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Everything posted by komodo0921

  1. I don't know how to transfer articles but, one is called "Eight Minute Insights."
  2. In "The A" he looks great but scouts, including our own, say that the hype surrounding him should calmed. As was stated, he makes a lot of mistakes with the puck and his skating still needs improvement. He gets beat on the outside way too much. His edge work still needs improvement and he doesn't pivot well. Don't get me wrong, If he earns a spot, I'd be as excited as the next guy but, I'm simply being cautious with my eagerness.
  3. When I first saw Rafferty's stats, I was hyped to see him in the NHL but, my excitement has been, somewhat, tempered since then. Most articles on him do not speak glowingly of his skills or abilities. Most speak of him as a really good AHLer but may never have the same success at the NHL level. Sound familiar? Reid Boucher has always been great at lower levels but could never transfer the same success to the NHL. While Rafferty's stats look encouraging, his hockey IQ isn't considered to be high. He doesn't read the play at a particulary high rate. He often defers the play to his defensive partner or a near forward. Most of his longer outlet passes, more often then not, fail and frequently turn into opposition rushes, many offering scoring chances. He's seen more as a support defender than a rushing catalyst. His shot is not particularly strong and shouldn't be considered an effective weapon from the point. I now see a player that should, maybe, spend another season in " The A" to hone his skills and improve his mobility. I am encouraged by his progress but' to say he's NHL ready may be a bit premature..
  4. 100% agree. He's in a great position to succeed and achieve his highest ceiling. He's surrounded by some of the best faceoff men in the business. Let him grow on the wing where he isn't under the pressure of a centerman and can learn and fine tune his faceoff strategies. Slowly integrate him into the position with strategic starts in the middle. No matter how it shakes out, space must be made for Podz. Moving Big Mac to the middle could be a definite plus for his future here. Ferland coming back could also add to his development. Putting him on the left side with Beagle and Macewen until he proves he can stay healthy would seem a logical move. Miller Petey Toffoli Pearson Horvat Boeser Roussel Gaudette Virtanen Ferland Beagel Macewen Motte This could be a great lineup to, at least, start next season.
  5. Can't be a ligit list without Rypien. But Gino's still got to be the king of beasts. Just ask St. Louis.
  6. This is my preference also. In my humble opinion, he needs to start getting used to the North American game asap. The smaller ice surface, the higher level of intensity, and the higher skill level of the opposition are all things he'll have to adjust to. This is a guy who's minor league career could be very short. He'll need to adjust fast.
  7. This guy is very, very intriguing. On the verge of 25, he's already fully matured. Haven't seen anything of him but, it seems he's a great offensive producer and his two way game, apparently, makes him a great possibility as a penalty killer. To get a player without having to give up anything is always good but this guy seems to have slipped through some cracks I'm wondering why.
  8. So, I've been sitting here on a rainy day off watching a lot of player highlights out of shear boredom. Watching Jake's, I noticed how lopsided his production is from the left side is compared to the right. It's hard not to notice most of his offence comes from the left side. I'm wondering if he could benefit from a permanent move to that side; Especially after Podkolzin arrives.
  9. While I think it unanimous that Eriksson draws top vote for buyout, imo, Beagle should be our second (if we get two). Jay still has skills and attributes that are desired in todays game; Mainly his face off success and gritty attitude but, my biggest concern is his production. Looking at his on ice statistics shows 15 goals for and 43 goals against. That's a huge gap. While some of it can be attributed to his linemates, namely Eriksson, Motte (who I have as a third man gone), and Macewen, a lot of it has to be put on him. I've posted before about how invisible he is on most nights and I think this single stat really says a lot. If that stat is even dropped to 33 goals against; How many more wins does that translate to? If we did drop Beagle, Sutter could be slotted into that 4C spot for the final season of his contract. Macewen showed some great potential over his last few games. Having a more offensively minded Center could raise his game even more and maybe give him some pointers to playing center. Grooming Zack to be our 4C wouldn't be a bad idea, at all. As for re-signs, Marky at 6.5 is a stretch, imo, and is a place I wouldn't want to go. He's recently said he wants to stay. I'd go 5 x5.5 and be happy. The Toffoli deal is probably where we'd have to be and would be one I'd be happy with. Tanev at 2 yrs would be great but, I think he'll be looking for term which I hope JB won't do. With young defenders coming, I'd be reluctant to sign him longer term. Gaudette could be a great player to go for a value contract. 5x3 mil. Does he go for it? I doubt it but, worth a shot. Otherwise proposed deal looks right. Jake is one I wouldn't mind seeing go to rfa. I can't remember who said it but, it was said that Jake's value could exceed 4 mil. If this is the case and a team does sign him to an offer sheet reflecting this, it could bring a first rounder our way in compensation. Depending on who the signing team is, this could be very attractive. If no-one shows interest of this level, it could hurt his value which brings about another value contract situation. Unfortunately, my opinion's the same for Leivo. He has been good but, he doesn't bring anything we don't already have in better options.
  10. Sounds like he really liked it in Vancouver. His game elevated to levels he'd never accomplished before. He showed that a point a game is not out of the realm of possibilities for him here. As I've said before; this guy's got to be top priority for this offseason. Miller Petterson Toffoli Peaerson Horvat Boeser That looks like a pretty potent top six to me.
  11. He's just keeping it real. I have to think he sees the potential of his long-term success, being on this team. Though it was a small sample, he's never produced at that pace in his career. The benefits of being in this lineup has to be an eye opener for him. It's my opinion that Tofu is a big part of our top six, moving forward. Our top six forwards should always be priority, making Toffoli a priority signing. Whether it be short term or long term doesn't matter. Keeping him on the roster does matter, provided he's willing to stay.
  12. Loved what I saw out of Zack this year. He really showed consistency in all three zones and was able to take advantage, offensively, when opportunity presented itself. I'd be very interested to see what he could do with a little more ice time. It just feels like he could be more then a 4th line winger. Could he line up as a center in the NHL? Maybe the heir apparent to Beagle? Could be an intriguing prospect. No matter how it shakes out, I think we really have something in Macewen and can't wait to see him more whenever hockey resumes.
  13. It was during a TSN interview about Tryamkin, Brome, Hoglander , and Rathbone signing with Vancouver. It's on TSN.ca
  14. Heard Dhaliwal say agents are fully expecting compliance buyouts to come back into affect.
  15. One pairing I'm kind of curious to see would be Hughes and Stetcher. Lack of size? Yes but, they, more than, make up for it in skill and speed. Hughes is a dynamic offensive juggernaught while Stetch has proven to be a defensive stalwart. I'd also like to see them as a PP pairing.
  16. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! This guy's got to be joking. If he's not, he needs to be fired, as clearly he's got no credibility.. He thinks Marky's going to sign anywhere to be a backup? Personally, I believe he gets more like 6 to be a starter, anywhere else but Chicago apparently. I'm hoping we get a bit of a discount but, at his age he's going to be looking to cash in, and; Who can blame him? I can totally see a team (maybe even us) sign him to a max 7 yr deal at 6 mil.
  17. It's pretty tough to make a call on the situation right now. No one knows what's going to happen or, when they get to go back to work. Personally, I can't see the cap dropping. The NHLPA probably wouldn't accept that. I do think they're going to figure something out, so as to give teams against the cap a fair chance to re-sign players that they may have taken chances on, Toffoli being one of them. We've also entered the area where analysts said it would be more realistic to buy out Eriksson. I wonder how much cap space that would save.
  18. As I watched that game, I couldn't help but wish we had that same type of team again. It was a great balance of skill, determination, and grit. The speed and relentless hitting was a thing to behold. That team should've won the cup if not for a series of unfortunate injuries and ill timed suspensions. We have the skill in Petey, Miller, toffoli, Boeser, and Hughes; Now we need additional grit and a higher level of defender to support them. I still feel we're on track to start truly competing for the cup by the 22-23 season.
  19. In order, I have my right side as: 1. Tyler Toffoli- in a short audition, he showed amazing chemistry with Miller and Petey. I want to see him through the course of an entire season. 2. Bock Boeser- had early success with Bo Horvat. I see no reason why that can't be rekindled. 3. Jake Virtanen- had a career season until it's premature end. Has turned into a great 3rd line winger who can move up when needed. 4. Zack Macewen- showed he belonged. His abrasive, combative style is desperately needed in this lineup. 5. Vasily Podkolzin- another abrasive, edgy player with a higher skill level then Macewen. Don't know how combative he is but, have a feeling we're going to find out. 6. Kole Lind- has worked hard in the A, and is starting to provide great stat lines. It's been said he needs another season of development before he's ready but, it does sound like he's going to be in. With all these names in the fold, the only way they can all get in is if, at least, one of them crosses over to the left side. I looked up Tyler Toffoli's production on IcyData. Most of his production is in front of the net but, more importantly, 13% of his offence came from the left side vs 8% coming from the right. Statistically, he's more effective from the left leading to the idea that he might be a natural to move to LW, opening the extra spot needed for Pods. The lineup could then balance out to something like: Miller Petey Boeser Toffoli Horvat Virtanen Pearson Gaudette Podkolzin Roussel Beagle Macewen Lind My hope is to see Lind get a couple call ups next season so we can see his game and potential for the team. If his showings are strong, I wouldn't be opposed to see Eriksson play in the A for the last season of his contract to open up the spot for Lind. Of course this is easier said then done and this will not be, at all, how it shakes out but it does look interesting and balanced. For all we know, Lukas Jasek could come out of nowhere and be the perfect match for Miller and Petey, and make us all look foolish.
  20. With our right side being stacked ( assuming we can re-sign Tofu ), I'm wondering if Pods can play the left side.
  21. Edmundson is on my wishlist and, yes, I would have him penciled in as Myers' partner. Unfortunately, with all the uncertainty surrounding the NHL right now, it's hard to determine just how JB could make it reality. Man I can't wait for all this turmoil to end.
  22. There is little doubt Quinn has ushered in a new era of defencemen in Vancouver. He's fast, shifty, and has the ability to electrify from the blueline. He is prone to mistakes but, given his hockey smarts, I have all the confidence in the world that he will become an all round defender as he matures his game. Though small in stature, Quinn Hughes has not shown any signs of being intimidated and has no hesitations in his game, making even the best forwards look foolish. He is not a physical defender but that's not why he was drafted so I have no disappointment in this. It amazes me that, in one season, he has become our, undisputed, #1 defender. He is an amazing young man and I am so happy he's a Canuck.
  23. That's why the word, "Unless", is in the sentence, meaning both sides have to be willing to negotiate. As of right now, the CBA rules apply and the cap can't drop. The NHLPA has the right to implement a 5% cap raise if it so chooses. Not much to discuss, which brings me back to my main point of unfortunate casualties being the result of this situation.
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