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Lucic says he'll never go to DT Vancouver

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Boston fans made verbal assaults by making racist comments to a hockey player in 2012. So yeah, boston fans aren't any better.

And quit acting like a stupid drunken brawl is something that only happens in Vancouver.

oh no, i'm not saying drunken brawls happen only in vancouver. they happen in literally every town in the US and Canada on occasion.

my only point is that as far as i can recall, nothing like this has happened in boston contrary to what your comment would suggest.

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Let's put it this way in keeping it in context. This is no longer HIS city, his city is now Boston as indicated by the crest on his chest.

And respect is earned....he plays for a team of dirty goons and plays for a city that booed one of ours, who lay on the ice with a broken back. So there's a little tension there.

And let's cut this poor innocent homeboy act...you don't think he was likely a mouthy punk (too)? Listen to what he says "I'll **** kill you".

I don't like that some (idiots) have taken it upon themselves to act out their superhero payback for a SC loss. But they don't represent this city and I am offended by the implication that I, as a Canucks fan - no, a Vancouverite, am some sort of low life. How dramatic. Give it a rest. Don't label some punk with a brand of "Vancouver"....could be an Albertan here to visit for Christmas. An American who drove over to hit the slopes.

Even if it is a local, he's a punk - not a poster boy for Vancouver.

Let's look at the fine folks of Boston and how they treat others if we want to go down that road. I am SICK and tired of somehow being associated with this nonsense. Born and raised here and would never participate in the crap that these thugs do.

But I'm not so sure Lucic wasn't....he was out on the town after his teammate did the whole kissing of the ring and raising of the cup. Someone reacted. Get over it already? Did I like that this happened? No. When testosterone fueled tough guys are out knocking a few back and puffing out their chests does it happen? Every single weekend. So let's not make this world history of some sort. My God, it's ridiculous. If it was an assault, file charges go to court and move on. But don't drag the entire hockey world into to...it wasn't at the rink, it was at a bar. It's the bar scene, not the hockey fans.

I am tired of the holier than thou'ers. It's sickening.

Well said.

First of all, I don't care if he is a hometown boy, the way he has acted in games against the Canucks completely lacked class and as a result he doesn't get respect. We don't need you to defend Vancouver. Vancouver is doing just fine without your help.

PS, what are you doing out at 2AM at a bar after your team was handed an a$$ whooping?

Secondly I don't buy that he was completely innocent and got an unprovoked punch.

"Do you know who I am? I will f% kill you"

lol yeah we know who you are. You are a complete D bag.

Thirdly, Every city has meat heads and retards. Vancouver is no exception and it's really not that newsworthy, If I am a player from an opposing rival city, I would prob just steer clear of trouble...You are a pro athlete. Get a life and rise above the scum.

Fourthly, for the fans in here that are "disgusted" and "ashamed or embarrassed" please join the Coyotes fans because those guys are awesome. They are the most perfect hosts.

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That's sad a guy can't go out in his own hometown and not get assaulted. I for one like Lucic, hockey is a business and Boston is where he works. He should be able to go out and spend time in the city he grew up in. If he didn't like Van he sure wouldn't be out and about in his hometown. Just plain sad.

With that said, If I was him and a millionaire you sure wouldn't see me in some cheesy average bar. I'd be in an upscale high-brow lounge trying to get my drink and groove on with the ladies... not the trash.

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To those that are too worried that some fans give us a bad image (oh noes) I ask:

"What are you doing to give us a good image?" Besides pointing out how bad Canucks fans make us look on forums. Anything?

Acting with integrity helps, but some people feel the need to be butt hurt about a player who beat us 2 years ago and attack him in a bar. Everyone wonders why the league 'dislikes' us and we act like this.

You don't need to like the guy. If he's crap how is acting like him suppose to change anything. The level of hypocrisy around here is amazing. Call him classless while acting classless? Seems legit.

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Vancouver fans are probably the most classless people on the planet.

What the fans did in 2011 is an utter embarrassment.

What happened last night is pretty much Vancouver at it's finest. Bunch of jerks and losers. Idiots morons.

In regards to the "Roxy" that's actually a club that Canucks players or NHL players in general often drop by after games. I've got friends in the past who ran into Naslund, Cooke, Bertuzzi, just random Canuck players. If you guys actually want an autograph of a random Canuck, drop by the Roxy after a Saturday night game. Why the Roxy? It's actually a club for older people, "late 20's to 30's to 40's" type of hang out bar.

Another generalization. Immediately your argument loses any merit.
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Lucic did nothing wrong by going out. He is not a criminal and does not have a curfew. Some drunken idiot was just that, this incident only reflects on the drunken idiot. Leave Lucic and the city and Canuck fans out of it.

A big downside to the internet is stupid trivial garbage like this gets turned into a "viral" episode till the next bit of fluff shows up to keep the web occupied

Again, Lucic is also acting like a drunken idiot. The guy who punched him, however, has never run over a goalie and signed an autograph commemorating the cheapshot. Both are from Vancouver. I have more respect for the guy who punched Lucic than I do for any Bruin.
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That's sad a guy can't go out in his own hometown and not get assaulted. I for one like Lucic, hockey is a business and Boston is where he works. He should be able to go out and spend time in the city he grew up in. If he didn't like Van he sure wouldn't be out and about in his hometown. Just plain sad.

With that said, If I was him and a millionaire you sure wouldn't see me in some cheesy average bar. I'd be in an upscale high-brow lounge trying to get my drink and groove on with the ladies... not the trash.

There's a tear in my beer for Lucic.
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Well said.

First of all, I don't care if he is a hometown boy, the way he has acted in games against the Canucks completely lacked class and as a result he doesn't get respect. We don't need you to defend Vancouver. Vancouver is doing just fine without your help.

PS, what are you doing out at 2AM at a bar after your team was handed an a$$ whooping?

Secondly I don't buy that he was completely innocent and got an unprovoked punch.

"Do you know who I am? I will f% kill you"

lol yeah we know who you are. You are a complete D bag.

Thirdly, Every city has meat heads and retards. Vancouver is no exception and it's really not that newsworthy, If I am a player from an opposing rival city, I would prob just steer clear of trouble...You are a pro athlete. Get a life and rise above the scum.

Fourthly, for the fans in here that are "disgusted" and "ashamed or embarrassed" please join the Coyotes fans because those guys are awesome. They are the most perfect hosts.

And let's cut this poor innocent homeboy act...you don't think he was likely a mouthy punk (too)? Listen to what he says "I'll **** kill you". Last time I checked, a death threat is a criminal offense. So he's no victim here, he's a participant from what I saw.

That clearly wasn't him, watch the video again.

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i'll get back to you with a link (too much traffic on the bar fight so I can't actually find the links) but Lucic said something like the people who vandalized his church don't represent all of Vancouver and are probably teens who think they're cool, he also said that he loves Vancouver and the fans, loved how they cheered him on when he lifted the cup, and something about how he knows the rioters don't represent Vancouver.

But a drunken spat in our city's armpit is enough to send him over the edge?

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I hate the Bruins, I hate Marchand, and I don't particularly like Lucic, either. Destroying Boston 6-2 that night was one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of watching. And I hope we do it to them EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Having said that...

Vancouver needs to grow up and move forward. Our fanbase's reaction & treatment of a player who is off the ice and enjoying his private moments with friends & family is utterly disgraceful. We need to show more class & respect (& self-respect) if we're ever going to get others to forget the disgraceful riot we pulled in '11.

It is only a game. Grow up, Vancouver.

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I hate the Bruins, I hate Marchand, and I don't particularly like Lucic, either. Destroying Boston 6-2 that night was one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of watching. And I hope we do it to them EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Having said that...

Vancouver needs to grow up and move forward. Our fanbase's reaction & treatment of a player who is off the ice and enjoying his private moments with friends & family is utterly disgraceful. We need to show more class & respect (& self-respect) if we're ever going to get others to forget the disgraceful riot we pulled in '11.

It is only a game. Grow up, Vancouver.

Funny how this didn't even make the news

or this

seriously the disgraceful 2011 riot can get shoved up every vancouver and canuck haters ass.

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One other take on this is that he said he's done with "Downtown" Vancouver.

Which is fair, a lot of Vancouverites are also done with partying in the Downtown core. It's the bridge & tunnel crowd trying to act tuff. Not trying to paint all of the suburb crowd that frequent Granville St with the same brush but there's a certain element there that is just looking for trouble.

Maybe he's using this as the straw that broke the camels back and maturing out of that perticular bar scene.

As you and I know, quotes written by the media nowadays seem to always get taken out of context, mostly on purpose to incite.

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Let's put it this way in keeping it in context. This is no longer HIS city, his city is now Boston as indicated by the crest on his chest.

it's the other guy who says "i'll kill you". So yes, as you say, a death threat is a criminal offense, but it's against the other guy.

Vancouver is still his hometown. He grew there, his whole family lives there, he grew up supporting the local teams, he played for the giants for two years. Stuff that happens on the ice doesn't erase the years he spent as a Vancouverite. There are thousands of athletes around the US and Canada, most of whom don't play in their hometowns. All of them should be able to go home without having their church desecrated or their grandparents thrown food at.

I agree that these few actions don't represent the vast majority of Canucks fans. it's just some random drunk guy. That being said, considering something bad happens every time he goes home, it's not unreasonable for Lucic not to want to hang out downtown anymore.

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Acting with integrity helps, but some people feel the need to be butt hurt about a player who beat us 2 years ago and attack him in a bar. Everyone wonders why the league 'dislikes' us and we act like this.

You don't need to like the guy. If he's crap how is acting like him suppose to change anything. The level of hypocrisy around here is amazing. Call him classless while acting classless? Seems legit.

What are you doing that is so integral?

Not punching Lucic doesn't make you like that? I've never tripped an old lady but that doesn't make me a saint.

Punching someone drunkenly does make you a jerk but not doing so doesn't make you the opposite.

I am asking what ACTIONS those that care so much will be doing beyond fingerwagging in a meaningless thread. Hell, I even suggested an action many pages back and was ignored.

This said, I don't support the goof that did the punching but I don't empower him with the ability to represent me and don't empower other cities fans and media with the ability to belittle me over a minority of people.

I will agree that some are taking it way to far in the other direction but they are not all of us either.

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But a drunken spat in our city's armpit is enough to send him over the edge?

Hard to blame him when

-His grandparents got food thrown at them

-His uncle was harassed at the final series

-His church was vandalized

-A fight broke out around him during the greek festival in Van

-His girlfriend was supposedly heckled by a Canucks fan (Schneiders girlfriend?)

-Not really major but a poster of him was defaced in a rec centre

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