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[Confirmed] Willie Desjardin: VAN Head Coach


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Pittsburg generally tops the most liveable city list in the US.

It's a beautiful city with great people.

If you're going to live in the US, Pittsburg is a great place to do just that.

it really is . Ive been lucky enough to spend time there and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself .. beautiful city

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Seems like a hard-working guy who is not adverse to applying a little elbow Greece.

I hope he can push our team into giving the Pacific division opponents a Chile reception when they come into our building.

Norway we get pushed around on home ice anymore.

Once we start Russian the puck up the ice there will be no stopping us!

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Pittsburg generally tops the most liveable city list in the US.

It's a beautiful city with great people.

If you're going to live in the US, Pittsburg is a great place to do just that.

I've lived in the US most my life now. PITT is not where I'd want to be. I'd go for money reasons but if I had a choice between VAN and PIT, VAN wins in every category. Better summers, believe it or not better winters, better people, a lot prettier, more stuff to do. VAN is a lot more expensive but with his salary being in the millions I doubt he's too concerned.

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This was my first thought (and I'm a Steelers fan), but it turns out he's right, Pittsburgh has been named U.S.'s most livable city repeatedly by Forbes for a few years now.

mostly due to what Forbes is most concerned about...money....the cost of living is quite low and salaries are good. its easy to live there.... if you like shoveling snow 6 months out of the year, blizzard like weather for 3 months out of the year, and the rest of the year is like spring in BC, cloudy and raining with some sun here and there. the people are good though.

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Think about what you're saying...Pitsburgh "doesn't have a lot to back up the top 2", yet they do have Kunitz, Neal and Letang.

Meanwhile the Canucks have.....?


I get what you are saying, however look at their playoff record over the last couples of years. I like Neal, Kunitz I am not 100% sold on, and Letang unfortunately has been through a lot.

Also, look at how Bylsma has been labelled by man; "He hand Crosby and Malkin and can't win." Maybe Desjardins doesn't want that hanging over his head?

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