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[Rumour] J.T. Miller Trade/Contract Talks


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9 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Hard to take an article seriously when they can’t do basic math…


At the start of the 24-25 season Miller will be 31 not 33. Still a prime age to produce while guys like Demko, Horvat, Petey, and Hughes are all in their prime.


At a certain point if you keep pushing back the window you’ll never contend. We see lots of teams do it and all it equals is your core aging out.

The Canucks need to be going for it in the next two years without question. Otherwise you might as well start the rebuild now.

They do that to purposely push their agenda that Miller can’t possibly be a part of this core because he’s too old. 

The reality is that we won’t be able to contend without Demko and his contract expires in 4 years when Miller is 33. So if we are not winning a cup in that 4 year time frame we might as well blow it up. 

The next 4 years are when we have the best chance to win a Stanley Cup. These next 4 years Miller will still be be in his prime and may regress only to a point a game in his early 30’s which still makes him a valuable top 6 forward. 

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So many are saying that for the sake of a 1 RD Canucks have to start or continue a rebuild.  The team is retooled and should be allowed to turn the corner, there's enough sure things and enough wild cards on the roster for the coming year.  The forward group will have to underperform significantly to not be among the top 8 forward groups in the league, same with special teams and goaltending.  A lot of players turn a corner, come out of nowhere.  Toews, Nichushkin, Burakovsky in Colorado alone.  Going into training camp we fans should be thinking about who's really going to step it up, who's going to surprise on the roster this year.  



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12 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

The only positive in this plan as opposed to now is that Hughes and Petterson will be closer to their prime years. The rest get a bit older or we don't even know they will be here by then. The article says we aren't ready now but in 2 years we will be. The problem is that there is no argument as to WHY this is to occur.

I am thinking by that time, this team will look completely different and only a few players will remain from this roster. 

My biggest concern is some of these players are ready NOW, such as Demko and Hughes and we are going to waste away valuable time with them because we already have the mind set that we are not ready to compete for the Cup. Luckily we didn't tell that to Bure or Linden when they were very young and made it to the finals.

This 2 year thing is ridiculous, it’s not like we got something that exciting coming down the pipeline in two years that’s going to be impactful 

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14 minutes ago, Comeback_Kings said:

I agree. 


Although Calgary's D is very deep, two of their right side D won't be happy with limited minutes or will have to play leftside, plus will be playing a lot of defence, their forward group isn't fast or creative or intimidating enough.  Markstrom looked average at best in the playoffs.  

Tanev is also starting the year on the IR I believe. 

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41 minutes ago, Fanuck said:

It 'flies' in the NFL because their system comes from an arrangement where you had the wealthiest,  most powerful old white boys club on the planet exerting their influence over a group of workers made up in no small part of the poorest black families in America.   That old boys club is/was never going to give a fair deal to their 'employees', never.

But don't the players have it better there in terms of earning potential? Sorry I know very little of NFL contract rules.

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14 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

So if we are not winning a cup in that 4 year time frame we might as well blow it up. 

They aren't blowing it up and they aren't spending assets to go for it now.  JR and PA have both said as much multiple times.  Cammi Granato just gave an interview where she also preached patience.  "Implementing our vision is not going to happen over night" or something along those lines.  She (like the others in our management) explained that the reason for such patience is because they want to build a championship team.  

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10 minutes ago, Bertburelinden said:

This 2 year thing is ridiculous, it’s not like we got something that exciting coming down the pipeline in two years that’s going to be impactful 

A team that is looking to contend in 2 years isn’t looking at the pipeline.


Its about the core that we have now being in their prime. Guys like Demko, Petey, Hughes, and Horvat will be the ones that determine if we contend.


In two years we’ll have some contracts off the books and a rising salary cap. Some of that will go to raises but we should have some flexibility to go out and spend and fill out the roster in order to go for it.

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1 minute ago, Baratheon said:

They aren't blowing it up and they aren't spending assets to go for it now.  JR and PA have both said as much multiple times.  Cammi Granato just gave an interview where she also preached patience.  "Implementing our vision is not going to happen over night" or something along those lines.  She (like the others in our management) explained that the reason for such patience is because they want to build a championship team.  

I would say 4 years is being pretty patient.


If they can’t build a championship level team in that time frame with the pieces they already have, they will likely be looking for other work.

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Just now, DeNiro said:

I would say 4 years is being pretty patient.


If they can’t build a championship level team in that time frame with the pieces they already have, they will likely be looking for other work.

Agreed.  It's a small window though if they build the team to win in 2-3 years but can't compete past 4.  I don't love that thought and I can't imagine our management group would either.  

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2 hours ago, Muttley said:



Could move Garland. Could even move Boeser if someone offered a roster player but more importantly a high draft pick. Just saying. 

How will they re+sign Petey, Demko, podz etc etc and still be competitive?

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5 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

I would say 4 years is being pretty patient.


If they can’t build a championship level team in that time frame with the pieces they already have, they will likely be looking for other work.

I'd say in 4 years they should be a consistent playoff team, maybe on the verge of getting past the second round stage.  Being a true contender would likely be another year or two after that

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2 minutes ago, Baratheon said:

Agreed.  It's a small window though if they build the team to win in 2-3 years but can't compete past 4.  I don't love that thought and I can't imagine our management group would either.  

Well their drafting and development that they do now will determine that.


The great thing about building a contender is other teams want your players. 

If we get to the point where we have players with trade value and a steady stream of young prospects ready to come in and make an impact, thats how you become a perennial contender.


They have to identify who their core is though. If that includes Miller great, if not then trade him. But there is a scenario where we keep Miller and keep building the future. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

I'd say in 4 years they should be a consistent playoff team, maybe on the verge of getting past the second round stage.  Being a true contender would likely be another year or two after that

6 years?


Might as well look to the next core then and do a rebuild. I guarantee they’re not looking at 6 years.


2 years they should plan to be a playoff team, and 4 years being a true contender. If they can’t work with that window they’ll likely never get it done with this group.

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2 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

6 years?


Might as well look to the next core then and do a rebuild. I guarantee they’re not looking at 6 years.


2 years they should plan to be a playoff team, and 4 years being a true contender. If they can’t work with that window they’ll likely never get it done with this group.

It takes most core groups that long to get to the top.  Obviously there's a few outliers, but most teams get there when their core group has been through severals runs together.


It's not like that's some big revelation or anything.  

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That is it.This team is better and we have skilled players.Last year I thought we should have been better then the flames on paper.End of the season showed we were or if not equal to them.People do not see the team like that,but we are better then most give us credit.

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18 minutes ago, Baratheon said:

They aren't blowing it up and they aren't spending assets to go for it now.  JR and PA have both said as much multiple times.  Cammi Granato just gave an interview where she also preached patience.  "Implementing our vision is not going to happen over night" or something along those lines.  She (like the others in our management) explained that the reason for such patience is because they want to build a championship team.  

So when exactly are they “going” for it?  When Demko’s contract expires or when Hughes is a UFA and gets a call from his brothers to come play with them?  

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5 minutes ago, stawns said:

It takes most core groups that long to get to the top.  Obviously there's a few outliers, but most teams get there when their core group has been through severals runs together.


It's not like that's some big revelation or anything.  

Our core group wasn’t put together yesterday. It’s been 3 years already.  So a 2-3 year window to be a cup contender makes sense right now. 

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

Our core group wasn’t put together yesterday. It’s been 3 years already.  So a 2-3 year window to be a cup contender makes sense right now. 

You think this team is 2-3 years away from Avalanche/Lightning level?


C'mon man

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12 minutes ago, stawns said:

It takes most core groups that long to get to the top.  Obviously there's a few outliers, but most teams get there when their core group has been through severals runs together.


It's not like that's some big revelation or anything.  

It took Mackinnon and co 4 years after their first playoffs together to win the cup.


The Canucks had their playoff run in 2020. 

If they can make the playoffs this year, and every year for the next 4 years it’s not that crazy to think they could figure out how to win it all.


Playoff experience would not be the issue in that scenario, it would be getting the right mix of players and filling out our D core. That’s what JR and co have been tasked with.


If they can’t do that in 4 years then they’ve likely made too many mistakes for it to happen.


Edited by DeNiro
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