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Are the Canucks Actually in Cap Hell?

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6 hours ago, CanucksJay said:

With the recent team's success, I looked ahead to next season to see how much cap we need to shed once Kuz and Miller's contract kicks in (additional 7.3m) along with activating Mik from LTIR (4.75) and re-signing Kravstov (1m?)


We would then have 15 forwards under contract at a cap hit of 48.2m

Ofcourse we would waive/send to Abby 2 players making 762k each (1.524) which means we'd have 13 forwards @ 46.7m (without losing /trading anyone and signing Krav to 1m)


On defence, with OEL coming back off LTIR, we'd be at 5 defensemen @ 26. 3m (Hughes, Hronek, OEL, Myers, Brisbois) 

And need to sign/re-sign 2 of Dermott, Bear, Burroughs Juulsen, Wolanin . 


Goalie we have Demko (5m) and need a backup


So to summarize


We're set at forwards (13 players @ 46.7m)

Defense (5 signed  @ 26.3m)

Goalie (1 signed @ 5m)


Thats 78m total. 


Cap is 83.5 next year

We have 5.5 to spend on 2 d men and 1 back up goalie. 


We have options folks. 


On goalie,


we can sign a league min guy to warm the bench and then bring up Silovs every time we need backup to play. 


On defense

We can stay status quo and sign 2 bottom pairing D




We can trade Myers after bonus is paid and free up 6m more (11.5m cap space) and spend on someone like Gavrikov  and re-sign 2 bottom pairing d men like Burroughs and Wolanin to round out the defense


Forwards we're pretty set but could trade a guy like Garland to free up 5m and call up Hogz to do the same job. 


Anyway, things don't seem as dire as people seemed to suggest after the Hronek trade. 


I'm starting to believe in this management team after my initial knee jerk hissy fit. 

Questionable moves were Boeser, Miller, Mikheyev, Kuz (re-signing) 


Miller looks now to be a good deal at 8m (physical 2c putting up a PT / game while winning draws and playing good 2 way hockey) 

Kuz is worth every penny

Mik was amazing for us while playing with 1 leg

Boeser is finally playing like a 70-75 PT player. 


Can we at this point say that management has been dead wrong about anything? 


Even the Tocchet hire. 




I agree with you Myers will be easy to move after July 1st Bonus is paid 1 million remaining to be paid. Team under cap will love that contract Ducks and Coyotes .


I think  1 or 2 of these players will be moved - Boeser 26  ( 6.7 mil ) - Garland 27 - 4.9 mil -- Beauvillier 25 - 4.1 million


Livingstone 23 - 6'3 RD - Solid college player think he will sign and play beside Hughes

Graves 27 - 6'5 LD - Big gritty , toughness  defensive guy - UFA ? 4 yrs X 4.4 -4.8 ?   Would look great beside Hughes

Bear - 1 yr X 2.2 million RD - show me more deal

Brisebois  25  LD - signed 2 yrs - depth looks good

Juulsen 25 - RD - Should sign depth guy and looks good playing with Hughes for 9 games

Wolanin 27 - LD -  should sign,  Also looks good in 11 games this year

Johansson 23 RD -- He could make team next season ?


Forwards - Need 3rd line C under 2 million ---- 4th line winger will fill Di Giuseppe -Karlsson -- (  Hoglander 3rd line next season - speed, skill ready for NHL..


Maybe backup under 1.5 million there are some veterans 28--32 ?? 

Or they might decide on Silvos might be little early ?

Silovs 22 - could fill 15 games NHL --- 45 AHL games he is close to backup ready full time...

Demko 27 -- Top 10 goalie  -- 50 -55  NHL games 2023-24


Dermott 26 -RFA - will not resign

Pearson 30- LTIR --- Buy out if he gets healthy enough

Poolman 29 - LTIR

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1 hour ago, Gawdzukes said:

At the end of the day he's just too tiny and not ultra skilled enough to be effective ... especially on a team with Petterson, Kuzmenko, Boeser, and Beauvillier, in the top 6. Not to mention his defence is not great, he can't body people off the puck, and he doesn't PK. At $5 mil he's just money that could be better spent elsewhere ... especially seeing as how this is a cap conversation thread. This has been one of the biggest problems on the Canucks in recent years. Keeping and signing players because in isolation they are good. It's time to put the team's needs first.

I would much rather move Boeser, Myers, and Beauvillier first. Garland is good enough defensively, he comes away with the puck more often then not on the wall.  


I like his play driving, his passing, and most of all his drive to win and competitiveness. 


He's harder to play against then some of our 6'1 guys. Similar to Matt Zucarello. 

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@mll question for you: 


If we buyout OEL, does Arizona have to pay their 12% retained portion (in real money) of it or do they only have to deal with the cap hit? 


We could dangle that 2.5 million they'd be on the hook for and blackmail them to trade for Myers from us. 

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1 hour ago, drofssalg said:

Cap hell? Yes. If both Poolman and Pearson come off of LTIR that is $5.75 million back on the books and that essentially creates cap hell. Quick math on the committed cap for next season is $81 million. Leaving $1.5 million on an $82.5 million cap (current). This means $1.5 to sign Bear, Dermott and Kravtsov and a hole at 3rd line centre. Of course the cap should increase so that will alleviate a little pressure but certainly will not relieve it all. 


List as follows (you can do your own math from Capfriendly):

Forwards - Garland, Miller, Boeser, Pettersson, Kuzmenko, Mikheyev, Podkolzin, Beauvillier, Joshua, Pearson, Aman, Kravstov (missing 3rd line C and one spare forward)

Defense - Hughes, Myers, Hronek, OEL, Bear, Dermott, Poolman (awful D core even with Hronek added). 

Goalies - Demko, Martin (may need an upgrade on backup)

Total is just over 81 million


Management obviously knows Poolman's and Pearson's status. We don't. So until confirmed otherwise, Pearson and Poolman are assumed to be active roster players and have to include their cap hit.


Cap space is an issue until there are answers on Poolman and Pearson's health and who is traded out (Myers, Boeser, Garland) and what comes back (dollars are coming back on any trade). And let's not pull a Benning and forget about the following season when Pettersson, Beauvillier and Hronek will need new contracts so those increases need to be thought of in the context of what is added or subtracted for 23/24. Pray Podkolzin "doesn't" have a monster year next year as well - get him on a good 3 year bridge before he progresses. 


This will definitely be resolved by October but it will not be easy and 31 other GMs are not going to play nice. Right now the Canucks are definitely in cap hell. There will be trades and buyouts... And cheap contracts filling in the bottom part of the roster. 

This is it, we are in cap hell until we aren’t.


For the last few years folks have just given credit for imaginary future moves that would fix our cap situation.  You don’t get to do that until the moves are actually done.


”Hey, our cap will be fine because we will trade Myers and Boeser for decent assets back.  Poolman and Pearson will remain on LTIR for the whole season, and more importantly we will know that in time to spend their cap money.  We will also get a bunch of players to sign for less than market value.  All is good.”


… I have seen effectively identical posts dozens of times dismissing current cap concerns.  

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55 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

I would much rather move Boeser, Myers, and Beauvillier first. Garland is good enough defensively, he comes away with the puck more often then not on the wall.  


I like his play driving, his passing, and most of all his drive to win and competitiveness. 


He's harder to play against then some of our 6'1 guys. Similar to Matt Zucarello. 

I know Millar has woke up to realize he needs to earn that 8 mil next year. but I would rather have Brock and Beau. thats what, 9? so we still need more cap.... so now Demko is value. another 5 Mil. 

So why not Demko and Millar for whatever team gets Bedard. Bedard isnt a 13MIL cap hit in his first 3 or 5 years. 

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7 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

If we can move either Garland or Boeser (Possibly both?). Trade Myers after his bonus.

We will be in better shape. Just don't go out and pick up UFA's, unless it's NCAA UFA's that don't cost much.

Get some cap room, and keep it. It gives the team way more options and flexibility.

Agreed 1000%.  Let the ELC guys grow, hope that Kuz - Petey - Beau and Mikheyev - Miller - ________ stay hot, move those 3 big contracts and try to find a partner for OEL that would at least make him serviceable since we're pretty much stuck with him.  Other than that things should get better esp. if the kids can grow to meet their potential, and Hronek stays at this career year level.

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5 hours ago, spook007 said:

They've hired an amazing amount of people to their front office... I doubt very much they leave anything to chance... 



Didn’t Emilie get the cap last year right exactly at $86 million with Poolman on LTIR?  

I have 100% confidence she will do it again. 

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I am curious what the GM is going to do this off season with Hronek and Myers...


Does he get the owner to pay Myers 5m on July 1st then move him for a pick to clear 6m in cap space...is a bottom feeder team willing to do that, I would hope so and personally I don't care if we got future considerations back it is the 6m in cap space we need sooner than later. Much better than trading JT and having a massive hole at #2C position.


Hronek: trading for an injured D was mind boggling to be, should have waited till the draft to make that move. We would then know where the NYI pick stands if its a 2023 or 2024 1st round pick. Seems like lots of hockey insiders think Hronek is going to command 7-8m long term and due to the price we paid to acquire him and our clear need for a capable top 4 RHD the player and his agent might have Canucks GM backed into a corner...I don't agree with that, Hronek was having a good season for a different team and is now hurt. Could Canucks GM offer him a deal for say 3-6 years with a cap hit under 7m?? If Hronek thinks he is getting paid more than Hughes, well then we have him for next year and we can qualify him for another year but no way in hell do I want Hronek making more than Hughes or even close to Hughes as it stands now he hasn't played 1 game with us so who knows how Tocchet will deploy him...with Hughes or seperate to help the 2nd D pair.


Now, the very unpopular topic...OEL, I am very curious what Canucks management has been discussing regarding him. Would they dare consider a buyout this summer to clear a ton of cap space this year, then try to add to the team this off season and deal with the couple high dead cap hears OEL will have down the road? Exactly what Minnesota did and they did it with 2 players yet have been a better team because of it...


I do NOT want Canucks to buyout OEL this off season, 8 yrs of dead cap would suck, but if the team knows the cap will be going up a decent amount when the dead cap hit is at its highest I wonder if the team would operate cap wise at a total cap hit of what next year will be for the next few years if they have an improved D group and a quality #3C?


Of course there is the trade JT at the draft...but why, we need a #2C and JT has been great for us since he got traded here...he may not be a PPG for his entire extension but how many players never come close to living up to their deals for the whole contract...Canucks seem to always get stuck with players who remain healthy, have NMC/NTC protection or have contracts laid out in a way that make them buyout proof!


Personally for me, dump Myers on July 2nd after his SB is paid. Look at moving 1 of Garland/Boeser/Beau(contract related- 1 yr left at a good cap hit but what would an extension cost, we have younger guys we hope can take that leap into top 6 for less $, anyone playing with EP and Kuz is going to get points) only if the deal brings back something decent for the Canucks. Both those guys have played well under Tocchet. People whine about Boeser NOT scoring goals, last time I checked if a player still puts up points he is an asset to the team. Maybe Boeser hovers between 20-30G for his career but if he can add 40-50A to that total thats 60-80pt per season player...not too shabby, liked Boeser on the JT line I only wonder if someone like Podkolzin or Hoglander can steal the top 6 wing spot from Di Gusieppe or if Mikheyev is earmarked for that to start next year. 


Garland while playing down the lineup has been effective and has been putting up points and did well under Tocchet back in Arizona. 


Do the Canucks try to extend Hronek or Beau this off season or is Beau possibly available at the draft if we can net a later 1st round pick in return which isn't that big of an ask considering how well he has played since coming to Vancouver.


Bear- depends if we get any NCAA FA RHD, if Bear wants to sign a fair deal sure but he is a bottom pair guy if we have a legit D core, also do Canucks bring Schenn back if he is a cheaper option albeit older but maybe if all the stars align a bottom pair of OEL and Schenn might work. That would of course mean we have dealt Myers and we got someone like a Gavrikov everyone on here seems to want us to try and sign for 2nd pair minutes with Hronek? 


If we bring Schenn back would we use him with Hughes most of the time?


Hughes Schenn/Bear/Livingstone

Gavrikov/OEL Hronek

Brisebois/OEL/Rathbone Bear/Schenn/Livingstone


Of course we have to move Myers to make any of the above D possible and we need Gavrikov to NOT sign with LA and NOT sign on July 1. So the hope for him is the Dan Millstein agent allure with all his other players we have assembled on the roster.


I do not think Canucks are in cap hell, BUT I do think teams will know Canucks want to dump someone like a Myers and even with his SB paid a team may want an asset attached to him to take his cap hit on at the beginning of FA. What I could see playing out is Myers staying and getting moved at some point and no later than the TDL with retention but that wouldn't allow us to improve other areas of the team this off season, UNLESS...we do the dreaded buyout on OEL. Pearson wont be back to start the year but we still have to be cap compliant day 1 before players go on LTIR do we not?


I would probably walk away from Dermott, injured so often and with cheaper contracts like Brisebois, Wolanin( if resigned) or say Rathbone making the team out of training cap we can have a depth 6-8 for uner 1m. Maybe Dermott signs a 1yr deal for less and competes for a roster spot at training camp?


For the select couple that constantly mention JT to Carolina, with JK playing a lot better racking up points lately I highly doubt they consider moving a signed long term potential #2C going forward for under 5m straight up for a 30 yr old signed long term JT. If Carolina is going to pay a guy a lot into their 30s it will be with a known player they already have not a player they do NOT have on their team. Canucks only move JT if an offer comes in that is too good to refuse, don't see teams lining up with proper offers that would compensate us and help the team as soon as next year. Teams will want to send cap back and likely for players not nearly as good as JT so saving a few million while downgrading significantly makes no sense.


If we weren't allergic to trading high picks or selection C's in the early rounds maybe we would have drafted a C with top 6 potential, but we haven't and Raty should NOT be rushed to try and be that guy. Let him cook in the A next year and be a call up, unless...he improves his foot speed over the summer and earns a spot at training camp next year but even then it would be a bottom 6 role and hopefully he plays C not wing!

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6 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

@mll question for you: 


If we buyout OEL, does Arizona have to pay their 12% retained portion (in real money) of it or do they only have to deal with the cap hit? 


We could dangle that 2.5 million they'd be on the hook for and blackmail them to trade for Myers from us. 

Everything is split according to the retained percentage and they'll have to pay their share of the buyout.  It's cheaper for them.  The bonus is always paid but only 66% of the salary left to pay is owed in a buyout instead of all of it.


After this season he is still owed 29M in salary (no bonus) - a buyout would save 33% or 9.67M so for Arizona it's 1.16M less to pay.  


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6 hours ago, drofssalg said:

Cap hell? Yes. If both Poolman and Pearson come off of LTIR that is $5.75 million back on the books and that essentially creates cap hell. Quick math on the committed cap for next season is $81 million. Leaving $1.5 million on an $82.5 million cap (current). This means $1.5 to sign Bear, Dermott and Kravtsov and a hole at 3rd line centre. Of course the cap should increase so that will alleviate a little pressure but certainly will not relieve it all. 


List as follows (you can do your own math from Capfriendly):

Forwards - Garland, Miller, Boeser, Pettersson, Kuzmenko, Mikheyev, Podkolzin, Beauvillier, Joshua, Pearson, Aman, Kravstov (missing 3rd line C and one spare forward)

Defense - Hughes, Myers, Hronek, OEL, Bear, Dermott, Poolman (awful D core even with Hronek added). 

Goalies - Demko, Martin (may need an upgrade on backup)

Total is just over 81 million


Management obviously knows Poolman's and Pearson's status. We don't. So until confirmed otherwise, Pearson and Poolman are assumed to be active roster players and have to include their cap hit.


Cap space is an issue until there are answers on Poolman and Pearson's health and who is traded out (Myers, Boeser, Garland) and what comes back (dollars are coming back on any trade). And let's not pull a Benning and forget about the following season when Pettersson, Beauvillier and Hronek will need new contracts so those increases need to be thought of in the context of what is added or subtracted for 23/24. Pray Podkolzin "doesn't" have a monster year next year as well - get him on a good 3 year bridge before he progresses. 


This will definitely be resolved by October but it will not be easy and 31 other GMs are not going to play nice. Right now the Canucks are definitely in cap hell. There will be trades and buyouts... And cheap contracts filling in the bottom part of the roster. 

I can't see a world where we will have Dermott, Bear AND Poolman along with Myers on the opening roster. 

If management doesn't trade Myers and Poolman looks to be on his way back, why the heck would they re-sign Dermott and Bear? 

You're presenting a lineup that makes no sense. No sane GM would do that. Signing Brisbois was to give this team options in the summer. He'll either be the 6th dman if we are right against the cap or 7th if we are able to find some cap flexibility either by trading Myers or Poolman staying on LTIR. 

The forward lineup doesn't make sense either. Why would they play a roster that only has 3Cs? Dries or Raty will be the 4C even if that means waiving Kravstov but I don't see that happening either because we wouldn't have signed Dermott and Bear if Poolman and Pearson are coming back. 


4 hours ago, Provost said:

This is it, we are in cap hell until we aren’t.


For the last few years folks have just given credit for imaginary future moves that would fix our cap situation.  You don’t get to do that until the moves are actually done.


”Hey, our cap will be fine because we will trade Myers and Boeser for decent assets back.  Poolman and Pearson will remain on LTIR for the whole season, and more importantly we will know that in time to spend their cap money.  We will also get a bunch of players to sign for less than market value.  All is good.”


… I have seen effectively identical posts dozens of times dismissing current cap concerns.  




4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Didn’t Emilie get the cap last year right exactly at $86 million with Poolman on LTIR?  

I have 100% confidence she will do it again. 

Yeah it would quickly turn into cap hell if BOTH Pearson and Poolman come off LTIR 

That 5.5 cap space would quickly turn to 250k over cap. 

But then again we'd be at 14 forwards and 6 d men and 1 goalie. 

We would need to send a 1m player down to Abby and sign a goalie for 750k to be cap compliant. 

We would then be running with 13 forwards, 6 D and 2 goalies. 


That 1m player getting waived may be someone like Kravstov. Or maybe we waive Dries AND Digiuseppi and  run with 12 forwards 6 dmen and 2 goalies knowing that we'll have a call up down the road in Abby for all home games. 


That being said, I find this highly unlikely that both guys will be on the roster on opening night. 

It sounded like Pearson was at risk of missing next year let alone be ready for the start of the season. 

Poolman's looks to be another Ferland. 


I will guarantee you this. We will be cap compliant by opening night (players end up on LTIR after preseason, we trade somebody). 


My guess is they obviously know more than us about Pearson and Poolman's statuses. We'll see a Myers Garland or Boeser trade if we know BOTH are coming back. 

If it's just 1 coming back, we'll make it work. 




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6 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

@mll question for you: 


If we buyout OEL, does Arizona have to pay their 12% retained portion (in real money) of it or do they only have to deal with the cap hit? 


We could dangle that 2.5 million they'd be on the hook for and blackmail them to trade for Myers from us. 

They have to pay close to $2.4 million in real money over the 8-year period.  12% of the $19,333,333 that would be owed in total...


2023-24 $10,500,000 $8,250,000 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 $8,083,333 $146,667 $20,000
2024-25 $8,000,000 $8,250,000 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 $5,583,333 $2,346,667 $320,000
2025-26 $5,250,000 $8,250,000 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 $2,833,333 $4,766,667 $650,000
2026-27 $5,250,000 $8,250,000 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 $2,833,333 $4,766,667 $650,000
2027-28 $0 $0 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 -$2,416,667 $2,126,667 $290,000
2028-29 $0 $0 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 -$2,416,667 $2,126,667 $290,000
2029-30 $0 $0 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 -$2,416,667 $2,126,667 $290,000
2030-31 $0 $0 $0 $2,416,667 $2,416,667 -$2,416,667 $2,126,667 $290,000
TOTAL $29,000,000 $33,000,000 $0 $19,333,333 $19,333,333 $9,666,667 $20,533,336 (88%) $2,800,000 (12%)


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7 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Didn’t Emilie get the cap last year right exactly at $86 million with Poolman on LTIR?  

I have 100% confidence she will do it again. 

Yes she did... 

And yes agree 100%.... 


This is a good thing about this group of people... they have a finger on the pulse with every aspects of it... 


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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

They have to pay close to $2.4 million in real money over the 8-year period.  12% of the $19,333,333 that would be owed in total...



I totally ignored the amount that they already have to pay each year, so my calculations are off and useless because of it. 

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9 hours ago, drofssalg said:

Cap hell? Yes. If both Poolman and Pearson come off of LTIR that is $5.75 million back on the books and that essentially creates cap hell. Quick math on the committed cap for next season is $81 million. Leaving $1.5 million on an $82.5 million cap (current). This means $1.5 to sign Bear, Dermott and Kravtsov and a hole at 3rd line centre. Of course the cap should increase so that will alleviate a little pressure but certainly will not relieve it all. 


List as follows (you can do your own math from Capfriendly):

Forwards - Garland, Miller, Boeser, Pettersson, Kuzmenko, Mikheyev, Podkolzin, Beauvillier, Joshua, Pearson, Aman, Kravstov (missing 3rd line C and one spare forward)

Defense - Hughes, Myers, Hronek, OEL, Bear, Dermott, Poolman (awful D core even with Hronek added). 

Goalies - Demko, Martin (may need an upgrade on backup)

Total is just over 81 million


Management obviously knows Poolman's and Pearson's status. We don't. So until confirmed otherwise, Pearson and Poolman are assumed to be active roster players and have to include their cap hit.


Cap space is an issue until there are answers on Poolman and Pearson's health and who is traded out (Myers, Boeser, Garland) and what comes back (dollars are coming back on any trade). And let's not pull a Benning and forget about the following season when Pettersson, Beauvillier and Hronek will need new contracts so those increases need to be thought of in the context of what is added or subtracted for 23/24. Pray Podkolzin "doesn't" have a monster year next year as well - get him on a good 3 year bridge before he progresses. 


This will definitely be resolved by October but it will not be easy and 31 other GMs are not going to play nice. Right now the Canucks are definitely in cap hell. There will be trades and buyouts... And cheap contracts filling in the bottom part of the roster. 

Pearson looks like he may be on the LTIR.  I don't think he will play next year.  Poolman isn't an issue because you can either bury 50% of his contract by sending him to Abby, or you can just buy him out.  His buyout is pretty team friendly.  I would just send him to Abby so we don't have to deal with the extra 2 years at $1 million...


2023-24 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $500,000
2024-25 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $500,000
2025-26 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -$1,000,000 $1,000,000
2026-27 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 -$1,000,000 $1,000,000
TOTAL $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000
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Reality is Allvin made most of his moves aside from any minor bottom six stuff,  already and the team we have now could be the same one we ice next season.   Cap could go up 1-4.5.    Both the NHL and NHLPA are considering raising the cap even if they don't make the owners whole from covid (Bettman - NHL.com yesterday).    One won't do much, but 4.5 sure will.    And after next season Myers is done.    Sure would like to see us put some away in the piggy bank for once.    After next season Myers goes to Hronek and EP. 

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I'd say we are in cap purgatory for one more season.    Just hope Allvin is much better at filling in the gaps at a lesser price.   Did that for us this year with Lazar (and we got a pick which was nice).   Joshua and Aman were solid too.    Kravstov was a cheap reclamation project.     We still need to draft our way into contention.   Hope this year we can have a boffo draft like Nonis's first one.   Two impact players, a great support player plus a roster player for a few years. 

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20 hours ago, EastCoastNucks said:

I know Millar has woke up to realize he needs to earn that 8 mil next year. but I would rather have Brock and Beau. thats what, 9? so we still need more cap.... so now Demko is value. another 5 Mil. 

So why not Demko and Millar for whatever team gets Bedard. Bedard isnt a 13MIL cap hit in his first 3 or 5 years. 

Would you do that trade if you were the team that had Bedard? 

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Do we have cap issues? Of course we do. We ended up trading away Horvat who was going to demand a lot of money next year that we couldn't afford and there are people even questioning things even after that.


Are we in "cap hell"? That strikes me as more of a relative term that really depends on what you think "not being in cap hell" would mean. If you think not being in cap hell means freely being able to make trades without worry about the cap as much, then arguably most teams are in cap hell. If your definition is we won't be able to do anything for 2 years... I don't think we're in that situation so then no, I don't think we're in cap hell at that point. It's all a matter of perspective in the end.


Really, the term "cap hell" is kind of meaningless if you think about it since it's not exactly something you can well define without someone else thinking it means something else entirely.

Edited by The Lock
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