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[Report] Mike Gillis Fired


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Umnnn....the Canucks were brutal since losing the 2011 SCF.

MG had 3 years to change the team and it got worse every year.

Well when your at the top for 2 straight years there's only one way to go. Not to many teams can stay at the top that long.

Gillis was the only reason this team remained somewhat competative this year. Imagine where this team would be at without the likes of Santo, Tanev, Richardson. When the core was failing it was the money ball depth signings that kept this team in it, without it we'd be even worse off.

I'm not going to have an opinion on who ever gets hired until they have some time to put their stamp on this team, But one thing is forsure, this team finally has some exciting youth and if we start dealing them to squeak into playoffs next year. I will be one unhappy fan.

Honestly the more I think about it the more I feel I have to explain this.

This team was at the top of their game in 2011, players were healthy and in their prime. 2012, we still we president trophy winners but we could all notice a start of decline.

Gillis has two options at this point:

Start dealing youth to surround this core with more fire power and remain in the leagues elite, or

Realize that the core is past it's due and start building towards a transition.

I'm glad he chose option "b" and realized that by not trading away youth this team would start to fall to middle of the league. What I didn't predict was the top lines slumping so bad that this team failed to make playoffs.

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I can't recall many specifics from his Tampa days, other then he won a cup and quit due to battles with ownership.

Seems like a positive section of his resume to me.

Are there damning instances I'm unaware of?

He inherited that team from Rick Dudley, who would be a good candidate.

Feaster didn't build that team or augment well. He oversaw the demise of that team.

His drafting is awful. His trades are awful. His FA signings are awful.

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i cant believe how fickle this forum is. A couple years ago anyone here who said anything negative about MG was considered crazy...

Were plenty of MG haters back then (myself being one of them, never been a fan)

Secondly, a lot changes in "a couple years" so not sure what you are getting at. One off season can be enough to change your opinion on a GM.

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I think you overestimate the appeal of this franchise. It's not easy to get the players we want to come here.

I've seen this script before and think the Canucks are going back to dark days. At least the majority of the fanbase will go with it.


Most young Canuck fans have never lives through a "Dark age"

Get ready for a half-full arena, because unlike other Canadian markets, if the team doesn't win, the fans don't show up.

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Pat Quinn rumors as he's going into the ring of Honour on saturday.

Oh god there is a god if we got Pat Quinn as GM

Only if you could go back in time a decade or so and kidnap that Pat Quinn. As much as he is a great hockey person, he is over 70 now.

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Most young Canuck fans have never lives through a "Dark age"

Get ready for a half-full arena, because unlike other Canadian markets, if the team doesn't win, the fans don't show up.

And some of us remember the Keenan era all too well.

Calgary is also our neighbor, so Feaster is anything but an unknown to us.

The only pleasure I'd take in seeing him hired here would be watching the reactionary element in the fanbase and the shortsighted people peddling the Calgary analogy get what they wished for.

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