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[Confirmed] Jim Benning signs as new Canucks GM


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Still feel like he's gonna be pressured into drafting a BC boy for marketing purposes

As I understand it, Benning didn't take a job with Buffalo last year because he wasn't going to be able to get rid of Ted Nolan. A guy like him wants to build a team and for that I would bet the Aquilinis have practically given him carte blanche.

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As I understand it, Benning didn't take a job with Buffalo last year because he wasn't going to be able to get rid of Ted Nolan. A guy like him wants to build a team and for that I would bet the Aquilinis have practically given him carte blanche.

To clarify, the Aquilinis have given Trevor carte blanche and JB has Trevor's confidence. We're going to find out here pretty quick that making Trevor the point man for the new future was the pivotal move. And I'm fully convinced Benning is the correct hire. I think the choosing of the head coach will be a more divisive thing for Canuck fans.

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To clarify, the Aquilinis have given Trevor carte blanche and JB has Trevor's confidence. We're going to find out here pretty quick that making the Trevor the point man for the new future was the pivotal move. And I'm fully convinced Benning is the correct hire. I think the choosing of the head coach will be a more divisive thing for Canuck fans.

I think you're right Jack, but it really doesn't have to be.

IMHO, there are a few good choices: Trotz, Stevens, Dejardins, Blashill.... The problem is, most people decide on one guy and if that isn't the guy who's hired, the sky is falling. The key really, is not to hire the wrong guy, which is exactly what the Canucks did last year.

There were a ton of people, both fans and media, who wondered aloud if the Canucks weren't trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Some of us remained optimistic that Torts would adapt his style to the team he had, but as the season wore on, that proved not to be the case.

Honestly, if JB and Linden choose any of the four guys I mentioned, we should be fine. Personally, I'm hoping for Stevens, but if any of the other three are chosen, I'll be okay with them as well.

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I think you're right Jack, but it really doesn't have to be.

IMHO, there are a few good choices: Trotz, Stevens, Dejardins, Blashill.... The problem is, most people decide on one guy and if that isn't the guy who's hired, the sky is falling. The key really, is not to hire the wrong guy, which is exactly what the Canucks did last year.

There were a ton of people, both fans and media, who wondered aloud if the Canucks weren't trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Some of us remained optimistic that Torts would adapt his style to the team he had, but as the season wore on, that proved not to be the case.

Honestly, if JB and Linden choose any of the four guys I mentioned, we should be fine. Personally, I'm hoping for Stevens, but if any of the other three are chosen, I'll be okay with them as well.

This is exactly how I feel. I was initially a supporter of Torts being hired because on the surface it seemed like it could work. Nothing could have been further from the truth. I do think the players played to get him fired though. And that is why I think Benning is the right choice for GM. He will make the changes that are necessary. But if we keep this entire core it will be a tough road no matter who the coaching hire is. Realistically there need to be some big changes to more than just the bottom 6 and spare part D.

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This is exactly how I feel. I was initially a supporter of Torts being hired because on the surface it seemed like it could work. Nothing could have been further from the truth. I do think the players played to get him fired though. And that is why I think Benning is the right choice for GM. He will make the changes that are necessary. But if we keep this entire core it will be a tough road no matter who the coaching hire is. Realistically there need to be some big changes to more than just the bottom 6 and spare part D.

I think we're probably heading into some lean years, but as someone who's been through many such stretches as a Canuck fan, I'm okay with that. As long as I see the ship being slowly turned around....

That's why last season was so tough for me. The ship was being sailed directly into the face of the storm with the captain all the while shouting "full speed ahead!"

(Okay. Maybe a tad melodramatic, but you know what I mean. B) )

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This is exactly how I feel. I was initially a supporter of Torts being hired because on the surface it seemed like it could work. Nothing could have been further from the truth. I do think the players played to get him fired though. And that is why I think Benning is the right choice for GM. He will make the changes that are necessary. But if we keep this entire core it will be a tough road no matter who the coaching hire is. Realistically there need to be some big changes to more than just the bottom 6 and spare part D.

The ones left standing? This core was gutted, especially the forwards. I really don't agree with that statement, because up until the New Year, there was hope. From then on, all of the top 6 were injured at one time or another. This was all on Torts, and the type of game he decided this group should play.

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I think we're probably heading into some lean years, but as someone who's been through many such stretches as a Canuck fan, I'm okay with that. As long as I see the ship being slowly turned around....

That's why last season was so tough for me. The ship was being sailed directly into the face of the storm with the captain all the while shouting "full speed ahead!"

(Okay. Maybe a tad melodramatic, but you know what I mean. B) )

Not melodramatic at all. That's eXACtly what happened.

However, I believe Benning is indeed a very patient man but to a point. Benning trading Kesler and Edler is most likely going to garner better returns than Gillis trading Kesler and Edler. Benning has league wide respect.

Of course, there's no way to measure this.

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Not melodramatic at all. That's eXACtly what happened.

However, I believe Benning is indeed a very patient man but to a point. Benning trading Kesler and Edler is most likely going to be better than Gillis trading Kesler and Edler. Benning has league wide respect.

I often dream of trading Edler and it's always a warm, happy, childlike dream. And the strange thing is....it never matters who we get in return, the dream is always good.

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I think we're probably heading into some lean years, but as someone who's been through many such stretches as a Canuck fan, I'm okay with that. As long as I see the ship being slowly turned around....

That's why last season was so tough for me. The ship was being sailed directly into the face of the storm with the captain all the while shouting "full speed ahead!"

(Okay. Maybe a tad melodramatic, but you know what I mean. B) )

The ones who stay the course (the fans that is) through these rough times are the fans who earn the respect of diehard fans. That's when we see who the band-wagoners really are. As someone who got royally pissed off when Jack Gordon traded Neely for what essentially turned out to be a lacklustre Barry Pederson; I could have jumped ship then, but didn't and stayed the course through. Seen three cup runs all unsuccessful, but I'm still a Canucks fan through and through and will be till my last breath. We've seen a lot of ups and downs since the Canucks came into this league in 1970. But the Jim Benning hiring to me seems to be the first step towards turning the corner. And I welcome it with open arms.

I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait till the draft. :bigblush::towel:

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It's also the fact that the media know not to mess with Linden because of his respect level in this city.

They try and tarnish Linden like they did with other GMs, they might as well find a new city to work in.

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It's also the fact that the media know not to mess with Linden because of his respect level in this city.

They try and tarnish Linden like they did with other GMs, they might as well find a new city to work in.

How about just cutting it short and find a new city to work in anyways... The media in Vancouver isn't as good as they think they are.

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It's also the fact that the media know not to mess with Linden because of his respect level in this city.

They try and tarnish Linden like they did with other GMs, they might as well find a new city to work in.

Never underestimate how low the media will stoop.

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It's also the fact that the media know not to mess with Linden because of his respect level in this city.

They try and tarnish Linden like they did with other GMs, they might as well find a new city to work in.

Doesn't mean though that they aren't going to try, but their own reputation is going to take a serious hit if they do.

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Yeah thats well known but he was only 21 when he was traded im pretty sure... He got 84 points last year and it wasnt a massive surprise. He will probably be on team Canada next olympics. It wasnt as bad as the Thornton trade but it still wasnt good. Eriksson had concussion issues at the time and got another one on the Bruins and hasnt looked the same since. I like Benning, and he was who I wanted as GM but this is a black mark in my opinion.

Sometimes a move is necessary to save a kid from himself...and move him away from bad influences,...they knew the inside & out of the situation, they may have saved his career...before he became a substance abuser or something. That's caring more about the player & looking at the bigger picture for everyone's sake. I wouldn't doubt that this action was probably motivated by more than dollars & cents, greed or impatience. Seguin may have been leading others on their roster astray...too much success too soon. His motivations changed. A new team & maybe a few parting chastizements,...probably gave Seguin some fresh motivations & another op to succeed again....in a brand-new hockey environment. I applaud the deal.

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Not melodramatic at all. That's eXACtly what happened.

However, I believe Benning is indeed a very patient man but to a point. Benning trading Kesler and Edler is most likely going to garner better returns than Gillis trading Kesler and Edler. Benning has league wide respect.

Of course, there's no way to measure this.

At least I believe that Benning will astutely know exactly what he's got coming back in a trade...especially if they are prospects. He will know that world & won't have to lean upon subordinates for much direction in that. Not that sure... if Gillis actually knew what he had or what he could be asking for....that well. Whatever we may have lost in lawyer-speak or PR......that's the biggest upgrade we now have from a team-building stand-point.

Thank-you Mike for getting all of the physical facilities & amenities top-notch. Now let's hope that JB fills the depth chart adequately & gives every free-agent out there these beliefs....

1) that this team can win.

2) that the Vancouver Canucks will take care of them medically, physically & mentally.

Post-Gillis/Tortorella...I sure hope JB will scrutinize his medical & training staff.

3) that the NHL's kingpins will allow us to be insiders, after-all. We will no longer be cursed.

A few fairly-refereed games vs some of the O-6's & during the So-Cal swings... & we shall see.

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