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Everything posted by Newsflash

  1. So will Linden be present at the draft lottery result reading? I think I remember there being more than 5 guys last year.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Newsflash


      I see. I thought I remembered more than 5 last year due to changes in the lottery. Anyways, I was interested in seeing if Gilman would have represented us.

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      I'd rather not attach any of the GMs' faces to failure. That's all I think of when I see Steve Tambellini now.

    4. Brad Marchand
  2. Status update to make Tiger's stand out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Doing the Lord's work.

    3. The Stork

      The Stork

      Aww yeah uh uh uh ;)

    4. Newsflash


      Aw why you delete your status bro?

  3. Can anyone picture Linden firing someone? Lol

  4. If there are any experts on the Ramayan/Mahabarata/Sanskrit on here let me know. Went to a Hindu temple today and couldn't find one LOL

    1. drummer4now


      I know punjabi if that helps...


  5. Who is this Trevor Linden guy?

  6. That speech he gave about mortality last night just became really powerful.
  7. I've gone full neckbeard. I'm wearing a wrist brace while typing. Thanks UBC. Pls assign me more papers.

  8. I didn't watch the game last night. I was expecting much worse.
  9. Can anybody here translate a Hindu sloka for me?

  10. Did they actually chant Fire Gillis?

  11. The Undertaker's streak ended.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      ^undertaker/kamala feud was more intense in regards to the casket match ;D taker/yoko was more of a good revenge story

    3. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      The rock should have ended it... Why lesner?

    4. Tearloch7


      .. marketing ..

  12. Who knew that not addressing team needs and out-patiencing everyone would cause the team to decline.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      your opinion matters...

    2. Newsflash


      Classic Joe. I have an opinion, but if you have a different one it doesn't matter.

    3. Newsflash


      It's almost as if we're on a message board to exchange our opinions about the Canucks.

  13. Why does everyone on CDC feel the need to tell me about their alcohol and drug addictions?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      No denying it Flash we gettin' Crunk tonight !

    3. ilduce39


      It's not a problem if it's social and you aren't alone if you're on CDC!

    4. nux4lyfe


      Especially if you're hung-over TS!

  14. Can someone tell me why people seem to think Burrows is a cheapshot artist? I think he's had one dirty hit in his career. Hockey fans thinking biting/pulling hair=scrambling peoples brains with a hit.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Newsflash


      That's why I said 1 dirty hit.

    3. Newsflash
    4. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      I find that the finger biting incident is a huge part of it, though that was because of Bergeron (not that anyone remembers that). Also, if 1 dirty hit made someone a dirty player, half the players in the league would end up 'dirty' players by the end of their careers.

  15. I've been watching wrestling lately for the first time in years. New guilty pleasure. Tonight, they announced they're inducting Razor Ramon into the hall of fame. I squeeled like a little girl. No joke.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grapefruits


      Great to see Hall and Roberts get the induction this year, they've earned it.

    3. Western Red
    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Met Razor, Shawn Michaels and Diesel way back. Awesome guys :D

  16. There are actually only two users on this website: me (Tiger Singh) and you. I have multiple accounts just to mess with you. Also, I'm behind you.

    1. Baka


      Your meme thread was awesome

  17. Actually, I'm Tiger Singh. You guys aren't even brown, stop appropriating our children you international child appropriaters.

  18. Well, at least BURROWS IS BACK YEEEEE

  19. This team has been getting Italianized since last summer. You think Gillis was behind the Santorelli signing or Tortorella hiring? HA! We're getting an Italian GM after this season ends.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRussianRocket.


      Doesn't come as a surprise Canucks are sponsored by an Italian inspired pizza company as well :|

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Cement shoes for Gillis >)

    4. BanTSN



  20. The cup run continues!

  21. yeee I told you cup run starts tonight.

  22. The cup run starts tonight!

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