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[Rumor] Pearson on the move?

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8 minutes ago, ShawnAntoski said:

Does it all look very familiar, from years past ?

Here's the thing: if we criticize management based on how they perform, surely the same standards will be used for this iteration, right?


What we saw from some fans here: full-on criticism of the GM, given his many years of service or "damage" as some people might label it to be. Contrary to the number of seasons spent, Green was continually given excuses for the Canucks' failure, disregarding the fact that Green had a hand in every roster that he coached. We even had people claiming that Green would be hired in a hurry.


We also have a pretty muted crowd from the so-called anti-Benning slaggers, all of whom had been criticizing the fact that we didn't accumulate as many picks as we could've. We do see a bunch of people from that camp ADVOCATING the use of draft picks to make a push for this team, as well as to dump salary cap.


We have a bunch of people rah-rahing over JR, while ignoring the fact that Benning had constructed this roster. I definitely remember people praising JR for his "vision" that was apparently vacant under Benning's reign.


All of this is contradictory to the standards that we set when criticizing GMs. It seems like criticism can be shifted.

Edited by Dazzle
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2 hours ago, Dazzle said:

I have no idea what this management is thinking.

It's worth noting that tanner pearson has a full NTC this season. This summer however he will submit 7 teams for his modified NTC that means 24 potential trade partners. The year after is wide open.

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1 hour ago, Dazzle said:

Here's the thing: if we criticize management based on how they perform, surely the same standards will be used for this iteration, right?


What we saw from some fans here: full-on criticism of the GM, given his many years of service or "damage" as some people might label it to be. Contrary to the number of seasons spent, Green was continually given excuses for the Canucks' failure, disregarding the fact that Green had a hand in every roster that he coached. We even had people claiming that Green would be hired in a hurry.


We also have a pretty muted crowd from the so-called anti-Benning slaggers, all of whom had been criticizing the fact that we didn't accumulate as many picks as we could've. We do see a bunch of people from that camp ADVOCATING the use of draft picks to make a push for this team, as well as to dump salary cap.


We have a bunch of people rah-rahing over JR, while ignoring the fact that Benning had constructed this roster. I definitely remember people praising JR for his "vision" that was apparently vacant under Benning's reign.


All of this is contradictory to the standards that we set when criticizing GMs. It seems like criticism can be shifted.

Good points. 


Personally, I don’t mind the disagreements between the fanbase caused it tends create a good starting point for a hockey discussion (as for the trolls - I don't consider them fans).  With hindsight, the constant re tooling has constantly gutted the team of its ability to add quality depth cause of the cap constraints; and the constant trading of premium picks has only led to a lack of prospect depth to draw from for trades & cheap depth.  Based on JRs' interview with McCown: Allvin is being tasked with another re tool, whilst at the same period (during JBs' re tool attempt after the playoff run) the Kings & Ducks went in a different direction and decided to go, with a full rebuild.  There rebuilds are almost done and both team seems to had already surpassed the Canucks.


Compared to what JB, got from Gillis - Allvin, got alot more pieces to work with: a young core & a proven Demko; but JBs' constant re tooling (Aquaman mandated ?), with hindsight has only led to a perpetual cycle of mediocrity. With JRs' resume and based on what he said, during his first presser - my expectation(s) with the new crew are very high but after there first TDL, I am starting to notice a very familiar movie - another re tool.  Hard to do a re tool, if the core is not set or ready to be competitive, whilst working working with no cap.

Edited by ShawnAntoski
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7 hours ago, Dazzle said:

Here's the thing: if we criticize management based on how they perform, surely the same standards will be used for this iteration, right?


What we saw from some fans here: full-on criticism of the GM, given his many years of service or "damage" as some people might label it to be. Contrary to the number of seasons spent, Green was continually given excuses for the Canucks' failure, disregarding the fact that Green had a hand in every roster that he coached. We even had people claiming that Green would be hired in a hurry.


We also have a pretty muted crowd from the so-called anti-Benning slaggers, all of whom had been criticizing the fact that we didn't accumulate as many picks as we could've. We do see a bunch of people from that camp ADVOCATING the use of draft picks to make a push for this team, as well as to dump salary cap.


We have a bunch of people rah-rahing over JR, while ignoring the fact that Benning had constructed this roster. I definitely remember people praising JR for his "vision" that was apparently vacant under Benning's reign.


All of this is contradictory to the standards that we set when criticizing GMs. It seems like criticism can be shifted.

I think criticism should be reserved for this summer. I think that’s where most of the movement will happen with this roster, and most likely one top six player moving on from the team. 


I think the trade deadline, while boring as hell when it came to the Canucks. I’d rather that they didn’t make a stupid move, than just making a move for the sake of making a move. I wish we could have gotten more for Motte, but if a 4th was the market value, then what’s a GM supposed to do? Accept it, more picks the better (isn’t that what Benning was criticized so heavily for doing - giving away picks like it was candy?). So the fact that Allvin got a pick back for Motte, in my books is a win. It’s not exciting, but it sets us up nicely with more picks for the future. 


Getting rid of Hamonic, in my books, was a massive win for the team. Not just the fact that there are rumors about him not actually being liked by his teammates, but also his cap hit of 3M. I think the team saves 1.5M right? Basically covers Halak’s bonus, doesn’t it? 


I was expecting some other names to be moved, like Myers, Pearson, Dickinson, etc. But not surprised that they weren’t moved. Allvin already sounds more professional than Benning does in his interviews. For that, I am thankful. That alone, I am thankful. 


We got Dermott. I’m excited to see what he can do in a Canucks uni. So we’ll see soon enough. Boys have a, what, 8 percent chance at making the playoffs. So the team isn’t mathematically out of it yet, though, if we continue to go on a losing slide, might as well kiss the season good bye. Until that moment comes, might as well enjoy the ride until we’re mathematically eliminated. 


Can’t wait for the draft though, to see which selections we’ll be making, if there’s going to be any trades at that time, or later in the Summer. Lots of changes are going to happen, that, I am sure for the off-season. Management just cannot afford to come back with the exact same roster as this season. They just cannot. It’s not good enough. 


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19 hours ago, coryberg said:

One of the toughest forwards we have had this season.

Yep... Lol at the Florida colour comments... and punches Weegar right in the face, that just dangerous... Where the f else was he going to punch him?

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On 3/21/2022 at 3:53 PM, Dazzle said:

I have no idea what this management is thinking.

He wasn’t even asked to waive his no trade because nobody wanted him probably without 50% retention. The whole goal here is to free up cap space, no pay for players to play on other teams.

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On 3/21/2022 at 5:57 PM, Outsiders said:

This season yes I agree. What about the 2.5 prior? Too often he plays soft. Boeser as well. Need some jam in their game

Pearson has thrown more hits per 60 minutes played than Horvat in each of the past three seasons. Boeser is at or near the bottom at hits per 60 among fowards each season.

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