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[Buyout] Oliver Ekman-Larsson

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1 hour ago, canuck73_3 said:

I would have prefered on more year with him and buy out next year so there would be two less years of dead cap at least, but what's done is done. We're not contending with or without him this coming season anyway. 

Pretty much. I wouldn't have minded a slightly more reasonable, not stress the playoff next year, but build for it the next. Get more picks and draft more peeps, let the farm percolate a year, send off Myers the deadline, buy out OEL NEXT year, and then have a TON of cap room if you want to sign the stars and even add more, would have worked a lot better. It would have made the rebuild people happy, and would be a compromise with the win now crowd.


But instead we go extreme again. This is why Canadian teams can't have nice things, you know, like Stanley Cups.

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56 minutes ago, Sophomore Jinx said:


I know it's hindsight, but she was a ridiculous hire....but (also in hindsight), she was also an excellent "fire".


I'm glad this management team is proactive enough to take out the trash when it is warranted, and not let things fester and create unnecessary turmoil. They will remove toxicity, whether it be an elephant in the room, or from elsewhere (ie Doerrie, from the front office) 



Or on the rink in case of OEL and Jake V.


So I guess that is a positive way to look at this even for team take it slow.

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1 hour ago, spook007 said:

Don't get why folks are annoyed?

You all know, she is employed by Canucks, thus it will be PR or very biased reporting... so don't listen to it...


I'm ok with hearing Canucks side of the story, instead of all the dooms day journalists, who often don't have a clue about inside stuff, and thus seems to be making it up, just to get clicks...

Folks are annoyed because the Canucks are making it harder for the bottom feeders to spread their gloom, doom, doomsday scenarios and make stuff up. ;)

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2 hours ago, canuck73_3 said:

I would have prefered on more year with him and buy out next year so there would be two less years of dead cap at least, but what's done is done. We're not contending with or without him this coming season anyway. 

It would have been 6 years after next so only 1 less year of dead cap but the terms are less favourable for the extra years. 

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1 hour ago, spook007 said:

Don't get why folks are annoyed?

You all know, she is employed by Canucks, thus it will be PR or very biased reporting... so don't listen to it...


I'm ok with hearing Canucks side of the story, instead of all the dooms day journalists, who often don't have a clue about inside stuff, and thus seems to be making it up, just to get clicks...

I'm not annoyed. Just stated what her job is. We don't expect her to criticize the team nor should she.  She is more like a fan insider surrogate.  As long she asks questions that we fans want answered, I think it's an useful position for the team. 


We also got another Pettersen, which is on brand. 


A rink side reporter is not a journalist, which we got truck loads of already. 


She's basically taking over Dan Murphy's role. Other rink side reporter over the years:  Ray Ferraro, Joey Kenward, Kristin Reid, Craig McEwen. 





Hannah Bernard 2014



Reg season game v Bruins before the SCF. 




Edited by Jaimito
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3 hours ago, eeeeergh said:

He’ll get around 3m a season 

and he will outperform his salary 


guy was absolutely wrecked by Myers and bad luck last season 


still wish management had just waited 1 season, I really don’t see what the rush was to do this. 

Buying him out this year gave them 7 million in cap space next year. If they waited another year, I think the savings are far less for year one of the buyout. I don’t care how good he is next year with TB or Boston. He sucked here and we have moved on.

Edited by steviewonder20
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2 hours ago, Gurn said:

They maybe 'trying'; but, imo, they are doing it the wrong way.

If you fix the team, there is no need to hire misinformation specialists.

GM's are the misinformation specialists. "Ask the tough questions" as if any GM is going to give honest answers, assuming they answer it at all. At best you'll get vague wishy washy answer that don't really answer the question. There are always inner working questions GM's won't honestly answer regardless of who is asking. Often for obvious reasons. For example, when Virtanen was suspended during the sexual assault investigation during a presser reporters kept asking Benning about it knowing full well he wasn't going to answer those questions. In one interview he was asked three times in a row by three different reporters who simply reworded the question. Benning finally said, "You can word it any way you want but I'm not talking about an open investigation". I get annoyed at reporters asking questions they know won't be answered. Having an in house reporter simply allows the GM to put information out without the nonsense questions reporters know won't be answered anyway. That's not really misinformation, it's just putting information out there in an interview format that they want the public to know. You may want meat and potatoes in interviews but all you'll ever get from a GM, regardless of who is asking, is corn. 

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4 minutes ago, steviewonder20 said:

Buying him out this year gave them 7 million in cap space next year. If they waited another year, I think the savings are far less for year one of the buyout. I don’t care how good he is next year with TB or Boston. He sucked here and we have moved on.

But, if they waited that one year, Ekman-Larsson might have improved to the point where he could have been a serviceable #5, which is a steal for $7M, am I right?

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8 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

But, if they waited that one year, Ekman-Larsson might have improved to the point where he could have been a serviceable #5, which is a steal for $7M, am I right?

If he was only a serviceable #5 then buy him out after, this isn't that hard.

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43 minutes ago, steviewonder20 said:

Buying him out this year gave them 7 million in cap space next year. If they waited another year, I think the savings are far less for year one of the buyout. I don’t care how good he is next year with TB or Boston. He sucked here and we have moved on.

We woulda had 2 fewer years of dead cap if we waited 

and we would have had a smaller cap hit over the 6 year (instead of 8 year) period 


we’re not contending next year, and there was a decent chance OEL could return to 2021 defensive form, which actually woulda made him perfect for our 2nd pair if that worked out 

There are so many things we don’t know and we really should have taken 2023-2024 season to assess: 


1. Which demko are we gonna get? Bubble demko or start of last season demko? 

2. Will Hronek be as good as advertised? 

3. will Mikheyev be able to stay healthy? 

4. can OEL be a good 2nd pair defenseman and was last year just a bad year? 

The answers to those questions should determine the moves we make. 

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1 minute ago, eeeeergh said:

We woulda had 2 fewer years of dead cap if we waited 

and we would have had a smaller cap hit over the 6 year (instead of 8 year) period 


we’re not contending next year, and there was a decent chance OEL could return to 2021 defensive form, which actually woulda made him perfect for our 2nd pair if that worked out 

There are so many things we don’t know and we really should have taken 2023-2024 season to assess: 


1. Which demko are we gonna get? Bubble demko or start of last season demko? 

2. Will Hronek be as good as advertised? 

3. will Mikheyev be able to stay healthy? 

4. can OEL be a good 2nd pair defenseman and was last year just a bad year? 

The answers to those questions should determine the moves we make. 

And when combining business with hockey the best for them club on and off the ice was to buyout OEL. 

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46 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

He would have played for us so 6 years of dead cap instead of 8. 

Yes, a year shorter plus lower dead cap. Not to mention if OEL had a decent bounce back year we could possibly trade him with 3m or even 3.5m retained. I'd rather 3m retained for 3 years than two years at 4.7m plus another 5 years over 2m. I would have preferred waiting a year and move one of Boeser, Garland, or Beauvillier to solve the immediate cap problem. We do have some forward options on the farm in Hoglander and Karlsson as a replacemt plus greater opportunity for Podz. Then add moving Myers after his bonus is paid for another 6m cap space. We'll see what happens but for now I don't like the timing of the buyout.

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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

She’s still trashing the Canucks as of this moment. Can’t let it go. She was definitely the mole that needed to be exterminated…


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Guess it isn’t surprising she doesn’t understand what the job of PR is.  She also doesn’t seem to understand what propaganda is. 

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