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-Vintage Canuck-

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-Vintage Canuck- last won the day on April 5

-Vintage Canuck- had the most liked content!

About -Vintage Canuck-

  • Birthday 05/24/2010

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    Making the Canucks Community a better place for everyone.

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  1. Yes, lol. I want to be in that special group of people with 10K posts. =D No, white noise posts don't count. I have to do it the hard way.

    Lol. Nah, it probably took me like 10 mins. I'm a pretty fast typer, you see. Which means I type fast. I know! What the frack!? The reason I wrote that was to make a point, and no one read it. Now I'm pissed. Ah whatever, doesn't matter.

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