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[Official] Canucks coach talk. Keep all talk here.


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If you guys can remember, the Kings weren't doing all that great with Stevens sitting as interm head coach. I mean, God knows I would love the PK to do better, but he is coming from a team who scores very little goals and has quite a few star players on it. He's a better assistant. We need more goals and a coach that can also up the defensive ability. My vote is still Guy Boucher.

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Tortorella would be a good fit in Vancouver, no problem with a coach who will remove any country club atmosphere and who will hold players accountable.


People can hate on the guy all they want (I personally can't stand him) and get distracted by the media scrum sideshow. The reality though is that he is a good coach who demands effort above all else. The Canucks could certainly use a bit of that no matter who the coach is.

And then there is the reality of the roster that - despite what Gillis says he wants, an uptempo offensive style - will probably only find playoff success with a defence-first approach.

I also see all the people saying the core Canuck players would tune him out after 5 games. I for one think that may indicate where the REAL problem is with the Canucks. Sense of entitlement and no accountability. Until they prove otherwise, Tortorella has one advantage over the Canucks core players.....he knows what it takes to win a Stanley Cup. He has done it. So his methods may not be what the Canucks players want but not one of them can suggest they know better than him at this point what it takes to do so.

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Hahahahahah oh boy... would that be funny to watch. Well at least torts isn't a guy that ruins an elite goalies career when he has a few bad games. He seemed to stick with lund through thick and thin.

Imagine torts post game interviews here after refs screw us every single game LOL

Torts didn't have Cory Schneider wating in the wings...

..and AV didn't "ruin Luongo's career"...

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Torts didn't have Cory Schneider wating in the wings...

..and AV didn't "ruin Luongo's career"...

I can see him getting rid of all the BS diving. Changing the team's rep in that regard would help. Like most posters here, I can see him being gone in two years tops, but we may likely have one more year with the Sedins, so it makes sense.
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I can see him getting rid of all the BS diving. Changing the team's rep in that regard would help. Like most posters here, I can see him being gone in two years tops, but we may likely have one more year with the Sedins, so it makes sense.

He definitely would not be a long term option in Van I don't think. But as a transition coach designed to come in for a couple of years to get the most out of the core and maybe change the culture a bit he is a reasonable fit I think.

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And after 5 games of Torts' "yell, scream, jump up and down" antics, not a soul on the team will listen to him. Call it a "country club atmosphere" all you want, but veteran players don't respond to a coach like Torts who comes off as a condescending A-hole. Also, if you think AV nuetered the offense from skill players, just wait 'til Torts gets ahold of them.

I think the veteran players in Tampa Bay bought into him quite well. Nothing wrong with an animated coach, I nor yourself I am sure know how he carries himself in the locker room or coaches office, but what ive seen on the bench for the most part is passion and wearing his hear ton his sleeve. An emotional guy.

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I think the veteran players in Tampa Bay bought into him quite well. Nothing wrong with an animated coach, I nor yourself I am sure know how he carries himself in the locker room or coaches office, but what ive seen on the bench for the most part is passion and wearing his hear ton his sleeve. An emotional guy.

And for every time he calls out his own players and team in the media (which is not ALWAYS a bad thing) there are several times he stands up for his players when the media tries to tear them down. I don't think ANY Canucks fan out there would not like to see that happen a lot more often from the coaching staff to the Vancouver media.

With the right assistant coaches I am actually starting to think he might be a really good fit.......yikes, never thought I would see the day.

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I think it's pretty clear that the list of available coaches out there is pretty thin. Ironically, AV is far and away the best coach available for hire. IMO, it was the wrong time to let AV go.......though I do get why. I think MG would have been better served making significant changes to the roster than firing the coach.

Also not sure why people think Ruff would "demand instant respect". He's not considered a tough coach by any stretch of the imagination. IN fact, he's most likely a hands off, let the vets sort things out kind of coach, like AV

I thought Ruff made sense as a older coach who as you suggested would let the roster leadership 'sort things out'. On reflection, unless Gillis pulls off a miracle, I don't see this roster as a CUP winner. A contender, yes. Perhaps it more important to get a coach who can transition the team through the next 3 -4 years.

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Not sure what to expect from a Tortorella coached team. So I headed over to HF Boards and found two of the latest posts in the NYR thread:

I said from the beginning that the shortened season would hurt the Rangers because I don't believe that there was a team who would've benefited more from a full camp and being fully conditioned.

I used to defend Tortorella, but I can't believe people still do at this point. Every single game is the same passive, no pressure, collapse in front of the net and allow the other team to set up a firing squad and look like they're on a PP when it's 5 on 5. Temporarily gain control of the puck, weakly throw it up the boards, where it's kept in and the cycle begins again. I don't remember who it was last night but they had the whole middle of the ice to clear it, and time to do it, and from the middle of the slot themselves they aimed and tried to throw it up the boards and it was kept it.

We've got the best goalie in the world and he's being constantly screened with this insistence on blocking shots. We've got a power play that's so bad it actually makes neutral commentators and analysts pissed off. The system, whatever it is, obviously simply doesn't work, and Tortorella stubbornly refuses to adapt it or change it every way. It's as if he genuinely, sincerely believes that he has, by himself, discovered the perfect, infallible way to play a game of hockey, and that if his players could only implement it as perfectly as it goes in his head, they'd be unbeatable. OBVIOUSLY it doesn't work. There is, and has been, too much talent on this team for it to be so offensively impotent. It's pathetic and embarrassing on a nightly basis, and it's clear as day that it's never going to win anything.

Fans of a team shouldn't have to pray for their team to get swept just because it MIGHT result in their stubborn, offense neutering coach being fired.

The dump and chase is terribly ineffective. I can't tell you how many fast breaks we've had where the players instead of shooting the puck, spin around and try to start a cycle. There is never a player in front of the goalie. NEVER. A coach should be screaming from the bench 'GET YOUR ASS IN FRONT OF THE KEEPER AND SCREEN THE LIVING **** OUT OF HIM'. Because of that, there is nobody to pick up rebounds. Torts has no clue what the neutral zone even is or how to construct plays to get through it and create an offensive possession. To him, it's just the defensive zone. The power play would be much more effective if they had Nash carry the puck in, pass it to whomever is at the point, and parked him right in front of the goalie. Cycle, shoot, rebound, continue. The team is allergic to shooting the puck, and a coach should be screaming "SHOOT THE DAMN PUCK".

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear these comments were about our team.

So I guess we should be careful what we wish for. I'm not against hiring Torts, it's just that I've seen nothing in his recent coaching history that suggests he'd be any better than AV was, or that he'd be able to out-coach guys like Babcock, Hitch, and Quennville in the West. Plus I'm not sure that his coaching philosophy meshes with MG's vision of a more attacking, up-beat tempo of play.

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I thought Ruff made sense as a older coach who as you suggested would let the roster leadership 'sort things out'. On reflection, unless Gillis pulls off a miracle, I don't see this roster as a CUP winner. A contender, yes. Perhaps it more important to get a coach who can transition the team through the next 3 -4 years.

My thoughts exactly. Which is why I still can't figure out why MG has to have a guy who has NHL head coaching experience. Unless it's a Tippet or Bylsma, it seems to make more sense to me to get a younger, more energetic guy who can stickhandle the transition of this team and develop the kids we have coming up.

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Anyone who wants Tortorella clearly hasn't been following the Rangers very closely.

If we wanna play the same boring inneffective dump and chase game that AV employed, then we should go with him.

This team doesn't have the muscle along the boards to play that game though. We need a coach that is creative, and likes his players to create things off the rush.

The Sedins are passers, not grinders. As soon as they start playing along the boards, it's over for them. They get outmuscled too easily, and everyone knows exactly where the puck is gonna go. Bottom line is, they need to be more unpredictable. Think about how differently the Sedins played in 09/10, and how much more effective that was. That's what they need.

Kesler is another player that needs to be making plays on the fly. Getting him a passer that can get him the puck for one timers is what he needs.

This team needs a coach that preaches a fast transition game, with lots of shooting. Tortorella isn't that guy.

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