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Tortorella's Rant

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Status Updates posted by Tortorella's Rant

  1. I'm glad to see Boudreau wasn't the problem in WSH btw.

    1. Scott Hartnell's Mane

      Scott Hartnell's Mane

      Whatever the problem is though, Oates isn't the answer.

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      or ruff in buffalo or vigneault in vancouver.

    3. Durl Dixsun

      Durl Dixsun

      Ovi is the problem

  2. Cody with two more goals tonight. Almost three times as many points as you know who. Hmmm.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PlayStation


      Defend the trade all you want guys, but we tot absolutely ripped off (AS OF NOW) Hodgson is a much much better player with a much bigger impact

    3. Noheart


      To anyone that thinks this trade isn't a disaster.

      The homerizm is terminal

    4. Noheart


      To anyone that thinks this trade isn't a disaster.

      The homerizm is terminal

  3. When in doubt, whip it out. Great advice to pass on to your children and your children's children.

    1. John.Tallhouse


      Whip it real good?

    2. Kumquats


      Best line in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

    3. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      Ooh, what a lovely tea party!

  4. What the hell is this Harlem Shake garbage? Brooksie better not be responsible for it..

    1. BedBeats™2.0


      He is. He better go eff himself.

  5. Network security. I encryted a couple words, gave it to my brother and showed him how to decrypt it. It read "You suck". Hahah

  6. Drop in hockey today. There was a twelve year old in net. I blew a howitzer by him from the slot. I proceeded to celebrate like Yakupov. Come at meh, bro!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Kazmanian Devil

      Kazmanian Devil

      He's like Weise, but with an inverted chin.

    3. BananaMash


      Painkillers have made me into the greatest detective of all time.

    4. Bang Bang Boogie

      Bang Bang Boogie

      Damn, I'm 23 and I'm usually the youngest at all the drop ins I go to.

  7. Watching my cat play. She's so silly :3

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Durl Dixsun

      Durl Dixsun

      Tell her BananaMash is ready when she is

    3. AppleJack


      kitties are so precious and adorable.

    4. Tortorella's Rant
  8. Is that Bure? No mum, it's Luongo..... But Bure still plays for the Canucks right? *Facepalm

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      It's safe to say I felt embarrassed for the both of us.

    3. Phil_314


      lol she tried, no need to be harsh

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      yes, lol, i still <3 my mum.

  9. Breaking News; Hossa has been suspended a dozen games for being softer than butter.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Froggy Fresh

      Froggy Fresh

      he should bubble wrap his head from now on

    3. Tearloch7


      he should try figure skating .. singles so he does not bump into anyone out there ..

    4. Tortorella's Rant
  10. Interesting to see former goalie McLennan justify Miller's crying on camera while former player Ray Ferraro called him a cry baby.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aladeen


      There's no crying in hockey!!!

    3. Smashian Kassian

      Smashian Kassian

      I don't blame him, he whines alot but the Sabres suck at defense.

    4. Tearloch7


      ..Ehroff is their top-minutes-per- game D-man .. must be a lesson there ..

  11. Kassian to train MMA in the off season with GSP.

    1. Hugemanskost


      Whoopdy Doo! Rather see him train hockey with the Sedins again. Top 6 forwards don't need to be MMA fighters. Kassian is tough enough already. He needs to be on the ice, not in the box. leave the fighting to the 4th line.

  12. Can someone beat the Hawks, please & thanks.

    1. canuck_trevor16


      we will we playing them next!

    2. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      The Dragon Slayer to the rescue! :D

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Good luck the kings a re complete crap and couldn't skate their way out of a wet paper bag....

  13. Wow, someone I played two seasons with years ago is probably making his NHL debut tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Bombastik der Teutone

      Bombastik der Teutone

      this game needs more fire

    3. Tearloch7


      Phaneuf is such a worm

    4. PowerIce


      I remember him when he played with the Pilots.

  14. Luongo is definitely getting the next start

    1. Dragonfruits


      teams fault they gave up 2 goals not schneider ya he let 2 weak goals in but the canucks sat back

  15. High noon shootout today. Good ol 'Murica.

  16. Enjoy beating up Calgary and Edmonton while it lasts for one day we'll be in their position again.

    1. goalie13


      Calgary will probably still be there though.

  17. Although King of the BS status was valid, the true intent was just to piss people off. Not create legitimate discussion.

  18. LOL Caps allowing 5 goals on 14 shots. Season's over, pack it in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. *VaNcOuVeRCaNuCkS*


      inb4 Ovechkin to Vancouver for Schneider

    3. Smashian Kassian

      Smashian Kassian

      And they don't want Luongo. LOL

    4. PlayStation
  19. Silly gun advocates using inaccurate information to add weight to their argument.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Guns don't kill people, gun advocates do!

  20. Lmao. A -72 rating for one player in the OHL.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peener
    3. Markus Alexander Cody

      Markus Alexander Cody

      who? I just went through every team and the worst I found was -28

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Oh, well, this was last season. Connor Brown, I think was the name, of the Erie Otters was -72. The team had a 10-52-0-6 record. LOL

  21. Lmao. A -72 rating for one player in the OHL.

  22. An Englishman, an Irishman, a Welshman and a Scotsman walk into a bar. They all order a Guinness. This is not a joke.

  23. Man, it's amazing how quick the weekend seems to go once you get back to working instead of only just school. :-/

  24. Oooh, those Flyers are choking. I guess 'karma' can't bite me in the ass since the Canucks are sucking anyway.

  25. Canucks lose. Here come the CDC water works.

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