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A Game Of Thrones: To the point of the TV show, no spoilers beyond that


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thought the episode was alright. definitely had me on the edge of my seat, but i felt unsatisfied by how some of it went down - the cersei thing especially. was hoping for something way better.


waited and waited for that hound v mountain, but felt let down by it. really wanted him to live, even though i know it was unrealistic


REALLY hated Varys dying. he was one of my favourite characters, and i felt like his death was SO pointless


don't mean to nitpick, but seemed super odd to me that the dragon fire could blast an entire castle wall down, entire buildings down, everything, but then some people would just walk around burning after being hit by it too




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That was impactful, but ridiculous. 


Taking that whole year off was a huge mistake. They needed to dedicate Season 8 to the White Walkers, then have a full Season 9 watching Dany descend into madness. 


everything has been too rushed, no development, and just plain lazy. I’m disappointed in the producers and HBO for letting the fans (customers) down like this. I’ll watch the finale, but I’m sure I’ll have the same hollow feeling afterward. 

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So the leaks were true, noticed that 5 min into the episode.  Still made it enjoyable though but y'all are going to hate the ending.  Once Tyrion started to talk about the Bells in KL I knew 'oh here we go, bellrape.'   As for the horse, lot's are speculating that was either Bran or it's a biblical reference meaning Arya is Death, at first I thought it might of been the Hound's horse but it was black at the beginning, but I think it was the Hound reincarnated somehow guiding his only friend home.  

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8 hours ago, Gnarcore said:

In the books a disease takes over the slavers army outside Merene and it's called 'the pale mare'.  I think it's just to symbolize death.....that is now coming for Dany 

I agree. The show writers having been throwing those little book homages into the series all along....like when Arya is selling oysters in Braavos and a cat runs through the scene to remind us that in the books, she's called "Cat of the Canals" at that point of her story arc...

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2 hours ago, BabychStache said:

That was impactful, but ridiculous. 


Taking that whole year off was a huge mistake. They needed to dedicate Season 8 to the White Walkers, then have a full Season 9 watching Dany descend into madness. 


everything has been too rushed, no development, and just plain lazy. I’m disappointed in the producers and HBO for letting the fans (customers) down like this. I’ll watch the finale, but I’m sure I’ll have the same hollow feeling afterward. 

Agree 100%. I said in an earlier post that D & D decided long ago that this was a 70 hour series and were determined to stick to that estimate. (or close to it) The story telling definitely suffered for it.


They really should have taken their cue from Uncle George in that respect, who set out to write Feast for Crows and was so far in, he realized he had neglected several story arcs and ended up splitting the intended single novel into AFFC and ADWD.....

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3 minutes ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

It was so classic how Tyrion frees Jamie then literally the next scene was Jamie in Kings Landing.

Yeah. Davos apparently smuggled him in, although I guess they decided that we didn't need to see that. Also, apparently Ser Davos is fine with committing treason as a "favor"....:rolleyes:


Another casualty of the rushed ending.


So, does anyone see any way for Tyrion to escape the wrath of Dany next episode? Maybe Jon steps in?

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Either nobody can write lines for Tyrion but GRRM, or the showrunners chose to make him incompetent for about 2-3 seasons now. 


The ode to Pompeii was a nice touch. I was there a few years ago, and that shot of the mother and child was definitely something you felt as you walked around.


The fight scene with the Mountain was okay, but I though that it was a good way for the Hound to go. 


Jamie and Cersei dying in each others' arms was another example of the writers wanting to "pay tribute" to a character/actor instead of allowing the plot to dictate how they would die... it almost makes me wonder if GRRM told the showrunners that certain plot points couldn't occur in the film because he wanted to save them for his movie. 


So Gray Worm hates slavers, but is fine with his army murdering and raping women and children? 


Who was the guy in the alley that  Jon Snow stopped from raping that girl? He didn't look like Dothraki nor unsullied? Do we really believe that a Northerner was going to kill Jon for this? 


I thought it was the worst episode of Season 8. 


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I thought it was obvious, but I haven't seen it mentioned....Varys was trying to poison Dany. That's why the scene with the girl who said "She won't eat" and "Her guards are watching me". Hence the responses from Varys "Keep trying" and "The greater the risk, the greater the reward".

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One other major plot hole that occurred to me last night.....it seems as though we were going with the "Cersei really is pregnant" assumption, but since she was supposed to be knocked up before Jaime ran off to Winterfell for the Zombie Apocalypse, shouldn't Cersei be about ready to pop, by the time the Battle of KL was happening? :unsure:


She looks like she's been on the Keto diet for a year....

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1 hour ago, CanuckinEdm said:

I also know why Daenerys went mad queen, they were making a big emphasis on how she had locked herself in her room for days and hadn't eaten..... she was Hangry. We all know the feeling and all that BBQ smell was feeding the hanger.

Someone should have given her a Snickers bar with her Starbucks, I honestly don't know how to feel about what I watched, is it just them doing the somewhat unexpected or what?


I was really hoping for a trial by combat for Cersei which would be the Clegane Bowl.... guess that's not happening.


Rushed, everything is rushed.

Edited by canuckster19
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In fact, it's so rushed that the editors don't have time to do their jobs...




First it was the Starbucks cup....now Jaime regrew his hand just in time to have Kings Landing fall on his head. #justcantcatchabreak

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33 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

In fact, it's so rushed that the editors don't have time to do their jobs...




First it was the Starbucks cup....now Jaime regrew his hand just in time to have Kings Landing fall on his head. #justcantcatchabreak

Nice catch, just pathetic this doesn't get noticed during production.  

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4 minutes ago, HI5 said:

This season is leaving me utterly disappointed. 

The sad thing is, it didn't have to be. For whatever reason, Weiss and Beniof decided that the story had to end within a certain time frame, but as @BabychStache pointed out, they could easily have done another season after this one.


We could have seen the Walkers attack on Last Hearth, Edd's and Tormund's respective journeys there and their subsequent run around to beat the AotD to Winterfell. This entire season could have been dedicated to the War against the Night King, with season 9 being the War for the Iron throne.


So many things seemed pointless due to the rushed pace of this season. The Golden Company: pointless. The entire Dorne arc: pointless. Varys' past two seasons: pointless, uless you consider his being burned alive by Drogon as an effective manner to make us believe that Dany has gone off the deep end....


I was always going to be disappointed by the ending of one of my favorite TV series, but it makes it doubly disappointing to know that it could have been so much better, if not for the writers' impatience to get it over with.


I remember years ago, making a comment on the ASOIAF boards that I was okay with Martin's glacial pace of writing. I said something to the effect of "I don't care if it takes years, as long as the storytelling benefits from the added time".


it seems like the TV series would have benefited from that philosophy.

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