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Torts was right.


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Thank you Torts for stating what needed to be stated. That insane conductor refused to stop that burning off the rails broken down train and insisted it was running fine. What a joke. He took an excellent team spending to the cap and choked it to death.

It needed to be said just to clear the air and turn the page. Hurrah!

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I can't believe torts was hired in the first place.

I can't believe he even lasted the season

I can't believe there are a few who still think he wasn't a problem

I can't believe this topic is still up for debate.

I do believe this team is headed in the right direction and firing torts was the first step in that process.

Torts performance as a professional hockey coach was the worst in this teams history, possibly the NHL.

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The guy didn't even move here. He got a house in Point Roberts.

It's like he had some kind of moral aversion to Canada.

Maybe when he wasn't working he wanted to be in his home country where he didn't have to sniff the leftovers of his silver medal.

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Hey RRocket

You're trying too hard here.,

JB isn't rebuilding. Hasn't turned over the core. Remember. Your thread. Why is that? Because he likes a lot of what he has to work with and isn't about to tear it down. Likes the leadership group. Haven't heard anything that echoes Tortorella's rant.

Dealing one player that demanded a trade (after JB spoke with him to see if he was willing to stay) - who was one of the NHL's ice time leaders among forwards, and a defenseman who played 21 minutes a night for Tortorella doesn't exactly indicate anything in concert regarding their opinions.

If anything, virtually the entire core that Tortorella was referring to remains in place. I'm looking forward to seeing the oldtimers trend in the absence of Tortorella.

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It's absolutely hilarious the number of people that critique Torts coaching style like they have a freaking clue. :picard: I would guess 99% of this board has never coached a single game of hockey in their lives at any level, not even pee-wee and certainly not elite, and yet they feel they have the insight to determine what works and what doesn't work at the NHL level from watching the coach walk around behind the bench for 30 seconds a night on a TV set.

He's coached nearly 900 games in the NHL with 434 wins and 345 losses.

Honestly people.

The pathetic thing, is the previous regime decided to pay a guy TEN MILLION DOLLARS to "state what needed to be stated"

Probably a lot better ways to spend that kind of money.

Yeah that was a colossal waste. The mistake was not firing MG a year or two earlier. If they were just going to burn a year and let MG spin his wheels they should have just retained AV for the last year of his contract.

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Torts: team lacks depth, why he couldn't role 4 lines on the bench during games.

Maybe if he had actually tried playing all four lines we could have seen the same effort out of Weise that he gave in Montreal!

Weise had Briere for a center. Here he had who?

There wasn't 4 line to roll.

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We had no players to play meaningful time. Sestito, Welsh, Dalpe, Booth, Weise, all struggled playing. And can't be relied upon playing PK time. Did he over use the Sedins? Yes. Because we had no depth. Notice all but Sestito are gone from that list? Yeah cause they aren't good players.

Two, TWO coaches couldn't get this team to work yet we continue to blame coaches. Maybe, just maybe, we had a bad team.

Proof that Torts and Gillis were not on the same page. I would argue that Vigneault had the team going but Gillis let it slip. I would also argue that Weiese could play the PK and is better than you give him credit for. I'm not just being a Weise hipster either, I liked him as a 4th liner before it was cool. I'm not crapping all over Torts, like I said earlier, it's too small a sample size of time to properly judge. I'm not upset he'd gone though, I have no nostalgic connection to him. Bring on Willy's mustache.

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John Tortorella dished Weise one of his typically callous backhanded compliments. While trying to give Weise some credit with the media for setting up Brad Richardson for a goal, Tortorella basically said he’s offensively clueless.

“I’m not so sure he knows what’s going on,” the coach said then.


The way the Canucks handled Weise could be held up as one of the examples of how badly mismanaged the Canucks were top to bottom. John Tortorella ignored the strengths of Weise’s game and tried to turn him into his designated fighter. When his skill set didn’t fit the bill, he was sent on his way to a team that prizes skill over fisticuffs.

Much like David Booth and some others, Weise was confused for months with the way Tortorella talked to him, about him and the way he was deployed, or more accurately not played

In two previous years in Vancouver, at the very least, Weise established himself as a decent fourth liner and there weren’t a lot of those in Vancouver this year.

But when Tortorella arrived Weise admits he was back to “square 1″ in terms of proving he was an NHL regular.

On a team with a below average bottom six, Tortorella continued to scratch a healthy Weise.

Then, after returning from his Hartley suspension, the former Canucks head coach ripped Vancouver for being too soft and lacking toughness, and did all that the same day Weise was traded to Montreal.


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Torts spoke the truth, the problem is he doesn't coach the way this team needs to play. We do t have the personnel that Torts style plays; not his fault, it's all on Gillis. He hires a guy who plays a certain style and doesn't bring in the right guy.

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If you did not hear Linden's comments explaining his decision or watch how Tootsie acted and interacted with other human beings then I can understand your ignorance.

I don't know to which Linden comments you are referring, however, pretending that you understand the inner workings of a hockey team, the coach, and exactly what happened in the change room and behind the scenes, or even have a clue of what went on day to day is utterly dense and self-deluded.

If you can't or don't want to process the truth it doesn't matter because he is long gone, the team has been significantly altered, and things will soon be anew.

I've been on a lot of teams in several sports over many many years on both good and bad teams and when players say the coach was terrible after a bad year 95% of the time either the team played like crap and underacheived, or they simply weren't good enough. Rarely is a lifelong player, dedicated, high profile coach who loves the game the one to blame.

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Proof that Torts and Gillis were not on the same page. I would argue that Vigneault had the team going but Gillis let it slip. I would also argue that Weiese could play the PK and is better than you give him credit for. I'm not just being a Weise hipster either, I liked him as a 4th liner before it was cool. I'm not crapping all over Torts, like I said earlier, it's too small a sample size of time to properly judge. I'm not upset he'd gone though, I have no nostalgic connection to him. Bring on Willy's mustache.

I am not trying to say Torts is being wronged. He wasn't the coach for this team, when he first got hired I was all for him. This team felt uninspired the 2 years before Torts. Now I see this team was the problem. And we blamed 2 coacjes because our GM didn't realize we needed changes to our team.

And Weise is a good 4th liner. Probably our only legitimate 4th liner. But I am sick of people saying Torts should've got Weise to play like he fid in Montreal, which is his home town with a proper 4th line.

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Torts did well in Tampa and New York, I am thinking he was just the wrong person for that Canucks team.

At least the Canucks addressed the problem by making some roster, coaching and management changes.

I think it would be more reasonable to assess Tortorella based on his entire body of work, not just one season with the Canucks.

As for the 'Calgary' incident, I get how it was unprofessional, but some part of me can't help but wonder what Torts would have done to Hartley had he got his hands on him....

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Last year we started with:









This year we're starting with:









I agree that lack of depth was definitely a problem last season, but I'm not sure if that problem has been completely solved at this point. Not unless some rooks start making a big impact. I believe that's the push now though. Rebuild phase. "Change is coming."

Vrbata is a HUGE upgrade over Schroeder. Kassian is a top 6 this year without a doubt. Vey is going to be a top 9 foresure and will replace Booth. The Sedins & Burrows will be MUCH BETTER than last year absolutely. And with the late addition of Matthias last year & Dorsett along with the young guns like Bo Horvats, Dane Foxs', Hunter's, Gaunces, McCann's, Cassells, Subban's, Virtanens etc. etc. etc. WE look much stronger than last year.

PS. we also now have very well respected/knowledgeable management in place that was much needed. Only ONE way to go and that's UP.

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