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The lack of secondary scoring is so glaring...

Lui's Knob

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I think keeping Hodgson and Grabner (I'm not complaining by the way) would've allowed us to stack up the first line:

Sedin - Sedin - Kesler

Burrows - Hodgson - Grabner

Higgins - Schroeder - Hansen

Booth - Richardson - Santorelli

That is a solid forward group, miles better than what we have right now.

Kesler had great chemistry with Grabner/Raymond. I would of kept MayRay and never acquire Booth.

Sedin - Sedin - Burrows

Higgins - Hodgson - Hansen

Raymond - Kesler - Grabner

Either way, your line-up or mine, is an upgrade. But hindsight is 20/20, but I wasn't in favor of both moves at the time.

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Kesler had great chemistry with Grabner/Raymond.

When did this great chemistry between Grabner and Kesler take place?

The 20 games Grabner played in Vancouver?

They never played together on the Moose.

They must have had terrific chemistry, or Gillis never would have traded him, right.

Kesler had chemistry with Samuelsson/Raymond - had by far his best season playing with those two.

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Shirokov was our leading scorer?

By our leading scorer he means the Moose, and two years is, not surprisingly, a revision of reality.

Shirokov lead the Wolves in scoring one of the years prana is talking about - the other year it was that other guy who should have been providing the Canucks with secondary scoring all this time, if only MG had seen the talent: Marco Rosa.

Shirokov was 25 when they dealt him - and had already agreed to terms with CKSA at the time.

His comment at the time when Tallon acquired him was that he'd honour the three year deal with CKSA as he had honoured his two year deal with the Canucks. 25 years old, 8 NHL games, and nothing to note since.

Huge loss for the Canucks and definitely worth whining about years later.

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When did this great chemistry between Grabner and Kesler take place?

The 20 games Grabner played in Vancouver?

They never played together on the Moose.

They must have had terrific chemistry, or Gillis never would have traded him, right.

Kesler had chemistry with Samuelsson/Raymond - had by far his best season playing with those two.

Yeaaaah but Gillis isn't the greatest trading GM.

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Too much money invested in the back. Lou Edler Garrison Hamhuis Bieksa is a lot of money.. As much as I love all 4, downgrading from one of those to a Corrado/Stanton quality player gets us a real top 6 fwd, not like the ten 3rd liners we currently have

Also, love Kes too much to give up on him at 2nd line. We're losing and ppl are frustrated, so you guys dont really mean that. Come playoffs you'd miss him. But, we do need a makeover there. Would Kes n Sedins work? Kesler to wing and bring in a high end playmaker?

If MG and AV had any vision at all, they would have seen their playmaking center was right under their nose. Yea, Cody should have been given the second line center role with Kes being moved to his wing.

That was the second line we needed, but a short-sighted GM and coach totally messed that bed.

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If MG and AV had any vision at all, they would have seen their playmaking center was right under their nose. Yea, Cody should have been given the second line center role with Kes being moved to his wing.

That was the second line we needed, but a short-sighted GM and coach totally messed that bed.

That's what I was saying at the time.

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It is puzzling on why Gillis gave up on the two most gifted offensive players he had in the system.

I have often wondered if that had anything to do with his own career /playing style or was it just that he never clued in that Ehrhoff and Salo were so offensively gifted and important to this team's scoring success.

In any event Hodgson is leading Buffalo in scoring.

Grabner is leading the Islanders in scoring and tops Hank and Dan with a game in hand.

Now all we need is K-Con to make it onto the Star's line-up and light it up.

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No. Kesler is/can be a premier defensive specialist. He didn't win the Selke for nothing. That's part of the problem his role as the counted-on secondary lead scorer is confusing even him I suspect. He got to 41 goals when his game WAS defensive orientated. Like Burrows, his offense came out and developed as a result of frustrating and confusing the opposition into turnovers and chances at the other end. That's where it should start with him. He could be a bonafied 3rd line elite center

OR if he wants to evolve into more of an offensive threat he'd be better as a 2nd line winger. I'd have liked to have seen what a Higgins/Hansen - Hodgson - Kesler 2nd line would have done.

Agree. Seemed obvious to me when they moved him up to 2nd that the role change would not jive with the things that had brought him success. Turns out very true. How is this not obvious to mgmt?
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The Canucks score 14 goals in three games....OMG, look at the obvious fail that was AV! This team can score at will under Torts!

The Canucks score 1 goal against SJ and have one of those nights against Montreal... and they have no secondary scoring.

Add to that the delusion around here that every team not called the Vancouver Canucks score more than they actually do - in reality - and you have the makings of the typical passing raincloud.

The average NHL 2nd line center scores 47 points - the average 2nd line winger 37.

Have another look at all the "3rd liners" on the roster (ie "everyone not named Sedin") - and then give your heads a shake.

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Ok nucknit.

"Never reaches his potential"?

Ah, forget it.

Nope, you're right: they're not Stan Smyl yet - might never be.

Got the memo.

And Gaunce hasn't proven he's Linden yet.

And Shinkaruk aint no Bure yet either.

Could someone please juice these young men up with development hormone.


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Torres was offered 1.75mil for a year with us and 1mil for two with Phx... So yeah he wasn't chasing the money, just wanted some security. Better off knowing where he'll be after his first year.

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Uhh..only if he was waived. Could have sent Hodgson down safely for a part of the year and kept Grabner up. NYI kept him up after Florida waived him and he went on to be a Calder nominee. The fact that Florida waived him does not mean Vancouver would have. Point is, Gilly gave up on him too early and missed the player he has developed into. Gilly also bailed on Hodgson too early. Both of those guys still being would solve our secondary scoring problem.

Hodgson didn't even make the team that year. There was no room on our roster for him. He would have been waived & lost, especially after the poor camp he had, if he couldn't make Florida he wouldn't have cracked our roster.


If he had a poor training camp with Vancouver, yes.

All speculation.

I've heard he wasn't too thrilled about being traded to Florida, hence the poor training camp.

Maybe in Vancouver he would of played hard. Just came off 20 games in the NHL, registering 11 points, including a hat-trick. Ready to breakout as a rookie. I don't know, just speculation.

Hell, if Gillis is as "smart" as people think he is, he would of kept on the 4th line regardless of his camp.

He had a bad camp with Florida, I don't see how it would have been any different with Vancouver. If anything he should have been more motivated going to Florida with plenty of opportunity.

Either way, he would have been absolutely superb to make the team. As the bolded had all come off of career seasons, and I'm sure you remember how AV would always take the Vets he trusted over the rookies.

Daniel - Henrik - Burrows

Raymond - Kesler - Sammuelsson

On top of that there was no room on the third line, as Malhotra and Torres had been brought in aswell

After watching our defense get absolutely decemated, getting a top 4 Dman like Ballard at the time was a much better move than putting Grabner on waviers.

Thats why I find the Grabner whining moot, he really didn't have a future with our team.

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1) New coach

2) Burrows hurt

3) Kassian's first game

4) Schroeder and Jensen hurt

5) Kesler & Higgins have been stinkin' good, but even more stinkin' unlucky


The Canucks don't have a top 6.

They have a top 11.











One prototypical bottom six center: Richardson

Too much scoring for one lineup.

Add in 4 top 4 blueliners who can score like 2nd line forwards and you have sheer offensive potency!

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