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What's your favourite Canuck related memory or experience?

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Game 6 in the 94 finals.


I was watching the game in a bar downtown with my friends.  The Canucks won 4-1 at home to force game 7.  We left the bar after the game and the streets had erupted with joyful fans cheering and driving up and down the streets horns honking and flags waving.  It was as good as Vancouver can get.



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For me it was the entire 2011 run to the finals.  


I remember going downtown for most of the games, having drinks and partying after the games.  


I still have a video somewhere of a high-five line that spanned blocks after one of the wins.  

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You'd think being at the longest ever Canuck's game would be something you'd want to brag about; an exciting event; a tale for the ages.


Well, when you shell out huge dollars to bring a date to the game, the beer stops being flowing after the second period (and you've got like 8 more periods to go), it's too loud to adequately converse, and the only event the two of you can rally around is another Luongo save, you kind of just end up wanting to forget.


But, even if I try to forget, my credit card remembers.



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18 hours ago, Drive-By Body Pierce said:

It was an 8 or so game losing streak, when Kesler was battling like a madman along the boards in the defensive zone to get the puck. He then banks it off the boards around his check, to Burrows on the move, who moves in on a breakaway with his patented forehand-to-backhand-to- roof move to get (what I believe was) the game winner against Carolina, snapping the losing streak.

Hey i thought good teams don't lose like that ... fire the coach...fire everyone. 

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2 hours ago, We Are All Cucks said:

You'd think being at the longest ever Canuck's game would be something you'd want to brag about; an exciting event; a tale for the ages.


Well, when you shell out huge dollars to bring a date to the game, the beer stops being flowing after the second period (and you've got like 8 more periods to go), it's too loud to adequately converse, and the only event the two of you can rally around is another Luongo save, you kind of just end up wanting to forget.


But, even if I try to forget, my credit card remembers.



One of the best series i've ever watched too...was a big fore shadowing of thing to come.  Luongo was such an awesome goalie. 

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10 hours ago, Kevin Biestra said:

It's not my all time favorite memory but it's one I don't think anyone else remembers.

In Trevor Linden's final season, where he got healthy scratched twentysomething times, he was in the lineup during the season and on the penalty kill.  The other team had a 5-on-3 for either a full two minutes or close to it.  Linden went out and killed the first minute or so as the only forward and then there was a stoppage in play.  Linden skated back to the bench, exhausted, and then Vigneault looked up and down the bench for a better option and sent Linden back to take the faceoff.  It's the only time I've ever seen a standing ovation for player deployment on a penalty kill.

Sadly time is no friend to great times and memories. Linden still ranks as my all time great Canuck. What he did in the '94 run was truly epic. 


- being really pissed when Van didn't get a team in the original '67 expansion.

- falling asleep listening to Robson calling Canuck games on the radio

- Thomas Gradin, Andre Boudrias, Tony Tanti

- taking off from YVR in '82 and as the wheels cleared the pilot comes on the intercom and tells us Stan Smyl had scored against the Hawks. The plane exploded.

- the '94 Cup run. Greatest team to date iced by the Canucks. Yes MacLean but Linden played at a level never achieved before or since by a Canuck. 

- Pavel Bure: An enigma but a fabulous hockey player; Pat Quinn

- the agony of '11. A Cup in hand and lost!  


Players, coaches, Gm's and owners have come and gone. Some good, some bad. My dream of seeing a CUP in Vancouver lives or dies with our current group. I probably won't live long enough for another rebuild. :shock:  


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6 minutes ago, Kevin Biestra said:


I think Brodeur matched it in 1982.


You listed some good times...  There have been a few.  Didn't Gino skate out for his first ever game wearing #66 to piss off the Penguins, not to mention his 16 goal season, his fight against everyone on the Blues (it is still funny seeing Glenn Anderson packpedal away like a bullfighter with a red cape).


Tiger riding his stick, Ronning riding his stick.  Gary Smith winning the first ever playoff game.  Roger Nielsen with the towels.  Stan Smyl getting his face slashed by Billy Smith in the final two minutes of Game 4 against the Islanders and doing nothing while blood poured down his face to make sure his team didn't go shorthanded.  John Garrett at the all star game.  Beating the Flames 11-0.  Linden sending Jeff Norton right through the glass.




Of course, Gino! I went to the Saddledome for a game and Gino and Linden were pretty much the only Canucks who played that night. After the game I took my two sons down to the benches and the ushers let us sit down. They were thrilled. 

- when my son was in Bantam's we went to Hollyburn for Provincials. A couple of our coaches went to a bar and met Rick Ley. He made arrangements for our team to go to the Canuck practice the next day. They were awestruck.   

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18 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Sadly time is no friend to great times and memories. Linden still ranks as my all time great Canuck. What he did in the '94 run was truly epic. 


- being really pissed when Van didn't get a team in the original '67 expansion.

- falling asleep listening to Robson calling Canuck games on the radio

- Thomas Gradin, Andre Boudrias, Tony Tanti

- taking off from YVR in '82 and as the wheels cleared the pilot comes on the intercom and tells us Stan Smyl had scored against the Hawks. The plane exploded.

- the '94 Cup run. Greatest team to date iced by the Canucks. Yes MacLean but Linden played at a level never achieved before or since by a Canuck. 

- Pavel Bure: An enigma but a fabulous hockey player; Pat Quinn

- the agony of '11. A Cup in hand and lost!  


Players, coaches, Gm's and owners have come and gone. Some good, some bad. My dream of seeing a CUP in Vancouver lives or dies with our current group. I probably won't live long enough for another rebuild. :shock:  


Boudrias...this hits the heart strings.   It sucks watching your uncles and people your parents age (i'm 48), who grew up either cheering for TO or MTL before we got a team...go through all we have as fans together.   The reason i finally switched from being an Oilers fan was because of my Uncle and Grandmother. Moved to their house (Castlegar) from the Island a week after turning 16 and whenever a game was on we watched it.  First with my grandma, then my Uncle came and lived with us and hockey became a religion right then and there.   He was/is a huge fan, and a pretty good player himself.   Got to learn all about the Trail Smoke Eaters who won the world championships.    And local players who made the show.   Including a budding junior superstar Travis Green who went to the same school i did.   Was playing for the Winterhawks and going places.   


Now i'm my uncles age.   No cups.   He's thankfully still alive ... same with his brother ... all the old folks on this site i really hope you get to see a cup with this core.    Feel we could be a team much like the early 90's, or shortly after Luongo came in.   Some players will leave like then, likely Miller and maybe a core piece like we lost Butcher and Nedved for example.   And the magic will go full circle, and this time you all get to see a cup.    We watched every game that year and the passion my Uncle and grandma had for the game was completely infectious.    Guess we are all infected on this site.    Hope is always part of being a fan.    We have an upward trending roster again....

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44 minutes ago, Kevin Biestra said:


I think Brodeur matched it in 1982.


You listed some good times...  There have been a few.  Didn't Gino skate out for his first ever game wearing #66 to piss off the Penguins, not to mention his 16 goal season, his fight against everyone on the Blues (it is still funny seeing Glenn Anderson packpedal away like a bullfighter with a red cape).


Tiger riding his stick, Ronning riding his stick.  Gary Smith winning the first ever playoff game.  Roger Nielsen with the towels.  Stan Smyl getting his face slashed by Billy Smith in the final two minutes of Game 4 against the Islanders and doing nothing while blood poured down his face to make sure his team didn't go shorthanded.  John Garrett at the all star game.  Beating the Flames 11-0.  Linden sending Jeff Norton right through the glass.




Awesome.   As a young lad i got into sticker books the year of the final run and the year after in 82.   Was one of my favourite things - to earn the money for them would wade into a golf course ponds full of leeches and mud with my bare feet up to my chest in places just to find golf balls, clean them up and sell them to golfers.   After the cup run the NHL official sticker book was loaded with Canucks and NYI's...plus a pile of future superstars.   In the middle of the book it was all foil cards with the two conferences - all-stars ... book was full of current and old stars information and spent months trying to get all the stickers (like cards had to peel them off and put them in the right place).   Every team got a couple pages ... plus the cup final ... plus all the awards from that year. 


Only had a few stickers that i couldn't get - extremely rare ones, so paid probably 100$ in today's money (that's a lot of golf balls!! - plus probably double that in today's money to get the rest..kids in school would line up with me to trade them lol)...and sent cash in an envelope to the league to send me some of the rare ones ... waited a couple weeks, seemed like months (and was worried i'd never see them too, but i was desperate and took the leap of faith)...they arrived and it was a happy day.   I still have it.   It's in rough shape but one of my biggest keepsakes.  


Each player had their weight and height listed ... and was either an action shot or just them standing around.    And place of birth.   Get this ... Messier had Nottingham England listed as his birthplace lol.   For years i thought that was where he was from maybe well over a decade lol.   


Not sure if any other fans did this back then...and not sure how long they kept this revenue stream going.   .    And even now when i pull it out to look at, feel some reverence towards those days.   Will add some pictures later ...

Edited by IBatch
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4 hours ago, IBatch said:

Boudrias...this hits the heart strings.   It sucks watching your uncles and people your parents age (i'm 48), who grew up either cheering for TO or MTL before we got a team...go through all we have as fans together.   The reason i finally switched from being an Oilers fan was because of my Uncle and Grandmother. Moved to their house (Castlegar) from the Island a week after turning 16 and whenever a game was on we watched it.  First with my grandma, then my Uncle came and lived with us and hockey became a religion right then and there.   He was/is a huge fan, and a pretty good player himself.   Got to learn all about the Trail Smoke Eaters who won the world championships.    And local players who made the show.   Including a budding junior superstar Travis Green who went to the same school i did.   Was playing for the Winterhawks and going places.   


Now i'm my uncles age.   No cups.   He's thankfully still alive ... same with his brother ... all the old folks on this site i really hope you get to see a cup with this core.    Feel we could be a team much like the early 90's, or shortly after Luongo came in.   Some players will leave like then, likely Miller and maybe a core piece like we lost Butcher and Nedved for example.   And the magic will go full circle, and this time you all get to see a cup.    We watched every game that year and the passion my Uncle and grandma had for the game was completely infectious.    Guess we are all infected on this site.    Hope is always part of being a fan.    We have an upward trending roster again....

Great stories Batch. I was going to Selkirk in '70 and got to some of the Jr. SmokeEater games when they won the Western Canada title. Cominco Area was rocking. I swear that team could have played WHL and been competitive. I knew Travis's family but cannot remember him. 


The Junior B league was a big deal back then and the Senior League was still going. The Castlegar Rebels had a young kid playing for them that was off the charts good. Chernoff or something like that. He never got out of Castlegar as his mind wasn't in it. 

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i remember many special moments in the canucks games but my favourite game, i don't remember the year, the teams or any other moment but years ago, i took a hockey team down to vancouver for a tourny. babe pratt bought 2 tickets to a game for my son and i. it was so special as that is the only canuck game we went to together.

my son was a teenager then, he is 52 now.  family is most important to me.

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I've got two:


Serious one - I was six in the '82 playoff run and my dad would take me over to his buddies place who had a TV. I got to stay up late and be one of the men.


Funny one - I don't know if anyone else will remember it, but it was when Bertuzzi was a force. In one game (I think against the Avs) he was driving the net in a roundabout fashion from the faceoff dot - a Dman grabbed him and was holding his jersey and his stick, so Bert kicked the puck back and forth a few times like a soccer dribble and then kicked it between the goalies legs. Everyone was laughing as he fake celebrated.

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#1...........My 6 year old son missing a goal line puck with a slapper, and then falling on it, then crying because he wanted to score like Pavel Bure


#2...........Gino beating a whole team up


#3...........Pavel Bure's first Canuck game


#4...........Any fight the Ripper was in


#5...........Stan Smyl's fight with Arnie Brown in Nanaimo ( I heard Smyl's only punch all the way into the stands)


#6...........Trevor Linden's huge hits

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