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[Report] Ryan Miller won't be moved & looking for a 2nd rounder or hockey trade for Lack/Markstrom

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"In the wake of Elliott’s signing, there’s growing speculation over where Miller will end up this summer. NBC Sports’ Jason Brough lists the Anaheim Ducks, San Jose Sharks, Vancouver Canucks, Minnesota Wild and Pittsburgh Penguins as possible destinations. The Buffalo News’ John Vogl also suggests Anaheim, San Jose and Vancouver.

Miller’s wife is actress Noureen DeWulf, so he probably prefers signing with a California-based team. CSN Bay Area’s Kevin Kurz believes signing Miller makes sense for the Sharks if they move current starter Antti Niemi.

It’s expected the Ducks will allow long-time starting goalie Jonas Hiller to depart via free agency, leaving Frederik Andersen and John Gibson as their tandem next season. Both have promise, but lack significant NHL experience. With Gibson considered their future starter, the Ducks could bring Miller in to mentor the youngster, which would make Andersen expendable"


Sounds like a lot more than nobody to me :rolleyes:

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The homerism is hilarious. Other than Van and Calgary, no team really made sense for Miller. It's common sense. JB signed him to a bad contract. Facts are facts. You guys get so salty so easily. Every gm makes a mistake or two.

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For some reason I feel like Eddie Lack is the Canucks, he's the heart of the team...

If they move him I just don't know how much i will care about this team anymore... Trading Eddie Lack will have a very very negative effect on the fanbase...

Edit: I know I will catch flack for it but I don't care, it's my opinion...

The last 2 goalies we traded away were also fan favorites - probably more so than Lack, and we still managed to carry on without them. It's kind of strange that the guy we're ultimately left with is about as personable as a sack of rocks.

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For some reason I feel like Eddie Lack is the Canucks, he's the heart of the team...

If they move him I just don't know how much i will care about this team anymore... Trading Eddie Lack will have a very very negative effect on the fanbase...

Edit: I know I will catch flack for it but I don't care, it's my opinion...

The guy has been on the team for like two years give me a break lol. So dramatic.

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miller started well? I preferred Miller's second half of the season over the first half.

In the first half, he won games with the offense (somehow) performing well. His GAA was still not good enough, and he'd have a good game, and follow it up with a $&!# one.

Miller had one really good month - january, and then four months below his level.


A top 15 goaltender poses a SV% above .920. He's paid as a top 10 one, but I'd accept something around top 15. That's fine, that's my leeway.


Wins mask problems, I've always said this. It's not like he was better in November or October because he won more games during those months.

0.911 is just way too $&!# for me. And I'm sorry if I think that underperforming is wrong. It's the same if you go to work and perform below your level of pay - YOU GET REPLACED.

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As much as I think Benning knows what he is doing, I gotta agree with these comments.

All people do is say that Lack hasn't proven he can be a starter, yet how is he supposed to prove he can play 60+ games if he is never given the chance? I would have much rather have had Lack and Markstrom in net this season and spent that cap on a #1/2 defenceman and also had the chance at a lower draft pick if they didn't make the playoffs.

All we got out of Miller was 2/3rd's of a season. I wouldn't even say we got into the playoffs BECAUSE of Miller but merely because the rest of the team was playing well and Lack performed stellar when given the starting position with Miller out.

This team did not need Miller, it needed Vrbata and a top defenceman.

I quoted you but this is directed at many others as well.

Yeah and hindsight is 20/20 man. It wasn't just Benning and TL that thought it was risky af going with Lack/Markstrom, many posters here stated he wasnt ready and that we'd likely miss the playoffs if they were our tandem. It would be one thing if Lack had played the finals 30ish games of the season after Luongo was traded at a starter level, but he didnt. He looked shaky and like he wasnt ready to be a starter, like he wasnt ready for the pressure. Markstrom by all indications didnt look ready to be a backup either. So we had Lack who didnt look ready to be a starter, AND Markstrom who didn't look ready to backup for 20 games a season either. So it makes perfect sense that a first time, first year GM and a first time, first year president, wouldnt want to risk not only missing the playoffs badly, but missing the playoffs badly because of something they could have easily fixed. If we became a basement team cause of goaltending they would be roasted alive by fans and the owners alike.

So yeah, in hindsight we can say "we didnt need Miller" or "the signing was a mistake" but at the time the decision made perfect sense and fit well with the mantra of being competitive. To everyone saying we should have signed him for 5 mil per year or for only 2 years, etc, he probably wouldnt have signed here for that. Clearly we tried to get the best contract possible, as is always the goal in this business and every other.

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I get that Benning wants to keep the team competitive to do his retool. But, I think this fan base is knowledgable and was ready for a couple of down years. I for one was going to buy seasons tickets if the team showed the focus of changing the core to youth. Unfortunately when they signed Miller to try to make the playoffs I was turned off and decided to let the season play out watching the games on TV. I thought that Benning assembled a bubble team that may or may not make the playoffs. They surpassed my expectations on the season, but performed the way I expected in the post season. To try and sell the fans that any team that makes the playoffs has a chance to win the cup is crap. I'm not willing to support a bubble team year after year. Try the Detroit model? Our team would have to show a better drafting record then they have done over the last few decades. Detroit has drafted and developed well and is currently a good team but not in that elite group of cup contenders.

I would have played last season with Lack and signed Hiller.

Now we are stuck with Miller!

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Most ppl were taken aback at the 3 year term and the $6 mill salary when the signing was announced. The best thing to do now is trade Lack and let Markstrom learn under Miller for 2 years until he's ready to become number 1.

Who knows, this might end up working out great, Marky Mark can apprentice under a former perennial all star.

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miller started well? I preferred Miller's second half of the season over the first half.

In the first half, he won games with the offense (somehow) performing well. His GAA was still not good enough, and he'd have a good game, and follow it up with a crap one.

Miller had one really good month - january, and then four months below his level.


A top 15 goaltender poses a SV% above .920. He's paid as a top 10 one, but I'd accept something around top 15. That's fine, that's my leeway.


Wins mask problems, I've always said this. It's not like he was better in November or October because he won more games during those months.

0.911 is just way too crap for me. And I'm sorry if I think that underperforming is wrong. It's the same if you go to work and perform below your level of pay - YOU GET REPLACED.

What are you a lawyer? That is some detailed information there. Miller played 40 games last year for a new team with a new system under a new goalie coach. I hardly think that is enough to say he is done and needs to move on. Then the man is shunned for getting injured by his own player! I think he is payed fairly for the caliber of goalie he is. Some people need to relax.

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For some reason I feel like Eddie Lack is the Canucks, he's the heart of the team...

If they move him I just don't know how much i will care about this team anymore... Trading Eddie Lack will have a very very negative effect on the fanbase...

Edit: I know I will catch flack for it but I don't care, it's my opinion...

Meh, Eddie is nothing special in net.

This won't have any negative impact on the fanbase except for people who have a crush on Eddie.

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What are you a lawyer? That is some detailed information there. Miller played 40 games last year for a new team with a new system under a new goalie coach. I hardly think that is enough to say he is done and needs to move on. Then the man is shunned for getting injured by his own player! I think he is payed fairly for the caliber of goalie he is. Some people need to relax.

1. fair point, I concede.

2. never heard that. injuries happen, nothing we can do about that.

3. This is where we disagree. Miller is not the goaltender he was five years ago. The caliber of Miller is a below average veteran goaltender - AKA a 1B.

Cheers m8

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1. fair point, I concede.

2. never heard that. injuries happen, nothing we can do about that.

3. This is where we disagree. Miller is not the goaltender he was five years ago. The caliber of Miller is a below average veteran goaltender - AKA a 1B.

Cheers m8

If Miller was not playing up to standards I would be the first one to be saying he needs to go, but because he was injured we could not properly evaluate him IMO. I really don't care who is in net as long as we are winning. I am just not convinced in Lack's ability to lead this team to a Cup and find a little more comfort in Millers experience in leading this team in the playoffs.

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As much as I think Benning knows what he is doing, I gotta agree with these comments.

All people do is say that Lack hasn't proven he can be a starter, yet how is he supposed to prove he can play 60+ games if he is never given the chance? I would have much rather have had Lack and Markstrom in net this season and spent that cap on a #1/2 defenceman and also had the chance at a lower draft pick if they didn't make the playoffs.

All we got out of Miller was 2/3rd's of a season. I wouldn't even say we got into the playoffs BECAUSE of Miller but merely because the rest of the team was playing well and Lack performed stellar when given the starting position with Miller out.

This team did not need Miller, it needed Vrbata and a top defenceman.

yes it needed vrbata and a top d ... but it also needed a proven number 1 goalie.... can't make the same mistake as the oilers and have too much youth and no experience.

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Markstrom is 25. He doesn't need much more mentoring imo. Plus he's got Cloutier and Melanson to rely upon.

Considering this was his only great season in the minors, he needs someone to show him the NHL; don't discount mentoring and no offense to Cloutier but Miller is 10x the goalie Cloutier was

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As much as I think Benning knows what he is doing, I gotta agree with these comments.

All people do is say that Lack hasn't proven he can be a starter, yet how is he supposed to prove he can play 60+ games if he is never given the chance? I would have much rather have had Lack and Markstrom in net this season and spent that cap on a #1/2 defenceman and also had the chance at a lower draft pick if they didn't make the playoffs.

All we got out of Miller was 2/3rd's of a season. I wouldn't even say we got into the playoffs BECAUSE of Miller but merely because the rest of the team was playing well and Lack performed stellar when given the starting position with Miller out.

This team did not need Miller, it needed Vrbata and a top defenceman.

without Millers injury we would have made it to round 2 easily. Try to remember the defence Miller was playing behind, you must be kidding if you think with a better D and Miller going into the playoffs healthy that we would not had a better chance and we wouldnt be talking about this crap now.

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