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[Official] 2019 Training Camp Thread

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6 minutes ago, stawns said:

Honestly, there's not much you can do, it's just how the game is played, imo.  Every action that can be taken is retro active, whether it's by the referees, the players or by the league.  There's absolutely nothing that can be done to stop the initial action from taking place.  When you dedicate yourself to being a hockey player, you accept that reality and risk the second you suit up and step on the ice.


There's always going to be dirty player making dirty plays.  It's a rough, violent game and, as a player, all you can do is be as aware as possible and avoid putting yourself in high risk situations as much as possible.


I do think the league has been effective in getting a lot of the dirty play out of the game, as I've said it's never remotely been as clean and safe as it is now......however, there's also no fighting and barely any hitting, that's the trade off I guess.


Though it was an illegal hit, I didn't find it to be all that dirty, it's a play that happens many many times over the course of a season.  I would have been fine with 2 and ten, but that's not a major penalty to me and when (not if) a Canuck player makes a hit like that, I wouldn't want to see a major on it.

Cheers stawns...


I know that with the game being as quick and intense, as it is, you need your head on a swivel, to see what's happening around you, which takes focus of play ahead of you...which is kind of the whole idea...to put a player of his game.


I just wonder if something could be done to avoid him hammering his head straight in to the boards? Training? coaching? anything?


I'm not advocating a non contact sport, as it would ruin it as a spectacle, jus does my head in that one of our top 3 forwards is taken out in preseason, and would like to avoid it happening again as far as possible.

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13 hours ago, stawns said:

What's worse for a team, losing a fight or losing a game?

What's worse?


Losing a fight, losing a game, or losing a star player for several games (which could be a playoff series)?

Edited by BPA
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i’ld rather know what the mind set of each player at that moment, how did they see the hit. i’m not sure that the players have to satisfy our desire for push back. is it the same as when petey got hit? did the players see it as a cheap shot or a hockey play? i can’t say how they saw it.  someone should ask them.  

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1 hour ago, spook007 said:

I agree to a certain extend... A goon in the line up will not stop the hitting, and to make a borderline AHL'er 'pay' doesn't deter anything.

I do think the feeling of having been done, and seeing your mates stick up for you, gives you a feeling of togetherness and makes a bond....


But I'm honestly more concerned about out top players getting injured very easily... You will never be able to totally control a contact sport, and neither should we, as it is in part, what hockey so unique and exciting to watch. I still wish Mattheson had been made to pay for his garbage play against EP last year, but things like the hit on BB had me thinking. There seems to be an agreement that Brock should never have left himself in a unable position, so my thought are, whet can they do to make it less likely to happen again? Sound stupid, but if there is any way to try to minimise the chance of the players being done like this straight in to the boards head first, it should done... I hope it won't be too bad, but look at the time it took for Baer last season...


And I know that I'm an emotional guy, so i wanted pay back instantly, but my main concern is the season ahead of us....

You are correct that athletes do need to be careful about the position they put themselves in, classically the picture of Lindros skating through centre ice with his head down before getting destroyed by Stevens is a great example of a player that never had to worry about protecting himself not adapting to a league where everyone is big strong and fast.

This is a common problem, through youth and even into Junior a lot of these players are so much better than their competition that they mostly don't have to worry about protecting themselves.  Hitting is something they also don't (and shouldn't) incorporate at very young ages in hockey.  The result of this is it is not as ingrained on how to hit and receive hits as it is skating, passing and shooting.  The wider ice in Europe also makes for less hitting so the influx of Euro players again reduces the skill level for giving and receiving hits.  

One of the things that has been woefully lacking is how much money and effort the NHL and the PA put into injury prevention.  They mostly depend on equipment manufacturers when it comes to the hockey equipment.  Pro players could have equipment that is so much more effective.  When was the last major injury prevention change to a pro hockey rink?  Goalie pegs?  The dasher still sticks out, the boards are still solid with if anything less give since switching to stanchion less glass.  Even football which is perhaps the most reprehensible sport there is when it comes to treatment of athletes puts more effort into athlete safety than the NHL does and the NHL hits are faster, harder and have boards.

Edited by DrJockitch
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3 minutes ago, DrJockitch said:

You are correct that athletes do need to be careful about the position they put themselves in, classically the picture of Lindros skating through centre ice with his head down before getting destroyed by Stevens is a great example of a player that never had to worry about protecting himself not adapting to a league where everyone is big strong and fast.

This is a common problem, through youth and even into Junior a lot of these players are so much better than their competition that they mostly don't have to worry about protecting themselves.  Hitting is something they also don't (and shouldn't) incorporate at very young ages in hockey.  The result of this is it is not as ingrained on how to hit and receive hits as it is skating, passing and shooting.  The wider ice in Europe also makes for less hitting so the influx of Euro players again reduces the skill level for giving and receiving hits.  

One of the things that has been woefully lacking is how much money and effort the NHL and the PA put into injury prevention.  They mostly depend on equipment manufacturers when it comes to the hockey equipment.  Pro players could have equipment that is so much more effective.  When was the last major injury prevention change to a pro hockey rink?  Goalie pegs?  The dasher still sticks out, the boards are still solid with if anything less give since switching to stanchion less glass.  Even football which is perhaps the most reprehensible sport there is when it comes to treatment of athletes puts more effort into athlete safety than the NHL does and the NHL hits are faster, harder and have boards.

many great points in that post, well done.  When I grew up, we had hitting at all levels (though no one really did until pee wee) and before we were taught how to hit someone, we were taught how to safely take and absorb a hit, it was a part of our learning process.  And though there were still injuries, I feel that we were far more prepared for physical hockey than even some Jr and pro players are now.  


Equipment is a huge part of the concussion issue (though diagnosis and understanding is obviously a big part too), as elbow and shoulder pads are so much harder than they used to be.  Softer equipment deterred a lot of big hits because the person laying the hit felt the impact as much, or more than the person on the receiving end and if you hit someone, it was always in the back of your mind.

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48 minutes ago, smithers joe said:

i’ld rather know what the mind set of each player at that moment, how did they see the hit. i’m not sure that the players have to satisfy our desire for push back. is it the same as when petey got hit? did the players see it as a cheap shot or a hockey play? i can’t say how they saw it.  someone should ask them.  

Doesn't sound like Green thought there was much wrong with the hit......Petey thought it was a dirty hit, but that's all I heard.

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This is the Hockey News lineup for the Canucks in 5 years time...it is patently out to lunch...with Pakmu, Gadjovich  and no Tryamkin, Stecher or Miller (who will be 31 then),


EP, BH, BB and TM would be the only experienced veterans on the team...which is why Miller should still be here, Stecher and Tryamkin as well.







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50 minutes ago, stawns said:

Doesn't sound like Green thought there was much wrong with the hit......Petey thought it was a dirty hit, but that's all I heard.

There was everything wrong with the hit. If Green can't see that then he needs to be replaced...we can't have our young stars getting hit from behind or rag-dolled every other game. And that's what will happen if Green keeps shrugging his shoulders and saying 'it's hockey'

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22 minutes ago, JamesBlondage said:

There was everything wrong with the hit. If Green can't see that then he needs to be replaced...we can't have our young stars getting hit from behind or rag-dolled every other game. And that's what will happen if Green keeps shrugging his shoulders and saying 'it's hockey'

there is, literally, nothing anyone could do to stop a hit like that, or any other play.


The hyperbole is strong with you

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11 hours ago, lmm said:

I don't get it. Isn't this the game day thread? MacEwen didn't play but Benn did, why didn't Benn show up last night?

Well... more like a general comment than game day related... did you see MacEwen playing with a chip on his shoulder? He is supposed to use his size and toughness to make himself noticeable, not goals & assists!! 

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44 minutes ago, Rollieo Del Fuego said:

This is the Hockey News lineup for the Canucks in 5 years time...it is patently out to lunch...with Pakmu, Gadjovich  and no Tryamkin, Stecher or Miller (who will be 31 then),


EP, BH, BB and TM would be the only experienced veterans on the team...which is why Miller should still be here, Stecher and Tryamkin as well.







Miller could be gone by then, I wouldnt mind trading him at the end of his contract to recoup some assets. 

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Listening to Coach Green on SN 650.....glad he has come to his senses and is now calling it a dirty hit on Brock and is p*issed off about it.  Said he had a chance to watch it again.

I am relieved to hear this. I have been a supporter of him, but have been frustrated with his brushing aside these types of hits that have  been injuring our ‘marquis’ ( his word) players.


Will post the interview link when it becomes available.


Edited by redhdlois
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Just now, redhdlois said:

Listening to Coach Green on SN 650.....glad he has come to his senses and is now calling it a dirty hit on Brock and is p*issed off about it.  Said he had a chance to watch it again.

I am relieved to hear this. I have been a supporter of him, but have been frustrated with his brushing aside these types of hits that have  been injuring our ‘marquee’ ( his word) players.


Too little too late. The NHL has moved on once he said it was a “hockey play” :picard:

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