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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Edmonton Oilers | Oct. 12, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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3 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

Honestly having seen that powerplay run so much, the best way to defend it is to lay down on the ice and cover as much ice as possible ala Chris Tanev. You have to eliminate seams and when you're down a man you have to force them through you.


Nobody on our pk sprawls out and they use that down low play so much. They throw it low, quick bump to middle and bump out to McDavid so much. 

You know Mikey


The reason you can't do that against edmonton is their PP is moving, it is not using that Pettie tyle stationary shot as their set up play..........they have alot of movement


If you lay down on the ice, or any type of slow passive defense, they skate past you and bing bang boom. it's in the net. The Canuck's could learn from that.

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

Because that opens a major can of worms.........the game is already too long and has too many pauses that disrupt the flow of the game 


Referees make bad calls and good teams don't let it affect their outcome.

I hear you. I just think there's got to be a way for referees to review these things. Not a coaches challenge. You could see all 4 refs huddle together after the goal. They knew they missed something serious. They could have easily done a video review in the amount of time they were huddling together. 

I'm all for not delaying the game any longer, but when an injury results you'd think it merits an official look.

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1 hour ago, Hairy Kneel said:

If we play 5 on 5 with them we clean there clocks. Their mojo comes from influencing the calls. Our 2nd period they hurt our best player and go all in, no mercy. We could use Mik on our pk when he gets back, his speed. We let our foot off the gas, we we're overconfident with the lead. Making pretty passes, trying to be the Oilers. We're not the Oilers. We have to get that killer instinct when we have the lead. Even a 5 goal lead with 2 periods left isn't safe with these numnuts. We need Myers back. 



Can't be said much better... Don't be pretty, be smart... Play to your strength and never let your foot off the pedal.

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51 minutes ago, Darius said:

They got worked by (arguably) the two  of the best players in the world who took advantage of our PK which has been bad for a while now.  Opening night for them in their own barn, it was hard to believe they would not put on a show given their track record of basically dominating the league (stat wise) for the past years.


Our star players had multiple power plays to put the game away and couldnt do it.  The shorty was a dagger...the result of nonchalant plays and decision making.


I think they can make the playoffs if they fix the PK .  The 5 v 5 offence should be able to bail them out most nights ...even with the underwhelming D core.


That said can we get away from playing Alberta teams on opening night .  I think the last time that happened was 2013. 

Pretty much my thoughts as well....


The missed penalty call changed the momentum of the game....but missed calls happen and you have to react properly. I cut the team some slack for the first one, as they were essentially 2 men down, but what happened after that was all on the special teams. The PP was okay, even though the numbers don't really show it, but the PK looked just as bad as it did all last season. I was really hoping that was going to be addressed....


I hate to throw Petey under the bus, because he was just trying to make a play, but the shorty was on him. Terrible decision there....Nothing Bo could do with that puck, even if it had gotten to him....


All of that being said, I wonder how different things might have been if Pearson had converted that breakaway and made it 4-0....or even if Miller had converted his to make it 4-2? (Note to Canucks: Don't go high blocker on Campbell)

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

I think it's also, besides the fans, Bo's fault for the loss.


The captain hasn't signed, how does that make the rest of the team feel?


Maybe remove the 'C' while he makes up his mind. 


I wouldn't go that far, but I am glad he isn't signed tbh.


If special teams send this thing off the rails again then it's on the core & they are going to have to make significant changes.


Miller is already locked up & you aren't moving Petey/Hughes, so options are limited. (And frankly Bo isn't a $7M+ player)



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Well same old crap. Bruce still hasn't taught them game management or defensive acumen. Another game lost by guys d#cking around on the power play when they should be concentrating on winning the game. It's absolutely sickening to watch. They also gave up a horrible two on one in the first period. Mistakes is what wins and loses at this level and we keep making the same ones over and over. Our AHL defence certainly isn't helping on the PK either.


At least they started good I guess.

Kuz looked good offensively.

Petey looked dialed in.


We tried to out Oil the Oilers ... silly

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5 minutes ago, -DLC- said:



They just move on like nothing happened. Meanwhile, we're down our most valuable d man and he's getting stitched up as Edmonton keeps calm and carries on.


It isn't right. You make excellent points....they'll look at an offside from 27 different angles but this gets ignored.

I know this is crazy... But imagine if each coach had a flag like in football. Or was able to shout  Only 1 flag or whatever, a game. Still call it the coaches challenge... And they could use it anytime to stop play to review a situation where some kind of infraction happened. An offside, a penalty that should have been called. 

It would delay the game any longer. Same deal. If your wrong you get a penalty. If you're right you don't get to keep it. It's gone. You get 1 challenge right or wrong.

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Reffing sucked, for both sides


The fact is: Canucks are still not good enough. I have doubts about any playoffs this year, and I think Bruce get s canned. This team doesn't respond like it should. Joshua is playing like he thinks he's a skilled player looking for goals. Please dude.


Bo isn't as engaged as he should be. The D is in shambles and OEL is terribly overpaid. Not even sure Demko has it in him to keep them in it.


5 unanswered goals, epic meltdown in Game 1. What a joke.  



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1 minute ago, Smashian Kassian said:


I wouldn't go that far, but I am glad he isn't signed tbh.


If special teams send this thing off the rails again then it's on the core & they are going to have to make significant changes.


Miller is already locked up & you aren't moving Petey/Hughes, so options are limited. (And frankly Bo isn't a $7M+ player)



I'm joking.

We wern't bad last night.

I saw lots of positives, we will have a good season. 



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15 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

Honestly having seen that powerplay run so much, the best way to defend it is to lay down on the ice and cover as much ice as possible ala Chris Tanev. You have to eliminate seams and when you're down a man you have to force them through you.


Nobody on our pk sprawls out and they use that down low play so much. They throw it low, quick bump to middle and bump out to McDavid so much. 

The first goal that McDavid got was on a play very similar to one the Canucks used a lot last season....the player down low bumps it into the slot for a one timer....it was usuallyBo in the shooting position and I saw them try it again last night a couple of times....unsuccessfully.


Other than the fact that the guy in the slot added an extra pass, it was the same play that the Oilers used, but they were able to get their passes through. That's on the PK. You have to get sticks in those passing lanes and they weren't able to do so.

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1 hour ago, CanucksJay said:


I am hoping Ilya will make the pk better. 

I don't know what to say about the PK tonight. I didn't feel that they were bad. They hustled and pressured the puck but the Oilers are elite on the PP. 

I would like to see what the PK looks like vs a normal team. 

We totally dominated 5 on 5.

Between the multiple breakaways, Miller missing the gaping net onetimer from Kuz, Hogz missing the one timer from Petey, I felt like we had better chances than the Oils. This could have been a rout for the Canucks on another day. It just sucks that it ended the way it did. I like that they came out firing and looking inspired. 

Maybe being up 3-0 was detrimental as they started trading chances with the Oilers at that point. 

Anyway, we have an exciting team this year folks. I think we'll surprise a lot of teams. 

I did feel like the Edmonton fans and the oilers influenced the game a bit. 

I don't know why they complained everytime they got a penalty. It was a clear penalty. They were also chasing the play 5 on 5 which was the driver for them taking penalties. 

If refs called that high stick, play is dead and then there would be a 1 min 4 v 4 and then we'd be on the PP for the remaining 3 minutes. Could have been a completely different game at that point. 

When the oilers were down 3, they became more desperate and began clawing at us and kept taking infractions where the refs only called the super blatant ones. That's a page out of the bruins strategy. 

Anyway I like a lot of the elements of the game tonight.  Special teams is what killed us. 

Spot on assessment. Canucks missed their chances on gapping nets, meanwhile the Oilers buried their chances.


In the end, this is the same old Edmonton team; meh goal tending, meh D, and only one real line...but what a line it is! They never did anything 5on5 until they combined Kane-McD-Draisatl; that line dominated, but the others became invisible. Key is stay discipline (minimize PPs) and try to smother that line as much as possible (minimize the goals, not eliminate), and you win. Even with our putrid PP and meh PK, we still should have won IF we can bury a couple of the dozen wide open one timers that missed the target.



- Kuz was the best canuck last night; guy is a gem. 

- Beoser should have taken a few games to get healthy. I prefer Karlsson than what I say out of Beoser last night.

- Petterson looks good. I like Hogs, but he needs to finish to play up on the 1st line. Podz-Petterson-Kuz next game please. I'm excited to see what Ilya will do on that line too.

- The team really missed Myers; Schenn was the top minute guy!! A lot of fans may not like him, but he is pretty good on the PK, and eats minutes. Hopefully he can get back sooner than later

- The defense overall was a bit of a ride; had a hard time moving the puck out of their zone. I guess no surprise, given Myers injury.

- Hughes struggled trying to play against the best line in the NHL. It's the ripple of the Myers injury

- the no call on Hughes was brutal. I guess I can understand the missing the call, but a guy grabbing his face leaking all over the ice; just pathetic.

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7 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Tanev got banged up in the playoffs last year so that has to be factored in, but let's not pretend that there is some defenceman not named Makar that can come in and shut down McDavid.  


The guy's been tearing up the league year after year, he's the most dominant offensive player since...  I have no idea who.  

Makar didn't shut McDavid down lol.


Why do people keep perpetuating this nonsense? Makar looked brutal defensively in that series to the point of where panels kept highlighting how young he is as a defenseman constantly in that series.


He was a minus player in that series despite sweeping the team lol. 

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4 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

The first goal that McDavid got was on a play very similar to one the Canucks used a lot last season....the player down low bumps it into the slot for a one timer....it was usuallyBo in the shooting position and I saw them try it again last night a couple of times....unsuccessfully.


Other than the fact that the guy in the slot added an extra pass, it was the same play that the Oilers used, but they were able to get their passes through. That's on the PK. You have to get sticks in those passing lanes and they weren't able to do so.

Yep; that would be a wicked spot for Podz. I don't know how the hell BB can justify keeping him off the PP. Guy screams net presence!

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Should have won this game for sure

Our PP let us down, but its not like we didn't have chances. Just gotta bury them

Our PK was really 75%. they scored when Hughes took the high stick and an empty netter


Petey was outstanding, Kuz, Hogs, Pods, Garly, OEL and yes,... even Poolman (68% corsi) had a good game. Having Myers out could be the best thing for him.


Lots to like here and we deserved to win, so can't wait for Philly!





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Just now, Smashian Kassian said:


Haha fair enough, you got me. :P


I hope your right, only 1 game, hopefully special teams gets on the rails.

It's one of the beautiful things about hockey and why they play 7 game series' in the playoffs.

Any given night, a team can win. Good ones just win more often. 

Last night was a close game, we had a huge missed call and then we were dealt some pain by the worlds best player.


I think as a squad we are better than EDM but we can't give them PP's and we need to be better at containing McJesus.

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1 minute ago, MikeyD said:

Makar didn't shut McDavid down lol.


Why do people keep perpetuating this nonsense? Makar looked brutal defensively in that series to the point of where panels kept highlighting how young he is as a defenseman constantly in that series.


He was a minus player in that series despite sweeping the team lol. 

You can't stop that line; only minimize the damage. Take less penalties and try to line match. With the rest of the team a shell, meh goaltending and meh D, they have to score 4+ to win games.

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