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[Signing] Canucks re-sign J.T. Miller

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On 9/16/2022 at 9:43 AM, IBatch said:

Yes one is going to get traded.   Likely Severson.  But you just never do know.   Severson might not even be on our teams radar either.   Hard to say.   But on paper anyways some team will be asking for him before or at the TDL.   

All this said ... i'd be fine with just some country LHD/RHD bumpkin that nobody had even considered, that is cheaper.   Maybe Dunn?   Or whomever.   Hamonic was supposed to be that guy but wasn't.  

Do we have enough for severson?  

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1 hour ago, EddieVedder said:

Dont know why La would give up Durzi.  The guy looks like a legit star. 


Fill a hole elsewhere and let one of their many kids on ELC's take over? Because he may cost too much?


They probably won't though, you're likely correct. But then one of the kids behind Durzi likely becomes available.

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12 hours ago, EddieVedder said:

Do we have enough for severson?  

This season depends how the trade is done ... We'd need to find about 3.25 somewhere ... Pearson?   I don't consider him a cap dump where others may.    Rathbone and a pick wouldn't be a bad offer on our end.   Same with Hogs and a pick.    They need cheap guys back (as do we of course so this would sting somewhat) ... but it also could transform our D group.    Next off season we'd have to trade a forward like Garland or Brock to sign him.   Figure he's earned 5.5-6 x 5 on his next deal...mid range money for a solid top four defenseman.    


I don't think this team is far off from becoming a very good team.    Just needs another top four D and a succession plan.   Severson would go a long way in providing time for the team to draft and or make a different trade to get us there.     Myers could also be traded but only if we keep Rathbone and he works out or someone else comes out of the woodwork.    I'm actually fine with overpaying to plug holes,  every team almost ends up having to do that somewhere in the lineup.    

Our forward group on paper looks deeper then it has since the Quin days...Almost as deep as when we had Linden, Bure, Ronning, Adams, Nedved Courtnall , Craven, Momesso, Gelinas etc.   The rest of it of course was experience like Ryan Walter,  and intimidation like Odjick, Antoski and Hunter.   Damn that team was both tough, massive, skilled, deep and well balanced.  


We can afford to lose one forward anytime.   My preference would be to trade Pearson if we could in this swap with NJ,  they could use him.   But there is also a limit to what we should offer depending on circumstances.   IF we are the Bruce version, then hell yes, make the trade and the sooner the better (last year was good enough for 4th in the conference winning percentage ... and our PP became the best in the league the final 25 games or so, clicking at over 30%!!...overall 2nd in the league with Bruce at the helm, and best we've had since 1983)...


At the end of the day of course we can make the cap work.    Waiting until someone is on the LTIR could also help make this easier.    Truly hope that Horvat and later EP take a page out of Millers book, and leave a million or 5.-.750k on the table.   We need guys that produce as vets, as well as Garland and Pearson did/do.    A point per 100k is better then par.    Even our RFAs find this tough to do.   Why Pearson has such value to us and others - and well, didn't matter what line he was on last year, based on the line combos, every single one had an uptick in GF and downtick on GA.     30 points for Pearson is almost a given if he's healthy, 20 goals and 40 points is also within his ability.    Kuzmo...well he could make this easy on us.    

My crystal ball says one of Garland or Brock end up getting traded during this season, or next off season.    We have too many RWs as it is, and that cap absolutely covers raises and Severson on a long term deal without losing Myers.    OEL Myers,  QHs Severson ... could be on the ice for 80% of the game easily.   Dermott-Rathbone Schenn- Poolman.  

The other way we could do it is find a LHD that fits the bill, won't cost as much, and move OEL to the right side. 

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17 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

Sportsnet: Let’s start there. You have talked about the difficulty in trading contracts and how that prevented you from making as many roster changes as you would have liked during the summer. A seven-year, $56-million extension allows you to keep Miller, your best forward and leading scorer. But J.T. will be 30 when that deal starts next year. Are you worried this will turn into another onerous contract that could handcuff the organization? 


Allvin: Always when players are getting up in age, I guess there's more factors that play into it: age, obviously, and injuries and stuff like that. But you know what? He was our best player, and has been the best player for a couple of years in Vancouver. So, for us to give up on that one, that would be hard. We settled on a deal that makes sense.


Sportsnet: There were months of trade rumours about J.T. Do you think the team would have gotten worse, short-term, if you’d traded him?


Allvin: Yeah, depending on what the return was. But as we said all the way from when we took over, we wanted to take our time to evaluate what we had. And J.T. just continued to grow on both Jim (Rutherford) and I, and we felt the way he plays, the way he carries himself, how competitive he is, parting ways with a 100-point guy and a No. 1 centre, it would definitely be hard.



Thanks Vintage.  


Was saying all summer that i doubt EP is ready to take over Millers role on this team as the number one center.    And that keeping Miller would allow him to continue to grow in a sheltered role...which of course he is.   And that within a few years when Miller is starts slowing down,  EP should be ready to take this role over.    And that EP of course is our most skilled forward...just needs to get stronger, get that Sedin like durability, endurance going.    Having Miller allows a break-out for EP to happen a lot easier then not having Miller.. I'm sure he appreciates having him as either a wing man or sharing the load with himself and Horvat.   Won't be surprised at all to see a line of Kuzmo EP Podz .... 

Miller, EP, Horvat, Lazar plus a couple others that can also play center is our number one team strength.   Our other of course is Demko.    It's uncommon these days a cup team has this AND a superb D , AND a superstar(s) AND depth.   Usually one, or even 2/3 things are missing or is just average.   COL won without a number one goalie.    TB of course zero holes.    St. Louis didn't have a super star,  a hard hat team really and a hot goalie.    PIT x 2, average d at best... LA barely made the playoffs and missed in between...CHI of course no holes.   Boston didn't really have much firepower, but one of the hottest goalies all-time and other strengths. 


Point is it's rare that a cap team has it all.    Our forward group is easy to like.   No superstars, but a lot of hard hat types and a couple stars.   Miller of course leading the group.   We are just entering that 25-33 age window now with the bulk of our players ... it's opened.   Just need one more top four D to level out the defensive core.  


Edit:  By pure definition, a superstar is one of the top 3 players in the world based on his position for an extended period of time.   Hedman, Kucherov and Vasilevsky are or have been superstars.    McDavid and McKinnon are superstars ... Kane was a superstar.   Ovi of course and Crosby are/were.   The league is full of stars, but it's the guys who are regular first and second team all-stars or very close to it, for years.   The HHOF even, definitely has tiers.  


We've only ever had two  true superstar's  and that actually starts  with Naslund.   Three times in a row first all-star...Bure was a superstar of course too,  Jagr and others made it awfully hard to be a perrenial first and second all-star though ... first in 94, second back to back in the deepest part of the dead puck era (Jagr again lol)...

Edited by IBatch
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13 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Thanks Vintage.  


Was saying all summer that i doubt EP is ready to take over Millers role on this team as the number one center.    And that keeping Miller would allow him to continue to grow in a sheltered role...which of course he is.   And that within a few years when Miller is starts slowing down,  EP should be ready to take this role over.    And that EP of course is our most skilled forward...just needs to get stronger, get that Sedin like durability, endurance going.    Having Miller allows a break-out for EP to happen a lot easier then not having Miller.. I'm sure he appreciates having him as either a wing man or sharing the load with himself and Horvat.   Won't be surprised at all to see a line of Kuzmo EP Podz .... 

Miller, EP, Horvat, Lazar plus a couple others that can also play center is our number one team strength.   Our other of course is Demko.    It's uncommon these days a cup team has this AND a superb D , AND a superstar(s) AND depth.   Usually one, or even 2/3 things are missing or is just average.   COL won without a number one goalie.    TB of course zero holes.    St. Louis didn't have a super star,  a hard hat team really and a hot goalie.    PIT x 2, average d at best... LA barely made the playoffs and missed in between...CHI of course no holes.   Boston didn't really have much firepower, but one of the hottest goalies all-time and other strengths. 


Point is it's rare that a cap team has it all.    Our forward group is easy to like.   No superstars, but a lot of hard hat types and a couple stars.   Miller of course leading the group.   We are just entering that 25-33 age window now with the bulk of our players ... it's opened.   Just need one more top four D to level out the defensive core.  

imo this team needs to first show it can make the playoffs, and how far they can go in the playoffs will determine what kind of offseason we have next year. 


Right now it certainly looks like we're two top 4 d short, but maybe someone in the current roster surprises us and the job next year is to find one more.



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5 minutes ago, JM_ said:

imo this team needs to first show it can make the playoffs, and how far they can go in the playoffs will determine what kind of offseason we have next year. 


Right now it certainly looks like we're two top 4 d short, but maybe someone in the current roster surprises us and the job next year is to find one more.



Can't disagree with that.   I just think we should play to our strengths.   And last year anyways, showed we really aren't that far off.   The Bruce sample size of course.    Don't expect us to have the depth of D we had during the peak Sedin era.    That team didn't have it all either...but was awfully good, best in the league for a couple seasons (regular or course).    But it didn't have the same forward group either.   Higgins, Samuelson, Burrows, Raymond ... is a far cry from EP or Miller, Garland, Brock, etc for wingers.   Burrows was the only legit top six one. 


   This team according to THN, has 8 20 goal scorers on it.   And possibly 9 if you add Pearson.   That's ideal scene of course.    Kuzmo and Ilya M might not seem like a lot of additions.. but both should play a vital role in maximizing cap this season (Kuzmo and his 55ish points THN predicts, all for one million) and getting our PK further up the ranks (11/12th under Bruce ... ahead of COL and FLD  ... a few percentage points behind CAL at 6th).  


Our special teams became the difference .. 5 x 5 we were decent all year, even under Green.     


Severson is a very good top four D.   And could be QHs partner for the duration of his current deal.   Something Alvin and JR stressed was they are looking at creating long term line combos.    He's in the sweet spot for D's right now ... 27-33.   Just starting it really.     Hamhuis is the guy i'm hoping he'd be if we acquired him.   But of course he plays the right side which is even better.    Myers was actually very decent for us minus the extra offense and a bad game near the end which tanked his plus minus (was the team leader up until that -3 ).    But we need a successor for him and soon. 


Just look what adding Miller and Myers did to that team.    Did a lot.   I'm hoping the same will happen for us.    Don't want us to pay for a Hamilton or a Nurse type deal.    Just add another top four D.   We have enough near the bottom to not only create a third pairing, but give guys like Rathbone a chance.    Dermott was actually decent, and Poolman was too.  Schenn of course gives us vet leadership and snarl.    Burroughs actually is still a little intriguing as well.   One of those guys should be able to sub, Schenn played admirably for example, if the top four gets an injury. 

Yes two additional top four D's would be ideal.   Or at least 4-5 types that can step in when needed (where Myers really is at now).    The D is already miles ahead of when Stetcher had to play the top pairing role when Tanev went down.    OEL, Myers, QHs ... we only have 3 as it is now.   Poolman ... well maybe he's better then we expect.   Dermott at least plays both sides like Benn.   


For sure we have to make the playoffs so we can see what this teams actually made of.   Two entirely different seasons.  Myers already proved to me before we picked him up, that he steps up and plays a gritty well rounded second season so not worried about him.   QHs ... Vegas figured him out pretty quick, two guys on him took his space away.    And seeing guys like McAvoy go down for a year ... who's not really much bigger is worrisome.    

Right now our D is too expensive for what it does.    I really don't see a way out of that and that it likely has to continue until we get a trade or one of our own draft picks to make the team and move up the lines.    Been a long time aside from QHs hasn't it?   No more Huttons/Stecrhers/Del Zotto's please.   We whiffed with Forlsing ... too bad there.   


We should be ok, without really affecting our forward group, if we make one trade to add the cap space for a legit top four, one that can play on the top pairing.   Like Devon Toews did in COL.   Or Manson did in the playoffs with Byram...whom i really wanted us to trade for.   


OEL and maybe even QHs can move to the right side.    Maybe that's easier then trying to find and likely overpaying for another RHD.   Myers and Miller made all the difference the first bubble year.   This team is awfully close as it is to no longer an easy two points and more often then not winning games.   If somehow, Allvin can make a trade before the season starts, to add a legit top four guy...i don't think we'd have to wait long to see what the second season looks like.   And right now, our cap has a lot of guys who will make it easier to happen.   

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19 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Can't disagree with that.   I just think we should play to our strengths.   And last year anyways, showed we really aren't that far off.   The Bruce sample size of course.    Don't expect us to have the depth of D we had during the peak Sedin era.    That team didn't have it all either...but was awfully good, best in the league for a couple seasons (regular or course).    But it didn't have the same forward group either.   Higgins, Samuelson, Burrows, Raymond ... is a far cry from EP or Miller, Garland, Brock, etc for wingers.   Burrows was the only legit top six one. 


   This team according to THN, has 8 20 goal scorers on it.   And possibly 9 if you add Pearson.   That's ideal scene of course.    Kuzmo and Ilya M might not seem like a lot of additions.. but both should play a vital role in maximizing cap this season (Kuzmo and his 55ish points THN predicts, all for one million) and getting our PK further up the ranks (11/12th under Bruce ... ahead of COL and FLD  ... a few percentage points behind CAL at 6th).  


Our special teams became the difference .. 5 x 5 we were decent all year, even under Green.     


Severson is a very good top four D.   And could be QHs partner for the duration of his current deal.   Something Alvin and JR stressed was they are looking at creating long term line combos.    He's in the sweet spot for D's right now ... 27-33.   Just starting it really.     Hamhuis is the guy i'm hoping he'd be if we acquired him.   But of course he plays the right side which is even better.    Myers was actually very decent for us minus the extra offense and a bad game near the end which tanked his plus minus (was the team leader up until that -3 ).    But we need a successor for him and soon. 


Just look what adding Miller and Myers did to that team.    Did a lot.   I'm hoping the same will happen for us.    Don't want us to pay for a Hamilton or a Nurse type deal.    Just add another top four D.   We have enough near the bottom to not only create a third pairing, but give guys like Rathbone a chance.    Dermott was actually decent, and Poolman was too.  Schenn of course gives us vet leadership and snarl.    Burroughs actually is still a little intriguing as well.   One of those guys should be able to sub, Schenn played admirably for example, if the top four gets an injury. 

Yes two additional top four D's would be ideal.   Or at least 4-5 types that can step in when needed (where Myers really is at now).    The D is already miles ahead of when Stetcher had to play the top pairing role when Tanev went down.    OEL, Myers, QHs ... we only have 3 as it is now.   Poolman ... well maybe he's better then we expect.   Dermott at least plays both sides like Benn.   


For sure we have to make the playoffs so we can see what this teams actually made of.   Two entirely different seasons.  Myers already proved to me before we picked him up, that he steps up and plays a gritty well rounded second season so not worried about him.   QHs ... Vegas figured him out pretty quick, two guys on him took his space away.    And seeing guys like McAvoy go down for a year ... who's not really much bigger is worrisome.    

Right now our D is too expensive for what it does.    I really don't see a way out of that and that it likely has to continue until we get a trade or one of our own draft picks to make the team and move up the lines.    Been a long time aside from QHs hasn't it?   No more Huttons/Stecrhers/Del Zotto's please.   We whiffed with Forlsing ... too bad there.   


We should be ok, without really affecting our forward group, if we make one trade to add the cap space for a legit top four, one that can play on the top pairing.   Like Devon Toews did in COL.   Or Manson did in the playoffs with Byram...whom i really wanted us to trade for.   


OEL and maybe even QHs can move to the right side.    Maybe that's easier then trying to find and likely overpaying for another RHD.   Myers and Miller made all the difference the first bubble year.   This team is awfully close as it is to no longer an easy two points and more often then not winning games.   If somehow, Allvin can make a trade before the season starts, to add a legit top four guy...i don't think we'd have to wait long to see what the second season looks like.   And right now, our cap has a lot of guys who will make it easier to happen.   

yep I agree on all fronts there.


The timing may not quite work out for Severson, unless Myers is going back the other way maybe? or some other salary of some kind.


Right now I still think its much easier to land that 2nd pair LHD upgrade, but what we've seen from the new mgmt group so far is to expect surprises so who knows what they're working on.


I'm really excited by our two new Ruskies, they are going to have a big impact. Kuzemenko might be a steal.




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1 hour ago, IBatch said:

Hamhuis is the guy i'm hoping he'd be if we acquired him.   

Severson is a LONG way removed from Hamhuis. Defensively especially.


I'm not convinced he's our best option. Feels very half measure and band-aidy, also a couple years older than an ideal, long term Hughes partner IMO. And not going to be cheap as a UFA/extension either.


I'm hoping we focus on expiring RFAS's (like Hague this season for example), that teams might not be able to extend. Of course that requires cap space we currently don't have either. Haven't looked to see who will be next summer's "Hagues".

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54 minutes ago, Muttley said:

It's hard to judge what Severson would be like in the Pacific division. The fact is though, like you say, he'll be wanting a huge pay jump. Like the player but not the cost.


Not that this attitude wouldn't be awesome..



He'll want in the 7.5 + range or more, not to mention term. We need to find someone less high profile that can grow into what we want. Severson has spirit though.

Canucks need more of that on the back end other then the penalty king, Myers. Someone that can dish out accountability when the situation calls for it. 

Guy with one 40 point season under his belt is commanding more than 7.5mil per? His numbers are borderline Myers' numbers prior to signing here. Who is also a more physical player and a better shot blocker. Likely better defensively too. I like the idea of Severson with Hughes/OEL but he's not a 7.5mil d-man. Definitely not worth more than that.

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1 hour ago, aGENT said:

Severson is a LONG way removed from Hamhuis. Defensively especially.


I'm not convinced he's our best option. Feels very half measure and band-aidy, also a couple years older than an ideal, long term Hughes partner IMO. And not going to be cheap as a UFA/extension either.


I'm hoping we focus on expiring RFAS's (like Hague this season for example), that teams might not be able to extend. Of course that requires cap space we currently don't have either. Haven't looked to see who will be next summer's "Hagues".

I feel like a lot of people key on Severson more because he is likely available and on a team that has the ability to take back our contracts. 

I don’t think a big dollar, older UFA guy is the right idea to find a partner for Hughes though. 

Would have liked the Canucks at some point in the last 5 years to have understood the actual outsized value of having cap flexibility. 

Edited by wallstreetamigo
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42 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

I feel like a lot of people key on Severson more because he is likely available and on a team that has the ability to take back our contracts. 

I don’t think a big dollar, older UFA guy is the right idea to find a partner for Hughes though. 

Would have liked the Canucks at some point in the last 5 years to have understood the actual outsized value of having cap flexibility. 

Feels unlikely that he would be available.  Their off-season priority was to improve their D-corps.  They still have concerns in net so they need to be stronger defensively to compensate.  


Severson takes on their toughest matchups.  Keeping him gives them the time to allow others to adjust.  Nemec is apparently ear-marked for the AHL and Marino is new to the team.  Their left side is also weaker so having a strong right side will balance things out.  Their aim is to make the post-season - don't really see why they would weaken their D-corps before the season even starts when improving it was a priority with adding a goalie.  


NJD is also right at the cap.  CapFriendly shows them with less than 70K in cap space and a roster of 22 (including Bernier on IR).  Bernier won't be ready for the start of the season after hip surgery but he's not been ruled out for the full season.


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39 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

Guy with one 40 point season under his belt is commanding more than 7.5mil per? His numbers are borderline Myers' numbers prior to signing here. Who is also a more physical player and a better shot blocker. Likely better defensively too. I like the idea of Severson with Hughes/OEL but he's not a 7.5mil d-man. Definitely not worth more than that.

Interesting that you bring up Myers..."OK" defensively, "OK" offensively... Sounds a lot like Severson :lol:


Probably another reason I'm not sold on him as a viable replacement/fix for our top 4. More of the same... ill fitting for what we actually need.

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12 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Interesting that you bring up Myers..."OK" defensively, "OK" offensively... Sounds a lot like Severson :lol:


Probably another reason I'm not sold on him as a viable replacement/fix for our top 4. More of the same... ill fitting for what we actually need.

Severson has slightly higher offensive upside. I think they don't need to compete with each other though given our massive RHD gap. But with the cap situation I guess we can only really carry one of them. It'd be nice to rid Poolman and Pearson if need be. Then when the Lu cap recapture, what's his name's bonus and Baer buyout are gone next summer we can run Hughes, OEL, Severson and Myers which is a more than suitable top 4.


It's kinda sad that we had Tanev and let him go for nothing. I am still mad at myself for thinking we didn't need him. Lol. The odds of finding that fabled top 2 RHD is really, really hard to do without a top pick. Adding OEL to the Tanev, Myers, Hughes top 4 would be a playoff caliber top 4 in my books. Especially with the forward upgrades we made. What could have been.

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6 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

Severson has slightly higher offensive upside. I think they don't need to compete with each other though given our massive RHD gap. But with the cap situation I guess we can only really carry one of them. It'd be nice to rid Poolman and Pearson if need be. Then when the Lu cap recapture, what's his name's bonus and Baer buyout are gone next summer we can run Hughes, OEL, Severson and Myers which is a more than suitable top 4.


It's kinda sad that we had Tanev and let him go for nothing. I am still mad at myself for thinking we didn't need him. Lol. The odds of finding that fabled top 2 RHD is really, really hard to do without a top pick. Adding OEL to the Tanev, Myers, Hughes top 4 would be a playoff caliber top 4 in my books. Especially with the forward upgrades we made. What could have been.

It's it suitable though? Seems like more of the same middling, ill fitting D that we already need to fix. 


I don't particularly want either Myers or Severson on this team, given the rest of the roster makeup, let alone both! :lol:

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4 minutes ago, aGENT said:

It's it suitable though? Seems like more of the same middling, ill fitting D that we already need to fix. 


I don't particularly want either Myers or Severson on this team, given the rest of the roster makeup, let alone both! :lol:

Well, you're definitely not going to like it when we sign Klingberg next year for too much and too long :lol:

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2 minutes ago, aGENT said:

It's it suitable though? Seems like more of the same middling, ill fitting D that we already need to fix. 


I don't particularly want either Myers or Severson on this team, given the rest of the roster makeup, let alone both! :lol:

I am not as down on Myers as most, and Severson is a solid top 4. Like, we have OEL and Hughes who are legit top talents in my books. We don't need 4 top 2 d-men to be a good team. Especially when we have a forward group that I also really like. Mikheyev and Lazar are great two additions that should bolster our terrible PK. Pod, Petey, and Hogs are all a year older and a year better. Miller is locked up so that should hopefully take the edge off in that regard. Hopefully. Boeser's traumatic last season, while I don't wanna say he's fine but he's got less of a weight on his shoulders.


I dunno. I just think our defense doesn't need a super star to be respectable when we have Hughes and OEL. Adding a Severson, moving Schenn to where he should be as a 6/7 guy instead of playing with Hughes. Severson as a legit top 4 guy also takes the pressure off Myers to be the ONLY top 4 RD. That's a pretty big shift right there with the forward additions we made. I also suffer from blind fan optimism. So, I won't lie and pretend I am not a bit of a homer.

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