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[Video] Dog Kicker in Brentwood area

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I should probably say that we don't know both sides of the story, but from the shotty camera footage it appears that this woman hauls off and kicks this man's dog. Seemingly for no reason. She then proceeds to hit the man, and attempt to take the dog from him (via the leash). She also attempts to goad him into hitting her. The whole thing is strange. 



Anyways, it's trending locally and I thought it worth a conversation as to how to handle altercations of a female-male variety. I don't know if I could be as patient as the man, especially when she attacks the defenseless dog. 


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I am very surprised by the quick judgement here. We have no idea what happened before this video started, and there is no proof she harmed the dog. It all seems very suspicious and there is just as much distrust in the 'innocent' man as there is the woman to me. He sounds a little too defensive.

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6 minutes ago, Slegr said:

I am very surprised by the quick judgement here. We have no idea what happened before this video started, and there is no proof she harmed the dog. It all seems very suspicious and there is just as much distrust in the 'innocent' man as there is the woman to me. He sounds a little too defensive.

I guess you haven't read the reddit thread where lots of people have said they have previous encounters with this beast.


The hilarious part of all of this is all the bleeding heart SJWs who say she has a "mental disease". I'm not saying she doesn't, she probably very well does, but here's the thing. She becomes a known basket case, society won't do anything about it because we don't forcibly help those people anymore cause that's deemed "wrong" and superfluous. Then one day she'll push someone too far who will retaliate beyond reasonable measure and no one will believe her because she's a known wacko. Circle of life.


I've never met someone with blue hair who wasn't a complete whack job, lots of them in Sweden.

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6 minutes ago, cdubuya said:

We didn't even see the kick. People as rash as you will eventually get weeded out.

Why did she try to rip the leash off of his hand? "Well, im going to take your expletive dog away," thank you very much have a nice day. 


She punches him while grabbing his dog leash, and then starts to antagonize him into punching her. She looked extremely rattled when the guy said he wasn't going to punch her. She then proceeds to say she was being assaulted when the guy didn't even lay a finger. Any type of abuse against animals is unacceptable. It may have not exactly showed her kicking the dog, but she aggressively proceeded to rip the leash off of his hand as if it was hers now. What might have she done if she fully had possession of the leash? Your guess just as good as mine.


I don't care if you're a woman, anyone who abuses my dog deserves to get what's coming their way. Actually, I'd have more tolerance if it were someone who punched me, but my defenseless dog, nope. 


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Again, there is not enough evidence to make a determination here.

She doesn't assault the dog in the video. The dog seems fine, despite the man's claims the dog is not.

Could it be possible the man assaulted her before the recording? Of course. Maybe he went voyeuristic and was filming her from behind while walking the dog. Or maybe she does have mental issues. We really don't know for sure based on the limits of this video. But, boy, this is a Kangaroo Court if I've ever seen one. 

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Just now, Slegr said:

Again, there is not enough evidence to make a determination here.

She doesn't assault the dog in the video. The dog seems fine, despite the man's claims the dog is not.

Could it be possible the man assaulted her before the recording? Of course. Maybe he went voyeuristic and was filming her from behind while walking the dog. Or maybe she does have mental issues. We really don't know for sure based on the limits of this video. But, boy, this is a Kangaroo Court if I've ever seen one. 

there are two people saying that she assaulted them. 2 against one

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16 hours ago, Slegr said:

Again, there is not enough evidence to make a determination here.

She doesn't assault the dog in the video. The dog seems fine, despite the man's claims the dog is not.

Could it be possible the man assaulted her before the recording? Of course. Maybe he went voyeuristic and was filming her from behind while walking the dog. Or maybe she does have mental issues. We really don't know for sure based on the limits of this video. But, boy, this is a Kangaroo Court if I've ever seen one. 

So two people, both walking dogs, one day decided that they wanted to conspire to publicly villianize some woman, so the guy antagonizes the woman, gets her to grab his leash, and then claims she kicked his dog. The second dog walker then times her walk so that she meets the two on the street corner and confirms that she was also punched by this woman.

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Just now, Squamfan said:

there are two people saying that she assaulted them. 2 against one

Ha. Dog walkers unite. I wasn't sure if she meant in the scuffle that she ended up getting bumped too or if she really meant on a separate incident, or whether she was just siding with someone who was another dog walker. Again, not enough evidence for me.

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This has become a serious problem in

1 minute ago, Slegr said:

Again, there is not enough evidence to make a determination here.

She doesn't assault the dog in the video. The dog seems fine, despite the man's claims the dog is not.

Could it be possible the man assaulted her before the recording? Of course. Maybe he went voyeuristic and was filming her from behind while walking the dog. Or maybe she does have mental issues. We really don't know for sure based on the limits of this video. But, boy, this is a Kangaroo Court if I've ever seen one. 

It's a kangaroo court cause you know damn well that garbage like this has been going on for the past few years, all you have to do is go to any anti Trump rally or that professor in Toronto and find lots of video's where mostly women were screaming "did you just assault me" when we had tons of video forehand seeing nothing of the sort occured. You are right that we don't have this, but common, use some common sense.


This is really getting out of hand in my opinion, it's a serious disease that needs to be brought to the limelight. These people are self abusing, it's like munchausen syndrome by proxy, but instead of hurting someone else for sympathy, they're looking to hurt themselves. And I'm not saying this as a joke or to be mean, this is a growing issue. Unfortunately they'll never get help because feminists will cry patriarchy and white male privilege as if that has anything to do with the situation.

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7 minutes ago, Slegr said:

Again, there is not enough evidence to make a determination here.

She doesn't assault the dog in the video. The dog seems fine, despite the man's claims the dog is not.

Could it be possible the man assaulted her before the recording? Of course. Maybe he went voyeuristic and was filming her from behind while walking the dog. Or maybe she does have mental issues. We really don't know for sure based on the limits of this video. But, boy, this is a Kangaroo Court if I've ever seen one. 

Why did she say "I'll take the *expletive* dog" and then start grabbing on the guy's leash? Like the other woman says she also punched her? Big indicators there. There could  only be one reason when someone grabs a hold of your dog's leash in a threatening manner



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Just now, Odd. said:

Why did she say "I'll take the *expletive* dog" and then start grabbing on the guy's leash? Like the other woman says she also punched her? Big indicators there.



*if* she was just assaulted, and if she was trying to stand up for herself , and likely in some shock as most would be, none of that would seem out of place. She was more "bark" than "bite" in the video. 

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