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The richest family in the world (own over 1/2 the wealth in the entire world!)


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Rothschild Family Coat of Arms


For more than 200 years the Rothschild family has kept their banks in family hands, out of the general view of the public, in an effort to conceal their vast wealth. The Rothschilds have taken advantage of tax-free jurisdictions and have purposefully established their banks in countries with strict banking secrecy laws like Monaco, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.

The Rothschild dynasty first began to acquire prominence around the mid 1700′s. The first major patriarch of the family, Mayar Amschel Rothschild, sent his 5 sons to strategic banking centers throughout Europe. Nathan Rothschild went to London, Jabob to Paris, Salomon to Vienna, Asmchel (Jr.) to Frankfurt, and Calmann Rothschild to Naples.


Read rest here: http://thebilzerianreport.com/how-much-money-do-the-rothschilds-have/

‎"The Rothschilds can start or prevent wars. Their word could make or break empires"

-Chicago Evening American 12-3-1923

The Rothschild family is estimated to be worth at least 500 trillion dollars today

and some estimates over 900 trillion dollars.

Let's say it is the average estimate (700 trillion)

If we divide their 700 Trillion by the population of planet earth (7 Billion),

each person on the planet would have $100,000 additional to what they have...

If we divided the top 10 peoples wealth we'd all be very close to millionaires, while they could all stay trillionaires

Just something to think about...

Money is an illusion, it is a form of control in a controlled system.

Money needs to be rid of, because it has no meaning, only control in an illusion.

‎"If a nation expects to be both ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson

Part 1 of 3 revealing how the Rothschild's gained power...very intriguing, informative, and interesting!

...just in awe finding about this. Rothschild just about controls everything we see today and don't see. Just incredible, unbelievable. Estimate is they have a worth of $900 trillion and some even say they have reached the quadrillions! Amazing.

At the same time, kind of puts into perspective how unevenly the wealth is spread out amongst the world but nonetheless, guess to some extent those people worked for it. Not taking anything away from people that work almost all day and get paid minimum wage, but think it's well known now that business = most money thus why Rothschild is at the top. Funny that they hide their status too cause in Forbes magazine of the wealthiest people, they aren't included cause they essentially own it and choose not to be publicized and kept in secrecy. The more you know I guess..just wanted to post this if anyone would get a good understanding and read from it, nothing more nothing less intended.

Crazy world :lol:

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The game is rigged and its obvious. Whats the root word of Capitilism? Capital. What happens when you're born into families with capital? = Much higher probablity of being wealthy. Money makes money.

I think virtual reality will soon takeover though. The stock of real life money will plummet and the virtual world will regulate itself in a much more efficient way.

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The game is rigged and its obvious. Whats the root word of Capitilism? Capital. What happens when you're born into families with capital? = Much higher probablity of being wealthy. Money makes money.

I think virtual reality will soon takeover though. The stock of real life money will plummet and the virtual world will regulate itself in a much more efficient way.

Virtual Reality.....Are you on any sort of medication that you aren't taking right now?

In regards to your comment about Capitalism, it does help to have wealthy parents, but the world 5 richest men came from humble beginnings and were able to succeed because of capitalism. Stop blaming capitalism for your personal limits.

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Not entirely unknown news.

There's meetings yearly between these guys the "bilderburg" group and some of the worlds highest ranking politicians and CEO's

It's troubling really but what can we peasants do about it

Learn to put our petty differences aside and finally unite towards a goal that is inherently justifiable. I still can't believe American's let their government bail the banks, what a load of horse crap that was. I would have loved to seen the system finally fail.

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Learn to put our petty differences aside and finally unite towards a goal that is inherently justifiable. I still can't believe American's let their government bail the banks, what a load of horse crap that was. I would have loved to seen the system finally fail.

The banks failing mean that everyone else would fail.

If the banks were kept afloat, there was hope that a portion of people could be saved.

Actually, the latter was true - the rich kept their money. The middle class and the poor got fracked over.

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Worth a glance...this was the original Forbes list of richest Americans in 1918.

(Keep in mind the figures are from 1918 ei; rockefellers 1.2 billion would be equivalent to 19 billion today due to inflation alone, not calculating interest or profits since)


The Rothschilds weren't on it as they are seen as a European family. For the record I think people that are this rich deserve to be. How Mayar Rothschild originally made his money and invest it after he had it was truly brilliant, I woulda tried the same thing had I been born 300 years earlier lol.

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Not entirely unknown news.

There's meetings yearly between these guys the "bilderburg" group and some of the worlds highest ranking politicians and CEO's

It's troubling really but what can we peasants do about it

Not 'new' news, a lot of people already know about this, And Warhippy is right, Youtube the 'bohemian grove' , these goofs have big meetings there every year...

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If you were to give everyone a share of that fortune eventually most of that money would return to just a few. most would probably waste it on stupid stuff and buy more than what they need and go into debt.

I have only ever gone into to debt to advance my business interests and increasing my income and build up my net worth. now, No debt and I make more than most not bad considering I had less than $1000 in the bank 15 years ago and owned practically nothing. just hard work and trying to live within my means.

I have always put aside a little bit each month too since I was 18. anywhere from $30 a month to a few hundred. what ever I could manage. it's slowly paying off as I get older and Have savings. money I wouldn't touch and don't want to touch until i retire. I know people my age still living pay cheque to pay cheque bouncing from job to job.. I can go prob a year without working and not be broke.

So here's some free advice for younger people here. Don't worry what others have, worry about yourself and try and save a bit each payday either in a tfsa or rrsp. Do Not rack up CC debt either don't buy what you can't pay off at end of month... buy some silver coins too. canadian maples are great!

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Not 'new' news, a lot of people already know about this, And Warhippy is right, Youtube the 'bohemian grove' , these goofs have big meetings there every year...

Gordon Campbell and Stephen Harper visited the Bilderburg meetings in Spain prior to the 2010 Olympics. Shortly there after Campbell left office and accepted a very well positioned job in the UK for Canada.

I do not subscribe to conspiracy theories but in all honesty, the wealthiest and most powerful people of the world need to keep in contact and at least coordinate a little lest they stop being rich and powerful

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