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[Report] Canucks recall Travis Hamonic

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23 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

I'll jump in here...  I thought that Rathbone had some great offensive flashes and definitely looked good against Edmonton.  However he is the shakiest out of our top 6 defensively.  Now before we go any further, that's totally to be expected of Rathbone and I think that he's far ahead of his predicted developmental curve.  I'm very happy that he was able to get into AHL last year and play really well and then make the transition to the NHL.  


It's big that this kid already has quite a few NHL games under his belt.  Sending him down to Abby for a short stint is not going to sink him and in fact might be beneficial.  


@canuckleheads fan I believe that we can have three offensive minded LDs because OEL is perfectly capable of being a shutdown dman like we've seen this year when he's paired with Myers.  Imagine if in the next year or two we are able to acquire a dominant RD to play with OEL.  I would then have no issues with having Hughes and Poolman/Hamonic on the second pairing and Rathbone with a solid RD on the third pairing.  Let's not forget that Rathbone's game will improve by leaps and bounds over the next two years.  He's shown that at college level and AHL level.  No reason that we can't expect that at the highest level from him. 

We need 2 LDs who can play on the PK.  One of Rathbone or Hughes will have to be traded if we want to be competitive in the playoffs.

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7 hours ago, Coconuts said:

Regardless of who takes his spot, having Rathbone in Abbotsford is the right move 


He'll benefit more from big minutes over there, getting powerplay and PK time he wouldn't get in Vancouver 


If we want him to be more than a bottom pairing guy, and he's capable of it, he'll need to be able to play those minutes 

Exactly.  He is also just not ready. His defensive game is better developed in a less stressful environment,  and at a slightly lower level .  He has a ton of talent and potential.  Glad they aren't going to rush him . 

Edited by cuporbust
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I’m never going to criticize someone who comes to the right decision regardless of how long it takes them. Many people never get there. Good for him taking action to protect himself, his daughter, his friends, his family and his community. That being said I do wish he had disclosed his hesitation in taking the vaccine before signing the new contract we gave him (evidence strongly points to this being at least a part of why he wasn’t here). It seems too impactful of a decision to leave out (JB expecting Hamonic here at the beginning of the season imo points to the GM not knowing). In the end though I’m happy he’s going to be on the team now and hopefully he’ll solidify our defence and lift our appalling PK.

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32 minutes ago, cuporbust said:

Exactly.  He is also just not ready. His defensive game is better developed in a less stressful environment,  and at a slightly lower level .  He has a ton of talent and potential.  Glad they aren't going to rush him . 

And they shouldn't, we really, really need him to work out. OEL, Myers, and Hamonic are all 30-31 as of today, Hughes is the only young core guy, we'll need a next wave. If they want Rathbone to be more than a 5-6 they need him to play big minutes and round out his game at the AHL level this year, he'll require waivers next season and we'll need him to be better. 


We can't carry too many D who don't PP or PK, and Rathbone ain't beating out Hughes or OEL for PP next season so we'll need him to be able to help out in a PK role. He's got the smarts and wheels for it, but he needs reps. 

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3 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Just curious, but did you see the last game? He was probably our best Dman, as good as anyone else, at worst.


I do agree with you on too many LHD offensive players........not sure what that answer is

The answer is Rathbone will need to learn to PK, and to be effective at it. We can only carry so many D who can't PK, and if he wants to find a niche that's going to have to be part of it because he won't get premium PP minutes over OEL or Hughes. 


Having three D who can chip in offensively and rush isn't a bad thing, we were screaming to have just one for what felt like ages after Ehrhoff left. 

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4 hours ago, gurn said:

Simple answer- he is both.

Hospital rates in Alberta amount those fully faxed were something like half of half a percent per 100,000 people. That's among all demographics. 


For people admitted to icu who are fully vaxxed, it's even lower and for people in the range of less then 40 it's literally zero. 


The narrative that fully vaxxed people still need to be protected further needs to stop. They have enough protection from the effective vaccine they were given. 


Don't need to tell others who aren't vaccinated they need to get it to "protect others" especially if those others are vaccinated individuals. 



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4 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

It's both.


Happy to help.

Not really.  Look at the rate of ICU admissions in Alberta per 100,000 from those fully vaxxed. For those interested with the math, that's .0004% among ALL demographics. For people younger then 70, it's .00023%


Seems like they are protected enough. If those odds concern you how do you walk outside. 


This isn't even touching deaths. 


Edited by cdgraham
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1 minute ago, cdgraham said:

Then use some rightys?

Not a great idea in the defensive zone when it's harder to get a good clear on your off side.  Better to just ensure that you limit the amount of defensemen who struggle in their own zone to avoid going Full Toronto.

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25 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

The answer is Rathbone will need to learn to PK, and to be effective at it. We can only carry so many D who can't PK, and if he wants to find a niche that's going to have to be part of it because he won't get premium PP minutes over OEL or Hughes. 


Having three D who can chip in offensively and rush isn't a bad thing, we were screaming to have just one for what felt like ages after Ehrhoff left. 

I hear this alot. It seems like people are setting limits on things they don't really know.............I am not saying that he should not learn better defense, or to PK, but seriously, so could Hughes.


I actually have no problem short term with Rathbone going down to Abbs. but this is more to do with waivers than anything else............which is a pity, imo

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2 minutes ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

I hear this alot. It seems like people are setting limits on things they don't really know.............I am not saying that he should not learn better defense, or to PK, but seriously, so could Hughes.


I actually have no problem short term with Rathbone going down to Abbs. but this is more to do with waivers than anything else............which is a pity, imo

In order for him to improve on defence, he needs to be playing big minutes in all situations.  He also needs to get away from Baumgartner before his incompetence permanently stunts his growth.   I'm fine with this as long as it doesn't result in Hunt playing.

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Glad he is back, since he somehow kept his job he signed the contract for 60 days before going awol. 


I don't care what the issue was, I hope its behind him and he can do what he agreed to do for 36 thousand a game. (3m divided by 82 games)


I think its gonna take him another 10 to 20 games to get back into form and function, just like Petey, and so my expectations are tapering off. 


Still a Vancouver fan, but I just watched another fun kraken game and Florida games are more fun every win. 


Love our forward group, love our tendies. Wish we could swap out 3 or 4 of our D for a fresh look, to be totally honest. Not  a Myers fan, Not a Hamonic fan, not a Hunt fan, Not a Schenn fan, not a Burroughs fan..EDIT: heck, I am not even a poolman fan he is just better than almost everyone else not named Oliver Ekman Larson. 


O.E.L. and Hopefully Hughes and Poolman might keep my interest until we can upgrade in the offseason, but we need some points, points that Hamonic has been tapering off on delivering for three or five years now and this delay in getting into skates with his team isn't going to help. 


Not my optimistic self right now, our D sucks.

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35 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Not a great idea in the defensive zone when it's harder to get a good clear on your off side.  Better to just ensure that you limit the amount of defensemen who struggle in their own zone to avoid going Full Toronto.

Dmen don't play a "side" in their own end.

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