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Sedins: no intentions of leaving Canucks even if it means a supporting role


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The team will be zero when that happens..

Say what you want about our prospects and development, but they won't be able to fill the void initially.

That's difficult to predict. Likely the team will play a different style that will suit the next batch. People say I underrate our prospects all the time. Maybe they are right and we are good.
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Detroit is so damn good because they have a core that can teach. Lidstrom could teach ya how to defend positionally. Yzerman could teach you how to score. Datsyuk can show you all the skill in the world. They would pass it on, to the kids and they learn.

The Sedins have no attribute aside from each other, that they can pass on to players.

They absolutely have to be involved in development.

This, along with your other posts clearly shows now how little you know about the twins.

Alex Burrows, who used to be a borderline 4th line grinder, improved his playmaking and his goal scoring ability with the Sedins. And now look at the success he's at.

Taylor Pyatt, Steve Bernier, Anson Carter, all became better when played with the Sedins. Their games improved tremendously and they provided goal scoring that they couldn't do with the others.

The Sedins have the leadership, skill, playmaking, goal scoring that they can pass on to our prospects. It comes to show how little you know about the Sedins. They are not going anywhere.

Watch some games, and do some research on them.

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Yeah, Good Mentors. Throughout their time here in Vancouver, how many prospects actually developed properly? We got Tanev, Edler, and now Horvat. that's probably it. That's in a what? 10 year span. That's absolutely terrible.

The Twins are as good as they are, because of the chemistry they have with each other and the fact that they can cycle. Mentoring? Eh, not so much.

Mats Sundin was on the Canucks for half a season, and it showed. Everyone got significantly better. Now, he was a good mentor. Sedins? Hah.

They aren't defensive wizards or dazzling dekers. They can't stickhandle in a box.

I don't think you understand the concept of leadership at all. How many prospects made the team between 2009-2014? To mentor someone they actually have to be around. Have you considered that maybe there were not many prospects to mentor? Even further, players don't teach skills. Mentoring is about showing a lesser experienced player how to be a successful professional, not teach skills. It's about teaching good habits and perspectives and leading by example.

If you want to see the Sedin's leadership, look at how functional the team has been as a whole since around 2008/2009. They are the type of people that when they are in leadership roles, others want to play for them: they work hard for them. The team is not a dysfunctional mess of conflict. Even in the 2014 disaster season, the team still held together. They still believed they could do it and tried. Their failure was not a reflection of leadership on the Sedin's part.

You are of the mistaken sort who somehow believes losing must be a product of bad leadership. That is baloney.

Detroit is so damn good because they have a core that can teach. Lidstrom could teach ya how to defend positionally. Yzerman could teach you how to score. Datsyuk can show you all the skill in the world. They would pass it on, to the kids and they learn.

The Sedins have no attribute aside from each other, that they can pass on to players.

They absolutely have to be involved in development.

Haha. Wow. That is even funnier baloney. Datsyuk has unnaturally gifted hand dexterity. That is unteachable. If it were, Datsyuk would not be a special player. Showing somebody skill will not teach them anything.

Yzerman was not much of a scorer in his leadership days. He took a hard two way role as part of a team. He set an example by giving up offensive numbers in favour of building a more successful team. That is leadership. He didn't teach anybody how to score.

Also, the Sedin's have more than passing ability. They have excellent positioning, board control, and puck control. Without those things their passing is useless, because they never would have the puck.

except the fact they took a raise instead of a pay cut on the back side of their careers. That really helped

It was still below market value. The cap had gone up a lot since their earlier contracts. Also, $6 mill was an absolute reduction from market value. They could have been two of probably the 5 highest paid forwards in the league, but weren't.

what's fair and what will help the team achieve the ultimate goal are 2 different things... If I watch Hank tell reporters 1 one time that "the team played well enough to win and just didn't get the bounces" after a compete stinker I'll strip the C off him myself.... Classy guys? Yup no doubt, unreal in the community? No argument there... Great leaders, coming up big in the biggest moments, rallying the troops they have continued to fail in these aspects time and time again. And when teams focus on them and shut then down there is 0 push back from them and they play like they are 5' tall...

Derpity derp derp derp that was painful to read.

Why do people fail to grasp the purpose of their generic interview responses. Newsflash! Those are meant to be generic and without any information. He takes the interview so that another player does not have to. He takes pressure off of the locker room in doing so.The answer is vague and without really any content because it is meant to deflect. It's not meant to be honest or quotable. His leadership style is to keep team matters private, so we as fans don't actually get to see much of the inner workings of the team. This is smart for a city that nitpicks every detail. We hear Daniel is selling his house and panic that he is being traded! Think about how much we would take out of context if we were privy to the inner workings of the team. The response is nothing but an unquotable no comment, except he is not allowed to say no comment. Instead, he says a boring line that will be forgotten so the media will leave the team alone.

I won't even bother replying to the rest of the drivel.


To the actual topic, these guys are the Vancouver Canucks. They are team players and leaders. They will have more value to us as leaders and role players than the market will probably give, so I don't see them being traded for any reason other than for them to win a cup before they retire. They would deserve it.

If they ever played for another team, I would automatically cheer for that team.

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They don't need to go. They will need to take a hefty hometown discount for their final deal. Hopefully by then this team is a powerhouse led by the tenacious Bull Horvat and backstopped by the impenetrable Thatchy D.

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They had their chance to win the cup and blew it. Of course, they'll have to win a cup as a support role, they already proven that they can't win as the center piece. They disappear in the playoffs.

Not many teams that contend will even have 14 Million available for the Twins. Most teams won't even touch them.

You guys are so easy manipulated. They say a little thing, and then everyone throws words onto them, like Class, sportsmanship, "GM's dream" even. Then when the things get going tough, you're back to bashing them.

You accuse others of bashing them yet you say they dissapear in the playoffs.

The Sedins have a career record of around .9 points per game, so you're wrong.

The Sedins, top ten scoring duo, are incredibly cheap for their production, so you're wrong again.

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Just heard the comments on tsn1040...

He mentioned even though they know they don't have a shot to win until the last year of the contract.

That comment made me absolutely sick to my stomach. I hope hank and Danny don't actually think that.

They don't drink the Cool Aid. They make it Apollo.

They don't have a chance in hell to win this upcoming season. I see them getting a top 10 pick in the next draft as unfortunate as that can be. I do see them having a chance at some point in like 4-6 years.

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They don't drink the Cool Aid. They make it Apollo.

They don't have a chance in hell to win this upcoming season. I see them getting a top 10 pick in the next draft as unfortunate as that can be. I do see them having a chance at some point in like 4-6 years.

Well technically the guy just said that. I'm extremely disappointed if either Lord Daniel or Lord Henrik uttered those words. If they did, they aren't the men I believe them to be.

The window is open NOW. Must win a cup before they finish the contracts

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At first, I was in love with this, but then 10 seconds later (lol) you realize, wait, it's not loyalty to Vancouver, it's loyalty to the money this organization is offering. Receiving a raise on their contracts... seriously? How much more obvious is this? How can people actually sit back, and numb themselves to this reality? It is painstakingly obvious, that with the pay increase, the true reason to staying. It's sickening. It really makes you wonder, or even realize to what these Twins true motives actually are, and this humble character they portray (though a lot may be true in many aspects), and how much of it is for image. Adding to this, reading some of the comments of people saying these two will do anything for this city, and the team, yet what they have done is by DEFINITION, the EXACT opposite of helping.


Pure greed, and it's the cancer of professional sports. It really is painful to admit to, and recognize this for my self, to know that are "loving" and "caring" Sedins are just as greedy as the rest, it hurts, but I am not going to bury my head, and close my eyes to this in plain-day act of avarice, because that's even worse. Just imagine, if they both took off 3.5, giving 7 to the cap space. They would still...STILL be making 3.5 MILLION....once again..MILLION! 85% of the world will never even see a 100-500 GRAND in their lifetime, let alone million(s), and this is what they do... It's just so sad, it really is.

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At first, I was in love with this, but then 10 seconds later (lol) you realize, wait, it's not loyalty to Vancouver, it's loyalty to the money this organization is offering. Receiving a raise on their contracts... seriously? How much more obvious is this? How can people actually sit back, and numb themselves to this reality? It is painstakingly obvious, that with the pay increase, the true reason to staying. It's sickening. It really makes you wonder, or even realize to what these Twins true motives actually are, and this humble character they portray (though a lot may be true in many aspects), and how much of it is for image. Adding to this, reading some of the comments of people saying these two will do anything for this city, and the team, yet what they have done is by DEFINITION, the EXACT opposite of helping.


Pure greed, and it's the cancer of professional sports. It really is painful to admit to, and recognize this for my self, to know that are "loving" and "caring" Sedins are just as greedy as the rest, it hurts, but I am not going to bury my head, and close my eyes to this in plain-day act of avarice, because that's even worse. Just imagine, if they both took off 3.5, giving 7 to the cap space. They would still...STILL be making 3.5 MILLION....once again..MILLION! 85% of the world will never even see a 100-500 GRAND in their lifetime, let alone million(s), and this is what they do... It's just so sad, it really is.

Why not single them out? It sounds as though you might have a fundamental conflict on your hands if you want to enjoy pro sports of any kind.

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except the fact they took a raise instead of a pay cut on the back side of their careers. That really helped

Yeah it did. They could've easily signed with another team and left the Canucks with no elite talent. Oh wait, to some, ditching your the team and the fans that loved you would qualify as "helping" the team since we need to suck so bad to draft McDavid... or is it Austin Matthews now? or Chycrun?

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