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Status Replies posted by kj29

  1. I do not miss AV's post game comments. 

    1. kj29


      To be fair, Desjardins' post game comments are at most half as good as AV's, and that's being very generous. He repeats the same 5 minute speech over and over again lmfao..... and every time he speaks like he has a perpetual nasal congestion.


      @Kazmanian Devil @Baer. @JE14 @Alain Vigneault @Patrick Kane @Vrienzy @Nail @Caboose @Lil B From The Pack @Spoderman @BananaMash @TheRussianRocket.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. You think you're so smart with your fancy book learnin

  3. Reminder that Milos Raonic is playing Andy Murray in an hour and a half in the semi-finals of the Australian Open. If he wins, he'll take on Novak Djokovic in the finals. Can't miss!

  4. Duncan Keith Conn Smythe. It stings like an elbow to the face.

    1. kj29


      No way. The worst has to be Duncan Keith, or a tight tie with ratChand.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Duncan Keith is way too good, wow what a player.

    1. kj29


      No way he's better than Aaron Rome...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. does anyone have a link to the Utica game 7?

    1. kj29


      Do you have to pay for it? I remember that you must subscribe in order to watch... But I dont know if that costs money...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. NHL still trying to help the Flamez. What a bush league.

  8. im not certain and probably cant prove this in a court of law, but im pretty sure my IQ drops when im on CDC

  9. Has CDC recovered from yesterday's loss? I have and feel great. Pumped to go to school tomorrow

  10. 5 teams including the Canucks have lost home-ice advantage already, if it makes any of you feel better.

  11. NHL draft lottery to be held April 18

    1. kj29


      McDavid sweepstakes... :o

  12. Emelin hamming it up to draw a penalty vs CGY. New addition to my hated hockey players list.

  13. Raonic victorious over Federer for 1st time in match-play! Atta boy!

  14. Raonic victorious over Federer for 1st time in match-play! Atta boy!

  15. Raonic victorious over Federer for 1st time in match-play! Atta boy!

  16. Windows 8 is Trash.

    1. kj29


      Same here... but luckily my new laptop comes with a Windows 7 Desktop setting... comes in handy :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Pick a number between 1-18, I am reporting all users making those dumb threads from now on.

  18. Starting a pool as to how long before Sokratis Papastathopoulos is banned

  19. Sedins with Vrbata = Dream Come true line

    1. kj29


      If that's your dream, then I encourage you to "Dream Big" lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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