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Burrows? Do We Really Need Him?

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No, especially this year which has been rough. (!!!)

But according to cap geek his career earnings to date are $15.9 mill over 9 years including this. Bargain over $9 years, and I'm willing to pay his current $4.5 mill cap hit.

He does so much for the team...

are you? you should call up francesco and see if he prefers paypal or email money transfer.

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Burrows jumping in to fight Getzlaf so Juice didn't have to fight him, shows the spirit of Burrows,

Unbelieveable teammate! The guy is all heart.

Yep. Guy is my favourite player after what he did in 2011 against the Hawks. Hopefuly is fourever a Nuck. I cant believe a thread so stupid exists i have to defend him Edited by Bure to Mogilny
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Seriously, why is his salary relevant to anyone outside the owner? Burrows' cap hit is 4,5 million, which in terms of a fan perspectve is all that should matter. He is one of those players who even when he isn't scoring adds tremendous value to the team. He's a dominant possession player, who's excellent defensively, is a great leader and bleeds blue and green. Burrows is a player you win with, and even when in a rebuild he's a piece you have to keep, well unless you want to turn into the Oilers.


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Seriously, why is his salary relevant to anyone outside the owner? Burrows' cap hit is 4,5 million, which in terms of a fan perspectve is all that should matter. He is one of those players who even when he isn't scoring adds tremendous value to the team. He's a dominant possession player, who's excellent defensively, is a great leader and bleeds blue and green. Burrows is a player you win with, and even when in a rebuild he's a piece you have to keep, well unless you want to turn into the Oilers.

I love this post ! I would only mention .....especially when we have some descent prospects that are coming up that will learn from his years of NHL experience. He also leads by example by going to the areas no one his size has any business going into.

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Seriously, why is his salary relevant to anyone outside the owner? Burrows' cap hit is 4,5 million, which in terms of a fan perspectve is all that should matter. He is one of those players who even when he isn't scoring adds tremendous value to the team. He's a dominant possession player, who's excellent defensively, is a great leader and bleeds blue and green. Burrows is a player you win with, and even when in a rebuild he's a piece you have to keep, well unless you want to turn into the Oilers.

I agree with most of this and I agree with the respondents who say this is a solid post that deserves +1s.

My only quibble would be with the suggestion that Burrows' current cap hit is good value. If you look at it on its own, he's overpaid at a $4.5 million AAV. Of course, this contract also needs to be viewed as a reward for Burrows' long service and as a "make-up" deal for his previous bargain salary.

I've always chosen to view Burrows as being on an 8-year, $26 million deal (4 X $2 million AAV + 4 X $4.5 million AAV) with a $3.25 million AAV (which I think is right in line with what his value will be over those eight years).

I think Gillis probably views it in a similar way.

And I think as long as Gillis remains Canucks GM, Burrows will stay in Vancouver.

But if Gillis was replaced at the end of this season, you'd have to imagine that the new GM would think seriously about asking ownership to use the Canucks' last compliance buyout on Burrows.

If an incoming GM wanted to really change the culture and reputation of this team, there would be few better places to start. Burrows bleeds blue and green, it's true, but he's also strongly associated with everything people outside of Vancouver (and even some Canucks fans) dislike about this team. It's become painfully obvious that Burrows will never get a fair shake from the NHL and its officials (at least while he remains a Canuck). And it's pretty clear that Burrows is a poster boy (deserved or not) for much of the hatred and disdain that this team generates around the league.

And if you look at his value based strictly in balance sheets and stats sheets (even his underlying numbers), his $4.5 million AAV is probably about $1 million to $1.5 million too high. Especially given that he's probably going to be a declining asset over the life of his current contract.

Burrows' greatest value to this team has been his chemistry with the Sedins and he can only really earn his full salary if he's playing with the Sedins.

When you take Burrows off of the twins' line, he becomes an excellent two-way 2/3-line tweener who can kill penalties and brings loads of hustle and effort. These players are great to have in any lineup and bring a lot of value. But this is also a player-type that the current Canucks roster has no shortage of.

And those kinds of players generally don't average $4.5 million per season.

The moment the Canucks decide that they have a better winger option for the twins (and we're starting to see some real possibilities emerge), Burrows becomes both overpaid and expendable.

With that all said, I still don't think Burrows will be going anywhere, but that's only because I don't think Gillis will be leaving Vancouver anytime soon.

I don't think Gillis would be well-served by parting ways with Burrows. It would be seen as a betrayal of a core veteran player who earned a rich deal that rewarded him for his years of loyal service while he was underpaid. For Gillis to dump a player when he finally cashed in would send a message that could hurt the Canucks' ability to extend their current roster players' contracts and attract future free agents to Vancouver.

But if the Canucks actually replaced GMMG (which is what many people seem to want these days), I would not be surprised to see a Burrows buyout (or trade--if it was possible to find a willing taker) as one of the incoming GM's first big moves. Unlike Gillis, a new GM wouldn't have any reason to feel much loyalty to Burrows. And if a new GM wanted to re-tool this roster and put a new stamp on its identity (while also trying to repair the Canucks' reputation in the process), targeting Burrows would make a whole lot of sense.

I'm happy to see Burrows play here for as long as he can and I'd love to see him retire a Canuck. I'll cheer for Burrows wherever he plays and for however long he stays in the game. And I think he's earned every dollar he gets paid.

But when I set my emotions aside and try to look at the current Canucks situation with the cold gaze of pure intellect, I can also see a very strong rationale for parting ways with Burrows after this season (for the good of this team, now and into the future).

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Brilliant perspective SID .. I think many long time Canuck fans feel the same way about Burr .. he is a perfect 3rd line winger just as Hansen is perfect on the 4th .. they would both be candidates to be 'moved' if Gillis is relieved of his duties ..as things stand, Hansen will probably be moved as part of a package for a PMD.

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Seriously Tearloch and Sid?

You do understand that Burr had multiple injuries this year, with two of them major. I'm sure you also realize that his partners on the ice, the Sedins, have also had their share of injuries and in and out of the iineup which would also affect the whole line.

Hey, maybe the Penguins should have bought out Crosby when he had that one year when he had appalling numbers by his standards (when he had that concussion). :rolleyes:

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I think I saw him pushing a shopping cart down by the railroad tracks, shouting incoherently and hurling his feces at passing traffic.

Really? He hurled CANUCKLELION at them?

(Ahhh...those were good times.)

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Absolutely, he's had a dreadful season but lets not forget what he's given us over the last several years and at the price he's done it for. Burrows provides an absolutely crucial element to this team, and nobody can question the effort that he brings night after night.

He should absolutely not be relied upon to play on the 1st line though, he's more of a guy you move between your 2nd and 3rd lines.

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I agree with most of this and I agree with the respondents who say this is a solid post that deserves +1s.

My only quibble would be with the suggestion that Burrows' current cap hit is good value. If you look at it on its own, he's overpaid at a $4.5 million AAV. Of course, this contract also needs to be viewed as a reward for Burrows' long service and as a "make-up" deal for his previous bargain salary.

It is simply untrue that Burrows or the Sedin deals where "make up" deals for their years of bargain salaries.

We paid what it took to keep them and not a dollar more. Any team in the league would have paid Burrows more then 4.5 per. If he went to free agency, Toronto would have out bid everyone.

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