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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Los Angeles Kings | Dec. 30, 2021

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-Vintage Canuck-

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To be honest Lammikko, Highmore, and Chiasson aren't going to get us any goals. According to their history. Let's say say we not expect anything from those 3. Chiasson is a gifted pp guy only. DiGuseppe is built for the 4th line. Lockwood or Bailey maybe should get a look, Lockwood has speed and scoring potential.and Bailey is faster on the forecheck. We could try a bruising hitter on the 4th. From within, I would try Juulesen or Woo as utility checkers, guys that can hit. 

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10 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Those are the kinds of “little things” Pavel Datsyuk contributed to the Wings.  I think people tend to forget just how good Petey is defensively.  

I was saying that to my wife last night.


Petey is very good defensively. He has soo much talent.

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4 minutes ago, Attila Umbrus said:

I think people look at defensive awareness like they need to back check like hell and skate like hell and be an overall pest out there to be some defensive stalwart. But you don't, what you need is awareness and know where to be at the right times to take away plays, or make small plays to get the puck up the ice. This is where Datsyuk and Petey both excel. They have amazing awareness and are in the right spots a lot of the time. So they never need to skate like the wind to back check and cancel a play out as they are already "with" the play because they seen and anticipated earlier than most players on the ice.

I think the issue a lot of people have is that you say players don’t need to back check like hell to be effective, but Petey used to do it anyways and hasn’t been this season. It seems like he used to take offence when he’d be stripped of the puck and he’d work like mad to get the puck back. So even if you’re right that a player doesn’t NEED to do it, it’s sad that he no longer has the desire to do it when he used to.

Edited by EmilyM
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3 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:


Some people just love to complain about everything and this guy is one of our best. Halak has been a very good goalie in this league. It's like some people don't understand that backups and fourth liners aren't as good as the better players in the league, and that every team has them. There is no need for finger pointing and calling people idiots.


Halak played extremely well last night and was the only reason we got a point. RU Serious is a serious troll and has been from day one. Leave it to him to pop in after an 8 game regulation unbeaten streak and criticize the goalie ... and the old GM for the following statline.




This guy is an absolute joke. Don't pay attention to anything he says.

I figured might be the case. But everyone here has the privilege of talking Canucks hockey. 


With that being said. Thanks for the heads up ;) 


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1 minute ago, WHL rocks said:

No one is scoring against us in the BB era. 


We're allowing less than 2 goals per game. That's crazy.  

It's good defensive structure. Seems like Baumgartner had no idea what he was doing. Green's undoing ultimately that led to his dismissal. Too loyal to Baumer, which inevitably got him fired. 


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1 minute ago, EmilyM said:

I think the issue a lot of people have is that you say players don’t need to back check like hell to be effective, but Petey used to do it anyways and hasn’t been this season. It seems like he used to take offence when he’d be stripped of the puck and he’d work like mad to get the puck back. So even if you’re right that a player doesn’t NEED to do it, it’s sad that he no longer has the desire to do it when he used to.

Sure, he definitely did. But that also burns a lot of energy out of a guy who is supposed to play 18 mins per night. You get chasing the game like that you're gonna get tired. He definitely was all over the place when he burst onto the scene. But I see this more of a maturing process in him, knowing that he doesn't have to be everywhere at once to control the game. Datsyuk was the same. He was sneaky and would pick peoples pockets all the time. I see that same thing in Petey, how he processes the game in that manner. 


I also like that he isn't pouting anymore, our first few seasons with him that was the main thing I disliked about him, how whiney he got and would flail his arms at the ref. 


Right now, i've seen enough to think Petey will rebound. Maybe not this year, but next. Of course that is my own homerish opinion lol.

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19 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

So last night he had a block, a hit, 3 shots, an assist and was 60% in the dot.  Little things.

19 players recorded a block last night

28 players recorded a hit last night

He was credited with two SOG, not three

He took five faceoffs (3-2), a very small sample size

If you were trying to point out that he had anything more than a pedestrian night last night, I disagree.

I agree the critics have been overly harsh on him at times this year, but we can’t overly hype up a an unexceptional game either.

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4 minutes ago, EmilyM said:

19 players recorded a block last night

28 players recorded a hit last night

He was credited with two SOG, not three

He took five faceoffs (3-2), a very small sample size

If you were trying to point out that he had anything more than a pedestrian night last night, I disagree.

I agree the critics have been overly harsh on him at times this year, but we can’t overly hype up a an unexceptional game either.

Did I overly hype him?  Or point out that he was doing "little things" to contribute, as others were?


He's a guy who is tough on himself when he's not producing up to the level he knows he can.  He's in a funk, but some would like us to believe he just doesn't care because he got paid.  I don't believe that for a second.  He's a true competitor and, yes, sulks a bit when he's not up to par...that part will come with a bit more maturity and some work on his mental game.  I think Bruce will help him with that part.


The whole team looked flat until the third...and the critics are overly harsh which is why I offered a counter to that.  I think it's better to have a "team" to rely on rather than a superstar anyhow.  People expect Petey to be "the guy" but we're learning that it takes a bunch of guys.  So just as he's helped them through some rough patches and led the way, now it's their turn until he gets going again.  No I in team stuff.


Yes, when you're paid as "the guy" the expectation is there....he has been and I have confidence he will be again.  

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4 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

I just couldn’t disagree more.  
This is a results based game, and he has had almost nothing but poor results. 

well, he scored as much as Horvat, Miller and Kopitar etc...................are they not stars?

4 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

If he was being a defensive monster while not scoring, sure.   But nope.  Doesn’t even look like he is trying. 

Sure it does, he was playing against Philip Danault a pretty darn good defensive centerman. Incidently Danault contract will be close to Pettersson's in a couple of years at 6,750,000 per

4 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

completely irrelevant. He makes 7.35 million a season to be our best player and produce.  

Sorry, but our best player and our highest paid player did not get a point tonight 

4 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

It is not ok to get shut down by the LA Kings, regardless of who is covering him. 

Why not? they are playing well

4 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

It sounds more like you are ignoring all the games that add up to this one.  

Not ignoring anything........he started crappy and has improved, but has more to go...........I think everyone agrees with that

4 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

No he didn’t.   One ok pass doesn’t make a top 6 games. 

No, and again you are ignoring the 2 slot shots..........how many others got into that spot for shots like that last night....notta

4 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

Don’t try to help us.  Maybe take the rose coloured glasses off and see what help Petey needs instead. 

There is no helping you (us) Trolls don't need our help.........they need our pitty...........my mistake

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2 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Did I overly hype him?  Or point out that he was doing "little things" to contribute, as others were.

He just needs to shoot more.

The shot that he slammed his stick after was a cracker, not registered as a SOG but it was a rocket.


If that went in, Petey wouldn't be getting the 'Miller' treatment today. 


But, it didn't. He will have to start to produce or else we'll keep hearing about it. Despite being 7-0-1 under BB.

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Just now, bishopshodan said:

He just needs to shoot more.

The shot that he slammed his stick after was a cracker, not registered as a SOG but it was a rocket.


If that went in, Petey wouldn't be getting the 'Miller' treatment today. 


But, it didn't. He will have to start to produce or else we'll keep hearing about it. Despite being 7-0-1 under BB.

Yep, that one was a laser.  I love that that's what Bruce's advice to him is....shoot.  He'll get there...

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4 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Did I overly hype him?  Or point out that he was doing "little things" to contribute, as others were?


He's a guy who is tough on himself when he's not producing up to the level he knows he can.  He's in a funk, but some would like us to believe he just doesn't care because he got paid.  I don't believe that for a second.  He's a true competitor and, yes, sulks a bit when he's not up to par...that part will come with a bit more maturity and some work on his mental game.  I think Bruce will help him with that part.


The whole team looked flat until the third...and the critics are overly harsh which is why I offered a counter to that.

I wholeheartedly agree with this part. Every player goes through this part of their mental development and I agree he will find his game again, next year if not this year.

I agree with points from both sides of the Petey argument, but anyone saying he’s given up because he got paid is absolutely out to lunch.

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3 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:


Yeah, it was nice but not spectacular. There has to be 50-100 guys that can pull that off in an uncontested shoot out. Maybe grasping a little to hard for a positive there.


J.I.H.A.N is obviously looking at the glass half full and nothing wrong with that. However I am concerned that he has been as poor as he has been. He does look to be missing something/not the same player he was before. Hopefully like a lot of times this is a reflection of being hurt half of the year in combination with being a young player. In the past when he wasn't scoring you noticed him every shift making an exciting positive play. Now I mostly notice him pulling a Miller and giving up the puck in horrible areas.


Unfortunately he is playing with little drive and next to no emotion. His defence is nowhere near what is was when he first stepped on the ice. Holding out for a contract, skipping training camp, and then playing like this is very concerning I'm not going to lie. The only bright spot is he's made a couple nice plays lately and hopefully he can regain some form. If his play persists he's probably a good trade chip in the offseason to keep Miller or Boeser.


Maybe we trade him for Giroux at the deadline since we'll be in first. :frantic:


;) I'm joking ... I think.

Good joke! LOL


No, I guess, people are not understanding I am concerned too, but I have seen improvements


That part I like and as one poster last night said, some injuries take a long time to recover from


On that note..........Pettersson has never been that injured before to my understanding and the mental part is just as difficult to over come


I think people forget how young he is, and for better or worse he has a pretty light frame.........that is just who he is


So no, I am concerned, I do see improvements, and we will just have to wait and see what comes out the other end


Time will tell............But I am not going to crap all over him, as he proceeds through his journey

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48 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

Yeah Highmore played really well and got a couple real good looks on net too, which doesn't really happen much. He does add a lot of hustle with purpose although with his complete lack of production it makes him suited for fourth line duties.


Maybe he's the guy that finally relegates Chiasson. That would appease a number of folks here. ^_^ We'll see. I expect some moves will be made by the end of the month. 

The compete level and discipline of staying in Boudreaus' system has been a big part of the teams winning streak.  The one thing, that is lacking, is the lack of finish and finese - especially, among the playmakers. 


Lots of opportunities but no finish.

Edited by ShawnAntoski
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53 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

Fair enough.   
I don’t believe we will see peak Pettersson this season.  
I really hope I get to eat a big old plate of crow, but I just don’t see it this season. 

I don’t see the ‘old Petey’ back check.  
Maybe a bit more tempo, but nothing like he should be or has shown before. 
I was actually really surprised the coaching change didn’t do more for him.  
It obviously helped everyone else.  

Again, season ending injury. I'm not peticularly suprise we haven't seen classic Petey yet with the coaching change. I obviously hoped he would turn it around, but a player as high caliber as him takes a ton of confidence to start firing at full force. I personally am on the fence if we see him again this year or not, but I'm 100% confident we will see him again. Petey absolutely dominated games. It wasn't a passenger like other players who have had standout seasons. This kid has dominated in every league he has played in and a down season after an injury doesn't erase that. In my opinion.

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7 minutes ago, ShawnAntoski said:

The compete level and discipline of staying in Boudreaus' system has been a big part of the teams winning streak.  The one thing, that is lacking, is the lack of finish and finese - especially, among the playmakers. 


Lots of opportunities but no finish.

Maybe too many Swedes? (I joke! )

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1 minute ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Good joke! LOL


No, I guess, people are not understanding I am concerned too, but I have seen improvements


That part I like and as one poster last night said, some injuries take a long time to recover from


On that note..........Pettersson has never been that injured before to my understanding and the mental part is just as difficult to over come


I think people forget how young he is, and for better or worse he has a pretty light frame.........that is just who he is


So no, I am concerned, I do see improvements, and we will just have to wait and see what comes out the other end


Time will tell............But I am not going to crap all over him, as he proceeds through his journey

Yes well said. I appreciate that you can see it from the players side and give them the benefit of the doubt. It's nothing new to see players struggle for an entire year due to a new environment, new team, role on the team, or injury of course.


There is definitely something to be said for the mental aspect. Maybe for Petey he's caught in transition to becoming the adult version of himself. I can only imagine what I'd be up to if my salary went up 700% overnight. That could make it tough to concentrate on the job at hand. I don't know but he could be anxious about buying a house, laying down roots, being away from family and simply taking some time to figure it and himself out. It can't be easy in this Covid climate either.


It wouldn't surprise me to see him just figure it out at some point. Maybe this is him laying the groundwork to becoming elite. Now look, you got me being all optimistic. :P

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