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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Boston Bruins | Nov. 13, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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2 minutes ago, hockeygod77 said:



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1 hour ago, Disgruntler said:

LOL. Can’t wait for the homecoming.

They're going to be out of the playoff picture fairly quick.


From now till April.  The tickets will be cheap, because the building will be around 60% capacity.


Nothing like being out of the playoffs by mid November for the 3rd consecutive year.


Time to do other things with your time folks.


This could take many years to get right.



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9 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

He was disgustingly terrible last year too. People are just willfully blind sometimes. 

Like you?

Myers was awful the season prior, but had a good season last year.

There is no doubt that he is struggling this season.

OEL-Myers were a good combo last season.(Myers has never been a +15 in his career).


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1 hour ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

There was an article from this summer, "Penguins Starting to See Effects of Rutherford’s Poor Decision Making".


The bolded part below sounds a lot like the situation the Canucks are in right now:



So FA hired an copy of Benning?

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I have always hesitated to bash the team and management, but this is baaaaaad hockey. They should move JT, Brock, Garland, Myers, and anybody else not in the Petey, QH window. I doubt anybody would take OEL without the team retaining a significant portion of his contract. I would keep Bo, because he is generally a stud. It'll hurt for a couple of years, but they have to free up cap space for Bo, Kuzmenko and Petey, and having those other guys on the roster is obviously not getting them to the playoffs this year and likely next. Its a shame that we don't have a deep cupboard of young guys down in Abby to play NHL minutes if we offload those contracts.


There was an interesting conversation on 32 thoughts a few weeks about how rebuilds generally don't work. People point to Chicago and Pittsburgh, but those teams rebuilt around generational players. The way the draft works now, you can't guarantee that even if you are awful that you will win the lottery and get that generational talent and even if you do, well Edmonton.

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1 hour ago, BlackRedYellow said:

Unpopular opinion… but where is Petey when we face tough/better opponents!? (When eveybody blames Miller or Horvat for not hitting)

He completely goes quiet… then turns up with 4-5 points against teams like the Ducks or Coyotes etc… 

Isn’t that what the good teams usually do? Shut down the other teams scorers? Thats why secondary scoring (deep talent) is so important. 

No one expects petey to go out and be perfect yet.  Hes still young and growing. 


The captain on the other hand is 27 and   6’ 215 lbs and he barely plays with any grit and toughness. You'd think the captain, especially during hockey night in Canada, and in his hometown, would want to win and make an impact.


Read an article about Horvat changing to a different stick - more flex, one of his reasons was its “easier on the body” if thats not a tell tale that he doesn’t care about winning he cares about a paycheque. Maybe he should quit and find a job testing pillows.


Some of you may say “If he’s injured he can’t play in the playoffs”, Well if the team doesn’t make the playoffs he can’t play there either.


This anger and resentment for horvat has been brewing for years, he has built a reputation of being soft and not sticking up for teammates. Turn the other cheek style play.  I don’t like it, and don’t want a captain who’s as soft as charmin toilet paper. 





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1 hour ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Good question, and just to clarify...  we're talking about a team that bottoms out for 2-3 years as opposed to 5-6 years.  


Colorado had 3 bad years followed by a 112 point season where they finished 2nd in the West.  Then they had two seasons where they narrowly missed the playoffs and punctuated that with a 3rd season where they were terrible and finished bottom of the league.  Then they made playoffs five years in a row.  

That would resemble us if we were to sell off some assets and bottom out this year before making the playoffs next year.  


Anaheim is in the 5th year of majorly sucking.  I don't see a clear way for them to emerge as a contender yet.  They now face the danger of having all their young guys used to losing.  


Arizona tanked for 4 years, then had three years of mediocrity, and is now entering a second year of being terrible.  More of a perpetual rebuild going on there.  


Buffalo has finished bottom 10 in the league for 10 years in a row.  Many rebuilds there that didn't work out.  


Carolina is a good example for your case.  They didn't really bottom out and finish at the bottom of the league (26th or better) but they missed playoffs for 6 years in a row before getting back in the playoffs and now have a very strong team.  


LA Kings would be more for my case where they finished near the bottom for 3 years and then jumped back into playoffs.  


New Jersey has been pretty bad for an entire decade, but they have finally exited the perpetual losing after 4 astonishingly bad seasons in a row.  


New York Rangers only bottomed out for two years before finishing 16th in the league and climbing out of the basement.  They are a bit of a special case though as they had Fox and Panarin walk to them, on top of winning two draft lotteries.  


Toronto can be looked at a few different ways.  They barely missed the playoffs a couple of times, then sucked for four years, then had a strong season followed by three bottoming out years.  They've made the playoffs 6 years in a row since (lol).  



So just kinda scouring the track records of other teams, I see a lot of teams that sucked for a few years, followed it up by a brief success and then tanked for another 2-3 years in the aftermath before taking off.  

I think it would be a mistake to get rid of good young players under the age of 25 on this team.  I'm not saying I want to keep them all, but keeping Petey would really be a good move.  We have no guarantees that we won't keep drafting busts.  

So unless we rattle off 5 wins in a row here, I hope that management sells whatever it can and shuts guys down for the year that are dealing with nagging injuries.  One year of bottoming out and accruing assets would be enough to build a strong young foundation in support of some of the guys we already have.  

Well put together.


It looks like it is really just unpredictable then for time length. Too many variables to factor in.

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8 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

Great evidence... a new stick means a player doesn't care :lol: and they're soft :lol: funny.....

Did you read the article?

Watching him play is the evidence hes soft ;) Him going to a more flexible stick because “it easier on the body” is not surprising. He clearly doesn’t care about laying it on the line for his teammates and fans.

Might be a bit of a stretch but hey, Say something like “easier on the body” while being a hockey player maybe its time to find a new job. Which, thankfully the writing is on the wall, this will be soft as butter bo’s last season here. 

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36 minutes ago, ABNucksfan said:

He needs to realize he knows jack shit about managing a hockey team and keep the fuck out of it. 

I think our owner does keep out of hockey ops.  What he does is set the direction.  His direction is clearly wrong.  He needs to set a rebuilding direction.  

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7 minutes ago, PetterssonOrPeterson said:

you act like we have the luxury of being able to choose a yzerman or sakic type leader for our team.

i mean, if we did have a captain like that available as an option, then yeah, i'd gladly back him.. but what are you expecting? 

you complain but there's no solution. 


Bo's on pace for a career year goal wise, he's nearly 60 percent on faceoff and... "maybe he should quit and find a job testing pillows?"

"you'd think the captain, in his hometown would want to win and make an impact?" didn't he score a goal that game? 

what, are you expecting him to be superman and singlehandedly carry the team like he's mcdavid possessed and offence the entire path for the team? and how's he gonna punch his way to a win by himself? 


this team sucks.

you can't put all the blame on Bo for that. there's 17 other skaters on the ice.

There's only so much you can do when you have a sh*tty team around you.

I'm not saying that Bo's the most macho, manliest captain there is, however, he's playing well. 

We also don't have the luxury to choose that "perfect captain" according to your standards.


"i don't like and don't want a captain who's as soft as charmin toilet paper".

lol. well good luck finding that captain who can fight, hit, win face-offs, have excellent defence and offence, have excellent hockey iq and carry an entire team.

everyone wants that player.

Love Bo, but he’s not an “excellent” defensive player.  He’s excellent on faceoffs.  He’s good offensively.  He is actually not a defensive minded player.  Wish he was.  

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1 hour ago, ABNucksfan said:



Read an article about Horvat changing to a different stick - more flex, one of his reasons was its “easier on the body” if thats not a tell tale that he doesn’t care about winning he cares about a paycheque. Maybe he should quit and find a job testing pillows



The fact that you even have this as a thought for a possible reason for him "not wanting to win" shows how deluded you are. 

Are you serious? 


That's like saying players that don't wear visors on their helmets care more than those "pansies" who do (they want protected vision) and the players who wear visors only care about their paycheques. 

Should we terminate Bo's contract and trade for Kassian again and make him captain right away? 

How about Reaves as our captain? Bogosian?


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37 minutes ago, PetterssonOrPeterson said:

The fact that you even have this as a thought for a possible reason for him "not wanting to win" shows how deluded you are. 

Are you serious? 


That's like saying players that don't wear visors on their helmets care more than those "pansies" who do (they want protected vision) and the players who wear visors only care about their paycheques. 

Should we terminate Bo's contract and trade for Kassian again and make him captain right away? 

How about Reaves as our captain? Bogosian?


Breathe Petey 

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