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BUF initiate compliance buy out on Ehrhoff

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Sorry but Ehrhoff and IGINLA is not going to win us a championship. Both are overrated IMO I would rather not have them and draft higher instead of any more first found knock outs.

It's not about winning a cup at this point, it's about bringing along the young guys.

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It's not about winning a cup at this point, it's about bringing along the young guys.

If that's the only reason then answer is still is no from me. There are already vets still on the team that can help with that. And if you're saying the Sedins can't then I'm not sure anyone else can.

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Ehrhoff's contract was front loaded. He's received well over half of the cash already. He wanted to get out of town badly.

With the compliance buyout, the Sabres don't have to worry about his future salary coming back to haunt them when he leaves the game.

Murray is just cleaning up one of the messes that Darcy Regier left him.

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To Special Ed's post.

I don't think people would see Iginla if added as a piece to bring the championship here. He is a very good player and is still producing very well. He has tremendous leadership and may be a nice fit on the team in terms of a piece they need in goal scoring and leadership for players like Horvat that are coming up.

Add to that there has been whispers of Iginla's interest in being in Vancouver for years now and why not ? other than strictly wanting a cup there are plenty of things to like about joining Vancouver.

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To Special Ed's post.

I don't think people would see Iginla if added as a piece to bring the championship here. He is a very good player and is still producing very well. He has tremendous leadership and may be a nice fit on the team in terms of a piece they need in goal scoring and leadership for players like Horvat that are coming up.

Add to that there has been whispers of Iginla's interest in being in Vancouver for years now and why not ? other than strictly wanting a cup there are plenty of things to like about joining Vancouver.

If IGINLA wants to be here long term and work with our young players. Then by all means sign him. But I don't want the team to go out of the way to get him. Or have to move key pieces of our future either. Anyone I would be shocked if he actually ends up here I really doubt that will happen.
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Now there is a team that's tanking. How will they get to the salary floor? They'd be about 20 million away from it if they buy out Ehrhoff.

I don't understand either.... they have to reach the cap floor and they are not likely going to be able to sign enough UFAs at that price.

Who of the top UFAs want to sign long term for one of the worst teams in the league and who doesn't want to spend to the cap to win?

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The #Sabres cap payroll is now $30.4M with 14 players signed, meaning they're $20.5M below the salary-cap floor. http://www.capgeek.com/sabres/

That means the #Sabres have to spend $2.27M per player on the remaining nine roster openings just to reach the $51M floor.

#Sabres salary-cap situation brings back memories of 2011 when #Panthers were $22M below the floor on eve of July 1.

The #Panthers went out and dropped $17.875M per year on Jovanovski, Fleischmann, Upshall, Kopecky and Bergenheim.

Speaking of Jovanovski ...

Buffalo does one of two things from here:

  1. Takes on other teams bad contracts to gain a draft pick (while giving back a lesser one of their own or minor contract).
  2. Goes crazy in free agency to sign top players to big contracts.

Considering the Florida situation mentioned above, Buffalo could try and go that route - especially since the other alternative is no way to build a team to win games. Maybe that's what they want I guess, but if they do want to go the free agency route it'll be a bit tougher considering they don't at least have Florida's weather as an attraction.

But I don't see a spot for Ehrhoff here since people are of course asking. We don't have the roster spot really, and I doubt he'd come for cheap since it's still a thin UFA market.

Wow, he is dirt cheap by todays and tomorrows standards for a Dman..they must simply not like him in the room. 4m a year till 2021...keeping in mind the cap will go up by that every year he is a steal, literally dirt cheap from about 2016 to 2021, and he is moderately priced until then....weird. My guess is they just don't like him.

Cap recapture: http://capgeek.com/recapture-grid

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People need to get over the fact that he left as a UFA. Look at the contract offer compared to the low ball one he got from Gillis. Anyone here who says they would not have done the same thing is a liar.

And reliving 2011 is not the reason the Canucks should consider signing him as many want to say. He is a puck moving dman, he has proven chemistry with Edler who had some of his most dynamic years with Ehrhoff as his partner, he has a skillset that we currently do not have but desperately need on this team, All good reasons to consider him if the plan is to continue to be a playoff team.

I think it is a longshot but people holding his decision to go to Buffalo against him need to get over it. He is not a mercenary. He is just a guy who got a deal that was ten times better than what the Canucks wanted to offer him. If benning is not at least kicking the tires I would be surprised.

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^^ You make great points for sure, sorry I forget what was Ehrhoff offered by Vancouver ? obviously the contract Buffalo signed him to was quite attractive I get that.

I believe it was rumored he was offered the same deal as Bieksa got. Not a bad deal I guess but compared to a front loaded lifetime contract he made the right decision to secure his future.

Now he gets paid and gets to choose a new destination and get paid again. Can't really blame the guy for taking the money.

I find it ironic that people slag on him for leaving Van as a UFA but at the same time over the time since he left Canuck fans clamor for free agents from other teams to do the same thing to come here. The reality in my mind is free agency is a huge perk earned by those guys to decide their future and their destination. Since GM's are fools who can't control themselves it is like the golden ticket for even decent players.

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I'd love to get him back, i'd trade anyone except Hamhuis to make room for him on the back end but he's going to get a boat load of money.

However, this makes 3 offensive D options on the market so I like our chances to get one.

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People need to get over the fact that he left as a UFA. Look at the contract offer compared to the low ball one he got from Gillis. Anyone here who says they would not have done the same thing is a liar.

And reliving 2011 is not the reason the Canucks should consider signing him as many want to say. He is a puck moving dman, he has proven chemistry with Edler who had some of his most dynamic years with Ehrhoff as his partner, he has a skillset that we currently do not have but desperately need on this team, All good reasons to consider him if the plan is to continue to be a playoff team.

I think it is a longshot but people holding his decision to go to Buffalo against him need to get over it. He is not a mercenary. He is just a guy who got a deal that was ten times better than what the Canucks wanted to offer him. If benning is not at least kicking the tires I would be surprised.

I believe it was rumored he was offered the same deal as Bieksa got. Not a bad deal I guess but compared to a front loaded lifetime contract he made the right decision to secure his future.

Now he gets paid and gets to choose a new destination and get paid again. Can't really blame the guy for taking the money.

I find it ironic that people slag on him for leaving Van as a UFA but at the same time over the time since he left Canuck fans clamor for free agents from other teams to do the same thing to come here. The reality in my mind is free agency is a huge perk earned by those guys to decide their future and their destination. Since GM's are fools who can't control themselves it is like the golden ticket for even decent players.

good call bro

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People need to get over the fact that he left as a UFA. Look at the contract offer compared to the low ball one he got from Gillis. Anyone here who says they would not have done the same thing is a liar.

And reliving 2011 is not the reason the Canucks should consider signing him as many want to say. He is a puck moving dman, he has proven chemistry with Edler who had some of his most dynamic years with Ehrhoff as his partner, he has a skillset that we currently do not have but desperately need on this team, All good reasons to consider him if the plan is to continue to be a playoff team.

I think it is a longshot but people holding his decision to go to Buffalo against him need to get over it. He is not a mercenary. He is just a guy who got a deal that was ten times better than what the Canucks wanted to offer him. If benning is not at least kicking the tires I would be surprised.

This. I'd love to have him back, I don't care how he left. If someone offered me that kind of money I'd take it and run too.

Him and Eddie were dynamite, and Edler hasn't been the same since he left. If we're going to keep Edler we may as well make him as effective as possible. That, and Hoffer would help our powerplay which we desperately need.

On the Buffalo subject though, thank god they're changing how the draft selection works. I've never seen a more blatant attempt to tank.

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It has little to do with tanking. That contract was terrible. Ten years with seven still to go. The risk of salary recapture just isn't worth it. It was yet another screw-up from the previous regime that needed cleaning up.

*edit* People think that the new lottery is changing the game big time. It isn't. All the new system is doing is making the odds better for the other teams. The lowest that the 30th team can go is to #2.

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The Pitt blogger on Hockeybuzz has a chart up here regarding how Ehrhoff makes other players better and the drop off they experience when they stop playing with him.


He makes other players better, the Twins thrived with the guy. And, he isn't nearly as bad defensively as some say, he is average defensively, but his whole game is about up ice pressure as he tilts the ice in his teams favor.

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He has to clear waivers right? I would just grab him.

Ehrhoff had an NMC and that allowed him the option to choose to go through waivers first or not. Regularly, the NMC would allow him the option of blocking any kind of movement, including waivers. Since this is a buyout though, he can choose to block the waivers (which he's done) but not the buyout.

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