the reason, but EP/QH and a few others just don't play like they're enjoying themselves. Again, I don't claim to know the reason or the solution, maybe this can be turned around in a hurry, but if you watch the game it's clear they haven't played well and that's that. Only positive is that we hold these players to a standard where being average is not accepted. Pretty sure everyone agrees that's something good.

It's almost like Hughes benefited from playing with Tanev last year and there is noone on D this year that has been able to play the role as well as Tanev did.

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Just now, Sbriggs said:

He needs to be paired with a defensive defenseman

He was good with Tanev.    :towel:


Yes , he needs to have a defensive minded partner who's job is to back him up. However this is a team problem right now and no 170 lb D man is going to win physical battles against 200lb forwards. Hughes game is mobility and as long as the game is fluid he is great defensively and offensively. Right now they are turning over the puck and getting hemmed into their own zone. Board battles are not Hughes strengths and never will.

This is a team problem.

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10 minutes ago, Toyotasfan said:

Two guys the same size wired completely different 












Joe Rogan: Stylistically this is a big match-up for whoever wins. More importantly, we as a society need to be more open about the existence of other life in the uni- OH AND LITTLE THINGS IS DOWN, HES DOWN FOLKS. THEY'RE CALLING FOR AN AMBULANCE"

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5 minutes ago, Elias_Pettersson said:

Just put Miller as 3c so we can roll 4 lines.....











Virtanen plays his best when he’s on a line with Miller cause Miller is the only one who will give him an earful on the bench and keep him engaged. 

Again d pairings are the same, clearly not working. Myers played much better with Juolevi.


I don’t know why our coaching has such a problem with choosing the right line up and playing players to their strengths. Like at the start of the season when Boeser was sniping shots left and right and they put him in front of the net on the pp instead of taking advantage of his deadly shot thats been missing since his rookie season....seriously?

We have Hughes one of the best skaters and stick handlers in the league and we repeatedly use the drop pass every single time instead of using his abilities to gain the line once in a while and keep the pk guessing. Anyone remember that Makar goal where he faked a drop and skated in and sniped? Or how about atleast dropping the puck back to Hughes so he’s the one who gains the line, why is he the one dropping it off when the other guys constantly fumble the puck or can’t gain the zone?


Or everyone saying Benns been so much better. Because he’s playing the right side! Same side he played in Montreal when he was solid....


And what is with our players and backing up letting the opposing team walk right into our zone constantly? Do they not work on gap control?Are they told not to hit? I miss the days of Bieksa, Hamhuis, Ballard, even Edler nailing guys when they tried to enter the zone. 


You should at the very least send your resume to the Canucks cause i can’t fault anything your saying. 

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