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Too Early to call Kassian a dissapointment?

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A lot of Santorelli talk, Cody talk, Sestito talk, everything but Kassian for the last while in this 'Kassian' thread.

I'll break the trend. Zack's line was 0's across the board yesterday in 13:29 TOI. Oh, except for 1 hit, my bad. Cant say he's very noticable tonight either. But its still early.

How about 2 slick passes to set up scoring chances in the 3rd? If the negativity on these boards was a headwind, Kassian is taking off into it.

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Fred,Gillis had a team that came within a couple of periods of winning a cup and lost due to injuries. That was not all about being beaten physically.

Bieksa gets two handed.

Raymond gets can opened.

Kesler gets ground down due to previous injuries/playing style.

Edler gets slashed and has his fingers broken.

Hamhuis tears apart his hip with a legal check.

I think Gillis over reacted and immediately went for braun over skill,whereas skill is what brought him to the dance.The league is responsible for making proper calls and they were not made.

No call when Bieksa was two -handed,Raymond had his back broken,Edler suffered multiple fingers broken by a vicious slash.Marchand speed bags Dan,Hank has problems with his back he is cross checked so often and yet one tenth of a second late and Rome is administered the longest suspension in NHL playoffs history.

The twins are his bread and butter and he has yet to provide them with protection in his near six years on the job.

Gillis lost his patience with the NHL refereeing,which I do not blame him.

Unfortunately,he put his team in the hole by trading a highly marketable asset for a project that did not help in the last two years of playoffs and is only a marginal minutes player now.

Not sure how that helps the twins come playoff time.

Your crying for a trade that happened 2 years ago is getting old...you like Cody so much cheer on Buffalo...Cody was on the 3rd line then and if was still here be on the 3rd line now and Gillis would have to hear from his agent crying to get him more ice time and distract him from important matters

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Kass had an awesome third period tonight, and a decent game overall. Good speed and vision out there. To bad whenever he makes a wicked pass to his teammates they can't score. :sadno:

How bout that wicked saucer pass Bieksa gave Daniel to spring him on that break away? Too bad whenever Bieksa makes a wicked pass his teammates cant score.

All I here from Zack fans are excuses, excuses, excuses. You guys see that sweet goal from Sestito? He showed soft hands and some skill. Too bad he doesn't get ice time with the Sedins and some PP time.

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Kassian need to be more physical.. He passed up so many hits out there

I think the hits will come once he is more comfortable in the rest of his game I assume the coach has him focusing on making the right play and not forcing the hit. Once he learns the defensive game and trust his decisions he will make more hits hopefully towards the end of the season and in the playoffs we will see this happening.
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All I here from Zack fans are excuses, excuses, excuses.

I think the hits will come once he is more comfortable in the rest of his game I assume the coach has him focusing on making the right play and not forcing the hit. Once he learns the defensive game and trust his decisions he will make more hits hopefully towards the end of the season and in the playoffs we will see this happening.

That didnt take long :lol:

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First post in this topic. Just like to say I have thought the Booth, Kassian, Richardson combo has looked pretty solid together and 3rd line minutes (at this point) seem to agree with Kassian.

I think the development is going forward, not backwards and that can only mean good things for the Canucks.

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Bottom line: Kassian needs to grow up and take responsibility.

There are plenty of players his age who are taking charge of their own careers and playing consistent hockey.

#1 he needs to work on his defensive play and his decision making in the Vancouver end of the rink. Last night's tying goal by Philly was started by Kassian making a stupid play and letting them get control in the Canucks zone. Every game he makes similar mistakes, those are purely mental and are something he can fix by focusing.

#2 he needs to consistently finish his checks, not just when he's in the mood or when he thinks the guy he's gonna hit isn't going come back at him.

#3 he needs to take the puck to the net ALL THE TIME. This does two things, a) draws opposition defense to him, B) opens up space for his linemates. Right now he is starting to get lazy and let Booth do the driving to the net.

This kid does have potential. Whether that potential is more than Hodgeson is a question which now irrelevant. The trade is done, and he's a member of the Canucks until he either proves himself or gets traded or waived.

But its up to him to prove he was worth the value sent to Buffalo. Right now he is not doing that.

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Kassian, along with Booth, has been showing the speed the last two games.

Against Calgary Kassian beat the Flames up ice twice to beat out two icing calls. Even better, he was noticeable on the fore-check. Thats important as he has "reserved" such energy in the past, letting other guys do the heavy lifting.

Against Philly I was in awe of that breakout where he flew up the right side, then dropped a saucy little pass over and in front of two Philly sticks to a streaking Booth. Make no mistake, speed created the chance and it was a wonderful. pass. Mason made a superb save.

We also know Kassian can protect the puck and handle it ok.

What we did not see in those games, and sporadically through the year is Kassian winning board battles, and physical battles. Over time he has appeared overly conscious of staying in a defensively safe position. Perhaps he has had responsible play overly beaten into him? I suspect its the confidence to commit to certain plays. He should consistently be knocking guys off the puck on the boards and in front of the net. Damn when he puts it on the line, like against Toronto and particularly on the goal where he kicked out Bolland accidentally but scored, goes hard to the puck and hits people he is sooooo dangerous. But we are seeing it.

Kassian is coming along.

A Kassian hit meter might be a good barometer of when he truly breaks out!

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Dimitri Filipovic@DimFilipovic2m

Kassian has been on the ice for 22 shot attempts for, 6 against. That 3L has been wicked. Would have a couple goals if Booth could finish.

Richardson with Booth and Kassian is a double edged sword.

He is the true grit on the line working hardest on the boards and defensively. Booth and Kassian are both so big, also fast, opponents have no means physically to take advantage of them. And despite some purports here don't give up the puck much. I would like to see a turnover report, but I suspect they are fine? So they win the play and end up in the offensive end creating pressure. Its certainly not a bad thing.

But they are not creating a ton of high grade chances, just shots directed at the net for the most part. Kassian in particular has soft hands. Booth historically has had a knack for breakout transition goals (Philly being a bad example, Boston a perfect example). A guy who has a knack for dropping saucer passes, in comparison to Richardson, to guys their size going to the net could be awesome. Do we play Booth and Kassian with a premium passer, Schroeder might be a candidate, or keep them with Richardson who is instilling the work rate?

edit: The Twins toi is down the last 5 or 10 games. I'd like to see Hank double shifted a cpl or 4 times a game to play with Booth and Kass!

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