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Mike Gillis Should Stay


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And here's where you and oldnews differ. oldnews didn't pick and choose what contracts to list to make his point, where you pick one and compare it to another at the other end of the range for all the contracts listed. There are plenty listed at the higher end like Luongo's and the NHL could have easily drawn the line somewhere in between when the first deals were signed.

But they didn't, and now they want to fix their own mistake. That's not Gillis' fault anymore than it is Holland's or any of the other GMs - that's the NHL's.

Like I said I picked one at random and I truly did, I never said that there were not contracts on the list that were similar to Lou's, just that the list (as a compleat list) doesn't represent contracts that are compatible. The NHL didn't plan to have loopholes the GMs just found them, you can't pin a loophole on the league. I'm not sure the league could do anything about the loophole untill the end of the collective bargaining agreement because it's like a contract that lays out the contract rules. Now after as we have seen is another story.
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And it adds what to the conversation exactly? Like almost all of your posts, absolutely nothing other than an irrelevant insult.

Simply made a comment.

Cool down. There was no insult any more than what you made.

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The Canucks fan base are one of the the worst in the NHL on the whole for constantly providing excuses for the team's failures that they can place on external sources. Or on one individual player. Management and coaching along with the core players of the team get a free pass too often based on the old "Well, things didn't go our way so there was no way they could do any better than they did." That is a recipe for a team not doing anything other than stand still and hope things go their way. Only Maple Leafs fans deflect better than Canucks fans do.

Its a really strange problem.

Those who approve of the job Gillis is doing as much as anyone are for example Oiler and Flame fan, and to me that really says something.

So why are we so in love with this guy? Offering excuses like hes still learning on the job and that he lacks experience makes our standards seem extraordinarily low. Who else would accept that? Whats the point of accepting that? So you can watch the team deteriorate and be content as if it made any sense?

Gillis has made some very solid decisions worthy of acclaim. Unfortunately that trend is now ancient history and this recent stretch seems a lot more indicative of what to expect from the guy from now on because it has already been going on steadily for years now.

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Its a really strange problem.Those who approve of the job Gillis is doing as much as anyone are for example Oiler and Flame fan, and to me that really says something.So why are we so in love with this guy? Offering excuses like hes still learning on the job and that he lacks experience makes our standards seem extraordinarily low. Who else would accept that? Whats the point of accepting that? So you can watch the team deteriorate and be content as if it made any sense?Gillis has made some very solid decisions worthy of acclaim. Unfortunately that trend is now ancient history and this recent stretch seems a lot more indicative of what to expect from the guy from now on because it has already been going on steadily for years now.

Recent stretch...?...since the Schneider /Horvat deal, I think Gillis has done a decent job.

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Your right it may have been a little over the top but in light the of the previous post I felt it just, at the time anyway. Still boggles my mind how someone could call someone out for doing nothing but agreeing with another poster especially when they didn't call out the original poster.... That's trolling to the max.

PS, who has called me a troll? I when I disagree with someone express my opinion and am not trying to pick a personal fight. I am stubborn just like you and just like old news but in the end are interested in others opinions and not just calling others out to try make themselves look better or pick a fight.

Edit: I did once tell Elvis that he's one of the only posters on the board that I always disagree with about everything. I felt a little bad after I posted it because it came across as a trolling remark but I didn't intend it as so and just found it interesting. Elvis has since proven me wrong.

You do know that trolling is something somebody does on purpose to get a rise out of people?

As far as who I don't recall but any Luongo thread ever you and Riviera and Smurf were called trolls. Incorrectly much like you're using it.

Also I'm not stubborn. I'll fight to my last breath before you convince me I'm stubborn. B)

You know Nino I don't always agree with you but I'll give you this much; you're a pretty chill guy.Even in disagreement I can usually count on you for a good discussion or for you not to get your feelings hurt and get all whiny like some folks here.

As for Gillis. It's not just excuses people that want him to stay give it's also sometimes perspective. Some people have just constantly got a fire somebody campaign going and anytime anybody disagrees with them they go on about how everyone else is stupid. For me I think anybody who thinks Gillis has brought this team down to it's knees doesn't get it. Anybody who thinks Gillis hasn't made any mistakes doesn't get it. I understand your argument about the Luongo deal and while I disagree with it I think you make some good points however I also think with perspective we can see why it was done. We also certainly know that it was well within the rules at the time and that every contract goes through league approval. So suggest Gillis was doing anything but his job on that deal to me is petty. I get the complaint about it but for me that's where it stops.

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As for Gillis. It's not just excuses people that want him to stay give it's also sometimes perspective. Some people have just constantly got a fire somebody campaign going and anytime anybody disagrees with them they go on about how everyone else is stupid. For me I think anybody who thinks Gillis has brought this team down to it's knees doesn't get it. Anybody who thinks Gillis hasn't made any mistakes doesn't get it.


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There are tons of good GM and coaching candidates out there who are not worse just because they are not known to CDC.

Hanging on like Calgary has done for years.

First point I'm more than willing to entertain.

The Calgary analogy is a horrible one - a severe embellishment that would suggest you lack quite a bit of perspective.

I'm not going to go into it in depth here - this debate has had enough life in other threads - but if you're seriously trying to maintain that comparison, I think you need to have a closer look at how different those contexts are, and how much longer that timeline in Calgary was. Look at the youth in Calgary's system the last time they made the playoffs (I posted it elsewhere). Look at how many years they in fact missed, and continued to buy to try to prop that team up. Look at their actual "rebuild" - they got a late round pick and b prospects for their franchise player, and they waited so long to move Kipprusoff that he retired before they could get an asset. That was a full decade after their Cup run. Poor analogy.

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Like I said I picked one at random and I truly did, I never said that there were not contracts on the list that were similar to Lou's, just that the list (as a compleat list) doesn't represent contracts that are compatible. The NHL didn't plan to have loopholes the GMs just found them, you can't pin a loophole on the league. I'm not sure the league could do anything about the loophole untill the end of the collective bargaining agreement because it's like a contract that lays out the contract rules. Now after as we have seen is another story.

Not that it was there to begin with, no, but that the didn't close it at the time? Absolutely I can and have said it since the start. I've already explained how they have the right to make changes in a number of areas without a new CBA, they've done it for rule changes and when they drew the line in the sand for the first Kovy contract they did it then as well.

But why would they do that when two of the first teams signing players to these contracts are Chicago and Detroit, two of the original six teams? Chicago won a cup with Hossa playing in the first year of his back diving contract, so when they started becoming more popular they realized it was their own fault for not taking action sooner. That's the NHL's fault, not the GMs for taking advantage of the limits of the rule when the salary cap doesn't allow them much room for contract creativity.

I'm happy we were able to sign Luongo to a cap friendly deal at a time when we were spending to the cap so that we could fit in other roster pieces. I'm not happy that the NHL and GMs have decided those deals are to be punished retroactively and they can say they were culpable as well because they have players included in the penalty. It only really affects the largest of those kinds of contracts, so that's a cop out that everyone was on board.

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First point I'm more than willing to entertain.

The Calgary analogy is a horrible one - a severe embellishment that would suggest you lack quite a bit of perspective.

I'm not going to go into it in depth here - this debate has had enough life in other threads - but if you're seriously trying to maintain that comparison, I think you need to have a closer look at how different those contexts are, and how much longer that timeline in Calgary was. Look at the youth in Calgary's system the last time they made the playoffs (I posted it elsewhere). Look at how many years they in fact missed, and continued to buy to try to prop that team up. Look at their actual "rebuild" - they got a late round pick and b prospects for their franchise player, and they waited so long to move Kipprusoff that he retired before they could get an asset. That was a full decade after their Cup run. Poor analogy.

I've been living in Calgary long enough to know the deal with the team, they were decent in 2009-10 but Sutter insisted on throwing away key players (Jokenin and Cammalleri) and then trying to fix his mistakes by getting them back, that didn't work so he's gone. The owners hung onto Sutter far too long and I'm seeing the same thing happening with Gillis. So now the Flames are rebuilding from scratch, Squid is the only familiar name on the team I know of now
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I agree Gillis needs another year. But at the end of the day, it's not going to matter who the GM is when the owner is/has been calling the shots. LeBrun on team 1040 today affirming what most people have said for a while "most of us believe Aquilini hired Torts and management had to except it". I truly believe the owners are to blame more than any other singular party, and a change of GMs isn't going to fix anything.


Gary Mason on team 1040 today saying he heard from a prominent business man that there's a 'rumor' out there Aquilini is trying to sell Nucks.

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I agree Gillis needs another year. But at the end of the day, it's not going to matter who the GM is when the owner is/has been calling the shots. LeBrun on team 1040 today affirming what most people have said for a while "most of us believe Aquilini hired Torts and management had to except it". I truly believe the owners are to blame more than any other singular party, and a change of GMs isn't going to fix anything.


Gary Mason on team 1040 today saying he heard from a prominent business man that there's a 'rumor' out there Aquilini is trying to sell Nucks.

Please be true.

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I agree Gillis needs another year. But at the end of the day, it's not going to matter who the GM is when the owner is/has been calling the shots. LeBrun on team 1040 today affirming what most people have said for a while "most of us believe Aquilini hired Torts and management had to except it". I truly believe the owners are to blame more than any other singular party, and a change of GMs isn't going to fix anything.


Gary Mason on team 1040 today saying he heard from a prominent business man that there's a 'rumor' out there Aquilini is trying to sell Nucks.

That wouldn't be a surprise. He went through a costly divorce and might want to circle the wagons, financially-speaking.

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That wouldn't be a surprise. He went through a costly divorce and might want to circle the wagons, financially-speaking.

That and he wants to make the money he lost by selling his hobby.

To think if we could have had Gaglardi for owner instead.

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Jim Nill as GM works for me.

Yes. And Ruff as coach would work for me. Ironically, he interviewed here. I recall Doug Mclean saying that he doesn't like Torts and thought Ruff should have gotten the job here.

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The franchise has made a series of critical errors from key personnel decisions (Ehrhoff,Salo,Hodgson,Ballard,Booth,etc.) to the loss of draft picks culminating in the choice of coach as the crowning accomplishment.

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