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[PGT] Colorado Avalanche at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 17, 2021

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-Vintage Canuck-

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10 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

If that’s our basis for comparison that’s pretty sad.


Plenty of teams in the league with owners willing to spend to the cap.


If Aquilini we’re actually a fan of this team he would sell it. He needs to realize he’s part of the problem now. They’ll never win with him running things.

Yeah I never liked the "at least we aren't as bad as X team" type of comparison.  That's a pretty low bar.

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4 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

He doesn’t care. His money/profit is in real estate. This team is his pet project for status, and we’re stuck with his unpassionate capitalist ass as an owner. 

He’d rather evict poor/low wage people in order to develop than develop this team. 

&^@# Francesco. 

Alright thanks for the tankie nonsense.

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Just now, fanfor42 said:

Read Aquilinis letter - he just said that.


I've had it DeNiro.  We are a loyal stupid fan base without a team that cares about us.



Translation:  “I don’t wanna spend any more money so you fans can suffer yet another season.”


They’ll always count on us stupid loyal fans to come back next season. Means nothing to them.

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2 minutes ago, DeNiro said:



Speaking like a coach of a rebuilding team that has the longest leash in the world. 

Is ownership gonna back peddle now and act like playoffs wasn’t the goal? Tell us all to be patient?

The roster just isn't good enough, no one wins with a D core like this.  Hughes takes a dumb penalty and it costs them the game in his mind and he's probably not wrong.  When you're as bad as the Nucks are any little mistake gets magnified and Hughes is supposed to be a leader just like Petey.

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21 minutes ago, KelownaCanucksFan said:

For all Greens talk about “accountability” he sure doesn’t follow through, unless it’s a rookie or Hoglander 

He has the little cool clique of Miller, Petey, Bo, Boeser and Hughes and if any of them get their ice time cut then they all sulk and Green doesn't have the balls to do anything about it. 


Garland and OEL should get the letters, everyone else should have theirs stripped. 

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4 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

He has the little cool clique of Miller, Petey, Bo, Boeser and Hughes and if any of them get their ice time cut then they all sulk and Green doesn't have the balls to do anything about it. 


Garland and OEL should get the letters, everyone else should have theirs stripped. 

To be fair, literally *EVERY* head coach have their "pets" as well as other players that seem to always be  in the doghouse.  Problem is, when the team isn't winning, people start paying alot more attention to this uneven treatment.

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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