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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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3 hours ago, elvis15 said:

Any particular reason you want to bring up Nylander in a Virtanen thread? I thought the pro-Virt (or maybe the moving on) crowd wanted to just focus on Virtanen?


But yeah, 4 points in 11 games on a terrible Leafs team so far since his call up. That's a higher points per game than Jake's. Keep calling him a bust if it makes you happy.

No need to mention how bad the Leafs are when comparing, we're just as bad if not worse than them this season.

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On March 3, 2016 at 9:44 PM, J.R. said:

The last couple months are why some of us were preaching patience.


And even this is pleasantly far ahead of where I'd have guessed he'd be at this point. 

Anybody who's watched a leafs game since nylander has been called up can see the flaws. That's not to say that he'll never correct these problems, he very well could, but as it stands now he pretty much exemplifies what CDC has complained about for years. Second half jake is exactly what we've been screaming for. 

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3 hours ago, Alflives said:

And many argued Kassian's being out at the Roxie was just what any young guy does.  JV is no longer just any young guy.  He's a gifted professional athlete.  He can either choose to nurture his gift and become the best possible player his talents will allow, or he can choose to be just a normal guy, and waste the athletic gifts bestowed on him.   This is probably why the Twins are so upset; they have seen this before.  

Nights at the Roxy hasn't hurt Patrick Kane's production on the ice.

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I hope page 700 is better than page 699. Congrats Virtanen on being a 19 year old NHL rookie. Few people can achieve this and the time was right for you to make that switch. The core of this team is in good hands. Even if you only added a 3rd liner with this pick, it was a beauty. There are picks in the later rounds that end up surprising a la Ben Hutton. If you found an NHL player in the draft, you won so 6th overall means nothing. There is definitely going to be a 1st line RW UFA and that makes everyone's job more important

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48 minutes ago, Mathew Barzal said:

The kid who could have been mentored by the soft as butter Sedin sisters along with his brother this year.

His Brother is a completely different player, but that shows how much you follow them

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7 minutes ago, canuckledraggin said:

I hope page 700 is better than page 699. Congrats Virtanen on being a 19 year old NHL rookie. Few people can achieve this and the time was right for you to make that switch. The core of this team is in good hands. Even if you only added a 3rd liner with this pick, it was a beauty. There are picks in the later rounds that end up surprising a la Ben Hutton. If you found an NHL player in the draft, you won so 6th overall means nothing. There is definitely going to be a 1st line RW UFA and that makes everyone's job more important

This is not true. Management, players and the fans suffered through 6 months of awful hockey for that 6th overall pick. To say it means nothing is ignorant.


You don't need to get a home run pick not do you need to pick the best player in the 6-10 grouping, you need more than a token NHLer like you're suggesting 

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3 minutes ago, Gstank29 said:

His Brother is a completely different player, but that shows how much you follow them

This post shows how how ignorant and pretentious you are.


You pride yourself on following prospects and yet you feel the need to downplay the success of another team's in order to validate the success of our own. You don't make it into the NHL by being soft as butter and you don't accomplish what William has this year by being a bust.


The brothers being different players was irrelevant to my original reply anyways, but I love how quick you were to jump at the opportunity to make a snarky quip. Keep doing you Gstank, it keeps things fresh on these boards.

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 I'm pointing out that a lot fo people, including yourself calling Virtanen a bust earlier this year is hippocritial. Especially when Nylander essentially has done nothing to prove his hype or acclaim but yet you choose to defend him instead of our own prospect. 


For the record Nylander and Marner is the only prospect from another team who I don't like. They are soft premeriter players that are overhyped and overrated

Edited by Gstank29
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lmao. Some posters on here really need to see the light of day.


Don't matter if it's:

- Completely neglecting Ehlers because it doesn't suit one's argument

- The double standards when it comes to point totals, or

- Saying a rookie is not as good as the Sedins despite only being 19 (while hypocritically taking the be patient/wait and see approach with Jake)


CDC's the gift that keeps on giving. Keep doing you Stank.

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2 hours ago, Spotted Zebra said:

This is not true. Management, players and the fans suffered through 6 months of awful hockey for that 6th overall pick. To say it means nothing is ignorant.


You don't need to get a home run pick not do you need to pick the best player in the 6-10 grouping, you need more than a token NHLer like you're suggesting 

And that's why there's a disconnect between the management and hyper-critical fans like the ones that exist on this board. 


It 100% does not matter what a 19 year old is doing in your lineup. It is an indicator that your team is in a full on rebuild and the fact that he is in your lineup at all tells you that he's also a serviceable NHL player.


Not every top 6 pick or 1st round pick or pick within the entire 7 rounds is going to be an NHL player. That is the plain and simple truth and you can try to dissect which spot that player comes from, but if you're being honest, every player that you draft into your lineup is a win. Get over the draft hype numbers game. A lottery ticket is a lottery ticket regardless of the odds and that's all any draft pick is.

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4 hours ago, Gstank29 said:

You literally just called his brother soft, he isn't soft at all. I'm pointing out that a lot fo people, including yourself calling Virtanen a bust earlier this year is hippocritial. Especially when Nylander essentially has done nothing to prove his hype or acclaim but yet you choose to defend him instead of our own prospect. 


For the record Nylander and Marner is the only prospect from another team who I don't like. They are soft premeriter players that are overhyped and aren't even near the level of the Sedins. So you can stop right there.

Where did he call A. Nylander soft?


Where did he say that either of the Nylanders or Marner = the Sedins?


Just an all around terrible post. 

Edited by Toews
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Oh geez, not this again...



NEITHER Virtanen OR W. Nylander are busts because they're only 19! Both have played at the NHL level and both are fantastic prospects! 


Both Nylanders are fantastic prospects and we'd be lucky to have either of them regardless of whether they are soft or not. We also have Jake who other NHL teams would be lucky to have as well. 

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Can we just stop talking about a player's personal life and other players? This is the Jake Virtanen talk, not the "is Virtanen not mature" or "is Nylander a soft bust?" Thread.

Edited by Rex425
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8 minutes ago, Rex425 said:

Can we just stop talking about a player's personal life and other players? This is the Jake Virtanen talk, not the "is Virtanen not mature" or "is Nylander a soft bust?" Thread.

This is a hockey discussion community.  We will talk about other nhl players from time to time. Also where do you see any talk about players personal life. 


As far as i can see you're the only one talking about it. 

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3 minutes ago, Gooseberries said:

This is a hockey discussion community.  We will talk about other nhl players from time to time. Also where do you see any talk about players personal life. 


As far as i can see you're the only one talking about it. 

Alf made a few posts on the previous page. But you are right he doesn't count.

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4 hours ago, guntrix said:

lmao. Some posters on here really need to see the light of day.


Don't matter if it's:

- Completely neglecting Ehlers because it doesn't suit one's argument

- The double standards when it comes to point totals, or

- Saying a rookie is not as good as the Sedins despite only being 19 (while hypocritically taking the be patient/wait and see approach with Jake)


CDC's the gift that keeps on giving. Keep doing you Stank.

Yes indeed, how could any real Canucks fan "completely neglect Ehlers" on a Virtanen thread. As everybody knows, it's important to whine about how terrible your team's prospects are compared to others they could have drafted. It's the mark of a true fan.


FTR I wanted Ehlers or Nylander, and was disappointed when they took Jake instead. But I could see the reasons why, was mollified when they got McCann, and immediately shifted my allegiance to Jake as soon as he became Canuck property, as would any real Canucks fan.


But keep up your thinly disguised trolling. I'm sure it makes you feel really clever, and I doubt that you get the opportunity to feel that way often.

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1 hour ago, Gooseberries said:

This is a hockey discussion community.  We will talk about other nhl players from time to time. Also where do you see any talk about players personal life. 


As far as i can see you're the only one talking about it. 

We can have opinions, but Virtanen is a Vancouver Canuck, and Nylander is not. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone, but it's annoying when half of the posts in this thread is about the guys we didn't pick. 

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4 minutes ago, Rex425 said:

We can have opinions, but Virtanen is a Vancouver Canuck, and Nylander is not. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone, but it's annoying when half of the posts in this thread is about the guys we didn't pick. 

The two will forever be linked by canuck fans. Similar to bo/nichuskin, Shinkaruk/granlund, hodgson/kassian.


Best get used to it. Ita not going to change juat because you dont like it.

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