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[Report] Canucks fire Jim Benning, name Stan Smyl as interim GM

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19 minutes ago, Shayster007 said:

Be baffled then. I'm not even going to attempt to answer this post, because based off your langue used, there is no actual conversation to be had here. I'm done with the negativity. Change has been made and we can start to move forward.

What bugs me about the anti Benning wasn't that they didn't like him but the fact they constantly moved the goalposts to suit their narrative. 


One only has to look at the roster he inherited and the demand to compete as long as the twins were here. His worst signing LE was 100% done above him with input from the twins.

The roster had 1 prospect, Horvat and a bunch of 30+ players with full NMCs.

Trying to get younger without a prospect pool and no pieces to move forced him to use picks 2nd and up to push that transition.

For me I judge the moves he made post Sedin Era 

The new GM will inherit, Quinn, Petey, Brock, Horvat, Hoglander, Podz, JT, Garland, OEL, Demko , Rathbone, etc. That is a heck of a group to work with on the ice and potential assets to move.

Myers is really the only contract that isn't great, the rest including OEL are fine.

People bitch about TT, Gaj, Lind, Zac and Tanev but the only guy we miss is Tanev but TBF he's not expected to be a #1 in Calgary like he would be here. TT means no Garland so that speaks for itself.


He is for sure not without blame but since 2017 he's made a lot more good moves than bad and left the new GM in a similar position to what MG came into.

Hopefully this new GM won't be an epic fail like Gillis was who literally failed to add the 1 or 2 players that would have won us a cup with the team Burkie built.


That being said I hope the TG haters were right and BB gets this team back on track.

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41 minutes ago, Bure_of_94 said:

He does have familiarity with the organization and this ownership group from when he played here. 

Angry Season 4 GIF by The Office


9 games nearly 20 years ago. I've dated people for longer and more recently who I can't for the life of me remeber their name or what they look like.


Not to mention they bought the team a few months after Berg left.

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8 hours ago, kanucks25 said:

I wouldn't be devastated if we traded Bo, as long as we get full value.


I just don't know if that's going to happen right now, so I think the team would be better served putting Horvat is better positions to succeed. First of all, get a real defensive 3C that can take some of his responsibilities away, and then get Pearson off his line and give him two proper top-6 wingers. Let him play an offensive role with good wingers and 65 points is not out of the question while being average defensively.


A 3C should be one of our top priorities because Bo's definitely miscast as a defensive center 


His defense is overrated, he's no Kesler, his priority should be offense 

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Bergevan recently brought a whole lot of bad press to the Habs organization with drafting the sex offender. This is the last person they should be bringing into the fold. What's his first order of business going to be?  Trade Pettersson to Carolina to try and get Kotkaniemi back on his team? eesh.

Edited by NUCKER67
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End of an Era 


Now let’s get this teams head straight.



Christmas wish list.

1.Just need a “Money ball” Oakland athletics longest winning streak in league history to start tonight and get back in the playoff hunt. Enough is enough this team has talent let’s get over it and go!!


2.Hire Marc Bergevin as GM and my final Christmas wish list is he brings Toffoli with him as a stocking stuffer.  



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2 minutes ago, Gollumpus said:

UFAs - Vrbata was a pretty good signing (for the first year of his two year deal).

Context.  It didn't matter how well Vrbata played.  It was a bad signing and a sign of what was go come because Canucks should have been rebuilding, not going for it.  I knew after this first move that the Benning regime would mess up the rebuild.  I could never imagine how bad it would go.  As in, a rebuild never happened.  Just high draft picks due to sucking. 

2 minutes ago, Gollumpus said:

I was annoyed by how Tanev was treated. Yes, it's a business, but loyalty, courtesy and respect to players who have served well over several seasons should be shown. 

Same.  Tanev deserved better. He gave up his body for this team.  And the team needs that type of player more than anything now. 

2 minutes ago, Gollumpus said:

Drafting - I could see the appeal of picking Virtanen. Local kid, big, fast, perhaps some issues with his game... but did I mention that he is fast, big, and a local kid?                                           

When he was drafted he was labeled as a fast  physical guy with hard shot, but that plays a simple north/south game with low hockey IQ. This proved to be very accurate.  You don't draft low hockey IQ guys in the top 10.  

I don't follow Minor hockey so I never know who's a good pick but right away I though this was a bad pick. 

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1 hour ago, coryberg said:

I hope so!! That way we can draft the 2nd round gems that Gillis did.


Such hits as...

Yann Sauve, Anton Rodin and who could forget Alexandre Mallet.

Where are the other 2nd round picks you might ask? He traded 3 of them away.


2nd round picks were so low back then (because the team was high in the standings), they are like our 3rd round picks of last 8 years

It's too bad we lost a lot of scouts in the last few years

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8 hours ago, N4ZZY said:

What would you pay for Bo? 


6M x 7 years? 


Depends on where the cap is tbh, if we see the cap go up the difference might take care of itself, and the asks will naturally go up for top players


8 hours ago, N4ZZY said:

Don’t think DiPietro would be ready to backup at the NHL level. 


I agree, but as a pending RFA we need to get a look at him at some point 


8 hours ago, Junkyard Dog said:



I guess DiPietro or Silovs. There would be opportunity for either. Whether or not they're ready for that opportunity I can't say. After TD there wouldn't be many games for the backup to play I reckon.


I mean Edler's still playing well at 35 albeit in a slightly lesser role. You never know. 

Wont DiPietro require waivers next season? Could be a good reason to ser what we have, we don't need him to be starter caliber off the hop


8 hours ago, Junkyard Dog said:

That's why if we have to trade both Horvat and Miller we should try to get a young C back in one of the trades. C and D prospects would be our focus as well moving forward.


Hog/Petey(unless he steps up as C)/Pod/Garland maybe Boeser? make up a lot of our top 9 in wingers moving forward

if it comes to that I agree, center and D prospects 


8 hours ago, kanucks25 said:


Would rather not throw in a goalie who simply isn't ready.


Doubt the pick we'd get for Halak would be very high anyway.

I agree, but I'm uncertain as to whether he'll require waivers next season 


If he does we'll likely see him sooner than later anyway 

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18 minutes ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

What bugs me about the anti Benning wasn't that they didn't like him but the fact they constantly moved the goalposts to suit their narrative. 


One only has to look at the roster he inherited and the demand to compete as long as the twins were here. His worst signing LE was 100% done above him with input from the twins.

The roster had 1 prospect, Horvat and a bunch of 30+ players with full NMCs.

Trying to get younger without a prospect pool and no pieces to move forced him to use picks 2nd and up to push that transition.

For me I judge the moves he made post Sedin Era 

The new GM will inherit, Quinn, Petey, Brock, Horvat, Hoglander, Podz, JT, Garland, OEL, Demko , Rathbone, etc. That is a heck of a group to work with on the ice and potential assets to move.

Myers is really the only contract that isn't great, the rest including OEL are fine.

People bitch about TT, Gaj, Lind, Zac and Tanev but the only guy we miss is Tanev but TBF he's not expected to be a #1 in Calgary like he would be here. TT means no Garland so that speaks for itself.


He is for sure not without blame but since 2017 he's made a lot more good moves than bad and left the new GM in a similar position to what MG came into.

Hopefully this new GM won't be an epic fail like Gillis was who literally failed to add the 1 or 2 players that would have won us a cup with the team Burkie built.


That being said I hope the TG haters were right and BB gets this team back on track.

And the worst take of 2021 goes to...


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30 minutes ago, Tom Sestito said:

The dumbasses heading this organization over the past eight years never rebuilt. We ran major pick deficits and are asset bare. We need to fix things but have nothing tangible to use in trades to fix without it being just creating major holes in an area of need to fill another. Asset rich teams don’t have that issue.


This is going to take years to fix. The culture is rotten, and so is the roster construction.


Hopefully they hire a true savant with a large hockey operations staff. That’s the only way they’ll fix this mess.

I am hopeful for a trade that moves out a top sixer for a top two pairing minute munching D who can, you know, play Defense.

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