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Proposal (Discussion)


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Buffalo looking to shake things up, as will the Canucks at some point. With the multiple loses to injury's from a Canuck stand point, it is a lost season which is ok.

So with that said trade as follows.

Buf sends - Alexander Nylander, Oskari Laaksonan and Sam Reinhart 

Van sends - Gudbransson, Beartchi and Hutton 

Not only do'es this shake up both teams but sends a tiny message. If Van needs to sweeten the pot, then add a 3rd round pick. 

Fire away.


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As much as it doesn't make sense for Buffalo to do this (they're second-worst in the league, ahead of only the lowly Coyotes; bringing in vets signifies their desire to compete when they should be starting from scratch and not trading their blue-chip foundation, plus they could end up landing Dahlin) why would Vancouver make this move with Buffalo (both teams are moving in opposite directions and we'd be trading away ready players who have been helping now for (besides Alex) a couple of projects).

Sven's been having a breakout season so far and is already better than Rhino.  At most I'd swap Hutton and maybe a pick as a buy-low on Sam who can't produce even when next to Jack or Ryan, which could be a problem.  Sven for Alex doesn't bode well for our market as Baer's line with Bo and Boeser has been doing well so I'm not sure it's worth it to disrupt that, even for a blue-chip prospect (I'd probably kick myself for saying that if this trade ever was to transpire, but who knows how Alex will develop).  Gudbranson also doesn't help them (they already have Risto and Bogo on their right side, and if Beaulieu ever develops enough to be top-4 that would bump Erik or Zach, whoever stays, onto the 3rd pairing).   

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Buffalo would probably part with Sam but they don't need 3/4/5 pairing D. Baer might be of interest to them but it wouldn't be for much. It would probably take something on the order of Boeser to pry loose SR + prospects and that would be Jim's lynching. 


If anything Buffalo is going to look to sell and add picks, not try to make a blockbuster move of roster players imo. 



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3 hours ago, 12-16-FG said:

Buffalo looking to shake things up, as will the Canucks at some point. With the multiple loses to injury's from a Canuck stand point, it is a lost season which is ok.

So with that said trade as follows.

Buf sends - Alexander Nylander, Oskari Laaksonan and Sam Reinhart 

Van sends - Gudbransson, Beartchi and Hutton 

Not only do'es this shake up both teams but sends a tiny message. If Van needs to sweeten the pot, then add a 3rd round pick. 

Fire away.


Did Buffalo just hire Mike Milbury?  :lol:

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I like where your heart is at, but I have to agree with a poster up above in that neither team would do this trade.   Buffalo I can see being 'willing' to part with Nylander, or Reinhart, but never both, and not for a return that wouldn't be considered outrageous.  You've identified pieces on both teams that could be used in a trade, in which both teams have a strength and could afford to part with.  Which is a lot more believable than a lot of proposals and I'll give you a thumbs up for that, but I'd think you'd have to rein it in and do the Vancouver package for just one of those names, not both.

  I think Buffalo is going to be looking for an upgrade at D, and the cornerstone of their package is going to be Evander Kane.  Dark Horse in this derby would be LA trading Doughty for Kane and Nylander plus a first.

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7 hours ago, 12-16-FG said:

Buffalo looking to shake things up, as will the Canucks at some point. With the multiple loses to injury's from a Canuck stand point, it is a lost season which is ok.

So with that said trade as follows.

Buf sends - Alexander Nylander, Oskari Laaksonan and Sam Reinhart 

Van sends - Gudbransson, Beartchi and Hutton 

Not only do'es this shake up both teams but sends a tiny message. If Van needs to sweeten the pot, then add a 3rd round pick. 

Fire away.


Jebus this is terrible for Buffalo. Sweetening the pot would have to start with our 1st, and then some more. We wouldn't even get Reinhart for that, let alone adding a prospect of the level of Nylander and another prospect.


The only thing going for this would be any interest Buffalo might have in Hutton. They could use left side D help. They probably aren't interested in Gudbranson as they have their right side locked up, and Baertschi isn't anything so attractive to pique their interest either. But, Hutton wouldn't get either Nylander or Reinhart without a significant add.


Vancouver would do this in a heartbeat though (but they'd have to make a secondary move to help their defence immediately though or be left very short).

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Just now, elvis15 said:

Jebus this is terrible for Buffalo. Sweetening the pot would have to start with our 1st, and then some more. We wouldn't even get Reinhart for that, let alone adding a prospect of the level of Nylander and another prospect.


The only thing going for this would be any interest Buffalo might have in Hutton. They could use left side D help. They probably aren't interested in Gudbranson as they have their right side locked up, and Baertschi isn't anything so attractive to pique their interest either. But, Hutton wouldn't get either Nylander or Reinhart without a significant add.


Vancouver would do this in a heartbeat though (but they'd have to make a secondary move to help their defence immediately though or be left very short).

Seriously, our 2018 first?  I agree the trade is crazy unfair, but adding our 2018 first would be too much, especially considering it’s likely a top five pick, don’t you think?

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12 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Seriously, our 2018 first?  I agree the trade is crazy unfair, but adding our 2018 first would be too much, especially considering it’s likely a top five pick, don’t you think?

If you want Reinhart and Nylander and you're only offering ok pieces in return it's not going to convince Buffalo of anything. Maybe we could make a more attractive package that wouldn't have to involve our first, but adding a 3rd as suggested by the OP makes Buffalo hang up the phone and laugh (and not in that order).


EDIT: to be clear, I'm not suggesting we do add our first, but that Buffalo would ask considering what else we offer. If they'd take the deal as proposed (even with the 3rd) then I'd get that signed and off to the NHL as fast as I could before they change their minds.

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Buffalo might be looking rebuild year here which means sell of older guys for young talent. This isn’t the kind of trade they’d be looking for. They might do a neutral aged player swap with Reinhart but the other guys they have no incentive to move especially for a package like that. I do like somebodies original proposal of Goldobin and Hutton for Reinhart.

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Far to big of a trade to ever happen but I think there are pieces here that could work. 


E.g one of Hutton or Gudbransen could be a centre piece in a package for Reinhart, or a you could do joulevi for nylander and a mid round pick. 


Personally, I wouldn’t pull the trigger on either of these trades, but you can definitely find some assets on each team that have equal value.


If JB could pull off a 1 for 1 Hutton/Gudbransen for reinhart, he should definitely pull the trigger. If he has to add a pick, then probably not

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Kane is as good as gone from BUF. Watching some of the WJC, Kane presenting after the game, boos coming from the Buffalo crowd. The look on his face said "no problem, I'm out of here in a few months". I'm hoping the Canucks sign him in the off season.


Kane - Horvat - Boeser

Virtanen - Dahlen - Pettersson


Canucks should be looking to acquire picks for Vanek, Gudbranson and Gagner.  

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On 12/26/2017 at 11:07 AM, 12-16-FG said:

Buffalo looking to shake things up, as will the Canucks at some point. With the multiple loses to injury's from a Canuck stand point, it is a lost season which is ok.

So with that said trade as follows.

Buf sends - Alexander Nylander, Oskari Laaksonan and Sam Reinhart 

Van sends - Gudbransson, Beartchi and Hutton 

Not only do'es this shake up both teams but sends a tiny message. If Van needs to sweeten the pot, then add a 3rd round pick. 

Fire away.



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My only thought on the proposal was that both sides will need overhaul, we are in the same boat, and Sam R , is no where near where he should be in his development. Buff has their two centre punch, Van has as well, however it is not known if the twins will be around next year, and it will be three years before Petterson will become or might become that 1st line centre. Sam is a definite set up man and should be able to play with Virt. But also I was looking at three good NHL'ers for 1 NHL'er and two prospects, Alexander may be over hyped a bit, and Lakksonnan looks to be serviceable 5-6-7 Dman. A little heavy I know for the trade, but still workable. And remember Beartch has a little higher ceiling than Sam right now given their development.

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