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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Philadelphia Flyers | Oct. 15, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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2 minutes ago, Sophomore Jinx said:

But if you're going to prop up Bo's last 50 games to excuse him from the recent two, then I can justifiably prop up JTM's SEVENTY POINTS in the last 50 games of last year to excuse him from the recent two. See how that works?


I'm not saying your assessment is wrong, but to say that BH is the least of this team's worries right now is a stretch.

I think JT will turn it around.  He cares.  Hes just a little lazy at times.  Wasnt a huge fan of his contract but we will get 4 good years from him. 

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1 minute ago, MaxVerstappen33 said:

Getting the first goal was an impossibility for the Travis Green Cancucks. These losses aren't Green bad. They just aren't. 

This has nothing to do with Green. Absolutely nothing. This is a brand new season he has had nothing to do with and we just witnesses the team blow 2 multi-goal leads, while going 1 for.. what 13 on the powerplay. Giving up back to back short handed goals against, and best yet all against one of the teams being a bottom of the league team missing most their best players.


These were worse then Greens. He has nothing to do with this conversation, but if we are comparing this start of the season, albeit 2 games, has been nothing short of atrocious.

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49 minutes ago, kilgore said:

We just signed him a few months ago, and he's already untradable.  lol


Of all the players talked about trading, Boeser for me was the one I think other teams might have given inflated value to, for what he brings. As a talented forward, who is not a C, he would have been most expendable, especially after signing Kuz.

Agreed.  Shouldve pulled the trigger last tdl.  Would have given us cash to sign a dman.  

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17 minutes ago, Outsiders said:

when Hoglander got highsticked and we got the penalty. Guess who went out to get an explanation and argue? JT Miller. Guess who sat on the bench and didnt say a word? Bo Horvat

Miller was on the ice, and wears an 'A' on his jersey.

If Bo was on the ice, he would have had a chat with the ref.

In either case, it would still make no freaking difference to the ref, or the game.

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I’m not ready to say the refs cost us the game but it was managed to be close.  the Canucks were fortunate to even be up 2-0 despite being outshot 17-5.  However you could see the penalties start getting lopsided the longer the game went with the Canucks up 2-0 the more blatant the calls on the ice were.  Hogs gets 2 mins for receiving a but end of the stick to the face. And everyone knew the parade to the Penalty box would continue until the Flyers scored.  That’s game management at its finest (or most corrupt, you decide.)


Friends tell me that McDavid might break some of Gretzky’s records, but not likely.  Games weren’t managed back then, they were reffed.  And if you wanted to play goon hockey all night you might have 15 penalties called against you.  Oilers would constantly take advantage of the reffing in the 80s with power plays. It got so bad the NHL had to change the rules on penalties.  You never see games reffed like that because the lesser skilled teams would get blown out every year. And the league doesn’t want that.  So the mandate for the refs is to manage the game and keep up it under control, to try not let the score get out of hand.  

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16 minutes ago, Shayster007 said:

This has nothing to do with Green. Absolutely nothing. This is a brand new season he has had nothing to do with and we just witnesses the team blow 2 multi-goal leads, while going 1 for.. what 13 on the powerplay. Giving up back to back short handed goals against, and best yet all against one of the teams being a bottom of the league team missing most their best players.


These were worse then Greens. He has nothing to do with this conversation, but if we are comparing this start of the season, albeit 2 games, has been nothing short of atrocious.

That's a whole lot of revisionist history. Green's team, coincidentally, was practically winless for the preseason, similar to this team. Interestingly enough, the same roster iced by Green was ALSO basically the same as Boudreau. We know what happened last season with the coaching change. The roster is flawed, but it showed promise with a good coach.


That being said, little was done to improve the team, except to replicate it from last season. Kuzmenko is probably a good add, but nothing was addressed to fix the center OR the defense. Don't tell me Lazar is the saviour.


We also have to remember that Green's teams were frequently "too many men". Our special teams were also garbage for the most part. Green is clearly not an NHL coach, considering he's never had a winning season. Go look through those records. They're all losing seasons.

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1 minute ago, TheAce said:

Why on earth are we running 4 forwards on a PP when we have a lead ?  Im not saying we go into a shell and play trap hockey but we can atleast play smart.

Teams have figured out our powerplay.


Pressure Miller or Petey aggressively and they bobble the puck and give it away. Our powerplay folds any time the other team plays them that way.

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50 minutes ago, R3aL said:

If you think we lost either game to start the season because of our defence only I cannot agree.


5 on 5 we have played well.


We have lost both games on special teams.


our PK was far better this game.


I agree in the sense to be a true cup contender we need to upgrade our defence.


but right now it is Miller it is Horvat it is our PP that’s the problem.


shorthanded goals against in two games all involved:


petey, Horvat and Miller.


We almost gave them a breakaway on another PP too. 

miller has been on the ice for how many goals against now? 

horvats done what so far? 

Kyle Burroughs just stood up to probably the second toughest skater in the entire league without hesitating.


I don’t think toughness is the problem right now it’s:


Attitude and Heart and it starts from our leaders Miller and Horvat. They both need to be better, and our PP needs to be FAR better. 

in two games we have had:



1 goal

2 short handed against 


this is atrocious for a team that NEEDS to have a powerplay that punishes the other team to discourage taking cheap shots at our stars.


the fact we’ve blown two leads in back to back games and have been scored on more than we have scored goals for on our PP is an issue that doesn’t involve our defence at all. 

also I believe it was Lazar who lost the draw that lead to deangelos goal? Was his strong side but big defensive draw on PK. It happens though and they had like 4/5 pps in a row they were bound to score. 


I disagree. 

The D is a crucial part of not only stopping the opposing team from scoring but also providing offense from the blueline when on the PP.


How many PP’s have we had over the last two games? 12?

Other than Hughes, has there been any threat from the blueline?

The forwards, while having plenty of blame, and I agree with you 100% on the PP, have the talent to score. Yeah they’re not doing it as of now, but there’s no argument that the talent is there, so that really isn’t the Team’s biggest concern, imo. 

Other than Hughes, who is quarterbacking the PP? OEL? He can’t anymore. He’s not that guy. Then who else? I don’t see anyone. 

Much of the PP is run by the dmen. We’ve got one that can proficiently do it night in night out. Again, other than Hughes who is there?

Maybe the answer is to go 4 forwards and 1 D and double shift Hughes but is that sustainable over the course of a season and potential playoffs? Of course not. 

Yeah Miller is on the ice for all 8 goals. I get it. Not sure if he’s trying to shoulder the burden all on himself and doing too much and thus just lacking everywhere. Not sure. 


But, the guy can play is ‘heart and soul’. If not him then who? I mean Miller is the only one that reminds me the kind of character out there that we’ve known for decades when it comes to Canuck Leadership. 

Isn’t that why many supporters want Bieksa to suit up for his one day contract? Lol. I mean I kid of course but that’s the feeling. There isn’t anyone on the team right now that gives supporters the feeling that someone is going to grab the inept bulls by the horn, so to speak. 

I get the Lazar draw critique. I get it. But, the dude has been here for 2 games. 

He’s not the real issue, you think? 

Isn’t there a bigger issue on how this team is built? 

Again, forwards, not a huge issue, other than some hanger-ons and useless contracts. Goaltending, unassailable. The Defence group? That’s my issue. 

In any war, you can’t win without a solid defence. Even the best offence can get bogged down and decimated by a solid opposing defence. The Nucks defence is as bad as Russia’s at this point. (Sorry for the analogy and political bent). 

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49 minutes ago, Outsiders said:

The final straw for me was when Hoglander got highsticked and we got the penalty. Guess who went out to get an explanation and argue? JT Miller. Guess who sat on the bench and didnt say a word? Bo Horvat. Bruce was giving it to the ref on the bench as was Garland and Lazer I believe. Horvat just sat in the middle of all of them with a roll over and give up look on his face. His guy ain't a captain it's pathetic.


Boeser is way to slow out there. Guy is well on his way to be the next Loui Eriksson. I don't even see him hitting 20 goals this season. IMO we need to trade Horvat and Boeser (country club anyone?) Both straight up for RHD. 1 for 1. Sign and trade for Horvat to get better value. 








Hughes- (Stud)

OEL- (stud)


To be fair, Horvat was on the bench and not allowed to leave the bench to argue a call. 

Miller is an Alternate Captain and was on the ice, and is the only one allowed to discuss the penalty or infraction. 

I get your overall frustration though. 

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