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Donald Trump: Ban All Muslims from Entering the US


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Vancouver Councillor Kerry Jang wants to ban "Trump" from Trump Tower.

From Huffington Post:

A Vancouver city councillor says a downtown luxury condo tower named after "bigot" Donald Trump is a slap in the face to all who look at it, and should be renamed.

Trump, the billionaire businessman and Republican presidential candidate, announced the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Vancouver in 2013, but he's getting a very cold shoulder in the city after proposing that all Muslims be banned from entering the U.S.

“I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was in shock, it was so morally reprehensible. I couldn't believe it,” Vancouver Coun. Kerry Jang told The Huffington Post Canada in an interview Tuesday.

Jang said Trump made things worse by suggesting he would have supported the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

“The city of Vancouver, we worked hard to reconcile with the Japanese Canadian community. We work hard to reconcile with our First Nations,” Jang said. “To have this — a tower named after this bigot in the middle of our city is a real insult.”

Jang said he contacted one of the developers behind the tower to dump Trump's name. He said he hasn’t received responses to the two text messages he sent earlier on Tuesday.

“Donald Trump does not represent Vancouver in any way shape or form,” Jang said. He mentioned that Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, who was en route from Paris, would say the same thing if he were available.

Former Vancouver chief city planner Brent Toderian echoed Jang’s call for developers Holborn Holdings and TA Global to strip Trump’s name from the $360-million project.

But according to Jang, there’s a problem: municipal government don’t have the authority to rename privately owned buildings. He said he’s appealing to the developer’s ethics, saying the city has “long been working to fight racism” and to erect a skyscraper in Trump’s name doesn’t make sense.




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1 hour ago, cabinessence said:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA3xN5ptZXM....what do you think? Are these moderate Muslims, really speaking for moderate Muslims?

What do you think?


Are these the moderate Jews really acting as all Jews?



Are these the moderate Christians really acting as all Christians?


Are these the moderate Catholics really acting as all Catholics?


See the problem with that is that it portrays all as the same.  As do the links I just posted.  You cannot generalize a segment of the earths population that large with a single video from a single point of view.


Because anyone can enable enough clips of the other side to do exactly the same.  the difference right now is that western media is demonizing Muslims as a whole so there is that much more material to go through and use.

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2 hours ago, cabinessence said:

Actually, members of ISIS do practice many things in the Quran. They cherry pick parts to be sure, but if you are even slightly familiar with the book, there are many teachings that ISIS uses as justification.

(Quran 8:12 - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them") They do in fact pray, and commit these killings to honor god. Moderate Muslims may disagree with them, but in their minds, they are doing god's will. 

I am sure some Christian terrorists who attack, for example abortion clinics feeel they are doing god's work too.

Now, I will ask you to not necessarily respond, but to "think about it."

We speak of cherry picking, and you just pointed out exactly what ISIS is doing in regards to the quran.  it is easy to live in a religion when you ONLY do the parts you want.


I can post links to the bible that show stoning a woman is fine, killing virgins is ok, adulterers are ok but the female shall be hung at the village square.  I am familiar with it, which is why I am standing fast and telling people like badger that they are so very wrong.  That is like claiming that the Westboro church is indicative of who all christians are.  It isn't.  They are cherry picking the parts of the bible that work for them


In fact most main stream religion could be accused of that, look no further than jimmy and tammy fae bakker or any of the modern super churches or even regular ones that put spikes in the concrete to keep homeless away.


I do not follow any religion but I know those who do to the letter and they are good people, i also know those who as you say cherry pick the parts they want to follow.  They are not really good people.


And, I have put decades of thought in to this, I am no expert, but I feel qualified to have an opinion having grown up in a religious home and knowing the people I've met in my life who are not total a-holes because of their beliefs.


Generalization of so many for so little is wrong.  As someone said, one shoe bomber ruined it for everyone, one dude selling downloaded music ruined it for everyone.  1 person is not indicative of the whole

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4 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Hey snowflake.


Maybe you MISSED where I addressed the guy from greece.  You know, where he didn't sneak in but flew in and out of greece as was reported by interpol.  Maybe you'll read that link I posted that flat out states the syrian passport was a fake, a forgery NOT REAL.  Then maybe you'll notice the link you posted was from november 14th where as the one I posted was from november 24th...


In fact here it is again with a write up on ALL f the people involved.  Take a moment, you might learn something.  Although I find it highly unlikely as had you read it to begin with you'd have noticed the fact that ALL of the attackers had been successfully identified and placed as french/belgian and 1 algerian.



----------------->   http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34832512 <------------------------


Maybe you also want to address your statements that all of the attackers were/are refugees or migrants?


Sorry man but I'd laugh at you if we ever met.  Your arguments are absolutely tragic and just a cover for something, possibly ignorance most likely in fact and a tinge of racism .  you refuse to even acknowledge anything anyone else will put forth in regards to evidence, facts stats or truth because it doesn't suit you, then you'll start flinging insults.  you're that dude at a party who hits on the hot chick gets laughed at drinks in silence then beats up the smallest dude in the room.


I will gladly accept your claims of Us being on social assistance by the way as soon as you admit you still lick windows and chew crayons for fun sir snowflake.  Now take your insults, ignorance and racist undertones out of here until such time as you can actually post something factual or address the issue like an adult

You'd laugh at me if we met eh? Hide behind your computer. You claim to know me, here is my picture of you. An unemployed father of 6. Couldn't keep it wrapped, collecting free cheques of their backs (and mostly mine). Uses 50% of indigenous heritage for 100% of benefits, and still wants more.

Has no real grasp of how to fix anything, because if you did, it would mean giving up your freedoms (and free money). Spends all day and night on a hockey forum trying to claim a better 'status' then the rest. I don't like 90% of the drivel you post, so I will do myself a favour and 'block' you. 

The world is give and take. Unfortunately, with a name like warhippy, you are likely just a taker.  

Racist, no, but I have read the Quran. Those who do not kill the infidels will be sent to hell by Allah. If there are 1.6 Billion who 'believe' that, i will take my chances keeping them at further than arms reach. They can stay at your house though.

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Just now, AlphaHoneyBadger said:

You'd laugh at me if we met eh? Hide behind your computer. You claim to know me, here is my picture of you. An unemployed father of 6. Couldn't keep it wrapped, collecting free cheques of their backs (and mostly mine). Uses 50% of indigenous heritage for 100% of benefits, and still wants more.

Has no real grasp of how to fix anything, because if you did, it would mean giving up your freedoms (and free money). Spends all day and night on a hockey forum trying to claim a better 'status' then the rest. I don't like 90% of the drivel you post, so I will do myself a favour and 'block' you. 

The world is give and take. Unfortunately, with a name like warhippy, you are likely just a taker.  

Racist, no, but I have read the Quran. Those who do not kill the infidels will be sent to hell by Allah. If there are 1.6 Billion who 'believe' that, i will take my chances keeping them at further than arms reach. They can stay at your house though.

I'm easily found man, my business cards and my links to my business are all over here.  Feel free to look me up.  But rest assured I have a permit.  I'm quite conservative that way.  I need to protect my wife and 2 daughters from upstanding citizens like yourself who are one happy smile away from taking it out on the world


Read the quran, sorry but judging by your inability to read the link I sent you I have doubts you can read a happy meal menu.


I collect no indigenous benefits (big word by the way congrats to spell check) as I am not entitled to any due to my mixed heritage.  But then I didn't expect you to understand how paternity and native rights works


Listen Sir Snowflake, you talk a good game, but you have little to nothing to back it up.  I've presented you evidence, facts and stats and you ignore them and have been nothing but insulting the entire time.  i know your type.  It's ok, you're not a hard one to figure out.  You refuse to even acknowledge you were wrong about the attackers in Paris and you continue insulting myself and everyone else presenting you opposing arguments.


I will now block you and laugh knowing that there is still that one dude who never progressed past high school kicking around for the rest of us to look fondly back on and be thankful that we did.


Oh and bye the bye, I'd welcome any refugee or family from a war torn area, alienated and out of their comfort zone in to my home at any point.  That is called humanity, that is called being a good person.  It has nothing to do with making a statement and everything to do with simply being a decent human being.  As I donate my time, art and equipment to charities and the less fortunate on a near monthly basis I feel as though I am justified in letting you know that some of us are just nice people.

Welcome to my ignore list

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17 minutes ago, AlphaHoneyBadger said:

You'd laugh at me if we met eh? Hide behind your computer. You claim to know me, here is my picture of you. An unemployed father of 6. Couldn't keep it wrapped, collecting free cheques of their backs (and mostly mine). Uses 50% of indigenous heritage for 100% of benefits, and still wants more.

Has no real grasp of how to fix anything, because if you did, it would mean giving up your freedoms (and free money). Spends all day and night on a hockey forum trying to claim a better 'status' then the rest. I don't like 90% of the drivel you post, so I will do myself a favour and 'block' you. 

The world is give and take. Unfortunately, with a name like warhippy, you are likely just a taker.  

Racist, no, but I have read the Quran. Those who do not kill the infidels will be sent to hell by Allah. If there are 1.6 Billion who 'believe' that, i will take my chances keeping them at further than arms reach. They can stay at your house though.

How  is living in fear and ignorance treating you ?



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2 hours ago, AlphaHoneyBadger said:

The Daily Mail is digital toilet paper, a tabloid for conservative windowlickers.

Anything I read there, I assume the opposite to be true.

anyhow, I came here to post this ... actual journalism, y'know




American Nazi

American Nazi

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Posted by John Aziz on Dec 8th 2015,

Watching the rise of Donald Trump as a force in American politics has been an extremely disturbing experience. Trump — exalted as the "glorious leader" by internet neo-Nazis — continues to lead in the Republican polls, pushing a proudly xenophobic agenda hostile to ethnic and social minorities including Muslims — who he wants to ban from travelling to the United States — as well as disabled people, Latinos, journalists, women, and African-Americans.

Trump's rise refutes the American exceptionalist idea that the United States is immune to fascism and national socialism and concentration camps. It can happen here — indeed, for Japanese Americans, and Native Americans, and African-Americans brutal repression already happened before — and with every poll that Trump leads, it moves closer to happening here again. As Jeffrey A. Tucker wrote  in Newsweek in July "Since World War II, the ideology he represents has usually lived in dark corners, and we don’t even have a name for it anymore. The right name, the correct name, the historically accurate name, is fascism. I don’t use that word as an insult only. It is accurate." 

Trump's ideology is right out of the fascist playbook. Like Hitler, Trump spews bile about the state of the nation. Trump wants us to believe that the country is in a terrible, terrible mess: "This country is a hellhole. We are going down fast," Trump told a crowd in September. "We can’t do anything right. We’re a laughing-stock all over the world. The American dream is dead."

Like Hitler, Trump has built his campaign as a cult of personality around himself. Like Hitler, Trump promises a populist program to make the nation great once more. Like Hitler, Trump proposes mass deportations for members of the ethnic groups he agitates against. Like Hitler, he blames these minorities for the nation's problems. Like Hitler, he proposes registering these ethnic groups in databases. Like Hitler, he proposes banning these groups from entering the country. When asked how his agitations against Muslims differed from Hitler's agitations against Jews, Trump replied: "you tell me." Yes, Trump is not outright calling for the detention of Muslims in concentration camps, or their killing. But we should remember that Hitler never openly ordered genocide against Jews, either.

On the economy, Trump's policy proposals are also cloaked in the language of authoritarian ethnonationalism, breaking with Republican tradition of opposing welfarism (at least for white people). As Paul Krugman of The New York Times argues "Once upon a time [the area of politics that Trump is filling] was filled by southern Democrats, who preserved Jim Crow while supporting the New Deal. But they’ve all moved over to the GOP now, and in the process become anti-social-insurance. But there are plenty of voters who want Social Security and Medicare for people who look like them, but not those other people. And at some level Trump is catering to that unserved population."

Trump's rise should frighten us all. Even those to whom he superficially is trying to appeal. To paraphrase Martin Niemöller, those who do not speak up when fascists agitate against minorities risk having no-one come to their aid when the fascists get around to coming for them, as they almost invariably do. If we remain silent as Trump comes for the blacks, Muslims, Latinos, disabled people, women, journalists, and Asian-Americans, there may be nobody left to help you when Trump comes for you.

National socialism is a menace. Last century, it cost millions of lives and caused a worldwide war. When Trump calls for registering of American Muslims, for the deportation of millions, for a ban on Muslim immigration, I can only think of the experience of German Jews in the 1930s. It can happen here. It really can.

Not to mention that Trump's rhetoric is playing right into the hands of another group of fascistic ethnonationalists — the Islamic State. The Islamic State wishes to "eliminate the grey zone" of coexistence between the West and Islam. Their publicly stated goal is to turn Muslims toward the cause of violent jihad toward the West by making their lives in the West and in coexistence with the West impossible. This is in order to usher in a final apocalyptic war between the West and Islam. That is precisely what Trump's sprawling Islamophobia is pushing toward, too. Kicking Muslims out of the West, preventing their travel, assuming them to be objects of suspicion, and treating every Muslim as a potential terrorist makes peaceful and respectful coexistence increasingly difficult, and alienation increasingly likely. That is precisely what groups like Islamic State want to see occur.

Fortunately, Trump is likely to find himself outmanoeuvred. Running as a curmudgeonly critic of political correctness is one thing, but running as an actual national socialist is beyond the pale. Trump will come under increasingly intense onslaught not just from Democrats but also Republicans. And luckily, as The Week's Ryan Cooper argues, the economy is nothing like as bad as it was when Hitler came to power in Germany, or Mussolini in Italy. Fascists' rises to power tend to result from severe economic upheaval, and the American economy is still too hot for the electorate to believe Trump's frankly ludicrous claims that America "is a hellhole" or that it is "going down fast".

But we have to take Trump and the movement he is leading seriously. Otherwise we risk letting another dreadful fascist regime come to power.



(apologies if it was posted already, fast moving thread and I didn't go through all of it)

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I have a solution to this! Everybody stay where they are!

Muslims in America, stay put! Practice your religion as long as it is within the law! If you need to let out your extremist side. Buy a chicken and halal the heck out of it! 

Muslims outside, don't come in. Practice your religion where you are right now! Wear the niqab, cut somebody's head, marry your cousin, etc. No one will bother you.

Christian and Jews stay in America, stay where you are, live peacefully with the Muslims. If you end up in an argument, do not attend you Christmas Party or wear bulletproof vest whenever you feel you need it.



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Calls for Trump Towers in Vancouver, Toronto to be re-named



Following a proposal from Donald Trump to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. ,there are calls to remove the business magnate's name from buildings in Toronto and Vancouver.

Toronto Coun. Josh Matlow said on Twitter that the Trump Tower should be renamed following the Republican presidential candidate’s controversial remarks.

Trump Tower is located in the city's downtown core, and includes an upscale hotel and private residences.


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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:

What do you think?


Are these the moderate Jews really acting as all Jews?



Are these the moderate Christians really acting as all Christians?


Are these the moderate Catholics really acting as all Catholics?


See the problem with that is that it portrays all as the same.  As do the links I just posted.  You cannot generalize a segment of the earths population that large with a single video from a single point of view.


Because anyone can enable enough clips of the other side to do exactly the same.  the difference right now is that western media is demonizing Muslims as a whole so there is that much more material to go through and use.

Not only did you avoid the question I asked, you answered with a question you thought paralled mine. However, look at the difference:   Are these moderate Muslims, really speaking for moderate Muslims? vs. your "Are these the (sic) moderate Catholics really acting as all Catholics?" There is a difference. I just asked for your opinion, but you seemed to get defensive and re-frame the question. But, I will answer yours, and say I do not think they were acting as all Christians and Catholics. I would guess that some Christians would feel the actions were righteous. Do you think most Muslims would prefer Sharia? I challenge you to just answer the question.

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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

We speak of cherry picking, and you just pointed out exactly what ISIS is doing in regards to the quran.  it is easy to live in a religion when you ONLY do the parts you want.


I can post links to the bible that show stoning a woman is fine, killing virgins is ok, adulterers are ok but the female shall be hung at the village square.  I am familiar with it, which is why I am standing fast and telling people like badger that they are so very wrong.  That is like claiming that the Westboro church is indicative of who all christians are.  It isn't.  They are cherry picking the parts of the bible that work for them


In fact most main stream religion could be accused of that, look no further than jimmy and tammy fae bakker or any of the modern super churches or even regular ones that put spikes in the concrete to keep homeless away.


I do not follow any religion but I know those who do to the letter and they are good people, i also know those who as you say cherry pick the parts they want to follow.  They are not really good people.


And, I have put decades of thought in to this, I am no expert, but I feel qualified to have an opinion having grown up in a religious home and knowing the people I've met in my life who are not total a-holes because of their beliefs.


Generalization of so many for so little is wrong.  As someone said, one shoe bomber ruined it for everyone, one dude selling downloaded music ruined it for everyone.  1 person is not indicative of the whole

Yes, I did speak of cherry picking. You stated something ISIS does not do, and I corrected you. Yes, I realize the Bible has a lot of violent parts. Your points are valid, I agree with them. But you still might want to address the erroneous statement you wrote. Do you believe the majority of Muslims would prefer to live under Sharia? I am not sure what the answer is. According to a report: 

A poll commissioned in May 2015 by the Center for Security Policy showed that 51 percent of American Muslims preferred that they should have their own Shariah courts outside of the legal system ruled by the U.S. Constitution. And nearly a quarter believed the use of violent jihad was justified in establishing Shariah.

If that report is true it is indeed concerning.

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SHOCK POLL: Third of Syrian Refugees ISIS Sympathizers, 13 Percent Support


The poll shows thirteen percent of Syrian refugees have a completely positive opinion of ISIS with another ten percent having mixed feelings on the terror group, suggesting that nearly one quarter are open to recruitment by ISIS.



ouch if u want to bring these ppl to north america..

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30 minutes ago, Lillooet_Hillbilly said:

we took away everything they had what they couldn't carry, sold it and shipped to "camps" there was a camp not far from here and if your ever out in the wild hills you'll every so often find a japanese bottle or something of that nature

Did it to Ukranian's during the first world war as well.

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13 minutes ago, jovocop55 said:

SHOCK POLL: Third of Syrian Refugees ISIS Sympathizers, 13 Percent Support


The poll shows thirteen percent of Syrian refugees have a completely positive opinion of ISIS with another ten percent having mixed feelings on the terror group, suggesting that nearly one quarter are open to recruitment by ISIS.



ouch if u want to bring these ppl to north america..


Is it too much to ask that you provide a link to support this "Shock Poll" where everything is bolded for effect?

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29 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


Is it too much to ask that you provide a link to support this "Shock Poll" where everything is bolded for effect?

Scary how people will believe anything.

Doesn't even provide a source because it\s probably a crappy one.

Welcome to the misinformation age.

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