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Todd Bertuzzi says Thomas Vanek a good pick


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27 minutes ago, kilgore said:

I also like the other former Canuck Corey Hirsch's response. He was more questionable of the decision.

But I'd love to hear Bertuzzi's opinion on a regular basis on 650.


As far as The Incident goes, (woo hoo another rehash!) it was clearly the RESULT that was punished.  Bert initiated the domino effect that enticed other players to jump on board and ultimately damage the weasle Moore. Some agree with the NHL that you don't punish the action, but the result, and I respect that as long as they follow through on that for all incidents.


Because NHL discipline for a sucker punch..without sustaining injury is usually one game:



San Jose Sharks forward Micheal Haley has been suspended for one game without pay for punching Nashville forward Calle Jarnkrok.



Kings' Milan Lucic suspended one game for sucker punch


But it jumped to 20 games for Bert because of injury. (and if you count that he was also barred from IIHF play for the full season of the lockout as well, it was extra long)


And if you agree with that premise, of punishing more the result than the action then fine. I can also see that point.  The punishment for murder (even if they claim it was not intended) and for assault (even though they may have been actually trying to kill the other person) are very different.


But lets not forget that it was never Bert's intention to end a career. It was a rash decision by an angry frustrated Bertuzzi where the weasel Moore was running away from a comeuppance from Bert on the ice. He could have turned and taken it like a man. Still no excuse for the sucker punch, but lets not continue to tar Bert as some kind of premeditated neck breaker. Hockey is a game of inches, and of seconds. He went over the line to no more of the same degree as did Lucic and Haley in those examples. If it weren't for Canuck Luck, that incident would have resulted in what 99% of other NHL sucker  punch discipline would have been. One game and it wouldn't even be a topic of conversation today.


Very well said Kilgore the NHL has flip flopped so many times on this it is mind boggling. First it was the action then the result and then back to the action blah ,blah blah. I remember Edler got the same treatment because the San Jose's helmet came off when he came into contact with him. The player was not seriously injured but they threw the book at him anyway.

The broken neck is very speculative. I had a friend who broke his neck in a car accident and was back to work the next day. People hear "broken neck" and they automatically go right to the worse case scenario. I remember hearing Moore's entire family were very litigating and somebody was even a lawyer so I am sure they played his case up as much as they could at the time.

Bert was never the weasel "Marchand type"player and he did what a lot were hoping the ref's would take care of once Moore elbowed Nazzy in the head. That action in itself was very dangerous and Moore would have maybe have gotten at least a penalty if Nazzy didn't get up after the hit.

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2 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

Very well said Kilgore the NHL has flip flopped so many times on this it is mind boggling. First it was the action then the result and then back to the action blah ,blah blah. I remember Edler got the same treatment because the San Jose's helmet came off when he came into contact with him. The player was not seriously injured but they threw the book at him anyway.

The broken neck is very speculative. I had a friend who broke his neck in a car accident and was back to work the next day. People hear "broken neck" and they automatically go right to the worse case scenario. I remember hearing Moore's entire family were very litigating and somebody was even a lawyer so I am sure they played his case up as much as they could at the time.

Bert was never the weasel "Marchand type"player and he did what a lot were hoping the ref's would take care of once Moore elbowed Nazzy in the head. That action in itself was very dangerous and Moore would have maybe have gotten at least a penalty if Nazzy didn't get up after the hit.

That was a clean hit back then, wasn't it? Or were headshots being targeted like they are now. 


Leading with your face might even be even more effective than your backside to force opponents not to hit you! 


I actually liked the hit on Naslund. It was a hockey play. It could have been way worse, I thought. 

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4 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

That was a clean hit back then, wasn't it? Or were headshots being targeted like they are now. 


Leading with your face might even be even more effective than your backside to force opponents not to hit you! 


I actually liked the hit on Naslund. It was a hockey play. It could have been way worse, I thought. 


But if your a canuck, you get a 3 game suspension. Nice.

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2 hours ago, apollo said:

Tuzzi is arguably the biggest man to have ever played for this franchise. I'll take his word for it. 


I really wish he would join the organization again. We've got so many former players... Clouts, TL, Baums, now Salo and many more... Bertuzzi is one of the greats. 


I'll forever respect him for standing up for his best friend, team captain, and reigning league MVP even though the outcome was bad. He made the right choice. Too bad 10 guys jumped on top and piled on the pressure to Steve's neck. 


EDIT: Adding this in here. 

If Bert just sucker punched him and 10 other players didn't pile up on them, there would be minor injury and we wouldn't even be talking about this. It's not Todd's fault that 10 clowns thought it was a good idea to pile up. You head hunt our captain, you deserve to be head hunted. In no way do I think Steve deserved to have his career ended... but the punch was just pay back. The sad part is that 10 other guys piled on top and broke his neck. Very unfortunate but wouldn't be in that spot if he didn't head hunt the league's reigning MVP at the time. Naslund had just won the Pearson and was a pure elite sniper... Steve was a 4th liner. 

The Canucks were a chicken $&!# team for not doing anything about it the game it happened. Instead, they waited until the next game, Brad May talked $&!# to the media, then all hell broke loose. Well played (Y)


FYI Naslund never won the Hart trophy.

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4 minutes ago, EastVanCanuck said:

With the way Roberts used to take care of people, apparently it was like putting your head on the pillow after a long day. 

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I really don't get all the media hate on Vanek. I am not the biggest fan of ownership but I applaud them on being willing to spend extra money to sign depth guys that have deadline appeal. I heard Tony G use the "all the top teams passed on Vanek so what does that tell you" argument....so what? Every year these teams pass on guys like him because they don't have the roster space / cap room/ extra money to spend. That doesn't mean they won't be willing to part with picks and assets at the TDL to beef up their rosters. Injuries happen. Players underperform. GM's are pressured to make their teams as competitive as possible heading into the playoffs. Once March comes around, it is a lot easier for teams to take on his remaining salary.


Maybe Vanek will be bland, steal playing time from our developing young players, and not fetch us anything in March. However, there is also a fair chance that he livens up a stagnant offense. He has the potential to be a dynamic scorer who could fetch us a haul at the deadline if he plays to his potential. Young players who deserve ice time in the NHL will get it, regardless of this signing. One problem we have run into in the past at the deadline is having players with NTCs who veto deals. This is not the case here.

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2 hours ago, apollo said:

Tuzzi is arguably the biggest man to have ever played for this franchise. I'll take his word for it. 


I really wish he would join the organization again. We've got so many former players... Clouts, TL, Baums, now Salo and many more... Bertuzzi is one of the greats. 


I'll forever respect him for standing up for his best friend, team captain, and reigning league MVP even though the outcome was bad. He made the right choice. Too bad 10 guys jumped on top and piled on the pressure to Steve's neck. 


EDIT: Adding this in here. 

If Bert just sucker punched him and 10 other players didn't pile up on them, there would be minor injury and we wouldn't even be talking about this. It's not Todd's fault that 10 clowns thought it was a good idea to pile up. You head hunt our captain, you deserve to be head hunted. In no way do I think Steve deserved to have his career ended... but the punch was just pay back. The sad part is that 10 other guys piled on top and broke his neck. Very unfortunate but wouldn't be in that spot if he didn't head hunt the league's reigning MVP at the time. Naslund had just won the Pearson and was a pure elite sniper... Steve was a 4th liner. 

Or he could have grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around and squared off. Or crushed him in a corner.


Or they could have gotten the revenge the same game nazzy was hit.


Bert made a poor choice but we all do in life.

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2 hours ago, apollo said:

Tuzzi is arguably the biggest man to have ever played for this franchise. I'll take his word for it. 


I really wish he would join the organization again. We've got so many former players... Clouts, TL, Baums, now Salo and many more... Bertuzzi is one of the greats. 


I'll forever respect him for standing up for his best friend, team captain, and reigning league MVP even though the outcome was bad. He made the right choice. Too bad 10 guys jumped on top and piled on the pressure to Steve's neck. 


EDIT: Adding this in here. 

If Bert just sucker punched him and 10 other players didn't pile up on them, there would be minor injury and we wouldn't even be talking about this. It's not Todd's fault that 10 clowns thought it was a good idea to pile up. You head hunt our captain, you deserve to be head hunted. In no way do I think Steve deserved to have his career ended... but the punch was just pay back. The sad part is that 10 other guys piled on top and broke his neck. Very unfortunate but wouldn't be in that spot if he didn't head hunt the league's reigning MVP at the time. Naslund had just won the Pearson and was a pure elite sniper... Steve was a 4th liner. 

Kind of sucks the re-visit one of the darkest days the WCE era experienced ( honourable mention to Brashear/Marty, the latter who I have the utmost respect for despite ending his career on such a sour note, arguably worse than the curved stick penalty when LA had MTL on the ropes..)


Bertuzzi was unlike any player we have ever had, as good as Lindros was for a couple years.  Just a bull.  I will take his word for it that Vanek still has some gas in the tank, who knows with the Sedins maybe it will spark something awesome....

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2 minutes ago, 10pavelbure96 said:

Or he could have grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around and squared off. Or crushed him in a corner.


Or they could have gotten the revenge the same game nazzy was hit.


Bert made a poor choice but we all do in life.

And has paid for it in a big way. The fans in this city continually show how petty they are. They all jump on board of anything that can be made into a negative story. This is why Team 1040 have become so negative in all of their broad casts. It is what sells!

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7 minutes ago, cdubuya said:

Maybe Vanek will be bland, steal playing time from our developing young players, and not fetch us anything in March. However, there is also a fair chance that he livens up a stagnant offense. He has the potential to be a dynamic scorer who could fetch us a haul at the deadline if he plays to his potential.

- I'd say that he absolutely has a good chance of giving us extra scoring punch.  (Something that would be absolutely lovely to see after the last couple of seasons).

- I'd also venture to guess he will be tried out with the Sedins.  He isn't quick, but he's smart and I could see potential chemistry form there.  It would be amazing for them to make a resurgence this coming season - and might encourage them to stick around another year or two.  
- The price was right.  (Free)  Little or no risk.

- If he performs even reasonably well, he'd be sought after at the deadline, and we got him for nothing. So basically, a free draft pick/prospect for nothing.  

The only detriment I see to signing him is that he does use up a roster spot which could go to a young guy.  But once injuries occur (and they well) there will be positions available for the one or two guys who are stuck in Utica and shouldn't be.

I'd say this is all good, and I'm happy to have Vanek on board.  Let's hope he meets expectations.

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55 minutes ago, EdgarM said:


Yeah a "Hockey Play". Yeah OK .

If you bend over and reach, you take the risk. Naslund took that risk. Look where the contact is... maybe 4' off the ice... right where a 6 foot tall guys elbow is. What should Moore do? Kneel and finish the hit? 


Don Cherry has taught this to kids for years.


To say Moore is some kind of a goon for making the hit, a hit he should make, is what you hear about on here more than anywhere else you might visit.



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Come the f on, lets just get over the whole result thing. As if we weren't all out of our seats, cheering when Bert crushed Moore. I was, I loved seeing that rat puke get levelled.


The outcome sure sucked though. Ok. Time to quit whining about a decade old incident.


On topic- Bert's right. 



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39 minutes ago, cdubuya said:

I really don't get all the media hate on Vanek. I am not the biggest fan of ownership but I applaud them on being willing to spend extra money to sign depth guys that have deadline appeal. I heard Tony G use the "all the top teams passed on Vanek so what does that tell you" argument....so what? Every year these teams pass on guys like him because they don't have the roster space / cap room/ extra money to spend. That doesn't mean they won't be willing to part with picks and assets at the TDL to beef up their rosters. Injuries happen. Players underperform. GM's are pressured to make their teams as competitive as possible heading into the playoffs. Once March comes around, it is a lot easier for teams to take on his remaining salary.


Maybe Vanek will be bland, steal playing time from our developing young players, and not fetch us anything in March. However, there is also a fair chance that he livens up a stagnant offense. He has the potential to be a dynamic scorer who could fetch us a haul at the deadline if he plays to his potential. Young players who deserve ice time in the NHL will get it, regardless of this signing. One problem we have run into in the past at the deadline is having players with NTCs who veto deals. This is not the case here.

Vanek is not the guy I see being targeted by a playoff team at the TDL.


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